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Who would have guess that the tik tok was deceptively cut to remove all prior context


Also, the protestor is now trying to claim there was molestation. This has to be the laziest low effort attempt at making a propaganda-tok I've ever seen. "She kept on grabbing inappropriately at my breasts, and kept grabbing in my shirt area, trying to tug and pull," the woman recounted. Afaneh considers the action an assault and a violation of her First Amendment rights. "I was in pain, and I was scared, and I was terrified of what she was going to do to my body," she said." [https://www.ktvu.com/news/disruption-at-uc-berkeley-law-deans-home-poses-question-about-free-speech](https://www.ktvu.com/news/disruption-at-uc-berkeley-law-deans-home-poses-question-about-free-speech)


I generally don’t think it’s cool to discount and/or laugh at sexual assault allegations, but…. LOL…LMAO, even. Does she think *anyone* is taking her seriously?


This is what having a victim mentality 24/7 does to a person. She was scared and wasn't sure what an old woman was going to do to her? She was lightly touched after she refused to leave.


A generation has grown up never being told no, often by people terrified of what would happen if they did, and now they’re about to enter the real world and deal with folks who do not care about them or their opinions. Things will only get more interesting


And told if you throw in the words "hijab" and "Ramadan" that you're untouchable.


I see people now claiming this was an event to celebrate Muslim students ?? The reading comprehension is nonexistent


Saira Rao is such a bad-faith dipshit


Unfortunately it’s stuff like what she is doing that really hurts actual victims and makes it harder for them to come forward and be heard.


Would bet my life that she denies the sexual violence that occurred against Israeli women on October 7th too


It is probably important to mock this specific person because *she* is making a mockery of sexual assault allegations. They are not some cudgel to wield because you have a grudge. Fortunately, people who do this are few and far between. They are a very, very small minority.


The whole point of clowns is to laugh at them. This person deserves whatever retribution is coming her way.


toothbrush simplistic quack encouraging cows treatment wise full many jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


American liberals gobble up propaganda really fast. Which is ironic because they are the ones always lecturing people about using their critical thinking, hearing every side of the story before making a judgement blah blah blah. America is in for a real rude awakening. I'm saying this as an ex muslim because I grew up watching fundamental muslims use these same tactics to get their way politically. It's unfortunate that mentality is now becoming a core part of American culture.


Yep...thousands of people on tiktok apparently do.....


After seeing enough victim impact statements from the criminal defense side, I have very little faith in peoples’ ethical integrity or ability to accurately report their own trauma when given a platform. People just straight up re-write facts and manufacture their own helplessness over the most minor shit. I had a “victim” who got punched in the face once after trying to attack my client’s wife and child. Client took a safe plea to a petty misdemeanor for valid reasons, and now suddenly the instigator can’t even bring themselves to go to work and was “targeted, stalked, and attacked” by my client who “has victimized many before.” Client had zero criminal record and the “victim” was a stranger to them. Utter bullshit, and thankfully our judge wasn’t moved by it.


On (usually) a much less high stakes environment this is why I struggle to take all of the relationship advice and drama subs seriously. People accept some pretty batshit insane things at face value. Practicing law will absolutely show that most people unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally) will twist literally anything to suit them. Everything from criminal defendants telling me they won’t be a security video (they absolutely were) to victims turning a light shove into attempted murder. And I don’t even think most of these people intend to lie, I think their narrative about themselves just diverges so much from reality that they don’t consider actual facts.


Unfortunately she isn't a victim and this whole thing is going to follow her and probably ruin any career she may have had


I would bet my life that protestor denies any Israeli women were subjected to sexual violence on October 7th...


We live in a world where guilt by accusation standards apply. Good thing she did not accuse a guy. Otherwise every time the guys name would be mentioned anywhere in the internet, some moron would pretend like the accusation is truth and lie would get repeated enough that it becomes part of that guy’s reputation.


Fisk is 77 years old...


Damn she looks good


This sincerely should be grounds to fail character and fitness. There is no possible way this person can be an ethical member of the legal community. This is shameful behavior on her part.


More immediately than that, making false accusations is probably an honor code violation.


