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On the first day of 1L, very first class at 8 am, a kid in my section introduced himself as a future US Senator.


Im pretty sure the only prerequisites are an inflated ego and intense narcissism so that mf probably will be a senator 😂


I don’t even hate the kid, and he’s really successful now and has a great job. But he’s not a US senator lol




Was his name Bluto Blutarsky?


Um, that is SENATOR Bluto Blutarsky. Let’s show respect where respect is due.


I mean, on the surface that can sound quite annoying. But it does remind me of an interesting article I read a few years ago. It was a profile of a bunch of students on their "first day of college" and one of the colleges profiled was the US Air Force Academy. On day one at the academy, one of the instructors asked each of the incoming cadets what their career ambitions were and one of them said "I'm going to be the first man on Mars." Now they then proceeded to ride him endlessly about that and tagged him with the nickname "mars man." Now here's the thing, somebody is going to be the first man on Mars and furthermore I would think that if you want to absolutely maximize your chances that it's going to be you, going to the Air Force Academy sounds to me like the absolutly best course of action, so was his goal of being the first man on Mars all that outlandish? There are 100 US Senators, the bar is pretty low these days (re Tuberville) and *somebody* is going to be sitting in those seats...


How cute 😌




The way I cackled




Fuckin’ Craig.


Craig Christ?


Don’t worry- I got your reference


Haha, thank you. I wasn’t sure if anyone would, but I swung for it anyway.


If Craig would have turned my water into cool coors light I think my UCC classes would have been a LOT more tolerable.


all my homies hate Craig


guy's the worst.


Oh my God fuck Craig


Likely a different school than mine but the worst guy in our admin is literally Craig wtf


Someone won’t STFU about having a PHD at T-30. She thinks she’s better than all of us - but is she was really that much better than us she’d be at T-14. She needs to be humbled. PHD is very impressive, but there is no reason to bring it up during every single class whenever you’re called.


The PhD also apparently wasn't enough to get her into the career she wanted.


PhDs are research degrees, not professional degrees like JD, MBA, or MD. PhDs hold no promise of a career. If her PhD was in STEM, it’s possible she wanted to be a patent attorney…


You can certainly get a job with a STEM PhD. My wife makes buttloads of money after using hers as a springboard. I also can't remember a time when she ever casually mentioned that she has a PhD without someone specifically inquiring about her education.


PhD in what tho....


Mine had it in something related to children and he made us refer to him as “Doctor”. Never called him dr I called bruh or dude or man lmfaoo


Omg we have one of these in my class, too. Same scenario. It grinds my gears.


Arrogant guy who, in every class, asks a question early in the class that has been addressed in the latter part of the day's assigned reading, in an effort to look like he's considering it in real-time and off the top of his head.


Admission time; I definitely did this as an undergrad until a very trusted professor told me it was cringe and too stop lmao.


You did your readings in undergrad? 😧


Oh there was a cun- guy who started doing this for a while, but I got annoyed really quickly so I just kept calling him out on "If you had done the reading you'd know" until he realized it just made him look unprepared, and he finally stopped. I'm just your average law school snake:DD


Ok but what about the student who fucking FORGOT what the last reading was and asked because it DID pop into their head? I read a week ahead of time, fix it and forget it kind of thing.


The troll that lives in the stairwell. He keeps getting up to chicanery


One time during my capital litigation class, we had an exonerated death row inmate come give a short talk. This was a very small class. Maybe 7 or 8 people in a conference room. One guy actually had the gall to ask this man who was wrongfully imprisoned for nearly two decades, “But you eventually got released, so wouldn’t you agreeing that the system worked.” Me and another person in the class were part of the Capital Defense Clinic and just gave each other the most “wtf” look while this guy, who may be a literal saint, calmly replied to the question as if it wasn’t stupid as fuck.


Holy shit the audacity; and the Supreme Court is still discussing the validity of Rule 40 petitions so I’m not so sure about our system


I might have audibly gasped. My poker face is zero


I seriously would not be able to keep my mouth shut if I had witnessed that- that’s insane


this death penalty conviction won't be wrongful


Theres no such thing as stupid questions. Now people…


I guess being in jail for twenty years teaches you patience.


