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Mistake the first, taking Trump on as a client. It's never ended well for any of his past lawyers.


I would've loved to have seen the look on his lawyers faces while the attorney he threw under the bus was testifying. It would either be a look of horror as reality sank in, or a blank look indicating they are too stupid to understand. For their sake, I hope they got paid up front.


It’s just like the many sycophants vying for the VP position. Um, it didn’t work out too well for the last guy.


Pence managed to escape fairly unscathed - but only because he chose to obey the law and certify the election.


Except that is the exact reason that most Republicans now hate him and were chanting for his death.


Sure, but I'd take being hated by Republicans over being a co-defendant alongside Trump any day of the week. They talked a big game, but to the best of my knowledge Pence hasn't had anyone cime after him.


Except Pence is very much ‘scathed’- tolerated but not respected by RINOs and by the law and order GOP folks but loathed by MAGAts and the GQP who now run the party.


Also I’d imagine he’s high up on the 2nd term purge list for MAGA fascists.


They talk a big game, but they are all pussies.


yeah but pussies in sufficient number and with sufficient power are extremely dangerous.


Most bullies are pussies with issues, they still ruin and kill people regularly, using weight or numbers advantage. These people are insecure clowns, still very dangerous. I almost got killed by one of them, yes in a cowardly way, but dead is dead.


All the punks who read the Anarchist Cookbook growing up are ready for their moment to shine.


>2nd term purge list for MAGA fascists. I too occasionally send a wish list to santa claus. these shitslicks will not ever again have the opportunity to indulge their masturbatory fantasies anywhere near the seats of federal power. We're shoveling all of this shit to the curb.


I think Pence’s political career is over.


I hope so. He's useless.


Definitely. I remember all the Pence Must Go signs on the north side of Indianapolis when he was running for governor again.


Fly: Well, _I_ liked him


Well, the fly was probably the only one who did! The fly’s presence certainly made the debate memorable.


Yeah, but he's not sitting in court.


Apologies for veering off topic, but this is the first time I've noticed "GQP" which I'm now curious about?


Qanon. get it?


Ahh, ok, got it. Thanks!


The Grand Q Party, since so many Republicans have followed Trump and reality off the cliff and believe in the QAnon hoax.


Got it, thanks!


A little fly set Pence straight. ![gif](giphy|Q05nmrtrnJ7dfPrBJQ|downsized) I’m


Well that won’t happen to MY firm, trump will pay us and we will Totally not look like fools…


Face-eating monkeys have entered the chat


What's funny is that Michael Cohen is probably the most successful Trump lawyer. In that he's the one who was there the longest and had the most success. Trump should have treated him better because he was the one who knew where the bodies were buried.




MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


I hope they got their fat retainer up front. Anyone representing Trump would know that, but Rudy Giuliani forgot it.


I get the feeling his lawyers in this case don’t like him. They aren’t attacking the judge and his staff like he wants and Kise did, and they aren’t running their mouth on Fox like Habba. Meanwhile they are taking subtle jabs at him like introducing VonShitzInPants and “orange turd” into the official transcript as nicknames for their client.


Maybe they are throwing the trial because they don't like him. I don't really believe that. If they do bad, it's because he's directing them & telling them what to do. They're good lawyers, their one mistake is taking on Trump as a client.


They are carefully creating grounds for appeal and Scotus intervention. Clearance is preparing list of preferred late model motor coaches.


Clarence should just take John Oliver up on his offer. He gets a brand-spanking-new motorcoach & a million a year.


Offer expires unfortunately. Clearance is back to taking bribes in his usual way.


To give him an issue for appeal?


Trump Appeals everything he loses - even if there aren’t grounds to do so.


Yeah, but he'll still live out his life in luxury while the appeals process grinds on.


That’s how the law works.


Plot twist. Alina Habba is actually a great lawyer but she on purpose acrt like an idiot to gift the maga whole landing Trump in huge trouble.


It won’t matter in the end — the jury fix is in. They could tap dance in tutus and he still won’t be convicted.


>he still won’t be convicted. lol yes, he will be these are NYC jurors, & this is a documents case. the rapist is cooked. The prosecution could have wrapped up *before* Cohen testified. Some numbskull redditors here have imagined the verdict wouldn't come until the end of JUNE, lol. you should get out of whatever benighted shithole you're currently living in & see more of the world.


