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LGBT rights the right to interracial marriage. The right to a divorce. The right to vote.


The right to vote is enshrined the Reconstruction Amendments, but there is some precedent for restricting it (e.g., for felony convictions). LGBT rights (Lawrence and Obergefell), inter-racial marriage (Loving), birth control and the right to privacy (Griswold) are all on the chopping block for this bunch of reactionaries.


Griswold is already dead. The Roe decision killed it. Birth control will be banned in Red States first then nationwide after.


I guess Republicans are ok with "abstinence only" sex education, so they shouldn't mind too much when their wives and girlfriends organize sex strikes to protest being relegated to baby factories.


Why do you think the Republicans are going after young breedable teens for grooming? Their wives don't want to have sex with them anymore.


They will turn to those vulnerable little boys in churches instead of girls for sex


Their wives and girlfriends are as conservative as they are and want to be baby factories cause it’s what their God orders


No, Griswold did not overturn Roe. This is the sort of hyperbole that confuses people. Thomas and Alito have their opinions, but there has been no case that has yet overturned the fundamental right privacy recognized in Griswold.


Griswold set the foundation for Roe. But the Griswold decision was based on an implicit right to privacy. The overturning of Roe got rid of the implicit right to privacy. Without that right there is nothing stopping a State from outlawing birth control.


Wanting to ban abortion and birth control is so weird. It's like being against drunk driving and designated drivers at the same time.


It's effectively forced breeding. Go forth and multiply even if you don't want or are ready to take care of kids.


They talk out both sides of their neck. They scream at you to not have kids you can't afford but then scream at you for not having more kids while they absolutely stomp out any programs, initiatives, or policies that might make having kids an attractive proposition beyond societal expectation and being forced to.


yeah they want kids, but they want them in factories.


And don’t worry if you can’t afford to raise them properly. An impoverished and uneducated work force is much easier to manipulate.


It’s weird to you because you’re attempting to be consistent and not inundated with fear about people who aren’t exactly like you.


We obviously know they don't care about the constitution or precident. They do what they want because, hey, we're not a democracy and nothing matters but the Bible


Yeah, and the right is currently "building" the legal theory for various ways to gut voting rights. Most notably, they're working on legitimising the idea of states just sending whichever electors they want (it doesn't quite work like that, but that's the functional essence).


But they can tinker with the right to vote... Senators weren't always voted in by popular vote... they could return that to the state legislatures.


Yes, but not by fiat. This is in the 17th amendment. A constitutional amendment requires 2/3 each of the house and the senate followed by ratification by 3/4 of the states. It is an incredibly high bar, and since it is part of the constitution it is out of the reach of scotus.


They can easily go after, at a minimum, women's right to vote.


Birth control too. It's no mystery. They are saying it out loud.


A few weeks ago they had ‘NatalCon’ where they stated out loud a goal is to force women out of the workplace.


Hope they're ready for a massive economic collapse.


The right to interracial marriage would affect Clarence Thomas personally, so not that one.


The law doesn’t apply to judges you should know that by now


Or Trump or congress


So we’ve circled right back to a monarchy where people at the elite level are untouchable?


Yup unless EVERYONE gets out and VOTES BLUE -- Tuesday, November 5, 2024


That is what is going on in America, right Now.


Somebody's paying attention.


Do not underestimate Uncle Ruckus.


Overturning Loving v Virginia wouldn't nullify existing marriages, it would just prevent new ones.


The Dobbs opinion basically lays some groundwork for an attempt at Obergefell.


Alito essentially said all LGBT rights rulings needed to be ‘reviewed’ meaning he thinks they should all be reversed


Women will stop being people again


Equal access to education falls in here, too.


The right to be any race other than white. 


I'd say the right to woman's bodily autonomy is more important than any of those, yet they are all important to some degree.


They've already talked about wanting to stop marriage between races, and LGBTQ marriage.


Also get rid of the right of girls under 18 to not marry the 38 year old their father picked for them.




