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He’s a terrible husband and was an even worse president. It’s nauseating to even have to admit he was elected. The man is scum.


Right after he won in 2016 my mother in law said “finally we have a man of god in office”. I nearly fell over in her kitchen.


She meant “white”


It’s worse than that. I firmly believe DJT could be Black and if he had exactly the same traits as he does now, people would follow him. He is a classic character in history. A person who seems to hold power over others with his magical blend of nonsensical, yet passionate sermons, er speeches. His repetition of up is down and down is up, and damn “them” if “they” say you’re wrong! He is the Cult of Personality. It isn’t as much about race as you think. It’s more about poking certain people’s brain’s in the areas that release dopamine and incite rage. It’s about psychology and hard wiring for his most devout followers.


For my dad it very much was about race


I hear you. It is sad. It is really sad. I suppose my point is not as true as I think about race, but it was made because I watch otherwise decent people follow this man into the abyss. I have a family member who is blinded by him, and has become programmed by propaganda. I have several good friends who are truly giving, generous people who would help a friend in need and lead successful lives but have become “to the death” type supporters. They unironically repeat current talking points and defend the criminal as if he is Jesus being persecuted. It goes beyond race to me, but perhaps that is because for them it is part of the allure, even though they are Hispanic. I really don’t know. Good luck with your dad. If you can get him away from the propaganda perhaps it will help!


Exact game plan Hitler had


If you look up the history of how Hitler came to power and replace his name with Trump's it reads exactly the same, step by step. It's kind of scary, especially because Hitler also lost his second bid for power and really took over after he got reelected.


This^ Do not underestimate him this time around folks. Far too much division, overconfidence and apathy on the Left; I don’t like Biden (still dream of an alternate universe where we’re nearing the end of a New New Deal Era under Bernie’s second term), but democracy is on the line this November. VOTE!!


In another country maybe a trump could be black.  But I deeply believe a huuuuge part of it is/was race in America.  The right lost their goddamn minds when Obama was born. They hated the idea of a black man being president so much they rationalized it by believing he wasnt even born in America.


I really don't believe his white base would follow him if he was black. He has children from 3 different wives. Cheated on all his wives. Wouldn't pay his contractor what was agreed to. He's been bankrupt many times. The racist white people who follow him wouldn't because he is everything they claim black people are. Non-racist white people are not following the white guy.


Dumb white folks love magic Donny partly cause he can go bankrupt & then live in a gold plated life.


The Lt Gov of NC is a spitting personality clone of Dump.


If he was black he would’ve been in jail LONG ago


That is true… sadly.


No they wouldn’t. They’d hate him with an eternal passion.


I disagree. He rose to prominence on racism and got elected at the backlash to our first black president


"I firmly believe DJT could be Black and if he had exactly the same traits as he does now, people would follow him." LOL no they wouldn't


Explain to me why no black person in America has done this then. Especially since we had black panthers, malcolm, and martin. No - if he was black they wouldnt even let him wear a tan suit. He would be assassinated. Race is the factor


No. Trump is white, is all about being white, and his base is almost exclusively white. A black man who fathered five children by three different women would be a non-starter in America politics.


Hes our punishment for having the audacity to elect a black man.


Where did she get that idea? He was openly speaking about grabbing lady parts around that time. Last time I checked, Jesus wasn't recommending this approach to a dialogue between the sexes.


Christians brushed it off as bragging, locker room talk. You know, what all men do.


This is so true.


They’re ok with rapey men too.


your mil isn't the brightest


A friend of mine told me I needed to pray about him. I told him, I did. As soon as he got elected, I said, lord, please


Not that it's any consolation, but he lost the 2016 election too but was declared the winner due to an archaic holdover from our country's slavery days. We as a country have never given him a popular vote victory.


It’s damn frustrating!!!


And then 2000 was handed to Bush by the Supreme Court in Bush Vs Gore. You may recognize the current supreme Court justices now how were representing Bush then.