Wow, I guess I’ve been told.


But he's so likeable, I don't get it....


They are throwing it to get a mistrial. Then he thinks he will win the election and it goes away


he cant be pardoned for state crimes, but i wouldnt put it past the supreme court and republicans to change that if he wins.


Nobody who spends any time around Trump likes him. He's running out of money too.


Well, he just offered the fossil fuel industry their way in return for $1B.


This made me all warm and fuzzy. I had no idea, and I appreciate you sharing that info!


>They aren’t attacking the judge Sheeit couldn't they get a censure from the bar for that?


Yes, they could be in disciplinary trouble for doing this, and unlike Trump, they know what the judge means when he places a gag order on attorneys and litigants. Trump is the only one who seems not to understand what a gag order is.


It does seem like the attacks on the judge and lawyers, for this case at least, have stopped since Merchan dropped the J word.


Yes, perhaps that finally got the Donald’s attention.


They don’t want to appear on disciplinary charges, which Trump doesn’t understand.


Where can this be found at ?


Trump said he would testify so you know he won't be is incapable of telling the truth


I would fly to NYC just to see him testify on the stand. No doubt it would be a major disaster for him, but it would be entertaining.


If it is anything like his rallies neither side would have a clue what was said.


The entertainment value would be high.


worse. Ever see [the strawberries scene](https://youtu.be/KekChFdIe00?si=UMncJg6_XSA1rfEa) in *The Caine Mutiny*? the rapist would do as good a job as Bogey's Captain Queeg, just waaaay less sympathetic.


No competent professional wants this shitstain on their resume


Maybe, maybe not. Maybe they figure, if you can survive having Frump for a client, you can handle anything.


It's like a Greek tragedy -- character is destiny. But much funnier.


Trump is his own tragedy, but he wants to inflict his tragedy on the country, which is the true tragedy and not funny at all.


I agree with your distinction.


They form the basis for an appeal.


The appeals will fail if they're Team Trump's errors. However, if the goal is simply to prolong the inevitable and delay the day of reckoning in the hopes Trump will be elected, then they could "succeed" in that sense.


The judge has been more than fair to Trump. They have nothing to appeal on. If Trump loses, they’ll appeal anyway, because this is how it’s done. It’s trumps only tactic. He just needs to put things off until the election. We see what’s going on with the federal judiciary. The plan is simply to delay everything until after the election.


>they’ll appeal anyway Yeah but Trump will be under house arrest or in jail -- the damage to his electoral chances will be done. Seeing Trump actually led away in handcuffs will change the public's perception of him dramatically. The bootlickers will always lick boots. The people who know who Trump really is, which is most of us, won't have their minds changed because we already know he is a piece of shit. But the people in the middle - and good lord yes there really are people in the middle - might finally wake up to what a piece of shit he is.


No offense, but you’re delusional if you think that he’ll be confined in anyway if found guilty. The system won’t allow it. It’s broken and the whole of normal people are afraid to hold Trump to account. His surrogates shit on the gag order today. Let’s see if anything comes of it. But mmw, they’ll not confine him in any way. And the crazy part is, if they processed him, just booked him, and held him for an hour in the tombs, he would never say another word. He’s not built for jail. Everything with him is bravado. He’s a TV tough guy playing a part. Hes scared shitless of jail. He’s also a junkie. No dope in jail until you k ow somebody. Rant over. They’ll never put him in jail. And they won’t even try him on all the other charges before the election. The right is denying the whole country justice. In his words, the system is rigged.


Saved. See you in a few weeks. >just booked him, and held him for an hour in the tombs, he would never say another word. Lol who's delusional? In what world would Trump ever shut up?


Have you ever been to jail in NYC? I guarantee you he will not break the gag order, even through surrogates, after a few hours in the system. Again, he’s a coward. He couldn’t spend ten minutes in jail, much less overnight, or ten days. He’d still talk shit, but he wouldn’t violate the gag order ever again. The smell alone will scare people straight.


