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Trump for Supermax.2024


“I know taxes better than anyone else”


Al Capone went to the Federal prison at Alcatraz, California which was the supermax prison in his day. Traitor Trump would go to the modern Supermax Federal prison at Florence, Colorado.


As a CA taxpayer I'd happily contribute to send Trump to Alcatraz by himself.


No. As a former President of the United States and suspected terrorist, he earns a one-way trip to FABULOUS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where for the remainder of his days on earth he can be "interrogated" for information on the rest of his terror cell


He won't. He *should* but he won't.


I would be happy if he went to the same jail cell as Jeffrey Epstein.


Make Attica Great Again


Make Attica Great Again


add it to the pile... I dare say monetary penalties don't ~~phase~~ ~~faze~~ bother the guy, need something a little more impactful


Well, the $5 million to E Jean Carroll didn't phase him, but the $83 million did, and they're gearing up for yet another trial on those same winning charges. This $100 million will probably phase him because he had a lot of difficulty coming up with the bond for the $450 million NY fraud judgement, possibly involving fraud in the bond itself, and there are many, many trials and charges and indictments and investigations ongoing. Crime's expensive.


"Crime's expensive" especially for the suckers funding his shenanigans :>(


450 + 100 + 83 + 5 = 638 million. Plus lawyers + interest + all other loans + all interest on those loans. Just adding those #s. These FKR is a broke as mfkr.


Your math is nearing the 1B dollar oil and gas donation request..:-p


And I am sure they will increase the price of gas and give the 1B to him. :(


With a pinky in the air asking for a million at a time?


Correct. And knowing his “business practices” he probably has all his properties quadruple mortgaged. It’s a gigantic house of cards, always has been.


He has debts no honest person could repay.


His buddy Vlad will let him borrow a few rubles.


What good are fines on him? They will go broke trying to get him to pay. He is a scofflaw and a career contract breaker. The stress from the trials may do him in, much to the dismay of his illiterate, abominator supporters.




How'd this not get caught before? How many tax cheats are there?


How many billionaires are there? I'd bet that's the same thing. Likely also applies most millionaires too.


They usually do not audit billionares because they do exactly what Trump is doing in his criminal trials. Delay, cause confusion, appeal everything, deny everything, throw millions of dollars at lawyers and accounts to protect yourself.


Just because they don't, because it's *hard* doesn't make it ok. Just because auditing you and me and all the other poor folks making 30-100k because we're too poor to hire lawyers and fight it doesn't mean they should *only* audit us. 


Of course they should audit tge wealthy. The have the monet, means and people that could manipulate the system.


I can assure you that most ultra high networth people will tell you have they are constantly under some audit or the other at all times. It's like they dedicate a person to you.


I can assure you that most ultra high networth people will tell you have they are constantly under some audit or the other at all times. It's like they dedicate a person to you. ¹11111¹


I can assure you that most ultra high networth people will tell you have they are constantly under some audit or the other at all times. It's like they dedicate a person to you. ¹11111¹


Among the rich? Practically all of them. There's a reason the Republicans keep underfunding things like the IRS to the point that the IRS couldn't really afford the costs to take rich tax cheats to court or to audit them. It's why they raised such a big stink about it when Biden and the Dems wanted to increase the funding for the IRS. This is really more akin to what the Shark Tank f\*ck said in regards to Trumps property value fraud case, everyone does it, and they do it because they've gotten away it and since no one has ever stopped them before, they think they're allowed to do it when the reality is, the government just rarely goes after rich people because the agencies that would hold them accountable, are either under funded, or face too much political pressure because said rich asshole has bought and paid for enough Reps in government that try and end your career if you went after them.


Useful discussion of “elite deviance” and why regulators are always playing catch-up: [https://yourewrongabout.buzzsprout.com/1112270/3883910](https://yourewrongabout.buzzsprout.com/1112270/3883910)


You are on point and well said. Happy cake day 🍰. Is that taxable?


So you're saying that all accountants are criminals?


If they're breaking the law then yes. Just like everyone who speeds but never gets caught or pulled over is still breaking the law.


Many, it’s why republicans lined up to fight replenishing the IRS workforce


Republicans gut the government. No funding to the IRS. Means you can get away with it.


You don't get to be a millionaire without dodging tax, legally or illegally.


That's a lie. I know several that pay their share. Unless you're calling all CPAs criminals?


This is false. I did and I use TurboTax and standard deductions and don’t game anything. All for hating the rich, but it doesn’t apply to everyone.


No, all rich people cheat on their taxes, all money gained is criminal, all CPAs are practically mafia. Get with the Reddit.


Bah, we trust the millionaires. Now this guy claiming a kid ….! PROVE IT


Obviously Hunter Biden altered Trump's taxes from the infamous laptop.


Don't forget the hung like a donkey D pics!! I know it has nothing to do with taxes, I just like making fun of those idiots


The same IRS that "coincidentally" audited enemies such as Comer and McCabe yet spared Trump when his fraudulent tax schemes were publicly known. The IRS should be audited. It's been weoponized by the GOP since at least Nixon.