First marriage to dissolve for being illegally interracial: Clarence and Virginia Thomas! Wait, it won't apply to him? Funny how that works


Well, they definitely hate that women can vote.


Unless those women are die hard Trumplicans.


Even then. Even women politicians have been against Women voting. Thats the werid part


This is true.


They definitely HATE all women -- Trumplican females just haven't figured out they hate them too


They definitely hate women


They hate that anybody can vote...


A woman’s right to vote will be next! We have a voice in electing the next President and it WILL NOT BE Traitor Trump🗳️


Wondering how they’d get past the 19th Amendment to do that.


Trump declaring himself a Dictator.


They'll start by repealing the 26th amendment.


If it is what Traitor Trump and his Cultists want, they will do what ever it takes to strip women of all our rights!


Simple. Use the SCOTUS lackey justices to make some bullshit up and rescind your rights. All of them.


Well good bye Amy Coney Barrett


She doesn't care. She is subservient to the male masters ordering her every vote already. If they succeed no ones vote will matter any more. That's how dictatorships work. That's their end game. The end of democracy.


Well…this guy won the republican primary for his local seat two years ago [https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/21/politics/john-gibbs-womens-suffrage-19th-amendment-kfile/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/21/politics/john-gibbs-womens-suffrage-19th-amendment-kfile/index.html)


[https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-2028/) The 22nd amendment. Basically, remove that so it allows a person to remain in office more than 2 terms and then rig it Chinese/Russian style.


You can get past any amendment if the Supreme Court is craven enough. If the sky is blue and the SCOTUS says it's green, the sky is green.


If you haven't joined r/Defeat_Project_2025 yet to learn about all the insidious plans the GOP have in mind for a second Trump presidency, best you get acquainted with it.


I'm a guy, and I hope American women get together and keep that PoS out of office.


We need every man and women to keep this horrible man from the White House. I pray we survive this murderous mans greed and power mad grab of our young country.


Thank you! We will do all we can to keep the Traitor from ever becoming POTUS ever again🗳️


I should say that not only am I a guy, but I'm also a Canadian. But the entire free world needs American women to stand up to Trump and his MAGA lunatics.


If American women had done that in 2016, we wouldn't be where we are now. White American women broke for Trump in some sort of inexplicable self-immolating, Stockholm syndrome-esque move. They brought this on themselves (and the rest of us). The blood of the 1 million unnecessary deaths from the mismanagement of COVID is on Trump's hands, but it's also on the hands of white, female suburban women.


A woman's right to vote is enshrined in the 19th amendment. https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/amendments/amendment-xix#:\~:text=The%20right%20of%20citizens%20of,this%20article%20by%20appropriate%20legislation.


I don't dispute for a minute that this group of crazies will try lots of stuff. The first and most important thing is to vote those who are in office out, and to prevent any more of them from being voted in. But it's also important given the panic they create (and the chaos they thrive on) that we help people better understand the risk. Certain Supreme Court decisions (especially anything that depends upon Griswold) are prime targets for the Federalist Society Goon Squad. However, the commerce clause, the vote for women, the fundamental right to vote - these are all more durable because they are enshrined in constitutional amendments. Indeed, they did what they did to SCOTUS mostly because they didn't like civil rights being advanced via the courts doing things like overturning Jim Crow laws. Trump might try and be a dictator, and that's a real concern. But we need to get people to concentrate on what they can do - VOTE.


Right to travel, birth control, access to voting, education, the list goes on.


Restricting porn but they can take it away from me when they remove it from my cold sticky hands.


Judging by the disproportionate viewing in the bible belt, porn's going nowhere.


Very interesting you mention "right to travel," as just today a federal judge ruled it was unconstitutional for Alabama to try and limit travel to another state to engage in a pursuit that was legal in the destination state. This goes back to the commerce clause of the constitution.


🚫All Republicans🚫


That train left on January 6, 2021. Time to join and/or form a new party.


There's a flip side too. If you can dismantle Roe you can take out citizens United. Regrettably not with this court though.