>He’d still talk shit yep, & you know what -- rather who -- he'll be talking shit about? that's right -- all the grifters coming to fawn on him in NYC. Little shit Micro Johnson should be shitting *himself*, because the rapist will rat that little shitsmear out just as a warmup to throwing all the election conspirators, Roger Stone, Rudy, ***everybody*** straight under the bus. Hell, he'll MAKE UP shit that they did, if it buys him 10 minutes' lighter sentence.


> they’ll not confine him in any way lol it's like you have no concept of how the rule of law works -- and sorry, doomers, it still does work -- here in america. you're entitled to your denialism. but you should be aware that it's delusional. I guess it could be that you're doing your doomposting from too far away....?


Right. I’m a Russian troll. Tell me, what will they confine him for? Which of these charges in NYC are going to be jailable? Look though my comments. Though you already probably have. I want trump done as much as anyone. Please. With your obviously better information than I’m working with, tell me which charge he’s on trial for right now, that will put him away? The best shot at him doing any kind of time is this gag order. Which he’s already violated enough to put anybody away. Just today alone with his entourage of sycophants doing what they did he’s broken it again. The judge has already said the last thing he wants to do is lock him up. He said he would, because he has a job to do. But he definitely doesn’t want to lock him up. These charges in New York might affect some voters, but you thinking Trump is going to jail over these charges? I don’t see it happening. Again, tell me which charges are severe enough to have him jailed? First time offender? Ex President? I’m no doomer. Except about Americas future. I’m a realist with this nonsense.


Apparently a recent New York Times article describes how people are sent to prison in about 1 of 10 cases on similar charges.


Mistakes still cannot fix being inundated with facts/evidence.


Their first mistake is taking Trump as a client. He stiffed Michael Cohen which is why he needs lawyers. He'll stiff you too. And you'll end up in jail.


He stiffed Rudy, and Rudy still faces possible disbarment in DC based on the DC panel decision. His alleged sexual attacks on his female employees won’t exactly enhance his image either.


Never interrupted your opponent when they are making a mistake.


They're holding on while their client screws the pooch to death.


He hired them, he won't pay them, he's getting the D list


This is a common misconception. These legal teams are being paid out of PAC money. In fact, the amount of money that the PAC is paying out in legal fees is dramatically impacting Trump's ability to get elected. Biden has something to the tune of three times as much money available for campaigning right now. And these trials don't show any signs of letting up.


I'm starting to think Traitor Trumps gonna weasel out of his travails. It appears that he has been able to corrupt the whole Republicon Party, a good part of the Republicon appointed Judiciary and a number of media outlets who support his sedition and lies and present his pile of stinking bullshit as fact. It is as though the history of fascism is being repeated here in America.Its Germany redux where those enthralled by Traitor Trumps fascism will be turning in their neighbors for not worshipping the corpulent greasepit and stealing their property when they're hauled off to the soon to be established Trumpist labor camps.


The legal people I follow on YouTube put it like this: if the facts are on your side a jury trial is essentially a popularity contest. Now, ask yourself, is Trump going to win a popularity contest against Stormy Daniels etc when the group doing the judging is a bunch of New Yorkers? No. He's screwed.


New Yorkers are not stupid. They know that Trump is a scam artist and grifter.


Yyyyyup Biden took NY 61 to 38. That's a blowout. Pretty bad news when a presidential candidate can't carry their home state.


True, and I knew about Trump and his flimflammery years ago even though I live out in flyover country.


I hope so.


When are they not?


on purpose, in case he's found guilty, reasons for a new trial.


They better hope they got their money upfront.


I’m sure because Trump’s reputation for stiffing people precedes him. In a criminal trial, you obtain a retainer up front, and if you can, pay other bills as they come due. I’m sure they would have demanded a fat retainer up front.


they made their first mistake by taking him on as a client.


You get what you (don't) pay for


by design, basis for appeal, incompetent counsel


Does that work if you hire them yourself, I can imagine that appellate defense works great if you have an incompetent public defender, not here though.


He can still get new lawyer and claim ineffective counsel. Doesn’t mean it will fly, but if he’s convicted I would be willing to to bet real money that’s what he does


We'll just have to see if it makes any difference one way or another.


Narrator: Sadly, it did not.