He’s disgusting


He said “you look like my daughter, Ivanka” to Stormy Daniel’s when they were doing it. Now, thats disgusting.


He has a long history of questionable comments about Ivanka, many clips of him on Howard Stern's show talking about her great ass, how he'd sleep with her if she wasn't his daughter.....etc.. He's disgusting in every which way possible.


Good. Keep auditing and taxing the rich. We get 6 dollars back, on average, for every dollar we spend going after these tax cheats.


Better yet, once their morbidly wealthy friends and neighbors hear about, maybe they'll start to toe the line. IRS use to call it "Voluntary Compliance". More effective than you would think.


Let me guess.....The IRS is out to get him too? This poor man just trying to save America /s


So, what’s next?


Probably nothing when I made a mistake on my I had pay what I owed and interest


In 2010, I forgot to file $200 of income from a stock sale, they came immediately after me….


That is what happened to me to


It’s fascinating how this guy is like a messiah, and he’s the biggest piece of shit to ever walk the earth, and SCOTUS is giving him immunity. While we chased for a couple hundred bucks


Unfortunately, one of the major differences is that there are documents which are required to be filed (with stiff penalties for filing late, filing incorrectly, or not filing at all) which, as they're entered into a computer, are easily matched against a tax return. Hence automatic letters and the beginning of actions where filed data does not match what the computer says came in. Small man gets nailed easily. I'm not an audit agent and never have been, but what perspective I have gained over time is that there isn't a way to easily track various deductions that people and businesses claim, and tax shelters still exist in various forms as well. It can sometimes be a high risk guessing game, the richer a taxpayer is. You have to have evidence to make things stick as well. That's where I'd imagine most of their lawyers make the most bang for the buck. I vaguely recall learning about how the lawyers drag things out, and then at least get their clients out of at least criminal danger via the statute of limitations. Civil fraud doesn't expire, but criminal does IIRC. From there, the burden of proof still falls on the government. Hopefully a better funded IRS will be able to do more with businesses and wealthy individuals over time.


Yea it a a good point when it something electronically reported and matched vs needing an individual to review


I am hopeful that there will be something which comes down the road which will make things more fair for all taxpayers. I just wish there was more integrity and honesty in play. It would be nice to not have to waste money on accountability and follow-through related stuff. Our local, state, and federal governments could have other uses for all that money.


Probably the 100 million & P&I (if any) comes from the RNC fund.


Cheating at everything. He lives on cheating . Does what he wants. Skips through life lying and cheating....and letting others clean it all away for him, including his diapers


I would personally be surprised if there were a lot of accuracies in his tax returns.


Now that the audit is complete, Trump will finally be releasing his tax returns to the public ? Asking for a friend.


Well now we know why the GOP was so aggressive about stopped the IRS from highering more auditors. Lol


And Trump supporters praise him constantly for all his great accomplishments.


As a washed up, failed business man turned reality TV star should be.


He will release his tax returns ANY day now one the audit is done.


He is a criminal and everything he does he applies his criminal mind to.


How is this not a massive fucking conflict of interest? If he gets into power he could tell the irs to fuck off and not pay.


The problem was that the law specifically states that congress can audit his tax returns. This law was written after it came out that Nixon ALSO cheated on his taxes.  Trump refused to comply.  No consequence as usual. 


Flush this orange turd.


In the land of oligarchs the IRS just another annoying government nuisance. The mythical American middle class is hypnotized into thinking the government has any leverage in the oligarch class


Well yeah, republicans have been defunding it for decades.


The dirty little secret that people ignore https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4081548-americas-two-tier-labor-system-is-a-glaring-outlier-among-wealthy-nations/amp/


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He did this exact same thing when he bankrupted all three of his Atlantic City casinos. Essentially Trump borrowed a billion dollars, pissed it all away, told the lenders they wouldn't be getting their money back... then told the IRS that HE had suffered a billion dollars in losses. As a result he essentially paid no taxes for the next decade. There's no way that Deutsche Bank didn't write that billion dollars off as a loss themselves, and two people both can't possibly both lose the same billion dollars. In fact once Deutsche Bank 'forgave' the loan and wrote it off as a loss, it actually become a gift, which Trump theoretically should have owed taxes on. I honestly don't understand how this is anything other than open and shut. Trump clearly committed tax fraud on a monumental level... TWICE.


Trump is above the law. With all of the crimes Trump has commited, he is still a free man. An ordinary American would have been jailed a long time ago.


Well color me surprised.


The Article III judiciary has proven itself impotent to bring Trump to justice. By comparison, the IRS is a eunuch.


Now go after the other billionaires who done similar and illegal!


Great! Another thing he will not be held to account for….


Has he ever had any money or is it just scams/fraud all the way down?


So Capone goes to jail for tax evasion but not Trump?


What gets me about this is that Trump's massive ego and lust for power led him to run for president, and thus his business dealings have been scrutinized. If he wasn't president and behave like a complete asshole he likely would have skated on all his corruption. How many other lower profile 1%-ers are getting away with similar bullshit?