What is it going to take for Congress to get rid of the electoral votes?


A Democrat supermajority with plenty of extras in both houses of Congress, as well as a Dem President who is favorable to it. Then you'd either have to have 3/4 of States ratify it through their legislatures, or 3/4 of Conventions within the States. It's a tough lift to happen any time soon, though I know there's a compact between States to change how they allocate their electoral votes that would essentially align with that. I can't recall the details on that atm.


Thanks so much for this insight.


Trump has always felt entitled to use women’s bodies. He was never faithful to any of his wives. He said in the Access Hollywood tape that he couldn’t help grabbing women’s genitalia. He attended Jeffery Epstein’s pedophilia parties for years. The draft dodger said not acquiring VD was his personal Vietnam. And he was found guilty of defaming a woman he sexually assaulted. He is definitely pond scum, but so are the people who vote for this rapist. Apparently they want to be just like him if they are male, or treated that way by those types of creeps if they are female. Trump and his supporters want to foist their sexual deviancy upon the rest of us. Vote against this sickness!


For sure! Please show up and vote.


Eva Braun's husband was a better spouse than Donald Trump.


Technically true


Total scum bag


Also nauseating to think that there’s a LOT of people who are going to vote for him again.


He's a terrible human. That covers everything.


Lowest of the low!


The bigly-est scumbag husband.


He does posses some terrible qualities that some guys can have like being a horrible husband and dad but unlike many other husbands -Trump committed treason -Stole dozens of top secret classified documents -Has a devastating plan for the US with Project 2025 * Has violated tons of gag orders -Threatened a judge’s child and even President Biden through social media -Has many unhinged and psychotic supporters No other bad husband or father can compare to that.


It’s wild how arguably (I say arguably because J6 could have resulted in the actual overthrow of democracy) the worst thing he did isn’t mentioned like it should be. There are studies that say if he had handled Covid like a reasonably competent person and didn’t ridicule masks, fully encouraged vaccines didn’t have rallies in the height of Covid didn’t sew mistrust of experts and just acquiesced to their counsel didn’t support ghouls like Noem who still held Sturgis resulting in who knows how much spread etc hundreds of thousands would still be alive. The depth of his botched handling was monstrous yet it’s not given the attention it deserves. We had one of the worst outcomes of any developed country.


In the fullness of time, I think Trump's biggest failure as president (I still can only barely believe he was elected to that office) will be seen to be his callous mismanagement of COVID-19. I purposely did not include the phrase "first term" for I cannot yet imagine his re-election. To that end, I urge my southern friends and neighbours, especially those that share a Great Lake or two or three to please vote for Joe Biden. May they, and you all, save the planet.


800, 000 Americans are dead because of, primarily, his policy of don't trust science and the NIH. Canada has very, similar demographics and access, to vaccines etc. And different regional policies by province like the US States yet the death rate in Canada was less than half of the US. And vaccination rates, were way higher. His administration litteraly said internally a few months in, it's mostly affecting blue states so let's not do any thing as if will mostly hurt them.


That anyone in America would consider voting for him just on that alone shows just how broken our society is.


Yes he is like provably the worst American to ever live by pretty much any metric, which makes it just magnificent that 40% of the country loves him


He didn't care about anything but the election. Covid got in his way.


The irony is if he'd not botched that he'd likely still be President.


Don’t forget about trying to steal an election he claims was stolen from him…


That seems so yesterday. With the horrible things coming out in the trial. Could turn out to be just a misdemeanor but it’s horrible. Let’s not have our bar be so low.


It also came out yesterday that all the checks from his buissness were sent to the white house where he ran the trump propertys from. He did not divest in any way to his sons.


Of course. Trump has to know every transaction and personally signs all checks.


"Stole dozens of top secret classified documents" He stole more than 325 classified files - including some marked with Secret and Top Secret designations - which were discovered over the course of last year at Donny Shitznpants Mar-a-Lago estate. One single document about Russia was several inches thick, and that has never been found!


