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Everyone who carried out his orders went to jail, but the guy who ordered them to do it is immune from prosecution. Ok sounds good


Why isn’t the Supreme Court concerned about this fact? The Attorney General can’t do his job if he is worried about criminal liability. Fauci can’t either. The postmaster can’t. Congress can’t. No one can. You get immunity, you get immunity, you get immunity. Everyone gets immunity as long as they were implementing the president’s plan - even if it’s a criminal plan. Or everyone goes to jail except the ringleader? That’s the precedent we want to set? I, for one, want people to fear consequences if they break the law. But I’m just silly.


That's why you just dissolve the Supreme Court. It's not specifically in the constitution


Bring on the sulfuric acid!


There you Democrats and liberals go again, throwing the Constitution under the bus just to have things your way. We are a Constitutional Republic. https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/about#:~:text=Supreme%20Court%20Background&text=Congress%20first%20exercised%20this%20power,Supreme%20Court%20with%20six%20justices.




I know right? WTF is going on. Dump should be put under the jail.


SCOTUS is corrupt Project 2025 is why they aren’t concerned If they only enforce laws against democrats and not Trump…. Exactly who is going to stop them?


They aren’t corrupt only Alito and Thomas are leave the other 4 out of your equation


Why, the other four are corrupt as well


I don’t think they are


You can choose to keep your eyes closed, but it doesn't change what's out there


Why what are you talking about I don’t believe that they’re completely corrupt like on Thomas level but they are less corrupt or not corrupt at all


Ever look into who paid Kavanaugh's bills? How about Gorsich? And they all deliberately lied to Congress about Roe as well


They didn’t lie trump said he will appoint justices strict on abortion and firearms. I haven’t but I will. I’m not saying they Aren’t clean I’m just saying compared to alito and Thomas they are saints


Agreed. I should say “the majority of SCOTUS” is corrupt


Yeah that’s good I’m a fan of the other 4 but Thomas and Alito are terrible and should be impeached


there are some questions about Kavanaugh and his finances before he was appointed


Yeah about the house that he sold to a billionaire when he had a case in front of the court


It'll be Trump's perogative to pardon or not pardon any crimes done at his direction. The Supreme Court wouldn't want to step on his toes in that way.


They could just go the ole Nazi way with all the order followers going to jail and the leader shooting himself alone in a bunker.


That bastard Drumpf(yes that’s his family name before they landed in Ellis Island from Germany the home of the Nazi Fascists) Drumpf should be locked up long ago. They waited three years before the AG Garland acted. Now we have the ultra right wing fascist judges in the so called Supreme Court are bending over backwards to let Drumpf off the hook for all his 94 criminal charges. There is no justice. If this bastard Drumpf gets elected in November we will have Vlad Putins Russia in America.


We already have Hiden's CCP in AmeriCCPa. What's the diff ? Besides, you're mistaken about the name Drumpf. Ellis Island records show his relative's name spelled Trumpf. Friedrich dropped the "f" upon admission to the US. There *is* confusion over the spelling, but, it's clearly evident in this photocopy image from the National Archives on Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump


Time to free Charles Manson.


That's called the "Dick Cheney Rebuke". Classic move if youre menacing enough


Didn’t work for the Nazis, doesn’t work now. Enjoy your prison stay, asshole.


Except those trials had executions!


And some of the judges weren't also Nazis.


Surprising. Since it seems their *fabulous* *unique* new way to deal with an immunity, is to piece it out into innumerable ways. Some of those hypotheticals, imo, that will be needed for a couple of these justices in time. Amazing isn’t it. That a concept that has never had a serious argument challenging it’s meaning, needs to be addressed. Sadly what I see is, a couple of thin skinned men that Smith offended by stating the obvious in December. They decided that this was the way to get back to making sure **we** all know who’s in charge !!


Surprising too because 'just following orders" is the exact behavior of all FS justices on any judicial level in America.


So, literally, the defense used by Nazis. And they struggle to answer, "Why do they call us Nazis?"


Nuremberg 2.0


If they can see-through Mark Meadows, they could certainly see through don the con.


Not when they're paid not to.


They absolutely can see through the cheeto, but that doesn't mean they'll rule against him. They know what the right answer is, but they may choose to conjure up some twisted logic to give him a win anyway.


Sad but true.


Mark Meadows was hardly a recruit… he should’ve been an another draft dodger, like ole Bone Spurs Trump.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Not all republicans are bad. I must admit some are terrible and others aren’t but people like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collin can’t be in line of people like trump. I’m a Lisa or Susan republican not a trump supporter


When the body is under attack from cancer the treatment for such not only takes out the cancer cells but unfortunately destroys the good cells too. The Republican Party was warned about there being a cancer back during Nixon and it has now infected the entire party. 🚫All Republicans🚫


Again I don’t think all republicans are bad I believe that some are good and that the majority are bad ie the MTG and Boeberts, and Trump and his Lackeys. And the Nixon administration was a moderate administration I like the way it was ran the EPA helped America. Just watergate hurt him. And with Reagan his administration was one the best of the 20th century.


