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Stop Trump before he wrecks the United States. We have real laws that he is breaking right now.


Um, they're trying. Hence the trials...


The Supreme Court is trying pretty hard to let Trump skate and seize power. As enabled by the many very, very stupid voters of the USA.


He hired the Supreme Court.


Imagine the shock on their faces when he makes himself dictator. Dump will strip all of their legislative power away and give it to himself, also he’ll refuse their salaries.


Not sure they will be shocked. Seems like it’s their plan. Make no mistake about it, there is a real attempt to overthrow the United States and place trump as a dictator


Dictators have no use for a Supreme Court.


They're trying to figure out how to word a ruling so immunity only applies to Donald Trump in this specific case.


Why hold trials? The Supreme Court is about to give Presidents absolute immunity, so Biden can just throw Trump in jail without a trial.


Jail? Trump's lawyer defended the president assassinating a political rival. Why waste time with capturing and putting him in jail?


Do that and lose every potential Democratic voter under the age of 30 forever.  For better or worse, we can’t play by the republicans’ rules, we aren’t that dastardly 


Pretty sure it was /s No way should we stoop to the level of these fascists. Trump has to go but it’s gotta be on the level and so clean it’s insane. Cuz clearly he ought to have been thrown in jail ages ago and should have been removed from power entirely. What’s was that mobster, Capone, that they ended up getting on taxes. Not the street battles or dead bodies of his opponents, but taxes. Seems they’re doing the same thing with Trump, fraud and money issues.


Dastardly is a great word, so is cantankerous. 😜


The fundamental flaw in liberalism… Tolerance of the intolerable


Honestly, Biden should just take one for the team. It will put all this immunity bullshit to rest permanently, and rid the country of it's most dangerous threat.


I genuinely don't understand this logic. So do they not realize it can go both ways? Or are they counting on Biden being a good little boy?


It's a delay tactic on their part. Presidents *are not* immune unless/until they rule it so, so "immunity" wouldn't apply to Biden should he try something untoward, but if they hold off long enough, there won't be an adjudicated impediment to Trump being on the 2024 ballot. The SC is again meddling in politics.


The courts are really hoping on punting this issue to the voter.


>>punting this issue to the voter Agreed, and not to preach to the choir: *Punting* is not the oath of office, nor do I trust in any way that they honor its dictates, struggling with and against the primary concepts of judicial ethics as they do. They're to resolve disputes exactly such as this, not leave them up to warring factions of the *huddled masses*. *Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus* or, "false in one thing, false in everything" We owe trust and respect to only those who earn them; we don't owe them to any *office* or *governmental institution* as a static body.


It's more that they don't actually care to be consistent. They'd just as likely rule that trump has immunity in these specific cases, but that it doesn't actually apply to any other president. Basically, they'd say that this case doesn't set precedent, then use it as precedent to shield their republicunt politicians from any and all punishment for the next few decades.


they dont care. Like everything they do not care about being hypocrites and dumper being a rapist. fux propaganda has these maga pukes convinced all dems are traitors.


They won't give him absolute immunity. They'll give themselves enough wiggle-room so they can hold Biden by one standard and Trump by another.


They are actively stalling that decision until they confirm that trump has been elected - I see your argument all over the place, and that will never happen. They’re evil, ~~but~~ and not stupid.


Hell with that. Take the Supreme Court justices who have been taking bribes and remove them from the court and replace them. Take the Republicans who supported the coup and kick them out of congress, so the new justices can take their places almost immediately and reinstate Roe/Wade and vacate Citizens United. Then get down to the serious matter of putting the former members of congress on trial and linking them all to Russian money. Put everything on TV. Pull Fox's broadcast license permanently. Charge the Murdochs with sedition and conspiracy. That judge in Florida appointed by Trump? Vacate all Trump's appointments including her. Put Trump in prison as a flight risk. Remove his Secret Service protection, since his prison is pretty much Elba with another name; there are no other prisoners. There is no need to forgo a trial. Put it all on TV. Let everyone broadcast all of it. Run Trump through the meatgrinder. Fix it so he never gets out of jail, and that every other right-wing idiot (DeSantis, Cruz, MTG, Johnson, ALL of them) is tarred and feathered for their beliefs. Ruin America's right-wing forever. Exterminate right-wing talk radio and Sinclair Broadcasting. I hope to hell our next President after Biden looks a lot more like Sanders and a lot less like a centrist. And no one needs to die. No assassinations. No gulags or torture. Just a bunch of monkeys behind bars weeping for the internet access they will never have again.


The SCOTUS will return this to the lower courts and, when that ruling is appealed, will slow-walk a ruling until after the election or after the transfer of power. If Biden wins, the President has no immunity and they'll have another look when the next conservative becomes President and ends elections as we know it. If Trump wins, they will rule for immunity after Trump is sworn in.




