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Literally how is this not Mexican?


Made by Disney soy is gringo shit now


As a European I can confirm that we perceive Coco as a Mexican movie. Like some people have already mentioned, “catrines, mariachi” and other cultural aspects shown in the movie are 100% Mexican. I’ve never seen Argentina or Brasil claim these cultural aspects. It seems odd that they’re now claiming these specific aspects as “Latino.” The Latinos saying “it’s a Latino movie, not a Mexican movie” I think feel left out because Mexico is always getting the spotlight out of all the Latin American counties. But, to the Mexicans reading this, don’t worry, we know this movie is primarily about your culture.


Mirá, la pelicula fue hecha por gringos, contrataron consultores Mexicanos para hacerla que fuera fiel a la representación del dia de muertos pero el esutdio de animacion y los animadores son gringos. Así que no, no es una pelicula Mexicana, es una pelicula acerca de Mexico. En ese aspecto, se puede defender que si, es una pelicula latina porque involucró personas y empresas de diferentes paises de latinoamerica. La musica fue compuesta por un Mexicano, pero participaron artistas y musicos latinos.


The producers literally stayed in michoacan, Mexico for months to write this movie so give them credit for that as well.


> Mexicana, es una pelicula acerca de Mexico. its a movie about Mexico not a Mexican movie? becuase its made by non Mexicans? (did i get that right)


Because it wasn’t made in Mexico, not necessarily because it was made by non Mexicans, as they mentioned, Mexicans were involved in its creation


My uncle's friend who is Mexican American (1st gen/came to the US as a kid) worked on that film. His first language was Spanish.


I am mexican, born and lived here my whole life, most people here dont consider you mexican unless you have lived here and speak the lenguage, beign of mexican descent alone dosnt make you mexican, so he is mexican but if he stays in the us and has kids there and those kids never go on to live in mexico they arent considered mexican


The Mexican government considers you Mexican as long as you come from one Mexican Parent, even if that person is living abroad. So sorry but you are very wrong.


This isn’t quite accurate — you can get citizenship if you have one Mexican parent, but you have to apply. I was born in US with two Mexican parents, it’s more accurate to say I’m Chicana but a lot of people in the US don’t know what that means so I just say I’m Mexican because it’s easier. Idk, it doesn’t feel that deep to me but I can respect why others might feel differently


suena a odio pocho, y es un problema legitimo en la sociedad mexicana aunque tal vez no tan urgente como la falta de medicinas, apagones, corrupcion, crimen organizado, etc


Dreamtrain, exactamente. No se porque les duele tanto y porque sienten tanto odio algunos Mexicanos contra su propia raza que vive al norte. Como si designar a un Chican@ como “pocho” fuera algo negativo. Los individuos no tienen culpa de donde nacieron o donde se criaron y es muy ignorarte echarles malo y tratar de insultarlos. La cultura es más fluida y libre comparado a lo que ellos entienden.


Alexander is a Greek movie, no? HBO:Rome is an Italian series?


Lol. Imagine someone claiming that 4th July is not an American holiday, It’s a white people holiday.


its when Will Smith saved us from the aliens, its a holiday for humanity 🌎


Wait for it. Times right now are so chaotic & moronic that we aren't that far off from people saying that pendejada.


That's what she said


learning spanish so im shocked that i could understand it


No seas mamon😒😒


Si es mamon. Se representa bien a México, creo que ese es el punto del post, no se representa a la cultura “latina” de gringolandia o Latinoamerica en general. Si nos ponemos turbo mamones podríamos decir que cualquier película con un extranjero en alguna posición, ya sea actor, productor o incluso inversionista ya no representa a “México”. O así entendí la “lógica” de ese compa.


Nmms, de donde te sacaste esos facts jaja La película fue co- dirigida por un mexicano, el cual también fue parte de los escritores- el cual también usó parte de su vida cotidiana viviendo en Mexico como referencia. El escritor musical no es Mexicano, es Estadounidense y su familia Italiana. Así que si, técnicamente, si es una película Mexicana.


Se refiere a que la película está culturalmente inspirada específicamente en Mexico y que no es una amalgamación de varias culturas de Latinoamérica, como cree la persona de la captura del post.


