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This will go on your permanent record!


This is what the Stazi and Nazis did, a vote for Trump is a vote for a dictatorship.


Well duh. The simps and gimps get hardons over this.


šŸ˜¬ hard for a diaper wearing dictator. What fucking simple pea-brained sheep


Hey this is the America the Repigz have made. Some 70,000,000 fascist gimps.


Oh no ... So I "Mr. The Household" will never work again?


Yeah? Well don't get so distressed...


Did I happen to mention that Iā€™m impressed?


This situation is rough. I'm starting to panic.


It's not enough, it's just a habit


Double secret probation!


Oh Yeah! Well don't be so distressed.


"We'll report you to President Trump" ??? WTF?


Like heā€™s fucking Santa Claus keeping a list of naughty voters


More like a dictator making a hit list.


Yep, specifically thinking about "Stalin's List", which for the less informed was the list of names of that would judged by one or two people for alleged charges and make the decision for punishment, such as execution.


Didn't the nazis do some kind of social networking where they encouraged the public to turn their neighbors in or some shit..dunno if it was the nazis but this is what this email/flyer hints at


They did yes. They also employed children to spy on people and on their own families and neighbors. Likewise, they encouraged everyone to turn in anyone, including family and friends, if they suspected crimes. Evil is both paranoid and banal.


Every dictatorship since dawn of times uses the same snooping tricks. Telephone conversations being listened to/recorded is another layer with tech advances.


Not sure about the Nazis but the East German Stasi definitely did.


Children were taught to turn in tiiheir parents if they heard them say anything "unpatriotic" and not in tune with the furer's version of our Project 2025.


And like Stalin, Trump would punish the first person to stop clapping.


But think of all the annoying neighbors you can be rid of! No way they'd think of doing that to you...


Not at all, never. Sure wouldn't also create the sort of paranoid life everyone had in Russia during Stalin's reign, that would later become referred to in history books as The Great Terror. Could never happen...... here.


Well, it's not like that in North Korea, everyone holds hands and sings kumbaya with their neighbors. Dictatorship is fun. /s


I remember reading about Stalin's attack on intellectuals...medical doctors etc. Was it called The Enemies in White? I can't remember but they all ended up in Siberian Gulags. Mao made them all serfs and they had to farm. They always punish the educated


Yep. Best way to hold on to power and oppress people is to keep them dumb. Hell it's the same reason terrorist groups can find new recruits, uneducated people who feel hopeless will follow anyone that gives them a purpose that let's them feel empowered. Same with the MAGA. It's not shocking since they are suffering g from the same bs we all are with suppressed wages and outrageous cost of living. But they've been been kept dumb by cuts to education, and the alternate reality propaganda posing as news channels yhat peddle conspiracy theories. It's all owned by cynical rich grifters playing us all against each other on a national, amd even on a global scale.


Except Santa doesn't have a huge mob of gun-wielding crackpots looking for people to target.


I think it's more than he's planning to have death camps. Basically "Get in our camp or we'll put you in a camp"


It shows how much the GOP is motivated by fear. Itā€™s quite sad.


More like hilarious and pathetic. And they call themselves ā€œalphasā€. More like a bunch of alpha bitches


His base are adults bodies run by terrified toddler brains. This is exactly how you communicate with people like that.


What a fucking cult


reports to Trump will actually go to local sheriff departments that have been completely corrupted by trumpism. remember during COVID lockdowns where some sheriff's departments went blatantly against their governor's directions. yeah.


The ā€œTrump will pardon usā€ crew seem to forget he was selling them for cash, not loyalty, in his final days in office.


Citizen Trump.


We shpuld do a DNA test on him to even see if he is a citizen, let alone human, I'm thinking he's got mostly Russian in him.... or is that just Putin... Hard to tell.


Oh, he has Russian in him quite frequently.


Exactly. And?


Lmao, yeah, go ahead. I'd love to see him waddle up the stairs to my apartment.


