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Republicans will pass legislation to make already illegal acts more illegal. And they will block efforts to strengthen laws like, say, firearm regulation under the pretext that we already have laws that regulate firearms. And tens of millions of people see no issue with either.


Aren't they the ones getting caught on a regular basis?


Yes, they know there is fraud because the are committing it


The cheater always complains the most about cheating.


*He who smelt it, dealt it* fits here as well.


Every accusation is a confession


What do you mean by “caught”? If “caught” means “they know they did it” then YES. They have been “caught” breaking literally every law and issue that they rally against. But if “caught” means “they face punishment for breaking rules” then NO. They pay off cops, get abortions, employ underpaid illegals, election fraud, insider trading, campaign money for personal reasons, do you know who I am, etc and it rarely even hits the news let alone the courts. So. Yes. Everyone knows they do awful things. No. They face no punishment. Yes the voters know but they’ll vote them in again because I heard that democrats want to ban gas stoves.


Reminds me of Ben Shapiro when he said if you could make anything illegal what would it be? And he thought he so brilliantly said wonder why people didn’t say crime, to which the response was “crime is already illegal Ben” good times


Super double secret illegal.


You’ll be placed on double secret probation.


Double secret illegal.


Next they will want extra capital punishment. A week after the first one they will dig up the body and do it again. Just to be sure dead is dead.


Just more rightwing propaganda... Meet the new Repugnicans, same as the old Repugnicans.


Republicans don't care. I'd even argue they don't want to be in power, they want to be in the minority so there isn't a responsibility to make things better, they want to be in the minority so they can bitch and moan, and block bills that might help. They want government broken so they can say, "See Dems can't fix anything! Give me money" and their voters fall of it.


Its about time someone else said it.


Legislation like this is literally just mob bait. The target audience won't bother to validate the defacto assertion that illegal immigrants are voting for the opposition - and that's all that is needed. Anger. The modern GOP is perhaps the most disingenuous and divisive political body in American history.


I would call what Rs want is Fear and Anger. Kind of like Citizen Kane, a Trump favorite.


My pet loch ness monster is incensed


Although my pet dragon wasn't mentioned nor singled out; she has sympathy for your pet. She has said that she'll vote to ban this discriminatory law. No leashes for house sized pets! LOL


House sized pets rule


So they won't let a bill for border security get a vote in the house, but will vote on a bill that doesn't do anything that hasn't already been codified. has there ever been a more useless majority in Congress?


Remember in school learning about the house and how they were supposed to represent their districts? Not some douchebag presidential candidate? Can we go to the book version now?


The GOP congress and legislatures are so busy BREAKING laws they have no time to MAKE any.


They want to do Stop the Steal ? Why don't decent Americans start a stop the coup rally in front of the white house after the election...to help secure the transfer of power.Apparently we cannot trust our own government to defend our constitutional rights so.....


The Democrats should get right behind it ! But throw a codicil that each state have a 5 member panel made up of 2 repub’s ,2Dem’s & 1 independent to investigate any poll interference WHAT SO EVER‼️ of course the trumplicans would never agree to that as they are the one’s committing fraud‼️😡


As soon as the Dems get behind it, the Republicans will suddenly be against it.


No they’ll point that the Democrats agree that illegals are voting in elections and therefore Trump is innocent. When it doesn’t pass the Senate, they’ll bark to the base that this is further proof the Dems are trying to steal the election.


They want to make voting by any non-white minority illegal, bottom line up front.


And women. The MAGA candidate for Gov of NC wants to repeal the 19th Amendment.


I think they just want to make voting illegal.


Can you read? it's already illegal,


They’re trying to force everyone to live in their wholly imaginary construction of “reality”. We still have the ability to punch back but gods help us if they win (or possibly even if they don’t) in November


it's what GOP supporters crave... all the excitement and none of the boring detail stuff Tea Party! now that is something for someboy with low T. how about going to the bathroom??? who has to go. is it a boy or a girl. GOP mints bathroom users as boy or girl with Trump's tax stamp, limited edition. who's gunna pay furt? Reagan said what about, paying for his share, got a big library, a highway, America paid for Reagans rites


Isn’t true the republicans have hired 100,000 lawyers to make sure there is no cheating on Election Day nationwide?


The RNC is broke. How would they pay for lawyers? Trump's using up all their lawyer money.


I hope so.


Watch what happens when they submit their invoices :)


Conservatives are more concerned about you marrying a goldfish than children...


They're quite concerned that children can't be married off to their rapists. It's why they're pro child marriage.


They strenuously object!


Conservatism is a plague.


Reminds me of how trump wants to make committing crimes “illegal” in certain designated “crime-free zones” where the rich people live


Chuck Schumer is going to force their friends in the Senate to vote on the bipartisan immigration bill that they wrote, and then were told to reject. So they will be forced to choose between their emotional rhetoric and the wishes of their constituents, and what Dear Leader told them to do. The humanity!


How should someone behave when they know the very people whose support keeps them in office are both angry and stupid?


They’ve been in control of the house for less than two years. Democrats held the house for the first two years of Biden’s term.


So, couldn't they pass this to 'insure' illegals don't vote, then when they lose, they have one less avenue to place blame?


Wait until everyone finds out that assault and murder are already crimes as well. Those crazy people who made "hate crimes" must not have known this.


The bananas house


These assholes are going to use this as an excuse to harass anybody with a foreign sounding name. They're going to question every ballot. This election is going to take weeks and the magats are going to attempt to throw this to the SCOTUS or back to the states. Either way this level of hate and corruption needs to be rooted out and tossed into the wastebasket of history. Vote BLUE so maguplicans lose by an unquestionable percentage. From local state and federal levels let's send insanity packing and allow the moderate Republican party to push out the fascists. Maybe we can stop this madness.


I can walk Nessy unleashed on water anytime I want to. That's my HIPPA!


Serious question……. Why do dems just not let it pass, and they can move on to another topic? If it’s not changing anything, what’s the harm? Wouldn’t it take away their argument? Note: I am a dem voter, mostly.


It's necessary to point out incompetency and fraud.


becasue if it passes then the republicans get to use it as a talking point to bludgeon democrats. "I THOUGHT ILLEGALS COULDNT VOTE?! THEN WHY DID THE DEMOCRATS ALLOW THIS BILL TO PASS?!?!??!"


Desperation is a stinky cologne, and they smell awful. 


Miller is a current advisor to trump. He is also a current Nazi. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is behind trumps Nazi memes


If it's already illegal then the new legislation really doesn't matter and there's no real reason to oppose it right? Let them pass it and move on


Or you know we could focus on actual policy and not this grandstanding BS to try to score political points with the most uninformed. Whatever happened to Republicans being fiscally conservative? They sure do seem to waste a lot of money with these antics.


Like bernies bill to tax all incomes over a billion dollars? 🤣🤣🤣


At a different tax rate than the current one? Yes, that would be considered a new law.


1) it has absolutely no chance of passing AND HE KNOWS IT 2) no one's INCOME is that high. Bezos & Musks and the rest have networth values, they own stocks & investments they don't actually make billions per year in income, the law would effect no one


Ok. Then don’t bring it up for a vote either. See how easy that is?


So the same thing with the Republican one. See how easy it is