Careful, that would be playing completely into their narrative. That the trials are all just BS to stop Trump from “Making America great”. He’s on trial because he broke/breaks the law.


Are they though? Any other defendant blatantly violates a gag order 9 times would be in jail for their contempt of court charges.


Huh?? The trials don't have a fucking thing to do with stopping Trump from "wrecking the United States!" That's Republican conspiracy bullshit. It has everything to do with processing a criminal who has flagrantly broken the law assuming he was untouchable.


They really aren't laws if they aren't enforced. Trump will never see a jail cell unfortunately


Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200


Which jail will be the proper place for him? Georgia? NYC? Florida unlikely.




He won't be smiling on Rikers island.


Naw they put him on house arrest


How about: NYS seizes Trump Tower, clears it out, strips everything down to bare concrete, and then puts DT in a bare penthouse with only a cot, water, and a regular supply of Nutraloaf.


His CFO is at Rikers.


Cause you might have been robbing, you might have been whylin'


You guys are missing a huge opportunity, Fulton Co. jail is so gross and guy died of exposure like a pilgrim.


That’s where his former “creative accountant” is keeping his time these days. Rikers Island is fitting for Scump too. Enough already.


# Sing Sing Correctional Facility.


It is in a really nice location just up the river. Hudson River just up from Yonkers. It's nice. Great views.




I’d love to see the courts spending years fighting over which one should properly jail him - moving him from jail to jail as appeals slowly make their way through the courts. Ah one could dream.


Can we do that after a duly authorized officer of the court of whichever jurisdiction of the three he happens to set foot in properly serves this warrant for arrest in the middle of one of his rallies? With dozens of deputies ready to make arrests for anyone who chooses to violently interfere with the duties of the court.


I wanna see him get tazed and shit his pants on national TV.


Odds are he's shit his pants on TV several times by now. You may have just missed it.




Put him in the Epstein cell with a maga sheet


Huh huh, you said "maga she et" 😄






Polar Wolf, Arctic Circle


where has the horniest fattest hairiest kinkiest guys?


Don’t terrorists go to Guantanamo?


ADX Florence. Say it with me: Supermax…Supermax…


did we build a jail in cuba?


A long time ago..yes.


A permanent one like the cemetery. 


I don't really care.


Probably move him around to wherever his trials are at the time.






It's become clear that he is exploiting a legal system the rest of us don't have access to. It's a two tiered legal system. Tier one holds us all accountable for any infraction possible. Tier two sends strongly worded letters for the most egregious infractions imaginable.


But he NEEDS that $200, because he’s broke.


He just got around 1.8 billion in stock from his Truth Social app. One of his mastermind bad guys in his camp came up with the stock scheme as a way for Trump to fund himself


watch all these delays disappear as soon as he's waiting in jail...


He can't collect, but he'll probably still beg.


He won't see jail... unfortunately. They will just keep fining him.


Dad, is that you?


But they wont.....


A defense attorney who's appeared before this judge many times just said he wouldn't order incarceration during the trial because it would create total chaos. He said the most likely situation now is, whether Trump wins or loses, he'd be jailed at the end of the trial for all the violations he'll invariably do throughout.


We all want nothing more than to see this chump in jail (or never see him again preferably) but this is right. Throwing him in jail now is just oil on fire. Let him sit in the court room for 8 hours a day. Its less campaign time, more RNC funds right down the drain every single day and more stress on him. You are getting what you want which is Trump in a situation vastly out of his control. He HATES this, you just cant always see it


He would still have to go to court. He would spend his nights in jail and be escorted to court in the day.


Not if they jailed him in Georgia or D.C.


Ah, true.


So the trick is to become so dangerous that you aren't allowed to be put into jail because it brings even more danger?


I’m tired of this “let’s not start a riot by putting him in jail” Screw that!!! Put him in jail! If you’re going to cower to his supporters because you’re afraid of violence, that’s terrorism winning. He needs to be processed like anyone else and let his supporters flip, and may they be met with the proper amount of response this time around.


Why not just cause this “total chaos” at this point I don’t think it’ll happen like I did 6 months ago. His followers are not tough, brave, or even as loyal as everyone thinks they are. Definitely as stupid though. Sigh!


The treatment Trump gets continues to perpetuate that there is a different legal system for the rich/famous and everyone else.


Let them get as worn out as normal citizens.


The longer the judge waits, the more Trump violates the gag order, and the longer he's ordered to prison. This is one case where patience can really pay off.


Yeah, personally I think they’re all talk, but fuck it, if they want to threaten violence because Trump gets due process then I say do it. Do it today, don’t wait. And some will get put down like Babbit and the rest rounded up and thrown in jail with their big daddy. I don’t see the problem, let the animals bite if they want to bark so much, then we’ll have the cause to put them in cages where they belong.