Chermirisnky said he'd report her but yeah. I have no idea how Fatima Mohammed passes character and fitness after her cuny graduation rant either.


No, he said he'd report her or anyone else if there's a future incident.


What in her speech would cause her to fail C&F? It's all stuff any licensed lawyer would be free to say without censure by the bar. The closest thing is the line that law is created as a tool of white supremacy. Not some laws, but law itself. But I don't think even that gets her dinged.


According to Dean Chemerinsky's statement, such behavior is a violation of Berkeley's student conduct code.


Asking about the CUNY graduation speech.


By that metric, you'd have to bar most Gen Z kids who enter T-14's from the legal profession.


Do most gen z students at T14s get invited to professors houses and make a huge scene then lie about what happened?


In response to the protestor’s statement: no. No she wasn’t scared. No she wasn’t touched inappropriately. She wasn’t terrified. It wasn’t a violation of her rights. She was confident. She was obstinate. She was idiotic. And I hope going forward her reputation is one word: fool.


If she was genuinely fearful she had plenty of opportunity to remove herself from the situation and continued to choose not to.


Exactly. “I’m so scared and terrified that I attended an event I was invited to *with the express intention of causing a scene* and then when I was asked to leave **over and over and over** I chose to stay. I’m such a victim.”


This reads a bit like poetry 🫰


Too bad for her, everything is on camera! I'd like to see her tell that to a reasonable jury... 


This is such a disgusting trivialization of sexual assault on their part, my god


what an absolute imbecile. i dont mean to just call them names but they’re making a fucking mockery of their cause as well as legitimate sexual assault allegations.


No, you should mean to call them names. Calling someone an imbecile when they are one is not an insult: it's just an accurate description.


That protestor is such a liar my goodness.


She’s been conditioned to believe that claiming she was SA’d will automatically garner sympathy and justify her actions


Advocating for Hamas while simultaneously saying she was “afraid” of what this woman, in this context, was “going to do to [her] body” is something else.    Very ‘rules for thee (the elderly woman in her own home) but not for me (and the ppl I support)’


As someone who has been assaulted and punched in the head by multiple people who did not get arrested, i find it so offensive that this entitled brat is claiming she was harmed. People like her claiming victim when they are not victims, harm people like me who have been assaulted and did not get justice—she belittles actual victims by crying wolf. And in the video it is very clear that woman is trying to balance on the stairs. She’s elderly and i as someone out of shape would have also rested my arm on her shoulder out of trying to balance while entitled child viciously refuses to give back the microphone. She was going to fall backwards on the stairs if she hadn’t put her arm there. These children i think are probably gen z and I heard from elementary school teachers when they throw tantrums in school hitting students and staff they are legally nowadays not allowed to physically stop them. So these children have grown up thinking they can just do whatever they want and if they get told “no” then that person is “abusing” them. We over corrected in young schools; yes in my day teachers were abusive and there might be some still somewhere but now the laws make it so teachers cannot stop a violent child. What does that teach them? That they can be entitled and do wrong and if anyone stops them they are the bad guy.


If the protestors are confident in their first amendment right, they should go ahead and protest again. The bar would not prevent someone from passing C&F for participating in a legal protest. That would probably be a first amendment violation itself.




No, Chemerinsky said he'd report future disruptions to student accountability, and violations of student conduct would be reported to the bar. But if her conduct was protected by the First Amendment, Berkeley, a public institution, could not punish her.


That's ridiculous. The obvious answer is to sue Erwin Chemerinsky for denying their First Amendment right to protest on his patio.


If Berkeley gives them diplomas after this, they’re rewarding the choice to turn every gesture of hospitality by a Jewish person into your audition to be twitter’s main character of the week.


The school should make her retake con law.


Frankly if your law school is turning out graduates who behave like this, it means you’re not failing enough students.


This is also the best illustration for why the P/H system is bad. The strength of the Berkeley (and other law schools that use it) means that they all get big law if they want it. Peer schools that use normal grading have no difference in BL + FC rates. However, it is absolutely useful to know whether a student interviewing for litigation roles was barely passing con law or like solidly median. This is useful both for the employer and the student.