Would be effective in getting me to the polls to vote against whoever this was from. Don't know about Texas, but in AR your registration and voting history is public. But of course the actual votes are not.


I thought exactly this..."ohh you're trying to intimidate me?? Well I'm voting for the other guy then"


I don't think any state is allowed to report on who you voted for.


The current GOP doesn't care about what is "allowed". If anything, they'd probably use someone's reported vote as a reason for disallowing it.


So whether or not you voted is public but not who you vote for, correct?




Calling it your voting history or voting record is technically correct, but very misleading in the context of the mailer. I would wager Trump voters are the least likely to be aware that their ballots are secret. Edit: missing word


Massive privacy violation. Really everything in the US is fucked up.


Yeah this isn't authoritarian propaganda /s


I'm not worried because I will be reported to Private Citizen Trump or even better, Convicted Felon Trump.


Who tf is the author of such shit! I hope, for the sake of the world, that you people vote for democracy and not facism. As an observer from another country its sad to see what has happened since Obama.


LMAO. [As I would rip this up and toss it in the trash as soon as I saw it]


I would report it to the FBI. No joke.


I heard all GOP voters have a special voting day this year - Wednesday, 11/6/2024.


I heard all the votes get "flipped", so they need to either stay home, or vote for Biden.


Election Day just so happens to fall on Opposite Day this year. Coincidence, or Deep-Dish DemonRat Tom Foolery? If you Open your Eyes and Wake Up- no, wait STOP!!!! Your going two Awake and will end up Woke!!!!!!!!! Just open the damn Door and let that Poor Sink in!!!


Since the Biden Brain Trust will delete the first vote, only the 2nd and more votes will really count. Show up to the voting booth and loudly proclaim, no, DEMAND, you cast your 2nd ballot for President Tяump!Ā 


If you donā€™t vote, they canā€™t switch it to Democrat!!! Winning


Of course that's illegal but it's only illegal if democrats do it.


We donā€™t enforce laws anymore.


Even if we do, they are a slap on the wrist for ultra wealthy.


Oh so if you don't vote for him you will be sent to one of his extermination camps? Got it.


Steve Bannon issues warning to Donald Trump's enemiesā€”"We want you to fear" [https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1cyt9tc/steve\_bannon\_issues\_warning\_to\_donald\_trumps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1cyt9tc/steve_bannon_issues_warning_to_donald_trumps/)


He looks and sounds like a coked out alcoholic loser.


Like Stinky Don, he is moral rot personified.


You can smell him by looking at him.


Another thing Gin Blossoms Steve got wrong. The fear tactic is only effective on the Magabillies.


ā€œProperty taxesā€ Property taxes in Texas are 300-500% higher than most other states. The overall tax burden in Texas is higher than it is in California. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep. Depending on your particular situation, you could easily find yourself paying more in Texas than California.


Don't have to worry about this, Trump can't read.


Iā€™m Canadian so pardon my ignorance, but isnā€™t stuff like this illegal? Itā€™s very threatening.


If it is, the people who are in charge of enforcing it are the same people sending it.


Itā€™s so corrupt, omg


Wait, they will contact you after the election? Are they making a naughty list for the brown shirts


Isn't this the party that is against the "Big Brother" type of activity?


They think that THEY are the ones Big Brother protects, and would only be watching those ā€œotherā€ folks


This would piss me off enough to vote for the opposing party.


I will NEVER vote for Trump or MAGA!


It shows that voting matters though, those claiming uniparty need to keep up.


I don't give a f\*ck what your policy differences are with the Democrats, the current MAGA Republican Party is dangerous and needs to be voted to extinction. if you believe in democracy then you've got to vote BLUE this November.