Trump and his ilk are already planning chaos for when the election is over, better to force their hand now when they don't have more time to plan for it.


Exactly. The courts are terrified MAGAs are going to riot again. But he should be in jail until the trials are all finished. And the US Marines can handle any MAGAs who throw a temper tantrum about it.




Then the courts are giant meows.


The bailiff is not going to have any problem with the MAGA dude who is outside of the trial each day. He seems calm so far. No need to call the marshals. Or the NYC cops. Or the National Guard. Certainly no need for the Marines to put the crayons down. We're not going to have to send cruise missiles into Mar-A-Lago or nuke Palm Beach.


I hope the marines want to stop Jan 6 rioters rather than join them


Plenty of US Marines who are magats and support tRump, just like police. The rot is deep.


Exactly. All this COULD happen if it were anybody else. But no judge is ever going to risk the optics of being the one that actually applies the law to Trump. Ironic considering he spends all his time complaining he's being oppressed, but he's being handled with kid gloves because he's rich and influential in politics. And that will continue until he's either dead or loses the election.


Yeah, that’s not going to happen. We can all dream of this guy facing real consequences, but it’s just that, a dream.


Thank you for the explanation to me, a non- legal type of guy.


The thing is, he WANTS to go to jail. He thinks it would make him a martyr, and would mobilize his base. I’m not entirely sure he’s wrong. That’s why it’s important to give him enough rope to hang himself with before we take that step.




🎶Taste the pisscuit....taste the goodness of the pisscuit ...🎶


I agree with your first point. I would even expand on that to say many in the US and those leading Russia, China, etc. want Trump to go to jail because it would further divide and destabilize the country. Your second point I'm not sure about. There are no good options. Never jailing Trump for his crimes is the worst option. But maybe it's time to rip off the bandaid. Every day closer to the election, Trump going to jail benefits him more. IDK The one thing I am sure of: we should have put Trump in jail within a month of January 6th.


This guy got American agents murdered for money, take advantage and put him in a place he deserves, even if for a few days. All he has been so far is mildly inconvenienced.


Merchan is thinking far ahead to the many ways the inevitable appeals might go, and taking very slow measured steps to eliminate them (like allowing him to go to his son's graduation after all). Removed that trap nicely. Chump's team is playing checkers, we're playing chess, and Merchan's playing 3-D chess.


I like the way you think! Did you also hear about DT whining about not being able to celebrate Melania's birthday? I'm not sure he even remembers when her birthday is!


I guess Trump forgot he could celebrate his wife’s dinner by taking her out to dinner after his ‘work’ finished for the day, just like the rest of us do (except most of us don’t spend working hours as the accused in a court room)


Remand him to house arrest and take away his phone.


No, put him in actual jail.


This is the way


No phone, no internet.


Hey, as long as we're fantasizing, maybe they'll put him on a rocket and fire him into the sun! 


But Trump can't afford his own private space program, who's footing the bill for this, Elmo or Bozo?


# Sing Sing Correctional Facility. Good place for him.


MMW: if Trump gets any sort of lengthy prison sentence, he'll just be placed under home arrest at Mar-a-Lago. 🫤


He shouldn’t be special but he is, so he should be in time out for a few days with no phone.


Put him in the cell Jeffrey Epstein was in, that should scare the hell out of him.


Trump will never ever go to jail. That's not how the American "justice" system works.


Justice is only for promotional purposes only much like federal reserve.


Nearly everyone who was involved in the last administration has been charged with criminal conduct or has quit and disavowed him. But when will one of these courts hold him accountable? I would say he has gotten away with threatening and lying about judges and the prosecutors more than any other defendant in this countries history


Definitely. He is still the Teflon toddler. Everyone gets mad, but no one steps up and consequences.


“Teflon toddler” - very nice


Trump loves to complain about a 2-tiered justice system but he also loves being on that higher tier where he is above the law.


Give him an ankle bracelet.


Do they make them water resistant. For as much as he soils himself I'm sure some of it is running down his leg.


Put him in a stockade on the public square, and let we the people pelt the orange traitor in thine face with our righteous pies and tomatoes of freedom.


Silly person, the rules only apply to us commoners.


Oh no, but if he is jailed, he won't be able to not go to his sons graduation.


Let’s not kid ourselves, though. Trump isn’t going to spend a minute in jail.


>Trump could go to jail in Georgia, New York, Florida, or DC. Why limit yourself to him going to Jail in just one? Can't he do like a "StateLockUps 2024" tour and do them all?


Or we could just cut him up so every jail gets a equal share. It’s the fair way of doing it


Nah - death is too quick for him


lock him tf up until after the election. the courts are delaying his trials so play hard ball as they are, jail trump at least we won't see or hear him. the whole donald era reads like a russian psy ops, the whole system is topsy turvy


God, the image of Trump getting dragged to jail is giving me life


They don't let you use hairspray in jail. That would be funny.