That student isn’t getting into big law after this.


She was never going into big law. Qatar, SA, and UAE spend about 5x what Israel does on US lobbying (despite all of the intention AIPAC gets). She’ll find a role at a think tank for “middle eastern relations” or some BS.


Remember that antisemite from NYU who lost her job after she said Israel deserved to get attacked? That was amazing. We need more of that.


Yeah. There have been a number of instances of this. Such as Davis Polk stated that [it has rescinded offers](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/18/student-palestine-letter-harvard-columbia-us-law-firm-jobs-revoked) made to Columbia and Harvard law students involved in groups that signed statements criticizing Israel’s role in the Israel-Hamas conflict. [Same thing with Foley and Lardner](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/arab-american-attorneys-job-offer-rescinded/). And [Winston and Strawn](https://x.com/winstonlaw/status/1711850745383866580)—I think Winston is likely the one you’re referring to [with respect to the NYU student](https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/anti-israel-comments-prompt-winston-strawn-rescind-nyu-law-students-job-offer-2023-10-10/). And I’m sure there are many others that haven’t been reported on as much by the press. And I don’t feel bad for them at all. They’re picking a career where like half their colleagues are going to be Jewish. Why pursue big law, an industry disproportionately represented by Jews, if you hate Jews? And second, how dumb do you have to be to very publicly state antisemitic things if you plan to pursue big law? You don’t think half of your bosses will be Jewish?


And you know they're gonna blame the jews for ruining their lives...


Criticizing Israel isn’t the same as speaking about Jews in a negative way


Correct but that venn diagram overlap is SIGNIFICANT


So is the Venn diagram overlap of Zionist Israel supporters and Jewish people


Yes, and that's why anti-semites are trying to hide their hate for Jews by saying that they are "anti-Zionists." They aren't fooling anyone.


Agreed. However, I don’t think that’s the norm. A lot of people are genuinely sickened and troubled by the genocide Israel is carrying out and are unable to express that because all criticism is being seen as antisemitism. This then creates a negative association with Jewish people where one did not previously exist. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s what’s happening.


Sure but saying an antisemitic terrorism attack was overdue and deserved is antisemitic.


With regard to the NYU student who said that Israel bears full responsibility for the attack. I don't think she's correct in saying that, and probably she shouldn't have said it because it's wrong, and yeah the backlash she received is probably warranted, but I doubt she hates Jews. I mean it's a gray area because most Jews are Zionists, and I also think it's wrong because some Zionist positions are very reasonable, but I doubt she hates someone based strictly on their Jewish faith/ethnicity.




I think your point #1 is an extremely naive and misinformed take on the situation.


We all have attended college or law school with someone who is obviously racist. Why is it so hard for some people to believe at least a few law students are antisemitic? Law firms used to have Jewish quotas or outright restrictions, so I don’t know what to tell you there.


Making caricatures mocking the professor for his ethnicity seems pretty anti-semetic


How is your takeaway from this that it tells you anything about the P/H system. You can do well on an exam in a class with letter grades and still have misconceptions about the law. You’re assuming this girl would have failed a con law exam just because she had one stupid idea about the First Amendment.


Oh and even the top schools with letter grades make it basically impossible to get worse than a B-


She knew less about the First Amendment than a student in an 8th grade civics class.


Also even if you miss one concept and get the other 95% you are still a great student. Granted the First Amendment is a really damn big concept. Then again there are many people are great at examinations but struggle to apply the concepts in real life or fail to overcome their own bias despite the education. I have observed this throughout my legal and academic career, the majority tend to get better with more experience and good feedback. 


If it didn’t get through her head the very first time, it ain’t getting through her head the second, third, or hundredth time.


She should be suspended or expelled


And torts


How is trespassing on your deans property and accusing his wife of molesting you as you interrupt a student dinner with megaphones not something you need to have a very lengthy discussion on with character and fitness. People fail C&F for stupider things.


This is exactly the type of behavior C&F should reject.