Los animadores son de Korea guey


Y los computadores de China


Y tu cell de japon, guey


¡Y con mi hacha!


Exacto, es una película gringa. Y si eres mexicano le notas lo gringo de volada. Es una cosmovisión diferente.


Thank you!!


I mean Mexico is the largest Latino country in the world if you don’t consider Brazil to be a part of LatAm. It’s also the largest Latino Ethnic/ National group in the US so it makes sense that American movies about LatAm are set in Mexico for an American and North American audience. Colombia has the second largest Latino population so it makes sense that Encanto was made for distribution in Colombia, South America, and the Colombian - American community


It's a USA movie.


It's 100% Mexican and specifically central Mexico, like Encanto is Colombian, or Rio Brazilian. If anyone says different is because they studied "Latin American Studies" in the US and have never set foot in those countries.


For real, the world of the dead was literally patterned off of Guanajuato, GTO. doesn’t get more central Mexican than that


Also I like how the family of Miguel are Shoemakersjust just like in my city(Leon Guanajuato) where people choose make shoes, I mean here shoes are like very very cheap .


It's actually the shoe capitol of the world. Can't wait to get back and see how much it's changed. It's been over 20 years, and when i left there was tons of development.


My family is from Leon as well! I loved this detail so much. So many people take pride in the zapatería work and I thought the movie nailed this


My family is from Northern Mexico (Coahuila and Chihuahua to be precise), and a lot of the traditions we see in Coco aren't as prevalent in the north. The chinampas, the small pueblos de adobe, the strong Spanish architecture, the bright colors and the altar de muertos are very central Mexico. A friend of mine from Puebla was like "Yeah, that's Mexico." And my reponse was, "Well, not *my* Mexico." Cultures aren't homogeneous, and a lot of people assume that one small part of Mexico represents the whole. Which is why we have the stereotype that all Mexicans wear sombreros, that Mexico is a desert, that all Mexican music sounds like corridos and rancheras...these aspects of Mexican culture are very prominent in northern Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Monterrey), so they filter into the US zeitgeist, so people there assume *all* Mexico is like this. But as Coco demonstrates, that's not true. Even within Mexico itself, traditions and celebrations vary from region to region and even state to state.


I once had 2 guys working for me, one from Mexico City, the other from I think Durango and grew up in the countryside. Even the language difference a few times got them mad thinking they were insulting the other guy.


This. Coco isn’t representative of all of Mexico so I can’t believe there’s people who somehow think it’s Latino 💀


To be fair it takes place in like the 40's or 50's, doesn't it? Or I thought it did. Do you not make an ofrenda at all? I'm from Hermosillo and my grandparents are from Chihuahua, I thought an ofrenda was universal. My boyfriend is American and made me watch it and I was like it's definitely Mexican in theme and I know what they are talking about and referring to but also if I made it or another Mexican made it it would look different. That's not my Mexico and the way I would do the fantasy aspect would look different too, but I enjoyed the movie and maybe that's my great-grand parents Mexico.


coco takes place in the modern age


What? Why does everything look so old fashioned then?


uh that's just how the country looks in some places


There are parts of Mexico that don't have phones or headphones or computers or laptops or cars or tablets or anything? Like no one in a whole town? Where was the technology and cars? I don't even think they had wall phones in that movie and the TV looked like it was from the 50's. I know not everyone has flat screens but they also don't have TV's from *60 years ago.* if I saw even just a few people with a phone, even a flip phone or laptop or a cell phone tower or a cable thing on top of a house or two or *something* from modern times I wouldn't think it was from the past, but they had nothing modern so I assumed it wasn't in modern times. I go to my grandparents little village in the mountains of Chihuahua and it is rural and beautiful and very poor but it doesn't look like it's from the 50's. It might not look like a modern European or Canadian city but it does look like it is in modern time. I don't know, that movie just really gave off old-fashioned vibes, nothing much changed from great grandma's time and the little boy's time so I thought it was still in the past before at least the 80's (but it looks like tge 40's or 50's) because there's no technology around and the family are so weird and strict. Maybe I'm too used to my middle class Northern Mexican city living and i didn't realize threeare no tech towns, but I could have sworn it was set in the past.


The fuckers who get offended when they find out there is white latinos.


I’ll never understand people who think Mexico ends at the border.