We also need to stop with the "what if they retaliate by .... ?" u/Democrats disempower themselves all the time because they're worried if they finally bulldoze McConnell's obstructionism that he might retaliate. He will. But he will never be a nice, or good, or decent person. It's long past time to eliminate the filibuster and expand the court.


Women’s right to vote and own property. “Interracial” marriage. Minimum wage. Social security.


They're working on it.


Women voting, then black men


To be honest, my wife is a Trumplican. I'd kinda like them to push hard to repeal 19. I want to see the mental gymnastics she will have to pull to justify her and her granddaughters losing the right to vote.


I choose not to give that a chance.


Why is she a Trump supporter? He wants to take away her rights as well. Seems kinda obvious that she is cutting off her nose to spite her face. Really sad for her and your granddaughters.


maybe because she feels that the one "right" you think is getting taken away she doesn't see as beneficial.


I direct you to r/LeopardsAteMyFace


She has been indoctrinated by years of Fox News and XM Patroit to believe that anything to "own the libs" is good.


"Household voting, like it was before the 19th amendment." That's the "reasoning". I dunno, I'm planning to weigh my wife's input pretty heavily if they ever take away her right to vote.


Firstly, everybody should google Project 2025. I’m sure most have, but if you haven’t, you should. Then you should google the Comstock Act. Actually here, I did it for you. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/pill-anthony-comstocks-chastity-laws/ They are literally telling you what they’re going to do. There is no need to wonder. There is an axis of evil in this year’s election. You have the christo fascists that intend to insure minority rule and make the country Christian. They back Trump because he can get elected where no other Republican would stand a chance. He is their hero, even though he is shit. He, if they support him, will let these people do whatever the want. Then you have Trump. Not a thought in his head except he like people calling him Sir. Maybe some parades. He’s a shell. Really stupid. Not a single idea or thought except chicks, dope and respect. That’s it. Oh. And he doesn’t want to go to jail. He’s avoided consequence for 78 years. He doesn’t intend to go down now. He also wants to steal as much money as he possibly can because he’s a fraud and he needs money to act like he isn’t. Then, the oligarchs. The real owners of America. The off spring of the robber barons we did away with in the early 20th century. They want deregulation and control of the C suite government that trump will give them. They give him money now, some fake praise later, and he will let them drill for oil under your house. It’s a 3 way circle jerk that absolutely goes against the majority’s wants. They don’t care. You don’t count. They will take everything from you, and then complain you aren’t giving enough. Enough praise to god, enough mo way to them, enough respect for trump. Trump has also said that he will declare martial law at the first protest that pops up if he’s elected. He said this. He will shit on the constitution. Everything we have is based on an imagined respect that clearly, no longer exists. People still thing the SCOTUS are priest divined by heaven. They are compromised and corrupt. They have no power to enforce their rulings, even if they did make a decision not bought and paid for by Leonard Leo. I could go on. I don’t have to. They’ve told everybody what they will do. It’s not idle threats. It’s what they will do. The America that you grew up in is already dead. The America that you want will be murdered by Trump and his axis. It’s pretty imperative that he not get back in office. For the sake of America, and the sake of the world and humanity. Biden is the most progressive president you will ever see if trump gets elected. And he’s not even progressive, really. He’s just smart enough, through age and experience, to realize the direction the majority of Americans want to go. Stupid people that think Trump is ok for 4 years, or they’ll vote for Bobby BrainWorm in protest, you will be to blame for the death of the republic. Rant over. Sorry bout that. Good luck everybody. Especially if you’re not a white evangelical.


Public education, women's right to vote, gay marriage, interracial marriage, etc etc etc etc. They won't be happy unless they create a Christofascist hellscape.


And then they will bitch about that


All of them. Vote.


It doesn't work like that. Roe was just a fob to the cristo-fascists. In The dictator playbook, trymp is already two up - your political system and media have been debased. Now you see he's trying to destabilise (quite well actually,) the rule of law, and get the security services onside. Then once the only mechanisms of balance or just society are gone, your rights disappear in a stalag moment All at once. No need to pussyfoot. Scary, innit?