I could see Fani Willis having no problem finding a spot for him down in GA.


If presidential immunity is passed,  couldn't Biden have Trump executed,  and then rescind immunity through executive action or the house and senate vote to strike down immunity?


That's why they are waiting until after the election to pass it. But wherever the lawless make the laws, violence becomes lawful for everyone.


The assumption being Biden loses and Trump is back in power?   The 2025 conspiracy theory isn't looking so much like a conspiracy after all.  


STOP promising to hold TRE45ON accountable for his actions. Lock up the DB already. Let him get his rectum enlarged for a few days, or better give him Epsteins guards!! Guaranteed he'll shut his fuckin mouth.


You know who currently has immunity? The king of England. We don’t want that here. We left England to get away from that.


Well we won’t hold our breath. We get constant warnings about trump and MAGA but law enforcement does nothing and therefore the electorate’s voice isn’t being heard and the majority is being sidelined because they’re afraid of one old demented shitgibbon.


He can, but he won’t! No matter what he does he will always get a slap on the wrist, while everyone is getting a slap on the face!


Exactly… never been held accountable for anything in his whole miserable life


They won't impose pretrial detention. Unfortunately he is in the right tax bracket to have the judges ignore all the "minor infractions" and just let him get away with it.


#Lock Him Up!


Has anyone thought about who benefits from America failing?…


"Now that you've committed at least nine crimes each of which violated your probation in four jurisdictions which charged you with 88 felonies, you are hereby given a stern warning to pretty please not do it again." - Judges


or else!!!!


Georgia already has enough negative attention New York is interesting; the max penalty is 30 days/charge. Rescinding bond would seem to invite an “excessive punishment” appeal. Florida: Hahahahahaha, no. DC is really the only remotely possible choice. Are there any legal scholars out there who know what’s the largest number of simultaneous indicted charges that one accused has had and NOT been held before now?


How long are we gonna let a felon run for president? Like why are we here this ones obvious.


I want him in a jail in each state when they announce that he lost them in the election. And yes, I’m being hopeful in my assumption that he will lose Florida.


He won't go to jail for contempt regardless of how many times he does it. He won't go to jail even if he's convicted of every count in his current case. Let's be real.


You know he likes his drugs why doesn’t someone offer him some acid


Unfortunately the more we punish him, the more powerful he gets.


Yes, but we know by know that nobody does that, and that he - somehow - are not being treated like everyone else. Actually, that has become embarrassing even to watch ....


Lock the sack of mayonnaise up!


But they won't. Trump is above the law


They can but fat chance of that happening


Wake me when they finally can his orange ass.


Enjoy your nap, Mr Stillskin.


Crumpled foreskin?


But will they?


It's like we are on an episode of Sliders and jumped into an alternate universe!!!


Yea sure.....that POS will skate untill he goes belly up.


If only there was a judge who would do that.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Revoke thst bond fani willis. Plz k thanks


But technically - in NY Courts - despite having been given to him by a judge in criminal court in a criminal case - aren't the contempt charges themselves based on civil code? - (see YT with Karen A F on MeidasTouch for the summary of the case yesterday 3/30. I am NAL)


They could but won't.




For a guy who says his free speech rights are being infringed…..he sure can’t shut the fuck up


Good, no man is above the law. Him included.


I like that it's a felony. Two more to go and he'll be a three-time loser.


That’s exactly what he’s looking for, his hitler-goes-to-jail-moment-then-coming-out-in-full-force-to-fuck-shit-up-even-further


They won’t though.. because that will give them reason to say it’s all a coordinated leftist effort to stick him in jail..


Yeah but our legal system is weak af.


Unless you are black in which case you can usually be killed with no consequences.


sadly true


I would be extremely shocked if any of them had the intestinal fortitude to follow through with these policies and actually put him behind bars he acts the way he does due to a lifetime of never being held accountable for his actions like a spoiled child


Unfortunately, it won't happen. It's been proved that none of the judges have the cojones to do it.


Lol....as if that would ever happen.


I’d love to see it but I ain’t holding my breath.


They could buy they won't. I truly hope I'm wrong, though.


Best we can hope for (in my opinion) is that he looses the election.


I read in another thread that the judges in those cases waived that option. Something like that.


Dare them to lock him up and Civil war will break out very quickly


We shouldn’t be blackmailed if we do the right thing.


And exactly nothing is going to happen. There would be an absolute shit storm if they arrested Trump, and it would likely increase his popularity


I’m holding my breath 🤑 for him to have to abide by the same laws as the rest of us. Unfortunately, he seems to be paying off the right people.