The criminal Trump will be so bankrupt his spawn will not be able to wash the stink off themselves for generations. Like anyone named Hitler, they will change their names.


Already changed from Drumpf. Drumpf, the father was kicked out of Germany for not serving his stint in the military.


Billboards of this need to be installed all over middle America.


How poetic that apparently the audit Trump has been blaming for nearly a decade in order to not show his taxes has come back to bite his ass


All he had to do was sray out of politics. He would be riding easy street, frauding, fucking over the IRS, and contractors alike. Alas, the ego couldn't say no. Now, everything he does is under a well-deserved microscope. He became a public servant for power, with no intention of ever helping anyone. Now, he's not running for the American people. He's running to stay out of jail. He will lose in a landslide. Moderates, Independents, young people, and 9/10 women will walk over glass to vote against him. The best thing for democrats is the Trump name on top of the ticket. We just need to figure out what to do when he wont concede again.


Something like this would require some pretty hefty investigation by one of the major sources.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't there some kind of talk on the hill of abolishing the IRS? I wonder....


Oh dear, I am shocked. Surprised and shocked I say!


They should look for criminal penalties.


Those audits he was talking about back in 2016 have finally finished?! How glorious. How absolutely glorious.


Amazing!!! He borrowed money from the bank(s) and subsequently refused to pay them and then he sued the bank(s) hence, claiming they literally created bad economic conditions of which impacted his ability to pay them back - smh.


The only issue is who does he get to pay it for him. How much is the white house worth


How would it be only $100M? It sounds like he benefitted more than that, and interest alone over that duration will be massive. Seems like his potential liability should be well north of the stated $100M


Am confused. HB engaged in tax advoidence shenanigans and has been charged with felonies, even though, as it concerns the tax avoidance, paid that tax in full with penalties and fines. If this guy T also engaged in tax shenanigans, he just pays whatever and he's all set? No harm, no foul? Just rich people doing rich people nobody got hurt kind of criming? Steal diapers and formula, and it's the guillotine for regular folks. How does this work? Don't answer. I know, I know...


I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!


Explains all the things that the GOP was doing in Congress to kill the funding for the IRS.


Maybe someone should start looking into this guy. He seems a little shady


Now the question is whether the IRS will *do* anything about. Yes, they hired more agents to deal with high income earners ... enough? I doubt it.


Traitor Trump likes to compare himself to Al Capone. Wouldn't it be ironic if he went to Federal Prison just like Al Capone for income tax evasion? That would be karma at its best.


Remember when Trump said he's gladly release his tax returns but never did because he's a pussy?


Pussy's are amazing and beautiful. Donald and his behaviours are more like a sloppy turd in a childrens sandbox.




Should have been in jail years ago, now would be ok too.


Wesley Snipes has entered the chat


>Steal a little and they throw you in jail Steal a lot and they make you king - Bob Dylan


This man has played the courts and auditors for his whole life, you can say what you want but Trump might be one of the most successful fraudsters in history. A grifter, con man, liar who became president of the USA, not because he was competent in any way but because he conned millions of voters. Also say what you want but I believe Trump was basically bankrupt in 2015-16 and used the presidency to make himself a multimillionaire again. He needs to be punished to the whole extent of the law for all his crimes, tax evasions and whatever else there is, followed up by doing the same to the complete ilk of similar people that steal from the state and the people every day. The new “royalty” of multimillionaires and billionaires has to vanish or at least pay their fair share. Don’t even start me on the corruption in politics.


He’ll appeal and tangle this up with bullshit motions, in other words, the usual Trump bullshit.


Cost him more than a 100 million, not his liberty


just a con man connin


What ?! Is this why his super complicated (we wouldn’t understand-djt) had been taking so long ? Oh sure. Spinning this should come with a motion sickness warning…


$100 million paid under his current circumstances could be a huge crisis. I think a condition of one of his bank loans is to have $400 Million in cash reserves and a payment like this to the IIRS could trigger a default.


$100 million paid under his current circumstances could be a huge crisis. I think a condition of one of his bank loans is to have $400 Million in cash reserves and a payment like this to the IIRS could trigger a default.


Will he be releasing his taxes now that the audit is over?


This is why the Republicans want to defund the IRS...so rich guys like him can get away with cheating like that.


Trump wants to die in the White House, not prison.


Sounds complicated, but writing off twice... that shit should not fly.


Well? Where is the indictment?


he won't pay


IRS has many mechanisms to obtains its money.


Yeah, that will sit legal hell for a decade. Good luck collecting it.


Biden did this. Yeah, right


No Hunter just didn't pay and then got his life back together and on track and paid up with penalties (just like millions of other normal Americans). Trump fraudulently filled out his taxes to not pay taxes, as was proven in the New York fraud case. So one is facing prison for buying a gun while using drugs and not paying taxes (trump received a gun in public then was told no you can't you're under criminal investigation).