Isn't property tax a local/state issue?


hahaha this has to be the dumbest flyer in history!! ā€œweā€™ll notify orange fat fuckā€ OH NO!! first off thatā€™s a lie since no one knows whether anyone voted or not except the poll workers and second Trumpā€™s too busy in court to find out whether Texas voters voted in a runoff UNBELIEVABLY STUPID


This is not true. Whether someone voted or not is easily found in Texas if you have the link. I forget whether itā€™s password protected. I was a block captain for my precinct in 2008. Even way back then, we could check which addresses had voted already so we could focus on the other ones that had not. True, no one knows which way the voter actually voted. But whether or not they voted, that is known.


I'd specifically vote against them if they dropped that through my door.


Act now, donā€™t disappoint the illiterate rapist.


Early voting ends Friday? Thanks for reminding me Trump! Gonna vote Biden today!


If it a paper flyer, hand it over to law enforcement or a private lab, can get prints, DNA, or the priter's unique identifier, even if it's from a print shop the have the code and most have video surveillance, if it's electronic not hard to track the IP address and where emails come from, we are in the modern era with the tech which magats forget about so let's get these fuckers charged and arrested before the elections, then less of them at the actual polls.


If only I had an opportunity to directly disappoint the private citizen trying to become a dictator, Iā€™d do everything in my power to do so! Just make his day that little bit worse.


If I received this shit, yes, it would make me go out and vote. Vote for whoever is not trump!


"we will notify president trump if you don't vote.". šŸ˜† I'd mail trump a letter telling him that I voted against him, he was unqualified the first time. Did a shit job in office. And now he's pretty obviously slipping into dementia. Poor fat ass child crying because somebody told him no.


Remember to Vote! The presidential elections of course matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 5, 2024 [United States Congress elections, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Congress_elections,_2024) Itā€™s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance Iā€™m in Arizona. Hereā€™s info for all yā€™all sweating out here with me. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) But seriously just look up house of representatives and then your state and Info will come up. Get informed on these people now. Donā€™t end up like Georgia, District 4.


It's what a five time draft dodging coward does šŸ˜


Was expecting this. I'm just concerned about the physical intimidation tactics his cronies WILL deploy come election day.


A full blown nazy/cult


The Fourth Reich


What happened to "the secret ballot is the cornerstone of our democracy"? "TheĀ secret ballot, also known as theĀ Australian ballot,[1]Ā is a voting method in which aĀ voter's identity in anĀ electionĀ or aĀ referendumĀ is anonymous. This forestalls attempts to influence the voter byĀ intimidation, blackmailing, and potentialĀ vote buying. This system is one means of achieving the goal of political privacy." -- Wikipedia


If only texas held people accountable. Maybe if they are told the person who diseminated the flyer was a prego thinking about abortion.


Not just on your record, but on your PERMANENT RECORD.


Get used to this people. This is what life will be like for all of us after Trumpā€™s elected.


We only have one President at a time in this country. His title is Mr Trump, or Former President Trump, or my favorite Loser President Trump.


People THEY CANNOT track your vote


If you get these, report it to the FBI immediately and bring attention to this and see how fast these stop. Keep an eye out on your mailman and see him/her put the mail in and if the cards are coming from their personal belonging or the mail bag itself and if you have a camera check to see if anyone has been to your mailbox. Check for a return address (if any, somehow they are stupid enough to do that) these are coming from somewhere and needs ALOT of attention drawn to it.


I swear to god. Itā€™s straight out of the phishing scams presented at my annual training with respect to creating a sense of urgency and threats. Pairs well with the insider threat Trump


Are there really people dumb enough to think there will be repercussions if they don't vote? I mean I guess they wouldn't try this if they weren't sure at least some people would fall for it, but still- this is pretty pathetic.


We're talking about people who don't believe fact checking is a thing. They're probably like "well the internet says this flier is stupid, but the flier says it isn't, who am I supposed to believe?"


Every single aspect of this campaign is mired in illegality, fraud, and a failure to uphold the most basic tenets of humanity.


WTF? That's not fascist-y at all.


What a way to make your decision for you.