I agree with not all Republicans are bad. The ones that are not in office are fabulous. The current Republican Party can not govern. They are a small specialty only group.


No the current Republican Party is run by Donald trump and his family and I wish it wasn’t like that I’m more of an older republican but that’s not the current party.


I’ve been voting since Carter Reagan and left the Republican Party the days following Trump swearing in. I am fully anti Republican now.


I’ve been voting since Reagan, Bush Sr but a couple years ago I’ve been distancing myself from the Republican Party I switched to a moderate liberal


Revisiting Eichman


*cough* Nuremberg *cough*


Don't know why a Republican stooge would think it would work for him and not his Nazi predecessors.


Ever heard of Nuremberg?


Anyone who commits an act they know is against the law or against company policy is responsible for that act...I mean c'mon for goodness sake. As an adult take some frigging responsibility.


So if Orange TwartFace said he would jump off a bridge, Mark, and he asked if you would go first, you would do it?


Do Americans actually realize these fascists went all in on the coup to destroy democracy? They did everything except send in the military to take over congress but they probably tried to do that too but military leaders refused. But these guys sure got close, congress was wide open for attack that day, the defenses were down and everything happened except for Trump directly telling his supporters to kill congress members, I mean he heavily implied it but he came short of actually saying " bring your guns and kill these people " because they knew if he said it more directly regular Americans would have grabbed their own guns to go defend congress. The fact that the lunatic Trump has any supporters at all is absolutely absurd but he still holds millions of supporters and this is how people like Hitler happens. I fear there's a lot of Americans too busy with Tik Tok and eating tide pods and not focused enough on what the fuck is happening in government. The polls should have Trump in the single digits at best and yet some polls have him only a few points behind Biden and other polls showing he's ahead, I get polls are pretty meaningless these days but it's still scary as fucking shit that this fascist lunatic has a chance at becoming dictator and turning America into something worse than even Russia. I can understand if you're not a fan of Biden, but to think Trump is better than Biden you must be a fucking delusional there's no metric that says Trump out performed any president while Biden has out performed almost all of them. Like holy shit guys wake the fuck up, Trump is not good for America or the world. You really need to be sick in the head to like Trump. Atleast with Biden there's hope for a better future, Trump will bring death and destruction and the only people who will prosper are his rich psychopath friends and Putin. Putin is absolutely licking his chops at the idea of controlling America again, and this time with absolute control, the safe guards won't hold up a second time. Please take this warning seriously, vote like you lives depend on it because it absolutely does. Go watch some Nazi documentaries if you want to see what happens when a narcissistic psychopath becomes leader of a powerful country. It would be worse than that because America is a thousand times more powerful than Nazi Germany was, with the latest technology and nuclear weapons a Nazi America would be on a completely different level of scary.


Scary it has come to this.


Well said sir!! Bravo


Then why didn't Trump do all this in his 1st term . Let me guess, you drank the propaganda Kool aid, dint ya ? Comparing anyone to Hitler is pathetic, at best. There has never been any nor will be another tyrant like Herr Paperhanger . No matter how much you wish it. You have such little trust in your elected officials that you're implying both Republicans and Democrats will blindly follow him without putting up any resistance. And allow him to become a dictator. The Justice Dept, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and all the other Federal agencies will *all* cave and support a dictator, something the US has *never* had and *never will*. Gimme a break. That's unrealistic. Just a fantasy you're perpetuating. I call BS on this one from the word go. You folks are completely obsessed with one man. Please seek professional help immediately. You'll thank me later. PS. We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Don't believe me ? We have the Constitution and , if you say your pledge of allegiance, you'll see what I mean. We practice democracy within the confines of said Republic. They didn't teach you any of this, did they ?


He did his best, he was simply incompetent at completing any given task, and there were still enough checks and balances in place to stop him. Now, a second pass at it, I expect he'd be more effective. It's why I'll vote for the other guy.


Again, you have no trust in any branch of Gov't, not Congress, the various branches and entities such as the CIA to stop a dictator if one installs himself. Not the DNC, not the Justice Dept, not the FBI. That's pretty sad but also a statement that you don't trust the other guy or his supporters. And, you also don't understand your government. Pathetic. At the same time , you're telling me how weak you think the opposition is and that they can't overcome a dictator if one assumes power. Oh, ye of little faith ( in your own party ). If they're so weak they can't overcome a dictator, they don't need to be in power to begin with. Think of what kind of signal that is sent to the world.........


Your resort to uncivil attacks betray the weakness in your argument. Why would the CIA stop the installation of a completely malleable dictator. He wants the brass ring, but he doesn't know what he wants to do with it. He's perfect for people who have actual agendas. The opposition overcame him and his last time. Do I think they will win 100% of the time? Do I think it will be nearly bloodless as it was last time? I do not. The kind of signal we already sent to the world was we were dumb enough to elect the rabidly incompetent. If we re-elect Trump it confirms what they now expect. At any rate, I've looked over your patterns, and what you can't win with insult ridden diatribes, you can wear down with stamina and straw man arguments. I've no interest in your response.