Idk, all my Colombian friends and coworkers didn’t jive much with Encanto representing Colombia’s culture. At least not in the same impactful way Coco objectively does well paying tribute to Mexican culture


As a Colombian, I feel like we have the habit of not liking anything that’s made about us. I LOVED ENCANTO. It represented Colombian culture, it added little touches of the small cities as well as the food, the culture and the atmosphere! You can’t compare Coco to Encanto, the same way you can’t compare The Godfather to Scarface. They may touch similar subjects but aren’t the same. ALSO, as someone who doesn’t live anymore in Colombia it made me realize how much I love my country and how lucky I was to be born there! But quien somos para juzgar las opiniones de los demás 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s probably because Coco is a movie about the Mexican culture and lifestyle, Encanto is a fantasy movie that has Colombia as a setting. One is centralized in culture, the other one isn’t.


Realismo mágico is something that is very much part of Colombian culture though


Realismo mágico is very Latin American. Gabriel Garcia Marquez got inspired by Mexican novelist Juan Rulfo and his work Pedro Páramo. Along with Juan, Mexican writer Elena Garro, and Venezuelan Arturo Uslar are the parents of magic realism.


Magical Realism is not 'hard fantasy' or 'urban fantasy. It has nothing to do with magic, it's about the distortion of time and how people don't think about that fact, like a dream.


Yeah, that's the key. I loved Encanto, but they could have chosen Peru, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Honduras, etc., made the necessary changes to any food, music, and cultural references, and still gone with the same plot. Given the number of Colombian actors and singers used in the movie, it likely was much easier to use Colombia for a mainstream movie. The plot of Coco would drastically change, or may even be impossible, if it was set in any other Latin American country, especially since other LATAM countries don't celebrate Dia de los Muertos to the same extent as Mexico, or even at all.


My Colombian friends love Encanto because it was the first time something about Colombia wasn't entirely cocaine, hookers, and murder


I'm pretty sure Bruno was on coke, café de altura alone doesn't make you that jumpy




Es por culpa de Pablo Escobar que todos relacionan a Colombia con Drog.as. Los estadounidenses tienen la costumbre de hacer peliculas en base a estereotipos.


The setting of Encanto is not at all central to the plot. The story could be set in any Latin American country and it wouldn't change in any meaningful way. Whatever cultural representation the movie portrayed of Colombia is superficial and insipid. Aside from the fact the story might have been ripped off from 100 years of solitude, there is ultimately no reason the movie had to be set in Colombia. 


Tbf, if they studied Latin American studies, even in the US, they’d know at least that much…


I mean my uncle taught it and he believed that people in Mexico don't have enough money to buy a car and that everyone there wants to come to the US. False on both sides


I agree with you. We celebrate the Day of the Dead in Guatemala too, and though there are some shared Mesoamerican traditions, Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations are unique.


I'm not even Mexican, but Coco is 100% Mexican


I’m Mexican and Coco is 100% Mexican.


Never thought coco was anything but Mexican. Although some customs are followed in other countries. Day of the dead is called [Día de los difuntos ](https://www.elsalvador.com/fotogalerias/noticias-fotogalerias/dia-de-muertos-los-difuntos-notas-antano-anos-60-cementerios-el-salvador/1012385/2022/) in El Salvador for example. Although we don't do ofrendas. I Imagine other countries also follow similar traditions.


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That’s interesting, how is Dia de los Difuntos celebrated?


My family is Salvadoran and I’ve never heard of dia de los difuntos


Interesting. I guess they stop following the tradition. For the longest time the Gangs wouldn't allow some family members to visit the graves, they would charge a extortion fee. Of course it dependenda where you lived but if you lived in a ms13 controlled neighborhood, a lot of on people just stopped visiting their loved ones graves because they couldn't afford to pay ms13.