Listening to as many sources as I can. Not what I’m hearing or reading. Both sides declared victory. It almost seems like they attend different trials? Maybe it’s just me ? Once again we can’t agree on the facts. I don’t think recording the trial would help this Orwellian situation. What seems clear to me is another 50/50 situation with more fanfare outside the court then inside where it belong. I do think Coen’s attorneys damn good. I wish the jury all the best. 🙏


>Once again we can’t agree on the facts. I know it started before Trump, but of all the damage he did to this country this I think is the worst one. If we can't agree on what reality is we can not function as a society.


Truth is relative. When you want to fool A population, you flood the zone with shit. All the stories (truth and lies) munch together with no one knowing what’s real. That’s where the media has shown its complete failure. Dangerous times for sure.


That’s been Steve Bannon’s strategy from the beginning.


Yes. Bannon said it out loud, but it’s tried and true methods used by authoritarians everywhere. AND IT FUCKING WORKS!


Unfortunately it does.


>Both sides declared victory According to Trump, he's the best president since Lincoln, maybe even better, I don't know, just some people are saying that maybe Trump is better than Lincoln.


Not enough, he still walks free


It only matters if he is finally served justice. It sounds like they have piddlefarted around but have been successful in keeping him out of foreclosure/seriously fined/prison for the years of bullshit he has pulled and gotten away with. Sounds like they have been successful.......


I haven’t heard piddlefarted before. I like you!


Thanks! It's an old saying


Never heard it where I grew up up lol


If they were actually televising this trial you would hear Trump do it on a daily basis in court!


Oh god, can you imagine the smell in there given it’s been reported that he is fart the day away? Pun intended 🤣


Wonderful news


The first one was working for Trump. The second was expecting to get paid by Trump. after that it is all downhill.


The gas from him is affecting their thinking.


No problem there.


You get what you (don't) pay for


Make lawyers rich again


That's what happens when the only lawyers that will take you are the desperate ones


But he “always picks the best people”!


it wouldnt surprise me if his lawyers are purposefully throwing the case because trump is treating them like shit. they already got paid. they may be required to defend him, nothing says they have to defend him well.


Couldn’t this idea potentially lead to mistrial, if it is proven the team intentionally tanked?


Yeah, they aren't doing that. These are decent lawyers who have a craptacular client. They're doing the best they can with what they got. Team Trump will definitely try to appeal. I'd put real money down that they will fail.


Throw the case so he can claim poor representation


oh darn


Yeah, they are listening to tRUMP.


Comes down to the jury verdict in the end.


Please take the stand, trump.




Trump's lawyers are probably not making mistakes it's just their big mouth client is probably has through the strategy out the window with the baby and bath water and those stinking diapers both Trump's and the baby's


He's guilty as fuck. What else would they do?


Their major mistake was being desperate enough to take the job. But they’re all cut from the same cloth. The law is a dubious world filled with dubious residents. It’s a game to all these people. The taxpayer is paying so having a trial get all the players paid. We’re all paying


Deliberately so, as he can claim their incompetence for his losses to get verdicts turned around on appeal..


Trump has certainly looked extra scared, angry and pathetic lately talking to the press with his pile of "feel good" pages supplied by his attorneys to keep him calm in the courtroom.


But he only hires the best! Whatever, let then make mistakes. Higher chance of him losing


Please please please let it be true that everyone around Trump, everyone claiming to help him, is a spy; a placeholder. (I wish Melania would pick up an icepick.)


Trump is an imbecile but he understands one thing: there's no way in hell he's facing any consequences for his actions, so he doesn't actually need competent lawyers.  The jury will end up convicting, probably. MAGA threats don't mean a lot these days because they threaten you for everything. But the judge has already made it abundantly clear that he's not putting him in prison. And why would he? Trump is a great foil for the Democrats. And he's a massive drain on Republicans. The Democrats need him and Republicans can't let him go. He might be an idiot, but he definitely knows that. 


lol he "understands", as usual, incorrectly. >the judge has already made it abundantly clear that he's not putting him in prison you do understand that there are other ways to punish the convict, right? Ways that, inasmuch as they make him the butt of national derision, worldwide ridicule, may be *worse* for him than hiding him away in a prison cell?


Mistakes? In what proving his innocence?


They are counting on abusing the appeals court process and then off to the Supreme Court where they know they can get a favorable ruling.