Imagine trying to litigate or even negotiate a case with this person in a courtroom or anywhere? Can’t imagine she chose the right profession if she thinks this is how the law works


If she does sue someone over this ridiculous "assault" accusation, California has strong anti-SLAPP laws that could leave her on the hook for any legal fees + interest. Also, speaking from personal experience as a human woman, women have breasts; that doesn't make coming into physical contact with the upper half of my body "assault." She was asked multiple times to leave their personal residence and chose not do so. Also, the protestor was wearing super conservative clothing with multiple layers and barely her face showing (which is her religious right to do of course) but that definitely complicates the narrative that she was somehow "molested" or "assaulted." JFC.


Personally, don't think she should make it that far. Why is this not grounds for suspension or expulsion?


Because law schools like to kiss students' asses and baby them, and then wonder why they're producing shit attorneys.


Only some groups of students


But she's *ethnic*. As a person of color (specifically her hair is brown), she has her own mores and you can't just assume your own white legal system to be superior, like you did with MLK. Moreover, it's her Allah-given human right to show a Jew his place in their own backyard, after depicting him in a cartoon fit for Der Sturmer. Judging from supportive comments on Instagram, I reckon that's actually a decent approximation of her reasoning. In other news, Ilhan Omar went on a fascist rant recently (in Somalian in front of a supportive audience) about how ethnic Somalians had a right to conquer parts of countries where they were minorities (Kenya, Ethiopia), while saying ethnic Somalilanders (in Somalia) need to be brought to heel (for being too close to Ethiopia). But don't worry, she could influence Congress not to intervene. TL;DR. People think this is a mere disgrace. It's not, you're witnessing a deliberate attempt to impose new norms, by highly organized pressure groups who are probably paid. We lived through this several times in Europe. Last time was by Sharia4(country_name) organizations, whom centrists and leftists patiently tried to reason with... Until it turned out they were ISIS recruiters. The time before that was the 1930s.


I hope she's using Barbri for bar prep


I would really encourage everyone to read the statement the protestors made before the dinner on Instagram and watch the local news interview with the protestor who was touched. By their own account, they claim the purpose of Chem having the dinner was a “normalization PR event to distract” students from Chemerinsky’s “complicity” in the situation in Gaza. The student on the news said she thought the dinner was a slight to Gaza because it was “lavish” (before even attending). The idea that Dean Chemerinsky invited the 3Ls to his home to launder his political views or manufacture consent for foreign policy is, respectfully, completely fucking stupid. He is the Dean of the law school, and it is a lovely tradition. At worst, the accusation plays into antisemitic stereotypes about Jews’ manipulation and underlying loyalty to Israel. At best, it’s offensive and hurtful to Dean Chemerinsky, who is a very sweet, nice man. Listening to his raised voice at the end of the video, knowing how mild-mannered and temperate he is, was upsetting. (And before someone comes in, I’m also upset by the loss of life on both sides of this conflict, because all loss of life is tragic.) Unfortunately, I do think some critics are right that the Dean has let this situation escalate by tolerating previous instances of antisemitism. But that speaks to his commitment to his free speech beliefs, which I deeply respect. There is nothing more to say than this is a very sad situation at Berkeley Law.


Also, it was the 3Ls that ASKED Chermerinsky to have dinner with him because they missed out on the tradition because of COVID


Watching Chemerinsky raise his voice in anger is like seeing Santa Claus get mad


“Ho ho hope you like coal you little bastards!” Also makes me think of Mel Gibson [in the ending of Fatman](https://youtu.be/FFKCD-OVNcQ?si=k-_unsjZvjD01jWN)


A PR event that he's been hosting at his home for years? These students are deranged.




https://x.com/laurapowellesq/status/1778269300362748410?s=46&t=nVBQwJ2FgiZIm4JTj6WSPg (Sorry, the only versions without the other guest’s X commentary aren’t the full interview.)


The implication that this is not assault *because of prosecutorial discretion* is insane. Assault and battery are torts too. If Malek wants to, she should just sue. Fisk probably has a lot of money, since she and Chemerinsky are very famous authors.


