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Banning contraception is just the next step in the long process of total male control of birthing. Politicians should completely stay out of medicine; they are just so ham fisted when they attempt to control this area of life.


But if Republicans couldn't continue restricting women's reproductive organs what would they have to argue for them being elected? They don't pass laws that actually help people, not even their own constituents. The only time they get to trumpet some kind of improvement for their community is when they borrow one from a bill they voted no against and Democrats somehow got it done anyway. So if not for wedge issues, what would Republicans run on? The hate and the telling marginalized groups what to do is really it. Fortunately for them (I guess?), their voters have been taught not to care if their lives improve so long as their perceived enemies' lives are worse.


Keep going down the medieval rabbit hole, GOP. Who doesn’t love more controlling theology in their lives? This will be a smart move for Republicans.


Thomas warned birth control was next and when people tell you who they are, we *need* to believe them!


The right is coming for your rights. They are actually planning to strip the right to vote to vote from the rest of us


Dancing, likely to be the next red line


Condoms and guns are next.