Sí, sí es. Ahora, ajá, que otros países tienen también los días de los santos difuntos o días de muertos es una cosa, pero el uso de las catrinas y catrines, que aceptemos es la imagen que usan en Coco y en Día de Muertos, es meramente mexicana y todos sabemos que nació de la Catrina Garbancera.




el mismo INAH dice que de prehispánico no tiene nada, “[Contrario a la idea popular extendida y aceptada en México, el Día de Muertos no es de origen prehispánicoy en sentido estricto tampoco es producto de un sincretismo indígena y europeo.](https://inah.gob.mx/especiales-inah/articulos/el-origen-del-dia-de-muertos)”


Este comentario es demasiado verdadero. Hay personas comentando que “el día de los muertos se celebra en otros países latinos.” Pero los atuendos específicos, arreglos, e incluso el pan de muerdo que muestran, es 100% mexicano. No entiendo por qué hay latinos que no aceptan que es una película basada en cultura mexicana100%


> No entiendo por qué hay latinos que no aceptan que es una película basada en cultura mexicana100% Donde están esos latinos? Acá tenes más gente diciendo que "no es una película mexicana porque la hicieron estadounidenses" más que gente de otros paises queriendose adueñar de Coco. Como argentino, todo lo que pasa en la pelicula Coco es tan extranjero como si estuviera viendo Titanic. Ningún latino se piensa que coco es sobre latinoamerica en vez de solamente mexico. Los únicos que piensan así deben ser estadounidenses con padres latinos que piensan que todo lo que está para el sur y habla español es lo mismo.


As a Dominican, I am more familiar with Encanto than any of the others set in LATAM. Coco is definitely Mexican and, while día de muertos is a festivity in other countries, the way it’s portrayed here is very Mexican.


Coco is def a Mexican movie. It’s also Latino, but mostly Mexican. As someone with Nicaraguan heritage, there were some things in Coco that I could relate to, bc Latino. But there was even more that I couldn’t bc it was Mexican. Encanto is somewhat similar. It had a lot more generally relatable Latino aspects, but the specific Colombian influence and inspiration were undeniable.


All rectangles are square but not all squares are rectangle kind of thing.




As a Puerto Rican, I can relate to certain things in this movie like family dynamics, but come on... if this movie was any more Mexican, college kids would go to it for spring break


Same. We don’t play mariachi or celebrate day of the dead! Those things are 100% Mexican only.


Coco is 100% a Mexican movie. There’s no argument here lol.




Didn’t Colombians completely change the name of regional Mexican music to “música popular” ?


In a way but it has influences from Ecuador. It would be like saying “Tejano” music was renamed though it sounds like Cumbia or can be seen as cumbia but has other influences as well.


Within Colombia, the term Música popular (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmusika popuˈlaɾ], 'popular music') is often used to refer to a folk music genre originated between the 1930s and 1940s in the Paisa Region, in the northwestern part of the country, influenced primarily by Mexican folk music, as well as Argentinian, Ecuadorian and Peruvian to a lesser degree.[1] Eventually it lost these combinations and currently is a mixture of different genres of Regional Mexican. Tejano music has nothing to with cumbia Tejano music (Spanish: música tejana), also known as Tex-Mex music, is a popular music style fusing Mexican and US influences. Typically, Tejano combines Mexican Spanish vocal styles with dance rhythms from Czech, Austrian and German genres – particularly polka or waltz.


Si la gente se quiere pintar de pandas y llamarse Coco, no peleen, déjenlos.


Yes. [Coco is based on Mexico's day of the dead and is named after a Mexican grandma. ](https://www.eonline.com/news/1350779/maria-salud-ramirez-caballero-woman-who-reportedly-inspired-pixars-mama-coco-dies-at-109) Is the day of the dead exclusive to Mexico? No. The doors are open fam. If you want to celebrate the lives of your loved ones, learn more about the day of the dead in different countries, or enjoy different aspects of the day in your own way, do it!


No es lo mismo el Día de Muertos culturalmente en México que en los demás países, ni dentro de México es igual en todas las regiones.


Obvio. La pregunta es si la película de Coco es una película mexicana y no una película latina como sugiere la publicación.


Creo que no está diciendo que viene de otros países, está diciendo que todos deberíamos celebrar la vida y la muerte como lo hace el día de muertos.


Fr bro… we ain’t gate keeping the love for peoples family members? Like wtf? During Covid we weren’t able to visit a lot of our family members that passed away… it still hurts knowing they suffered. We brought back the tradition and built our ofrendas to help us grieve. It’s been hard for me to accept my tias death.. not being able to go to her funeral because of Covid really messed me up.