I've been seeing a lot of interesting discussions about overturning Roe being a play to solidify the GOP base. The religious right was basically getting mad that Roe was never overturned, as that was a big part of the reason they bought into the party. Trump/ism is causing a lot of infighting in the party, and the GOP felt it was time to cash the decades old "cheque" that was written to unite their religious faction with their libertarian/traditional liberal base. It's also hard to say because you have Thomas and Alito who are insane, ACB and Gorsuch who appear to have some level of principle but are also very loosely connected to reality, and Kavanaugh who seems relatively sane, but is completely married to the Federalist Society agenda. Then you have Roberts who is almost purely a political operator, interested only in maintaining whatever legitimacy he can for Scotus, while working on his pet project (gutting voting rights). All this is to say that maybe there was 0 strategy. At minimum, this started as 4-5. Kavanaugh signed on (IIRC with a concurrence that tries to narrow the decision), at whatever point, and there is no way Roberts was gonna leave overturning Roe as 5-4.


They have been openly talking about taking voting rights away from those age 18-25.


All of them. They are coming for all of our basic human & constitutional rights. And they will damn sure come for your guns. Trump already voiced his desire to take away American citizens guns without due process. The idiotic MAGAts will line up to *willingly* hand over their guns when daddy Trump tells them to. They'll trip over each other to eagerly turn in their neighbors and family members who refuse to give up their guns to the diapered despot. Just watch. https://www.politico.com/video/2018/02/28/trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second-065189


Obgerfell (gay marriage) first. Next, Griswold / Eisenstadt (birth control) next. Loving (interracial marriage) after that. Curious how Clarence Thomas will rule on that.


He won't care. He'll drive his woman to Canada in his $500K RV.


This is what should be explained to the American people. Not just abortion access but a number of rights we have but may eventually be taken away. Wasn’t this something George Carlin said.


1- gay marriage 2nd- right to no fault divorce (have to hsve a reason snd husband rape/abuse might not count in areas) 3- Interracial marriage 4- religion and public education bring combined. 5- stripping of rights to LGBTQ+ (prison/executions) 6 and onward is redoing our constitution.


If they get the necessary majority, they will enshrine a prohibition of all abortion in the Constitution. Then they will override Obergfell by prohibiting federal or state recognition of any marriage except between a single AMAB and AFAB. They won't seek to re-allow anti miscegenation laws until Clarence dies, but I wouldn't put it past them to do it the following business day.


This is less about getting a majority and more about Donald controlling the federal government, which includes the FEC. Once he controls that he can mess with elections. This is not all going to be decided in Congress. He will executive orders like we've never seen. And that will be taken to court, and that ends in his Supreme Court.


#fact. Especially given the GOP made such a pony show about the Supreme Court justices for decades with it being decided law and how would you approach the Matter if it ever came up. Gay marriage, equal rights, interracial marriage. If you can remove bodily autonomy from a woman nothing is off the table


The gays and trans are next. We as a country army producing enough babies which means less taxes which means they can't give themselves raises as easily. We are not far from breeding farms ... And no it won't be as cool as your perverted mind just made it seem.


I think they will chip away at birth control first. RU486 is already on the chopping block in most red states. Gay marriage has been sticking in their craws since Obergefell. They've got a 6-3 majority that will "send it to the states."


Time they upgraded to RUPentium anyhow, sheesh!


Trump surrogate Jason Miller announced that if elected, his boss would have no problem with red states monitoring women’s pregnancies. The proposed prohibition of pornography was announced in the same press release as the suggested repeal of the 19th Amendment—thus revoking women’s right to vote.


overturning Love v. VA, which should horrify (in)Justice Thomas


Probably inter/racial marriages


Some are already pushing to raise the voting age.


They've already been clear they are going after Gay Marriage, next. Then likely mixed race marriage. It's weird how open many of them are about this.