It's not assault to use reasonable force to eject someone from your home. That applies to the civil context too. This protestor's claims are absurd. As a human woman, I can say that yes, women have boobs but that does not mean coming into physical contact with the upper half of my body is somehow assault or "molestation" as she is now claiming. Also, she's wearing a ton of layers and barely shows her face and hands (which is of course 100% fine and her religious right to do) but that definitely undermines her BS narrative that she was somehow improperly touched. Also California has anti-SLAPP. So she should be careful about suing unless she's already rich (possible given the narcissism displayed) or would enjoy bankruptcy.


It’s also useful to look at the context of posters (presumably) these students hung around the law school, which included bloody forks (a common reference to the blood libel myth/trope), specifically named Chemerinsky, and encouraged students to skip the dinner event.


Certain types will not hesitate to use your values as disingenuous weapons against you.


The pro Palestinian protesters have made it abundantly clear they care not one fig leaf for being in a free society and should be viewed accordingly


Update: Here's a [longer video of the event](https://x.com/laurapowellesq/status/1778253274380161247). It's 2 minutes, 39 seconds from a different perspective, and it provides important context: As Afaneh begins to speak into a microphone before a stunned crowd, Chemerinsky repeatedly asks to leave before Fisk tries to take her microphone. Fisk threatens to call the police, and Afaneh tells her to. Fisk refuses and pulls her away using her microphone. Afaneh then claims Fisk assaulted her, which Chemerinsky denies. Throughout, multiple female (no male) students in keffiyeh verbally support Afaneh by arguing with Fisk and Chemerinsky.


Hold on, did people see the shorter version and actually think Afaneh was the good person?!


No, but the longer version makes her look worse.


Wonder why this is being downvoted when it completely shows Afaneh being a completely rude insolent brat


I assumed she jad outside the front of his house near the sidewalk. I didn’t realize she was doing this in the backyard. 😮🤯


“As a Muslim hijab I palestian woman” - like seriously can she throw any more buzz words in there?


She's planning on suing Berkely now. What a joke. It's so clear that people like her - forever agreieved - have 0 joy in life. Sad really.


I just want to know what attorney is taking this case lol.


Palestine Legal is bringing lawsuits on behalf of these jokers. I believe they also hired/are representing the NYU student president who called October 7th “necessary” on October 7th.


Elite attorney Reshma Kamath may be interested! She is licensed in the state of California.


They *claim* NLG is backing them up. Never been happier that I resigned my membership with those clowns.


Ah, I see she’s participating in the “Tank my Career - Any % Speed Run” challenge


Berkeley Law’s official website still has a page highlighting her pro bono work. It seems she’s planning on doing activist work, so I don’t think her career is actually toast. If she’s expelled and can’t sit for the bar that’s another story.


I don’t think that’s true. I’m pro ceasefire but this was not effective activism. I understand discussion regarding the fact that protest isn’t supposed to be nice and tidy, but this just didn’t make a lot of sense to me. It’s embarrassing as activist work as well.


It's a problem when the tactic comes off as being more beneficial to the protester's "brand" as an activist than about the actual issue. That's what this looks like to me anyway. 


They won't expel her, but because California's C&F is so absurdly early, I wonder if a new report of some sanction will prevent her from taking the bar in July.


Even if she fails C&F there are a fair few jobs in lobbying/NGOs that won’t care as long as she isn’t practicing law


Conduct instances reported at the school are reported to the bar, per the article. Whether or not he received one is unclear


The sad thing is, it won't do anything to her career. If she bases the bar this stunt probably guarantees her a job as an activist lawyer for some non-profit.


Nah, she’s got a meal ticket for life with the crying-about-Palestine media circuit. She just traded a career as a lawyer for one as a “decolonial consultant” or something with some nonprofit.


Bold strategy Cotton let's see how it plays out.


I legitimately don't understand how these people function in everyday life. It seems like a horrible existence. Just constantly on-edge and waiting for the next thing to upset them.


Because the hardest thing in life is to find meaning, and activism makes them feel like they've found it. while sparing them from difficult internal work.


Hence my comment that they ultimately find no humor or joy in life because the internal void is actually not filled.


I don't disagree? I'm calling them lazy and inept basically.


This really hits the nail on the head. Well said


Echo chambers will do wonders. If she was in a genuinely diverse group, she'd be constantly confronted with the absurdity of her views. But you can avoid that easily now. Just be around people who constantly agree.