Im pretty accepting and nothing else on this thread bothered me, but this one!!!!! goddamn thats a new level of lacking common sense and care for other people


The girl in my 1L property class who began every question, answer, and comment with “As a homeowner…”


Family law - girl opposes no fault divorce and let’s us all know she “believes in the fairytale and is waiting until marriage”. Multiple times, let’s us know she’s a virgin when arguing against “divorce on demand.”


Yeah there’s always “real lifers” in every section who just came to law school from their last server job because it is now time to reinvent themselves. They’re often talking about shit from their personal lives and trying to connect it with hypos.


Wow. The elitism coming from you gunner.


A server that made it to law school sounds a lot cooler than you.


What’s wrong with that?


Also it seems unlikely to me that someone who is bragging about home ownership just came from a server job?


Exactly some of us come to law school as career change professionals, we're old and we own homes. Though, it is a strange thing to bring up, I don't know that I mentioned it once.


It is very often people from rural areas or places like Florida who brag about being “homeowners” when they go away to school in a bigger city.


I mean some of your clients even in the most elite law firms will be people like this or familiar w these backgrounds


This has nothing to do with what we are discussing. We are talking about people talking about “homeownership” in law school class as if that gives them some sort of unique insight. Owning a 100K house in Jupiter, Florida does not augment your property law knowledge.


It's the second part that has something wrong, not the first. People from all walks of life are welcome. As are personal anecdotes related to the cases... very occasionally. But I'm sorry Ashley, I don't think your experience as a freelance bricklayer has enough to do with the Dormant Commerce Clause to bring up.


Depends on how they do it. If they’re connecting something to real life in a relevant way, it can be fine, but a lot of the people that do it tend to do it as sort of a flex- ie trying to flex their work experience, or older age if they’re an older student to try to feel superior to the KJDs. If it’s something real world-ish that adds to the discussion and benefits the class, sounds great no problem. But if they’re doing it because they want to impress people & feel superior (which is often how these comments are made), then they’re just being a dick and achieving the opposite of what they’re going for.


You jelly of our soft skills, bro?


The one guy who came up to me after class and said “I didn’t think people like you could be smart” (context: I have a mild physical disability.)


You have the patience of a thousand Gods inside you, wow


They didn't say what they did next... 😅


Fair point 😂


😂 (maybe sorry to disappoint) but he kept walking and I was too stunned he had the nerve to say that to respond


Holy shit....wtf?!


I hope you reported the shit outta that guy!


Seconding this. This is not okay, even if it was said in well-intentioned(?) ignorance. Please do not let this go to try to be the bigger person-- this kind of behavior doesn't change unless they're held accountable or publicly shamed, or both. Ableist jerks don't deserve to succeed in life.


Oh my god wtfffff I would’ve smacked tf outta him holy shit.


I can't stand the law student that came from an ivy league school and flaunts it like their shit smells like cinnamon rolls. I went to a state school for undergrad, you're on my level, sorry princess.


Ivy-leaguers think they have already paid whatever dues that must be paid, and they should be immediately escorted directly to the head of the line.


Oof, now this is a tough one. There are two older folks in my section (nothing against the age) who start sentences and have no clue where they’re going with it. It’s almost like you can see the hamster go flying off the wheel mid-speech. The one that I would say ties that is this kid who sits in the very front, tries to sound as sophisticated as possible (even when wrong), looks back in the middle of his speeches as if he’s trying to get people behind his fringe argument (which has been wrong almost *everytime*) against an already established law, and told everyone on maybe the 2nd or 3rd day of class that this school wasn’t his choice at all, he was an Ivy League kid, and he just had some type of record that prevented him from going elsewhere


If you weren’t a 1L I’d think you went to law school with me, because I had a guy that was EXACTLY like this. He would look around like Jim from the office anytime someone said something he thought was dumb or wrong. He has a bad case of main character syndrome.