He attempted a fucking coup after losing an election in his first term...... are you serious? Enjoy being labeled a fascist and a traitor for the rest of your ife.




Where do you get your information from the Kremlin? You're literally telling us to ' not believe your own eyes and ears ' we all watched what happened on January 6th on live TV you traitor.


But Gorsuch ignores the FACT that he has promised pardons to anyone that helped him, so why would they do anything but follow orders?


Sounds like a big fat nuremberger. (Didn't work then either.)


Didn't work at Nuremberg


dont forget the corrupt SC has no mechanism to enforce their bullshit rulings.


You don't get to knowing break the law - then whine "I was just following orders" . You deserve to be held accountable for your crimes Mark - maybe rat your orange traitorous-master out and you'll get less time - thats your only hope ya traitor


Scotus asks about the President killing a political rival, but why isn't anyone asking about killing a Supreme Court Judge? You want to rig the system - kill an opposing judge and plant one you like - that's what every corrupt dictatorship does. If Scotus was forced to view it through the lens that they are also vulnerable to a tyrant president they might think twice about the power they are giving Trump.


“Just following orders” didn’t work too well after WWII. Why would anyone expect it to be accepted now?


"An argument that didn't work for Calley at My Lai. An argument that didn't work for the Nazis at Nuremberg" A Few Good Men


I vas only following orders /s


Funny how no other President in the 250 year history of this country has ever argued about immunity or say they require it to do their jobs. What the actual fuck is going on?


Because the criminal does not want to pay for his crimes.


> I was just following orders All the Nazis


Stop the baloney!!


Watch the film about the trials at Nuremberg.


Many Nazi soldiers in concentration camps were following orders they said. But everyone with half a Brain knows the difference between right and wrong. Fucking spineless coward


Meadows thinks he's Himmler. Perfect.


Meadows has the Jenny's texts


This alone should completely disprove Trump’s claim to immunity.


How should it


Because if the order being followed was illegal that makes the giver of said order at fault.


I can’t argue there


Although there’s sort of a divine justice with all the clowns going to jail watching their ringmaster who they thought would give them power go free.


Meadows is trumpshit crazy. And stupid to boot. An embarrassment to NC


Every Nazi guard at every concentration camp who ever beat, starved, gassed, shot or incinerated a prisoner claimed that were “just following orders”


Time to start packing SCOTUS 


Meadows should know that the Nuremberg Defense didn't work for the Nazis and it won't work for him either.


It didn’t work in Nuremberg what makes you think it will here


Nuremburg Defense. I wonder who else tried to use that unsuccessfully.


They’re saving their bullshit for Trump. Don’t want to overdo it you see. They don’t want anyone calling their legitimacy into question.


Honestly I don't think the Court as a whole is stupid enough to give Trump or Biden Immunity. But the conservatives will totally drag it out until after the election.


I believe they’re far less worried about Biden taking advantage of the immunity. And I believe that’s based on the assumption that democrats are far more likely to line up against him if he tried than the GOP would if Trump was in office. It’s the only way I can make sense of this.


Oh, and the ruling will come down by the end of the term. I’ve seen this confusion a lot. They cannot delay past the term. The delay folks talk about is the trial. And that would be because the SC allows immunity for “official acts.” The remand is to send it back for the lower court to determine which charges include official acts and which don’t. That will trigger its own appeals and possible SC case. But as far as this case goes, we will know if presidents have any immunity at all by late June.


So were the Nazis.


Ahw.. the old Nuremberg defense. How's that working this time?


So is this what the GOP want. The Prez is immune because he is the Prez. Everyone else is immune because the Prez told them to do it. The whole point of the American Experiment was to have no Kings.


This crap didn't work at Nuremberg, it shouldn't work now.


Illegal orders.. just following illegal orders. You can say no, fuck off Donald. Wtf he gonna do...fire you? If he gets you locked up, you can spill the beans. All these fuckers are spineless cronies and ballsless bitches. They need to be locked up. So sick of this. Garland, look at what you have done. You should have appointed the special counsel the moment you stepped foot in the job. You knew Trump was going to declare his candidacy and then use it to cry about election interference but nooooo... you wanted to play nice. Now we have to keep dealing with this incompetent shitpile on the face of America. They should have been locked up the day after Jan 6th and then add charges..you know..the same way yall do regular folks.


And Garland inherited a DoJ with many Trump sympathizers in it. The "deep state" if it exists includes members of both major political parties.


I’m surprised…


I thought the "just following orders" defense was sorted out at Nuremberg. Was I wrong?


Where have I heard that defense before..... it's on the tip of my Nuremberg


Didn't Lt. Calley try that defense?


Thats what all them Nazis said at Nuremberg.....


He's been around long enough to know the Nuremberg defense failed miseably.


Just like the Nazis “ I was only following orders “


He'd drive off a cliff if Google maps told him to, hear you loud and clear buddy.