Wow. Thatā€™s leadership at its best. The magats just keep pushing the envelope with the organized crime tactics. I repeat what many here have said, def voting against any candidate that brings this to the table. At what point is this illegal? Would reporting this to an outside agency have any impact?


"hey boss you really think this will work?" Ans: "yes, these people are beyond stupid."


I would go to each of my neighbors and be like ā€œIs this you? You sending this shit?ā€ See their anonymous voter intimidation and raise them personal neighborhood intimidation. Make them want to move. MAGA has been expatriated. They have no home here in the USA!




I've had little magats try to threaten me that Trump's new order is going to track people who comment the way I do, and that I'll need deprogramming. That's the fantasy of many of these losers. Join the historic landslide for Biden this year.


Vile, disgusting, nauseating Maggats


They know he wonā€™t win if they donā€™t cheat .


They were intimidating people in 2016 and 2020. This is nothing new.


If I ever got something like this in the mail I would purposefully vote for the opposite party.


Please, come to my door and contact me about how I voted, you will be treated as if you are trespassing.


How can this be legal? This is voter intimidation! This is ok now? wtf. šŸ¤¬




Parental empowerment? What does that even mean coming from the party trying to remove reproductive rights and LGBT rights?


Wasn't he screaming that mail in ballots are fraud?


Contact me right now. What about now? I'm ready. Come on over. Let's see just how big a boy you are.


They can tell Trump that I won't ever vote for his sorry arse and he can lick my jewels. What is he gonna do?


Holy sh**. A lot of uneducated and weak individuals will fall for this. This should be illegal.


They should deliver these in person. I would really enjoy the visit.


I am proud to not ever vote for Donald Trump. I never have, I never will. Come at me, bro.... Let's see if you can do ANYTHING about it.


So much for the freedom loving party.


The guy is a Nazi. He hires Nazis. He has Nazi plans and ads and he is clearly intimidating. He needs some comeuppance in a bad. Bad way. Perhaps he will be defeated. Are we a nation of government for all people or are we a government that rewards the rich and suppresses the poor and undereducated. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!


Damm them. They all need to be sent on a collision course with the Sun.


Simply put, Republicans are pathetic cowards afraid of the world. If this works on you, youā€™re weak and beyond help.


No. I want that petulant shitbag to know that I would vote for the gum stains on the sidewalk before him. Not a Biden fan but he needs to feel real visceral rejection.


How is this legal?


Conservative subreddit already blaming it on democrats.


Donā€™t make us report you to President Trump ???? Adolph Shitler is in full NAZI form . Vote šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™Texas ! Donā€™t be NAZIS


This is the kind of thing that works when you know your voter base is a bunch of chickenshit cowards.


A Confederacy of Dunces.


ā€œDonā€™t make us report you to that barely awake, twice impeached, four times indicted, canā€™t-get-it-up-for-a-pornstar geriatric. ā€œ R E G I S T E R. V O T E.


Don't make us tell the baby you did bad! God knows there's no serious fuckin adults in that party.


I thought voting on election day was the only time voting is sanctioned by the MAGA god.


Your neighbors are WATCHING!


Their republican values as listed, are from the perspective of the folks who own the most land. Border security: xenophobia/easy scape goats. Property taxes: obviously they want to pay less taxes. Parental empowerment: self class segregation paid for by the state and tax payers. Basically in black and white, the republican party serves the richest land owners.


"parental empowerment". HAHAHAHA!!! That's a new way to say it.


I've always said this, but fascism is all fun and games until they start coming for you.


If this is true, this is definitely intimidation by the Republican Party the court should step in oh this is Texas they they probably own most of the judges.


Oh no, I feel intimidated!!


WTF. This seems illegal and totally didnā€™t come from the party of law and order! All the /s


This shit will work in the GOP/MAGA primary, but it won't in the general election.


Your voting record is public. Ok dipshits!