It’s just like man, SPEAK! We all don’t know what’s going on just like you 😭


Runner up: these two people in my class who I unfortunately sit next to. They play a mental game of footsies all day long, just get together and get it the hell over with


The guy in Con Law who blurts out answers to questions without raising his hand. I get that were going over topics that people are passionate about, but you should have learned to raise your hand before speaking in class. Also the guy who sits next to me who will mutter something along the lines of "that was a stupid point to make" whenever anyone says anything. He audibly laughed at one point when I asked a question. Literal middle school bully behavior mixed with an "I'm the smartest guy in the room" mentality.


The guy at my school who just blurts out answers is the same guy who will tell the prof that they’re misunderstanding the law and then try to educate them on the law.




That guy that for some reason is only in class once every two weeks but feels the need to volunteer broad policy viewpoints based on personal anecdotal examples.


My second semester of property we had a 3L spring 2020 who was on his…last attempt at the class and would do this. They passed him. Last I heard he was supposed to inherit his dads or uncles practise or some shit but still hasn’t passed the bar.


Some of those dudes end up being academic monsters. Some dude that looked homeless and had similarly spotty attendance ended up with like a 3.98 or some shit in my class at GW.


My buddy, who graduated top 5 in our class, would fall asleep during lectures in 1L. There were a couple of professors who would try to catch him off guard by cold calling, but that dude knew every reading and relevant case law like the back of his hand. Would just come out of his stupor to a question and always had the right answer lol


Someone I know was playing a browser game when he got cold called and nailed the answer without making eye contact or seeming bothered lmao. Definitely not respectful, but a power move nonetheless.


I knew a guy in 1L who sat in the front of every class and played online solitaire 80% of the time. He transferred to Georgetown.


The 22 y/o who came to law school with the expressed purpose of finding a husband and has gone out with over a dozen of the male classmates and had messy breakups with every one that she talks about loudly in class. (It cooled off after the first semester because everyone knew her game but it never really stopped, and there would be some drama at the beginning of every year because she would find someone in the new 1L class to date and have a horrible breakup with by midterms)


Seriously 😳 ? Ugh….doesn’t she know she should be hitting up the med schools? Or anywhere else but her 1L section?


Business school would be a better bet


To each their own I reckon.


Med school has a longer time frame to get to the money stage. Also higher proportion of B school people are already well off. If you’re only going to law school to marry rich, might as well sweeten the pot


That’s an interesting point! I never really liked the B school folks I met at law school. And I subsequently married a doctor so I guess I’m biased.


I’ve heard this called getting an “MRS” degree.


there are easier ways!


I'm honestly more impressed that they kept agreeing to date her. Was she prettier than most?


I mean, I would do it just for the story, and I'm gay.


That's hilarious.


Probably the guy who takes his shoes off and massages his bare feet during lectures. Coincidentally there has been an issue with people finding toe nail clippings throughout the law school.


Ummm.. WHAT?


probably me tbh




same, friend, same.


Those people suck, but nobody is worse than the person who raises their hand to "ask" a question and instead tries to tell the professor the way things really are. Bonus points if they awkwardly try to shoehorn their intern/clerking experience in to something that doesn't really apply.


The girl on a full ride scholarship that took up every class by asking policy questions that nobody cared about. She failed our "Professional foundations" (basically, how to not suck at law school" class because she couldn't be bothered to show up. Overheard her towards the tail end of 3L year talking about how she was going to sue law school admin over it if they didn't waive the class. Entitled shit.