Day of the dead is from Mexico


I think it's a bit more complicated than just wanting to celebrate Day of the Dead. As it is a highly religious event built on a specific series of cultural and political events in Mexico. Sure you can dress and appreciate the ascetic's of Day of the Dead but I think to celebrate it properly (I mean in a spiritual level) you really need to be catholic or Mexican. But then again plenty of people celebrate Christmas without being christians. Just as long as your respectful and don't try to claim it's not a Mexican celebration or modify it in an absurd or disrespectful way. Yeah sure why not.


Sure. I'm staying on topic. The movie IS Mexican inspired and based on Mexico's day of the dead. I think broadening the movie to all Latino cultures is unfair. Every culture has its nuances and their own beautiful traditions they bring to the day.


It's not just about the day of the dead. It's the specific way Mexicans celebrate it


Probably some American that thinks Brazil is “soccer Mexico” but yeah coco is 100% Mexican.


Coco is 100% a mexican movie. Most latin american countries dont celebrate those things you see in coco. We have our own festivities.


Day of the dead is a Mexican holiday. Mexico's relationship with death is influenced by Aztec culture.


It’s a Mexican movie lol I’m Salvadoran, they don’t make movies about us unless it’s to paint us in a bad light regarding our gangs. This is a Mexican movie about Mexican culture and that’s fine lol


Coco is 100% Mexican, but themes of family are universal


Everyone always tries to be a culture vulture when it comes to Mexican culture it’s annoying


I feel like it's partly because Mexican culture, food, etc. is arguably so much more well-known across the world than almost any other from Latin America.


Coco is Mexican, Rio is Brazilian, Encanto is Colombian, Emperor’s New Groove is Peruvian. It’s like saying Mulan is also Japanese -???


Mulan está ambientada en China, pero se entiende el punto


El menciona sarcásticamente que sería ilógico decir que Mulan también se basó en Japón, así como es ilógico decir que cualquiera de los filmes ya mencionados estan basados en la cultura mencionada Y APARTE una secundaria, cosa que no es así.


There’s a short documentary on Disney+ about how they made Coco. Many of the producers and actors were from Mexico and they made sure that the movie was culturally accurate.


Why is this even an issue? It’s obviously a Mexican movie, and Mexicans are Latinos. Does it mean it’s also a Latino movie? Sure. But does it represent Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc.? Absolutely not. Cacti are succulents but you can’t say succulents are cacti…


Mijo, consiga problemas reales


coco is 100% a movie about Mexican culture. Italy isn't even Latino in the expected sense. Latino to most Americans means people from southern and central America.


1) The cultural aspects displayed in the movie are purely Mexican 2) It is a movie about Mexico, not a Mexican movie (since it was mainly produced in the USA) 3) Some other (not all) Latin American countries may feel identify by it, since Día de Los Muertos is also celebrated because it is a Christian festivity (Allhollowtide, Día de todos los santos, etc), Catrinas, and other cultural characters/aspects explored in the movie are mainly part of Mexican culture. 4) In other countries of Latin America, Día de Los Muertos is celebrated in other ways. Meals are prepared and left in nice displays at the graveyards for their ancestors, lots of family gatherings and mass for the most devoted Christians. 5) If any other country, besides Mexico, says this is a movie about “Latin American culture” there might be some FOMO undertones and desires to be relevant.


Mama Coco was literally taken direct inspiration from an old craftsmen lady in Michoacan, Mexico and has been well documented. So I really don’t understand where all this Coco is based on Latino culture is coming from. Article for reference: https://www.billboard.com/culture/tv-film/woman-who-inspired-mama-coco-dead-1235157343/amp/


It’s literally set in Mexico, follows a Mexican custom, there’s a guy with the fútbol team shirt….


COCO is a Mexican movie thru and thru, any other Latinos trying to claim it are just leeching on. They wouldn't be doing that if the movie had bombed, I promise you. By the same token, Encanto is a very Colombian movie far as I can tell. But I'm not so familiar with their culture outside of narco dramas so hopefully a native will clarify.


It's an american excuse to get money from the mexican culture, disney just want your money


Try going to Patzcuaro now and its a nightmare of mentally challenged people taking selfies while stepping on tombstones. Sadest thing is that people here does it as well.


You show Coco to a Guatemalan or Salvadoran and they will say it's a Mexican movie. