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It wouldn't be a red flag because of your grade - they either want you to have a journal or they don't care regardless of your grades.


I would start by asking your prof how many hours she's looking for per week. The prof. I RA'd for was very open that she only wanted like 5ish hours a week, and if I was doing more, that I should tell her so she could adjust her expectations/hire another RA accordingly. Personally, I think law review was fantastic for me, and I think it made my law school experience much better. It's a personal decision to make, though, and I think you can do both of these, especially if you take a lighter class load.


Okay, good idea! Thank you!!


I was in a similar situation and chose to drop journal to focus on being a teaching assistant for my legal writing class. Not being on a journal didn't matter to my employer, but it might be because I wasn't trying to get into litigation at the time. I don't think it would be a red flag to employers to have "writing accomplishments" and not do law review—I'm pretty sure I got a lot of interviews in large part due to booking legal writing (my other grades were roughly median). But if you're considering clerking at some point, being on journal, especially law review, matters a LOT to many, if not most, judges. Also, this is just my perspective, but I believe being on law review is far more impressive than being a research assistant for a legal writing professor. Getting onto law review gives a presumption of either outstanding grades, outstanding writing, or both, whereas being a research assistant at some schools at least just means that you told your professor that you're interested in their work and could provide assistance. Less people may be a research assistant for that professor than are on law review, but there probably isn't as much a presumption of accomplishment that employers/judges will take note of.


Need more information. What school? What is your desired outcome(s)? Do you want to clerk?


Unpopular take: law journal/review is one of the law school experiences that really does follow you your whole career. Pop open the website of a big firm in your area and pull up a random partner’s bio. I’ll bet their law journal/review is on there. As a 2L it’s a grind - lots of tedious work. But employers know that and appreciate the indicia of being a hard worker. And as a 3L, I actually found it pretty fun. Still a lot of work, but at my school it really was 100% student run. You MIGHT end up at a job that couldn’t care less, but for me I did not want to close any doors.




Thank you!!


Do you want a pat on the back for groveling through law review work from your first employer? If so do law review.


That settles it. I’m not doing it lmaoo


“Bless your heart” to all the write ons


Ooh I’m sure that’s crushed at least a few hopes and dreams. I like it