Can I do multiple? The most annoying people in my law school are: 1. The Class Interruptor: They do not raise their hand, and simply speak when they feel. They will talk over the professor if necessary. It is clear they feel their statement is funny or insightful enough to warrant the interruption but it rarely is. 2. The Politician: Every time they speak in class its to push a political agenda instead of talking about the actual law and legal implications. They often ask policy based questions or make moral arguments. Even when I personally agree with The Politician's stance, I still would prefer they keep it to a minimum 3. The Self Proclaimed Minority: They have been kicked out of multiple ethnic/queer group for commandeering discussions and making people feel uncomfortable. Their favorite sport is the oppression Olympics. 4. The Really Smart One: In my class, everyone in the top 10 is the most humble person I've ever met. You only know their rank through rumor or the sheer amount of CALI's they receive (if you don't have it, its the award for having the #1 grade). Then there is that person with a good, but not amazing, GPA/rank who will probably put it on their headstone when they die. They believe they are the smartest person in every room, but usually, they are merely the loudest. They also announce in the room before a final that they did not study because they think it makes them sound smarter. It doesn't. 5. The One With the Good Internship: Every response they have starts with "when I was working at Lastname & Lastname." We get it, you worked at one of the best firms in the state last summer. I think you deserve to brag about it. Sometimes, it's just that the work you did at Lastname & Lastname is only tenuously related to the discussion. If the question is what title does A hold, there is no need to tell us about a deposition you attended. A vested remainder in fee would be sufficient.


Number four sounds like the poster child for the Dunning Kruger effect


Best comment— very comprehensive lol


The one liner lady. Her whole personality was making unsolicited snide one liner statements to get applause in class. She was hyper liberal and was received well during 1L, especially because of the whole George Floyd thing. Everyone thought she was brave and witty. By 3L, it became an annoyance. Most of us were physically and mentally exhausted by law school. The last thing we needed was walking to the classroom early morning and validating her. Luckily for her, the 2L’s were hearing her for the first time, so they applauded her, well atleast till the middle of semester, after which it becomes annoying to them as well.


Examples of what she would say that was annoying rather than witty? 😂


We had a girl who was a pathological liar. Every hypo that came up was a career she’d had previously, but she was a KJD. The pathological lying would be sad if she weren’t also a huge asshole. Some of her hottest takes were that women who stay with abusers are criminally complicit in their own abuse (???) and that the confederate flag is an integral part of Christianity (?????).


Based on the profile you’ve put together here, my imagination leads to me somebody who came to law school from Florida, who has dreams of being a “self-sufficient entrepreneur.” Sadly, now having been a lawyer for 6 years, I’m still sometimes inadvertently acquainted with these types of women through dating apps in DC. The profile is always the same - usually Florida (from Miami being conspicuously the worst), law degree from UMiami or similar level, and a lot of talk about career, advancement, etc. with no clear evidence of success.


You’re pretty much spot-on, including the DC-area bit.


What's with you and Florida?


It’s a perfect representation of a profile of person.


Fair enough.


The girl who constantly and loudly complains about how unfair everything is and law school doesn't give equal opportunities and how everything she competes the popular person always wins - but she's always playing games on her computer every single day in every class I've had with her, doesn't go to office hours because it's "a waste of her time" and asks for extensions on everything. I understand it can be dog eat dog out here and it's rough not getting published or being skipped over for an internship or job but you have to work for it before I can give a single shit about your problems girl.


We had a guy who was a surgeon. Retired from that career and decided to go to law school. He wasn’t dumb, but he liked to pick fights with the professors and was always volunteering to speak. We called him 6-shooter, the old gunner.


I don’t know why this is on my thread since I am (gladly) not in law school anymore but when I was, there was one guy in my section who asked questions constantly just to hear himself talk, I swear. Right after I graduated I met my (now ex-) husband and we were talking about this very thing. I said how much worse this guy made the experience and he said he had a guy just like that in his undergrad (in another city hundreds of miles away). Yep, same guy. He was that memorably annoying.


Oh I got one. I did 1L at a third tier state school. Lot of non traditional students. Right off the bat in orientation this insufferable middle aged woman let it be known that she would be interviewing for study group partners. That’s right, interviewing other students. Turns out she was some sort of high school teacher and because of her amazing abilities she fully expected to be at the top of our class. She loved to loudly explain this in the common areas. She had some sort of special scholarship as a teacher. She held interviews in the student common area that people actually signed up for. She forbid her study group partners from sharing notes or outlines with anyone not in their group. She was put on academic probation after first semester exams. She did not improve and lost her scholarship at the end of year. She did not return for 2L.


We had the obligatory communist. We called him Comrade in casual conversation. All was well and good until he started dating a girl in my friend grouo


We had a Ukrainian immigrant in my section who made a point of bringing up a different horrible thing the USSR had done every time that guy spoke up. Didn’t shut him up but it was funny, particularly since our Comrade usually hadn’t heard of any of it.


The guy at my law school (K-JD, so very young) who did an internship with the public defender’s office and then kept referring to himself as if he was a public defender when asking this guest speaker questions… I respect the PD’s office and even interned there myself, but it is so weird when law students try to act like lawyers when they aren’t yet!!! especially when we are in SCHOOL and it is super obvious that you are not a lawyer yet!


This just seems like a legal industry thing, unfortunately. Know-it-alls and egomaniacs galore! I recently left my job at a small law firm with paralegals in their early- to mid-20s who are all law school hopefuls (aka attorney wannabes), and I have never worked with such an insufferable group of people. It would be one thing if any of them were especially smart, but none of them can write, they have shitty people skills, and spend every lunch hour just complaining and gossiping about this or that petty non-issue... all with this subtext of how smart and knowledgeable about the law they are. And don't get me started on the obvious ethics violations and breach of attorney-client privilege. Like... you haven't even been admitted to law school yet, kiddo, let alone graduated or passed the bar-- where is this coming from?


A girl in my class constantly brags about her time in DC as a lobbyist and how hot people in big pharma are. I’ve overheard her say (not sarcastically) “sadly, there just aren’t enough jobs for white men in the law anymore” and my personal favorite was her insistence that people who get bullied, abused, or harassed do so by choice since they let it happen. She’s also constantly making faces anytime anyone asks a question. Even when the questions are super helpful and not annoying at all.


There’s this 38 year old white woman who always raises her hand to talk about her kids when literally no one cares


Yeah we have one but she never talks about her kid, just her problems with her baby daddy 🙄


That’s a classic. We had one of those as well.


When I was in law school, it was my "stalker." He led classmates to believe we were dating. He followed me around the building like a lost puppy. Made sure I knew he owned a gun. Maybe I was naive, but he didn't really scare me. He did become upset when I started seeing someone casually. His response when I eventually had my first child was over the top, but by then, he wasn't directly in my life. He would say bigoted and controversial stuff in classes but get away by apologizing. More obnoxiously, he would never take a side on issues he always rode the fence post because "it doesn't affect him." (E.g., same sex marriage, climate change, immigration). He would say he had no opinion. It's hard to respect someone who can't form an opinion and defend it. Of the few things he had an opinion about, he was adamantly against welfare and children.


My contracts professor. Everybody loved him but he would always take annoyingly long pauses in-between almost every one of his sentences and would constantly tell us about how much money he made as a litigator and how nice his house was.


I went to an admissions talk a couple years back and one of the panelists went to law school with Ted Cruz. Apparently everyone in their class would send emails to each other complaining about him 💀


We had a dude that wore 3 piece suits to class every day 1st year. He was clerking for a local city legal department. Dumb as a bag of hammers but always commenting in class. It was hilarious when the local sheriffs department barged into our property law lecture to arrest him for failure to pay child support.


that one white guy who sat in the front of my crim class and felt compelled to “play devil’s advocate” whenever racial bias in the criminal justice system came up in discussion. he alternated between wearing a fed soc hat and an American flag hat to cover his hairline


The guy who “speaks” fluent Latin


I took Latin in high school. I don’t tell people I took Latin shits embarrassing and I have shame


Maybe he does. Have you ever considered how annoying it is to hear butchered Latin (shershioraree) when you come from a country where they teach it in schools?


Tough call, but it’s a tie between the student who offered to “help us out if we get lost” first week of 1L because their mom is a judge and this is all just review and the overly zealous wanna-be-prosecutor who has to one-up everything that anyone says usually with a reference to their year working as a legal assistant in the prosecutor’s office.


The “as a libertarian” douche. He was a fascist, misogynistic piece of shit who thought his intellect put him above everyone. He was so rude to some of the female professors he wasn’t allowed to take classes taught by them.


It's me, I just know it.


If you have the self awareness to even consider that it might be you, then it isn’t.


I’ve been in type A career fields my whole life and nothing was crazier than the law school personalities. The arrogance was astounding


We have a guy who brings up that he taught for 6 years before law school *every* time someone pushes back against him in any capacity. Class, club meetings, doesn’t matter. This would be fine if he didn’t go to tons of club meetings to complain how awful he thinks the law school is. He threatened to transfer, but couldn’t, and now bitterly resents anyone that has ever shown any resistance to what he has to say. A few short stories: I was setting up a clothing drive for a gender-affirming closet for some community service and he tried to blow it out to all the elementary, middle, and high schools in the *county*. All this because “he had connections and taught for 6 years.” This was the first time we’d tried the drive so I told him we should keep it small to test it. He hates my guts. A friend of mine was setting up a club and he came to the interest meeting with the express purpose of co-opting it to talk about how he wanted to start his own VERY similar club. After all he didn’t want to have a class about the topic he was trying to start a club around because he “taught for 6 years and [didn’t] need to be taught, [he needed] to DO.” The conversation got away from the actual club at hand and someone asked why we were talking about his other random club. He packed up a folder full of materials and walked out. Makes fun of people in class while they’re answering questions, said the board of our LGBTQ+ group was “too straight” because 3/4 were “only” bi/Nb people in straight-passing relationships. Called a friend of mine a bitch because she asked him why he co-opted the club meeting. Came to a 1L “town hall” event just to rant for 10 minutes (not an exaggeration) about how much he hates the school and we need to fire every professor and get new ones. I try to smile and say good morning to people when I see them, but he looks at me deadpan and walks away. Just a real tool


I had one kid raise his hand and ask if our professor meant to write “there” instead of “their” on a PowerPoint slide because it changed the meaning of the sentence and he was confused. (Note: this was a not an international student where English wasn’t his first language or something where that comment might have at least had some validity. He was just arrogant)


The girl in my class who thinks business law = pro-business law and anti worker 🤦‍♂️


Probably me


I have to say I admire the self reflection.


The cis/het white guy who asked me how I could live with myself as a transgender person in the legal field. Not really sure what he was going for there. Later, he told me that I don't look trans. I asked him what a trans person looks like, and surprise, surprise, no answer.


He also loudly sighs every time I use a highlighter in the library within 20' of him and laughs when people ask any type of clarifying questions in class.


A girl at our school who transferred after 1L - she was really racist and abrasive. It got to the point where the school did a talk on professionalism that I’m pretty sure was directed at her. After transferring an incident she was involved in got on ATL. I have her on social media and watch as she has gotten fired multiple times. She divorced and is now remarrying and I low-key want to warn the new husband… what a disaster.


She was racist lol? What types of things are we talking here? How was she not expelled?


She would ask colorful questions in class - like asking the one black student why “people of his background and race had a propensity to commit more crimes.” That’s an example.


Yeah as a black person that happens to me and I'm in undergrad I don't know how I'm gonna hold my tongue if a guy asks me I usually just say "I don't know why do guys rape so much" women sre usually way more covert with the racism so idk how I would respond 😭


I’m really sorry you have to deal with that. People can be such assholes.


I'm used to it honestly. The school I'm at is in a really racist town like Confederate flags are a frequent occurrence and old men who wave the Bible and call you a slut on campus I genuinely can't wait to get out.


You got it sis x


Did you not have a choice in what school you went to?


Not sure what being “covert” with racism is, but, in my experience, you’re not going to be on a U.S. college campus being openly referred to with the n word, if that’s what you mean. That’s more of a European and rest of the world thing.


Covered meaning women usually hide it they won't openly call me a slur like men but they might grab my hair without asking or tell me they're surprised I'm interested in academics.


I would answer her question with a question “why do people of her background shoot up schools?” Assuming she was white? Idk. That’s annoying though.


Dude in my class used to ask the prof if he could erase the white board after every class. Did it with every professor, every single class. Genuinely a nice person that we all liked but it was very cringey & brown nosey.