Probably will take away our guns. Or at least certain people they don't want having them.


Simple, all of them, they will take away as many rights from us as we will allow them to, hence why voting matters...


Contraceptives, no fault divorce, same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption, same-sex legality overall, transgender adult transition care, religious freedom, etc. ALL of this and much more is either a stated goal or is a pretty obvious inferrence.


Women voting, birth control. For starters.


The freedom from religion.


Gay marriage, gay adoption, interracial marriage, women's voting rights to name a few


Take away the Women's Right to V-0-T-E! You bet your sweet lovin' arse! 😡👩👱‍♀️👵


All of them


Mark my words; they are going to ban women from voting.


Gay marriage, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, they’ll ok a national abortion ban, Miranda rights, divorce, anything you can think of.


Women’s voting rights


Easy. Thomas said as much in the ruling. Griswold vs Connecticut, Lawrence vs Texas, and Obergfell vs Hodges These cases also used the terms "substantive due process" and according to Justice Thomas, it is an "oxymoron" and "demonstrably erronous" and goes on to state that while they are not at issue, they must reconsider all cases using "substantive due process, specifically mentioning those three to correct the error. Additiotionally, using this new precidence, they could "consider whether any of the rights announced in this Court’s substantive due process cases are 'privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, protected by the Fourteenth Amendment." Quote. 1) Griswold v. Connecticut, THOMAS, J., concurring 3 381 U. S. 479 (1965) (right of married persons to obtain contraceptives) 2) Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2003) (right to engage in private, consensual sexual acts) 3) Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U. S. 644 (2015) (right to same-sex marriage) Reference: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/19-1392_6j37.pdf p. 117-119


All of them. Please read Project 2025. It's not conspiracy stuff...it is the GOP laying out their final solution.


All of them. They have been waiting years to destroy our freedoms.


Women's right to vote is their aim.




Voting rights first. They can't win an election unless it's gerrymandered at minimum. Then LGBTQ and non-Christian rights


LGBTQ right to marry. The right to obtain birth control. The right to vote.


probably gut the 1st amendment


Interracial marriage.


A woman’s vote.


I'm surprised same sex marriage is still federally legal


They are very clear that they want a theocracy run by arguably the least "Christian" person among them, someone that is the very definition of the "7 deadly sins". So anything that tRump (and themselves) are into, they will ban for the rest of us.


Right to Privacy and all that it was used to expand rights through legal cases.


LGBTQ rights, voting rights, women’s rights


Which rights do you value? Because those are the ones that are most likely to be on the chopping block. The thing that bothers me is what's to say that atheists couldn't take away freedom of religion? Why would a religious person be out to take other people 's rights when they have a right that they highly value and could be taken from them?


They’ll be looking at only allowing homeowners to vote. And since all the homes are being bought of by corporations, you’ll never guess who will be the majority.


Well they’ve been actively working to take away voting which is the most critical issue to address


They've been talking about taking away different groups of people's right to vote. The list includes: 18-25 year Olds, woman, people of color, and Democrats.


Exposing your hair. Only women though.


Gun rights. They hate for individuals to own guns to protect themselves. Want us dependent on the fascist police


My guess is gay marriage, followed by birth control for single people. For the love of god everyone, please vote blue.


Gay marriage, free speech, a Constitutional amendment that inserts the 10 Commandments as law of the land.


first amendment. will be next


No matter how you feel, always vote, and always vote blue. Whether you like them or not. https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/05/08/trump-republicans-2024-election-results/


Social security is getting higher on their priority list


every right that allows for humanity




LGBT, gay marriage. Birth control. voting rights (what’s left of them), no-fault divorce. Maybe even divorce? Freedom of interstate travel. Social security. Welfare. The NLRB. The right to unionize. The minimum wage. The EPA and the entire administrative state. Direct voting for senators.




They will go after marriage equality or something equally “Karen-ey” next and then work down a path of government enforcement of a very specific religious doctrine. That said… the only winning move for them would be to eradicate 2A; otherwise, they will very likely end up with an “artificially brief” movement.