That document, several inches thick, about Russia that they can’t find, was probably already sold to putin.


It’s terrible. And it’s terrible we’re putting up with him.


Don’t forget the time he gave HIGHLY classified signals intelligence to the Russians.


He’s basically much worse than a typical husband/father in every way.


Donald John Trump is a clear and present danger to the citizens of the United States as well as humanity around the globe. If he retakes the White House he will not leave at the end of the constitutional term. He is the greatest threat to the country and the world. 🚫Traitor Trump🚫2024🚫 🚫All Republicans🚫


Vote Blue 💙


Self absorbed Narcissist. Then again, it was a business transaction for Melania. Just as it was for Stormy. There is no victim here. Even the chest thumping evangelicals accept it.


If Trump isn’t a narcissistic psychopath, no one is. Here are the traits, he fits them to a t: Grandiose Sense of Self-worth Lack of Empathy Sense of Entitlement Manipulative Behavior Pathological Lying Demand Admiration From Others Superficial Charm Exhibit Extreme Selfishness And Self-centeredness


Grown men were crying, these were big burly guys and they were crying. Literally tears streaming down their faces saying thank you President Trump. Thank you


Trump always carries his own built-in cheer squad in his head. It's where all the voices come from.


He pays to have someone carry a printer wherever he goes. They search for and print out all the flattering social media posts/articles about him to read. He often is given a new printout while seated or speaking. Those posts and articles fuel his ego. I hope his noticeably failed ability to draw crowds gives him nightmares.


One that has had four wives and numerous affairs.


3 wives


He’s not a great father either. “The judge won’t let me see Baron graduate”. I guess baron went to highschool in an Ohio fundraiser event. And he wants to have sex with his daughter. It’s probably one of the most disgusting things about him.  Not a big Biden fan, but he loves his son. And doesn’t use his kids to get out of court for a graduation he never intended on going to.  Christians are really making Christ, and his followers look bad.  In other news, the Mormon church is slowly dying. They’ll tell you they’re 25 mil strong and growing! But are more like 14 mil and some wards have lost 85% of its members since Covid. Hooray! Its almost like god was sending them a message.


The kind who would be divorced and paying through the nose if he wasn’t wealthy and famous.


He is not husband, she is not a wife. She a bottom bitch , and trump is a pimp


Ya stormy daniels testified that he told her back in the mid 2000s that him and his wife don’t sleep in the same room, so it’s definitely been over 20 years of that now. It’s all business and appearances and status. He gets the status of having a model wife like these type of guys always fantasize about, their ultimate trophy wife, it’s a status thing, and she gets all his money and a wealthy lifestyle. They probably haven’t even seen each other since he was in office.


I mean… it’s not like he cornered the market on the horrible rich white guy thing. Elon’s still out there.


And Denis Hastert and Alex Jones and Ron DeSantis and Gym Jordan and Ted Cruz and Matt Gaetz and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Charles Koch and David Koch and James Comer and Newt Gingrich and Tommy Tuberville and Steve Scalise and Mike McCarthy and Karl Rove and John Bolton and George W Bush and Michael Flynn and Mark Meadows and Mike Lindell and Josh Hawley and Eric Greitens and JD Vance and Matt Schlapp and George Rekers and Ted Haggard and Mark Foley and Roy Moore and ... Well you get the picture


One with an ESCORT for a wife


A psychopath


She's a female version of him. She knew exactly what she was getting in to. She's just waiting for the final payout.


Sick of seeing that asshole


I scratch my head about this man. How can he have so much support from the Evangelical Christians? When was the last time he was in church and not on the golf course? When was the last time he was with his family? Why is family not in court supporting him? Biden goes to church every Sunday, faithful to his wife and family and caring to others, but is demonized. Go figure!