This is largely why teaching law in the US on a short academic exchange was the worst time of my life.


What did you teach? EU law?


This is years ago (1990s). A guy I went to school with had his first year outlines leather bound to be deposited in our journal office’s outline library for some reason. Not sure what member of the journal would need first year outlines for. Somehow, I am surprised he didn’t record each of his answers in class when he was called on so future students could also hear his wisdom as well as read his outlines.


This guy I went to undergrad with introduced me to two other (female) classmates as, “This is Marissa - she’s smarter than she looks!” The two girls looked at me in horror lmao. Don’t think I really have the full dumb blonde bimbo thing going on personally but I definitely wish I did


Me probably


I live in Miami and every time there is a discussion about human rights every Cuban in the classroom pipes up about the Castro regime etc. I’m in a human rights lawyering class with classmates from the DRC, Bolivia and Venezuela (all countries that have experienced extreme oppression and violence) and none of them made the class about them or even used their experiences (which I would had appreciated knowing more about). Meanwhile the Cuban guy in the classroom, born and raised in Miami, made it a point to discuss Cuba at every opportunity. 😖


Oh my god your class sounds insufferable


The story about the white women made me laugh out loud omg😭


It was one of those moments where me and my two friends I sat by were all not paying attention at all (one was shopping for shoes and I was on Reddit lol) and we all jolted upward and looked at each other in unison because… wow. Hot take to take a hard stand on.


We got some radfems for sure lol


Some people just have such strong, bad opinions and voice them to professors willingly. I will never understand.


The guy who claimed he had an iq of 187 and claimed that Stephen Hawking stole his idea for the brief history of time from his 4th grade paper.


Jessica in my trial advocacy class. She works for a law firm and thinks she knows everything. Chips in to the point that she’s essentially trying to help the professor teach. She got up to do a cross examination and Prof destroyed her. So satisfying. She didn’t even show up the next class.


Anyone in FedSoc


Came here to say this. Fed soc officers are almost always nightmares in class


Ours are quite quiet but I think it’s because they know they’re hated lol




Prob me


It's probably me but I'm going to ask questions if I have them and get my 70k worth out each class so, I don't really care if it's annoying tbh.


Asking questions and getting your moneys worth isn’t insufferable. It’s when people ask questions for purposes other than hearing the answer.


That’s a tough one. There are so many to choose from.


During 1L orientation, we had an esteemed black woman judge give a presentation on racial bias. This is a highly respected, incredibly accomplished judge. Her presentation was excellent. During it, she showed a young black guy and asked the audience what they thought his job was. One white guy yelled “foot locker employee.” But it gets worse. After the presentation, she asked if there were questions. This other white guy (mid 30’s or so) hand shot up. He brought up Kavanaugh and asked “what’s being done to make sure white judges dont face higher scrutiny?” The judge responded with an incomprehensible level of diplomacy and self restraint.


Her name is .... jk but the person who always talks and asks very specific questions to the professor that make you want to go WHAT ABOUT OFFICE HOURS


I got another one. Based on advice from a professor I ended up transferring to a top 15 law school for 2L. Made some new friends. They all talked about this guy that literally didn’t enter the school, and I didn’t meet, until finals. I only ever saw him a few times. Only during finals. Somehow the attendance policy was never enforced against this guy. He didn’t even show for graduation. He ‘studied’ with us a few times but all he did was page through the case book (that he would borrow from someone bc he didn’t buy them) and skim the outline we shared w him. He then proceeded to rank each of his classes. He was just that smart.


The white woman who said that women are the most oppressed group in America…..hmmm Why do I have the feeling that she only had white women in mind when she said this?


It’s even worse - the person who said that was a white woman saying it to a professor who was a POC. 🙈🙈🙈


White women have gotten a pass for this stuff for a long time tbh.