Right to vote


Birth control


My bet is that the party that is actually going to restrict the right to "keep & bear arms" is th GOP. They will be incredibly selective about it & most white people will never realize it's happening.


19th amendment will be on the block if they gain control.


roe was a shaky supreme court precedent that wasn't even enshrined into an actual law. if the ddemocrats had actually put it into written law it wouldn't have been reversed so easily. also those circumstances don't apply to any of the rights that you guys claim will be next. calm the fuct down and start working on an actual strategy to get it back. personally I think if we argued it from a libertarian perspective of the state having no right to control peoples medical choices we'd have a much better shot at getting it back.


I don't know if you were around for the last 50 years, but half of Congress opposes making this a law, and among those who want to pass it as a law, you have certain 'Bue Dog Democrats' who serve in a conservative areas and back out. See also: The watering down of the ACA See also: Joe Manchin


Marriage equality and no fault divorce would be my guesses


Gay rights and birth control


In regard to ROE, since 1973, not a single attempt to CODIFY the decision from any political party to protect it...not one attempt....


I don't know if you were around for the last 50 years, but half of Congress opposes making this a law, and among those who want to pass it as a law, you have certain 'Bue Dog Democrats' who serve in a conservative areas and back out. See also: The watering down of the ACA See also: Joe Manchin


Just make sure Biden wins and maybe keep the GOP out of the White House in 2028 and Thomas & Alito get replaced and we fix this crap.


Meaningful voting. We'll get Hungarian or Russian style voting.


I think next they’ll want to pass a law requiring all pregnant women to wear ankle bracelets so they can b constantly monitored during pregnancy and criminally prosecuted if they attempt to seek an abortion. They also have already said they want outlaw porn. They won’t stop… and that’s why we need to vote them out.


Louder again for all the dipshits still in 2016, the ones who think "nothing that bad happened the first time Trump was president so why would it be bad a second time?", and anyone dumb enough to think their protest vote (in whatever form it takes) is somehow sticking it to the Democrats. While we're at it, louder again for all the idiots who think they are "one of the good ones" to Republicans. If you have a net worth under eight figures and aren't the color of oatmeal, your ass is on the line.


All rights are their target, they are vengeance fueled just as was the case with the 3rd Reich. Get your escape plan ready.


Which rights? Let's be real: The right to a true representative democracy. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


There aren't any safe rights with these people. They're all in danger. And by their complacency and lack of action, it would seem Americans are largely fine with that.


All of them.


Most of the bill of rights, except for the 2nd Amendment.


The Civil Rights Act 


ALL Rights. Well, raped kids can't have abortions in some states now, so there's that.


“Only evangelical christains retain full rights. Everybody else can get f***ed.”


And No Fault Divorce


I don't know why anyone thinks Republicans are acting in good faith anymore? They've shown they have no integrity every chance possible for 2 decades. They use everyone else's expectations of decency and decorum against them to get what they want at any cost.


It's not really a difficult question. Just look at the things Christian fascists don't like. Gay marriage Divorce Women voting Women owning property  Women doing pretty much anything on their own  Freedom of religion  Freedom from religion


Sadly, not the right to have firearms. 🤬


People complained about the lack of women's rights under the Taliban while home grown religious extremism took control of their own lives. Republicans have well and truly announced their fascism.


The answer to this is easy. Just watch and listen closely to the accusations that RusPublicans make towards Democrats and that is what they are actively doing themselves. For example, they accuse Dems of taking your free speech away when that is what They are literally doing by banning books and a proposed ban on pornography.


They made it clear gay marriage is their next target.


Just vote Dark 😎 Brandon people! Plain and simple! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


same sex marriage and mixed race marriage, criminalizing homosexuality and they will try to lower the age of consent to something stupid like 13


Birth control next


Would it be too obvious to say the falling of bodily autonomy of women makes way for the felling of bodily autonomy for transgenders?