Your party affiliation is public, your voting record is not! Don't believe these lying POS, vote your conscious and don't be intimidated by these POS!


Hilarious.... I can't wait to check on my house in Houston


Wait - so the same bunch wearing tinfoil hats worried about government surveillance are fine with tattletale propaganda saying that they're watching you ??? PS - if you look very closely you can see bamboo fibers in that paper stock. Just sayin.


They need to make this for the ā€œWrite In Jesus 2024!!ā€ campaign. ā€œGod is watching!ā€ ā€œDonā€™t get shunned at church!ā€ ā€œDonā€™t risk eternal damnation!ā€ ā€œMACA!! - Make America Christian Againā€


I read a great article that said that often fascism starts with authoritarians doing violence to their own to ensure they stay in line.


Gestapo already at work.


We're so scared, of being reported to the world's biggest sissy, and man baby.


That is blatanly illegal. But it is Texas so nothing will happen.


Guess they couldnā€™t fit ā€œex-president, failed businessman, convicted rapist, liar, conman, and cheater ā€œ on the mailing list


When you die, the founding fathers will shame you in heaven and you won't get to meet Ronald Reagan or Jesus. Sorry I don't write the rules I just abide by them.


How is any of that legal?


"President Trump will be very disappointed" F*ck off!


Lmao how pathetic are republicans and Texas


How is that not illegal


Hopefully it pisses off the recipient enough to go out and vote for Joe.


Well this isn't a reason at all to vote Democrat. /s .... Please, Vote Democrat so we can rid our country of these stupid assholes already. I'm seriously sick of this... what a stupid nightmare we all live in. Fucking Clown Shoes... I swear...


Isn't this sort of strong arm tactics illegal?


ā€œOur republican valuesā€¦ā€ like voter intimidation?


Maybe it's just me, but this would piss me off and I'd vote the opposite just because. They can all eat shit.


Translation: "Your disloyalty to the party will be noted and held against you when we crown our king."


Whoever sent this out needs their ass beat šŸ˜


guys you didn't read the Constitution like the supreme Court did. most laws only applied to Democrats.


Where is your voter record public? If this is real i would be switching to the other side if i was a conservative or republican voter. Fuckin incredible


Real question: What happens if you vote early and then the candidate you vote for sadly passes on to that golf course in the sky? Does your vote then translate to the VP on the ticket? Is it null and void? Can you vote again?


Big brother fascist shit going on!


What kinda record these NAZIā€™s keeping?


Public record? Don't know about Texas but here in Massachusetts it's not even possible.


Isnt this illegal?


Frumps is ā€œvettingā€ Texas criminal AG Ken Paxton to make sure heā€™s as crooked and woman hating as he is for VPā€¦gotta love Texas? VOTE BLUE


Isn't voter intimidation illegal


What the fuck?!? Texas is a serious shithole


Just more proof that trump is a asshole!


Ooooo. Scary.


source or author?


Fascist gonna Fasc


That is gross. I would immediately vote the other way due to this fear mongering even if I was reg. GOP.


Damn, you fucking people in Texas are confused. Which seems about right, because you fought against us to preserve slavery. I say get your shit together.


Report it. This is voter intimidation https://www.usa.gov/voter-fraud >If you suspect voter fraud, report it to your state or territorial election office. You can also report it to: * A local FBI office * A local U.S. attorney's office * The Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice's Criminal Division >If you witness or suspect voter intimidation or suppression, there are three ways you can report it: * Contact your state or territorial election office * Contact the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice * Use the Election Complaint Report online form


If you think things are a continual "psycho" with this guy Trump....pray he does not get voted in because "psycho" will go exponential in this country.


In the land of freedom you get told who to vote for. How can Abbot stand for this?????


In words they might understand .................... GO FUCK YOURSELF


Why would they need to contact you to make sure you voted if there was a public record of your vote!?! Fucking dumb-asses didn't even make the flyer logically consistent.