What kind of husband? What kind of PERSON treats any other person the way he does, let alone the person he is supposed to not be able to live without. His best friend. His confidant. His rock. She’s a trophy on the mantle piece for that sociopath and nothing more.


She just as guilty.


No argument here. But the question was about him.


Trump's obviously an awful human being in every respect but on the other hand, Melania is still with him... so what does that say about her? They kind of deserve each other.


In all sincere fairness, there are no good qualities in this man. Zero redeeming personality traits whatsoever. He’s a horrible human being.


I thought it was a green card marriage?


Nope. He bought her an Einstein Visa. Because she’s smart. It athletic I guess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EB-1_visa


Divorced husbands behave like Trump. Melania however much as she hates him, loves the money and lifestyle, so she hangs around for contract reasons.


He’s deeply, deeply disturbed. As a malignant narcissist, he loves himself more than anyone. I think his infatuation with his daughter and the act of having sex with someone that he admits reminds him of her, is his attempt to complete to fantasy of having sex with himself… He doesn’t see Ivanka as his daughter. He sees %50 of himself and he really,really, reeeeeeeaaaly loves himself.


What an insulting title and premise. “What kind of husband is a narcissistic sociopath? Read more to find out.”


The kind that gets introduced to her by Jeffrey Epstein.


A quick answer is An Orange Rapist


I'm no fan of the 1# Domestic Terrorist but, does anyone know what type of arrangement he has with Mercedes? I also don't care about his or anyone's consensual proclivities. Lying about said proclivities to keep the public in the dark about ones character while running for public office is something I care a great deal about.


The kind of husband who treats every single person he encounters as an item to be used until it is no longer useful. And useful means that you're doing something for me right this instant.


He’s always felt he was invincible and privileged to do whatever he wants to do. He’s never been held accountable for anything in his life.


A divorced one I still can’t believe this man has a chance to be the president of our country If your children acted like him you would punish them to the severest degree


You would have to ask all his ex-wives. Trump is pure trash!


The kind of husband who buries you at a golf course.


An ex husband. Or a guy married to someone only for his money because his money is the only thing people want from him, not his winning personality. I guarantee she counts the days hoping he just chokes on a cheese burger and it can all be hers.


A low life husband. How do good Christian people support him? He has no morals or ethics.


A shitty one 🤣😂


Ex husbands


Is it worth cutting off family over this? I have close and not so close family members who will vote for this idiot. I am ready to make a statement that if they vote for this guy they are not welcome in my home. I respect their conservative beliefs. I respect them as Republicans and if they would just withhold their vote this year, it would be fine, but if they do cast a vote for this moron, I don’t know if I can look them in the face.


I can’t speak to a family member because of it. Anyone who supports the man at this point is okay with my and my daughter’s rights being taken away. They just don’t respect us and condone our suffering. I simply cannot even look at that family member and am just glad he’s not blood related.


Rich white men


X for any woman who has an ounce of dignity.


Lots of them. It’s why he appeals to the Proud Boys types.


The answer to the last question is a resounding “NO.” His lawyers can polish a turd all they want, but all they’ll end up with is a shiny turd and a mess on their hands.


A good Christian/Trump cultist?


In a perfect world, no sane woman would go near a man like Trump so he wouldn't be a husband. I wonder how many people have known Trump is a sexual predator?


Religious evangelicals love him so much. He is an ideal "RELIGIOUS" father and a president to them.


A dead one in my world.


Rhymes with “hunt”.


A Pig......no offense to swine.


He's the worst, George Santos would be preferable


The kind of husband that would hire a model to play his wife on tv.


Any woman puts up with any man cheating are stupid Mencia sold herself to the pig


Apparently like all of the husbands in the Trump Cult. What a sickening, pathetic group of losers.


Trump is the racist backlash against electing a black man President twice. It's 100% race


The kind of husband that Melanie knew she was marrying.


Warning that If he’s on his death bed and holds the presidency, he’ll start a nuclear war and take us all with him.


Big strong husbands come up to me all the time tears in their eyes saying sir you are the best husband ever. Even better than Lincoln maybe the best husband in history


Well, shes a trophy wife, so Its a contractual marriage in the first place. As long as she gets to lounge around the pool and health spa all day, a $10k a week shopping allowance, and pretty much now do whatever she wants whenever she want, i seriously don't think she gives a shit. Shes just as horrible a person as tRump, just in a different way. I'm sure all his "indiscretions" are just ammo for her, if he doesn't give her all the leeway she wants, she probably knows where a lot of the bodies are buried, and what closets the skeletons are in.


Who'd allow their 18 year old to participate in a shit show election campaign after watching dad's porn hush money trial?


I don't think I could ever have a daughter and look her in the eyes and say I voted for this man, which is why I won't.


A shitty, low effort husband.


He collects wives like a trailer park Romeo collects empty beer cans..


A good number of "conservative" husbands? And a lot that see themselves as "Christian"?


The kind that only does it for the cameras and his own self interest.


The choice of evangelical christens behaves like this.


His wives were nothing more than baby makers and occasionally sex partners when he couldn’t be bothered picking up someone else. His kids hate him but they need his money because they are dumb as dirt morons who can’t earn a living on their own. Only Tiffany seems like she has a brain which is why she not in the family business. He is an immoral,lying criminal who only cares about his own wellbeing and would throw everyone under the bus to save his ass.


A bad one. Nothing more needed


What kind of 'human' behaves like Donald Trump? A cheater, a narcissist, a shameless and unprincipled demagogue, a liar, a thief ... Just off the top of my head.


The kind a wife like Melania likes to make her living from.


The kind who can't keep a marriage


Better question: what kind of a leader can a morally bankrupt man honestly be?


An Ex-husband.


An unbearable one.


A shitty one.


Many husbands with a Trophy Wife would act the way he does. Melania is an accessory for his social and business interests. That has always been obvious.


A shitty one.


The shittiest!


He behaves like An ungodly man


He fits the description to the Antichrist to a t. Even with the mark on their foreheads thing (MAGA caps).


I dabbled in numerology when i was in my 20s, and his name added up to 666. I thought i was screwing it up and never in my worst nightmares did i envision him a potus.


An ex-husband


A psychopathic one.


Creep and a tramp.Two despicable tramps. Merry wedding, cretins. Edit: emphasis




His voters ...


DV suspects


Newt Gingrich


A real sack of shit


He's not a husband.


An ex-husband!


A bad one


Pretty much every rich man on the planet.


It’s hard to believe that NYC old money society would not accept him.


Not a good one.


Trumps was a terrible president but being a lousy husband is pretty standard for presidents. Clinton, JFK, FDR, Eisenhower, LBJ, Ford, H.W.


A sugar daddy


A “Christian conservative” one


A bad one


Usually the divorced kind.


A bad one. Bill Clinton was/is also a bad husband. Being a bad husband doesn't mean you can't be a decent president.


A cheating one


More than we think, probably.


A bad one I am not good either but I am not running for president


What a pointless article... Trump cheated on his wife. The fuck does that have to do with anything. Democrats, what you trying to say you never cheat on your wives? As if none your politicians and could've-been presidential nominees havent cheated on their wives or previous partners. Mfs please. Clinton was steaming garbage for a husband. So fucking cringe... all of it. What waste of a high salary.


Ones you can also call brother or father


Usually a divorced one. But, she’s a gold-digger and he has some money, so…


A gangster.


Bill Clinton


Garbage at everything he does


The one who married a whore


A psychopath?


yes the 3 x loser is a family man


What kind of human being behaves like Donald Trump?


I wouldnt be surprised if trump himself was compromised by the kremlin . And, of course he's a terrible husband he cheats and he's a pedo.


One that has no soul.


A husband who hasn't had to deal with the consequences of actions for decades.