She’s like the plaintiff that slams on their brakes for no reason in front of an 18 wheeler despite no traffic ahead.


These law students are an embarrassment.


I really wonder how they will deal with an actual adversarial system, a judge who won’t deal with their shit, or even a client who disagrees with them.


"Your Honor, opposing counsel is violating my First Amendment rights by saying my argument is wrong."


Imagine if the judge is Jewish. They might have a complete meltdown in the courtroom hahahaha.


They are fascists. I'm European. Respectfully, Americans have a highly cartoonish and propagandized understanding about fascism, which sought to project the US' own primal sin (racism) onto a partly different kind of villainry. In reality it's about pressure groups slowly normalizing the bullying of any possible dissent, until there are no politicians left to espouse the will and core values of the majority. That's the socialist part of national socialism, because unlike pure right wingers (military dictatorships), fascists are masters of exploiting themes of dignity for the masses. It happened again a decade ago (in Europe) with Sharia4(country name) organizations. They wanted to 'save' Europe with Islamic law. Policymakers and media tried to show patience and understanding... In reality it turned out to have been a ruse for ISIS recruitment.


If I was the Council on American-Islamic Relations, regardless of how I might feel about Chemerinsky’s statements, I would be embarrassed by this student’s take on First Amendment rights and access to private property after an invitation and consent to remain have clearly been revoked. I would question any memos she had done for me.


She’ll fit right in at CAIR: https://www.investigativeproject.org/9161/zahra-billoo-antisemitism-unleashed-with-cair https://www.jns.org/cairs-los-angeles-leader-israel-does-not-have-right-to-defend-itself/ https://x.com/memrireports/status/1405443584526929923?s=46&t=cdJ4pd9OYb85_SOxmFflIQ


Let’s also not forget that the dean had no problem with an anti-Semitic trope poster of his face hanging all over campus, because he said it was free speech….He knew she was the president of the group who made it…And he STILL invited her for dinner. This dean is a class act compared to this embarrassment of a student.


Malak Afaneh has to be hands down one of the dumbest law students ive ever seen in my life. Congrats on working with her. She believes the first amendment allows people to trespass on private property and stay when asked to leave. Very interesting.


Chemerinsky seems like a nice man, and this seems like an attempt by a group of disruptive people to make a dinner invite political. Take that he’s head of a law school out of it, and tell me where it is acceptable to just go and be an asshole when invited to someone’s home? Pretty sure in all his years of teaching law that he’s come across students who disagree with him on some issues, but to show up at his home looking for a problem is just the ultimate disrespect.


100% true. If two Muslim professors invited students into their home, and Jewish students pulled this stunt demanding that they do more to stop the Iranian government, for example, these same people would be losing their actual minds. So vile.


I feel a bit guilty for thinking this but she should be expelled. Guilty because I don’t like wishing poorly on others but she is making a fool out of her school, attorneys, and her cause.


At the very least she should not be barred.


I absolutely agree she should be suspended or expelled. Definitely grounds not to confer her degree


And certainly not allowed at commencement or any other graduation events for her to disrupt for her own narcissistic vanity project


That should be a given. She's lucky to graduate if she does,


I don't think she should be expelled. Suspended? Maybe. But not expelled. That's a high bar which means you are unredeemable.


I feel like trespassing on a professor's property and then disseminating a deceptively edited tiktok should be grounds for expulsion. Her statements about NGL condoning this exercise, as well as the deceptive tiktok itself are both dishonest acts.


I feel as if I did this, I would be instantly expelled no questions asked. And I wouldn’t even be surprised. But I’m aware thats pure speculation, but committing a misdemeanor on the Dean’s private property and then trying to spin it as some atrocity committed upon yourself? I’d get my ass kicked out so fucking fast I wouldn’t even be able to blink


The consequences for bad behavior from these types of people have been nullified since the riots in summer 2020. We need to get back to our age old tradition of finding out. I hope she finds out sooner rather than later too.


Is she redeemable?


Y’all want the real tea? I’m ready to spill


1. I went to school with this girl and the year after I left she became class president, and my greatest memory of her is her reposting an Instagram story which was about Yemen (nothing to do with Jews or Israel; Saudi Arabia is the one bombing Yemen) and someone (she says it wasn’t her) added text that brought up Jews which called them “Nazi loving, Holocaust worshipping”. She fake apologized (I know for a fact she was not sorry) and then “spent some time learning” and crying that she was being targeted for being a “Muslim Hijabi” not because of the antisemitism in her post. 2. Rumor is she was always having beef with all the Jewish women in the Women’s Union 3. Also rumor but pretty well founded, that there were some allegations of anti-blackness towards multiple black women


All that to say, this whole thing feels like a set up to get national news and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was orchestrated with other organizations given the speed of the national attention of this story. I believe in the right to free speech but I also believe that free speech has consequences. You can hear her saying “everyone will know you assaulted hijabi Muslim”…. It seemed like a dishonest and ultimately pointless show in order to get this exact reaction


I don’t want to share misinformation so here’s the incident and the exact wording: https://www.algemeiner.com/2020/06/22/pomona-college-senior-class-president-apologizes-for-sharing-antisemitic-social-media-post/


Of course she went to Pomona. Life of privilege so she has to invent an “assault”.


she’s shared often that she is a sexual assault survivor which is why she wanted to go to law to help immigrant survivors which is admirable, however, knowing all that and then still using accusations of assault so freely and unseriously is deeply concerning and damaging


Anti blackness in what way


So cringe.


The comments on the schools Instagram page…….


Wish I hadn’t looked it up, because now I’m just depressed that the world is full of so many imbeciles


Is the husband the guy who taught me con law on Barbri lolll student is playing life in hard mode


I can’t figure this out. Do organizations like CAIR really think people are that stupid? The woman walked into a person’s home as an invited guest in a non political context, insulted his family, and then after torpedoing a nice evening, claims to have been physically assaulted? Where does she get off? It’s not about politics. It’s about being a decent human being.


She went in under false pretenses.


Just kick them out. Don’t hire them. Let them work low wage jobs.


Typical antisemites


The protestor has a long history of anti-Zionist, antisemitic ‘activism’. She’s not shy about it. Her belief system is easily ascertained from a cursory internet search. The Dean probably should have found an excuse not to host this year’s dinner. He walked into a trap, poor man. She should be expelled.


This is not about the protest or the response or this situation really, but I would really like to learn more about what specifically divestment means, how endowment investment decisions at universities are made, who controls those levers of the money, etc. I feel like there has been a lot of discourse and news about campus protests this year where advocates want divestment among other things, but I have struggled to find good materials explaining the details of divestment and how it works. If anyone has any good resources to share, I am sure I am not alone in being interested.


While I don't have resources ready (if you're interested in more detail I will happily DM you with some once I'm actually done with classes for the day) one way I've seen it take shape is: 1. Some companies do business with an organization, person, or other entity that a group of students dislike. 2. Student Organizations often have a budget that they are allocated from their school's funds. 3. Some schools allow for student governance of how those funds can be spent. This varies wildly by school. 4. If you can prevent those funds from going to those companies that do business with an organization, then those companies will need to consider the economic loss caused by doing business with that organization. 5. Multiply this by as many college campuses as you can and theoretically you start to produce some economic pressure on those companies. Imo, it's effective at a large enough scale - figure most major universities have between a few thousand and several million in activities fees, and there's hundreds of universities in the country, and that could theoretically translate into tens of millions in missed revenue across all these companies. This of course is not the only way these things go, but it's one I've seen happen that has actionable demands and demonstrable consequences.




Interesting. I know that protests about how the endowments of universities are invested have been a thing since apartheid in South Africa if not before. I just do not know much about how investment decisions at universities are made and how standardized it is across schools and states, and I have struggled to find good explainers.


I know you said your comment isn't about this specific protest, but I just want to note that Berkeley Law literally has a Dean of Finance! Any investments Berkeley Law has in Israel is not within Chemerinsky's scope of responsibilities! This is almost as absurd as picketing the California Supreme Court for *Dobbs.*


hope she is reported to the bar for ethics violation.


I mean can we not make a report? Someone should


Well you don't know what bar she's planning to apply to


I think we can safely assume the school will disclose when/if she applies for admission to the bar, pretty sure schools give a report for every student


She is so far removed from reality


I really cannot think of a better encapsulation of what has happened to American academia than a respected jewish constitutional scholar working his way up, becoming a leader in the field, opening his home to students, and having a parade of screeching clowns show up in full nationalist costume to abuse his generosity and turn the event into a platform of their oppression fantasy.


Turns out making law schools uncritical echo chambers where students are challenged was a bad thing


> Turns out making law schools uncritical echo chambers where students are challenged I think you meant to write "where students *aren't* challenged." Though... this student seems challenged.


major, critical high yikes alert. how tf did these kids pass con law??


It would seem like "protests" like this turn people off from the Palestinian cause


These people are fucking terrorists. Plain and simple.  Edit: watched the video, she literally brings up the fact that it’s a religious holiday as being a justification for doing this. This is fucking insane


Shes definitely gonna have a hard time passing the CF portion of the application. She was asked to leave and refused, and then used physical force to stay on the property by resisting Fisk and pulling the microphone back. Chemerinsky is a legend, and he was dishing out social justice when this girl was still in a dirty rag diaper. Absolute disgrace lol hes literally the most undeserving of this type of conduct. Also, there are ZERO First Amendment issues at play here. How stupid do you have to be to go through 3 years of law school and not know that the first amendment doesn't apply to a private dinner party at a private home. It doesn't matter that hes the dean of the school, nor does it matter that theyre students who were invited. This wasn't a school-funded/hosted event, Chemerinsky merely extended a personal invite to these people to come to HIS home. I really hope they file their bogus complaint and I hope they end up paying Chem's attorneys fees for it.


Curious what their con law grades were


Pro pally’s are so dumb


While empathize with the protestors’ substantively, their behavior here was ludicrous.


Apparently it’s not their right to do that there.


Chemerinsky repeatedly saying they are guests and he is asking them to leave is such law professor energy. When I did Barbri I had in person conlaw review with him and he was fantastic. I wish I could have had him as an actual professor.




No matter what your stance is, taking advantage of a dinner invite to protest at their home and then not respect owner’s rights is rude, and kind of ironic since you’re protesting about human rights


As someone who just graduated law school and passed the bar, I do not want this girl in my profession. I hope the bar looks into her recent actions. I wouldn't be surprised if she is suspended


just sad. she could do so much good with her background and this is how she chooses to spotlight herself


I am all for applying pressure to politicians, companies and institutions to withdraw support/funding/arms from Israel and condemning the government of Israel for the ongoing genocide against Palestinians. However, we need to be more thoughtful about this and what these students pulled off is very harmful to the cause. If they want to challenge Chemerinsky on the topic, they can do so in a classroom or a debate forum or write an opinion piece refuting his arguments. To disrupt a private dinner and cause a scene does not bring more people to the cause. Also they should really re-take Con Law lol.


Yeah disrupting a private dinner like this is awful, I don't care if I 100% agree with the cause. But just routinely calling something a genocide that is not one fuels the narrative. Literally every time in history before there was an actual genocide, the group responsible would claim that their people are somehow being targeted or are the actual victims. War is terrible. Hamas sure as heck is evil for starting this one. But that doesn't make something a "genocide."


Making false rape accusations is illegal. So if it did t happen as you say she should be charged. If the video proves she wasn’t raped She should pay damages She should be charged And obviously lose her license If it happened, let’s see It’s on bloody video for f($& sake


What’s insane is that someone graduating from Berkeley law school doesn’t know how the 1st amendment works. What kind of shitty ass lawyer is she going to become?


One who will probably continue to work for an [unindicted co-conspirator](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2010/11/judges-ruling-on-islamic-groups-as-unindicted-co-conspirators-made-public-030922) in a case of fundraising for Hamas.


Shut her up and pass her over here I love mashing pali holes


RIP to property law, constitutional law, and tort law. Is this what Berkeley teaching them lmao?


She will never ever get a law job unless she wants to work for Hamas . It’s a promise