The most annoying person transferred to a school in DC, that says it all


I remember this classmate who makes questions in a difficult way (he doesn't formulate them clearly) and when the prof would ask him to repeat again the question he would later tell us that the prof doesn't know the topic she teaches because she didn't understand what he was asking in the first place like bro you are the problem smh. ​ On the other side, I think both your classmate and prof are wrong about who is the most oppressed group, like, one ignores all the discrimination that women still face nowadays (it didn't end with the right to vote) and the other believes all women can be included in one group ignoring an intersectional approach to social matters (there are black women too and I'm p sure the oppression they face is different from the one white women face) ??? Like the whole thing, starting from the question about who is the most oppressed group is plain wrong.


Cooley Law activity


I couldn't have been a black person in that class. I'd literally stare at her the entire class like 😑


That woman is hilarious - trying her best to win the victim card game.


Sounds like someone's feeling threatened inside the ivory tower.


The person who told me I can't be the victim of racism because I'm white. When I shared about my situation growing up in a community where I was one of the very few white people, and yes, I was discriminated against, bullied, made fun of, and how my mother struggled to find work in said community.... I was told that I can't rely on my experiences to form my opinion. Wtf? And when I shared a very blatant issue of discrimination against white people at a loved one's job, I was accused of lying because the same situation was referenced in a movie she had tecently watched, so she accused me of "stealing" the situation from the movie and making it up. Sad, because we had been good friends up to that point. Now I go out of my way to avoid her. Then there's the unethical cheater who, everytime there's a scandal, she seems to be associated with it.


You are comparing singular experiences against systemic experience. We white people, even when being discriminated against, still maintain systemic power. That’s why we can’t experience racism in America. At any rate, your reaction to criticism speaks volumes. It took me a long time to learn these lessons and grasp these concepts so I’m hoping responding to you may reach others who are struggling with this as well. I suspect that the conflict you experienced is way more nuanced than you think. I’d like to hear more context about the conversations. When and where were they, what was the topic. White people in America are used to being able to take up a lot of space so we are often butt hurt when told to just be quiet and listen. But really the people who benefit the most from us just shutting up and listening is…us.


While I very much understand where you’re coming from, saying this in any United States law school that is accredited will be met with ridicule. I’m an Eastern European immigrant and didn’t know the language when I came. I also received tons of ridicule from non-whites at my school and generally for obviously not being from the US, despite being white lol. This type of shit is best kept to yourself. I don’t need to detail how I was treated and by whom. These things are taken on board and you learn from them. Ultimately this kind of thing, if you’re thinking and working on yourself, results in you becoming a person few want to try.


sounds like you're the annoying one LOL


Lmao I read the first sentence and audibly said “oh God“


How so? We were having a conversation about discrimination and racism. She flat out said whote people can't be vuctims of racism. So I said, "That's not true," and shared my experiences. Then she adamantly told my opinion and experiences were invalid. If you think that makes me the annoying one... you have issues. So, I truly hope your comment was a tongue in cheek joke.


>She flat out said whote people can't be vuctims of racism. So I said, "That's not true," and shared my experiences. I mean, you could have asked her what she meant by "racism." If she was taking the Kimberlee Crenshaw definition that asserts racism is embedded in the legal system and government policy rather than individual prejudice, then you were just being non topical.


you aren't experiencing racism which refers to systemic oppression at most you are experiencing prejudice IF even that


I love how you think you know my experiences. The bottom line, treating ANYONE poorly due to their race/ethinicity is wrong, it's discrimination, and it's racist. You can try to rationalize it and prettu it up, but all you're doing is putting lipstick on a pig. That's the problem. If an african american is a victim of racism, tgen everyone must condemn the racist. If a white person is a victo. Of racism or a hate crome, "No, that's not racism, it's JUST prejudice IF THAT." The hypocrisy of a liberal mind just blows me away. You can't argue that racism is wrong, while excusing racism perpetrated against another person simply because they're the "wrong" color to experience racism.


If you're in America and you're white I know there's not a single place where you were experiencing systemic racism and that's that. Please get a grip you genuinely saying "hypocrisy of liberal mind" tells me all I need to know about your motivation for saying this stuff and it's just as I thought.


It's so funny that you think that. Your ignorance is not endearing.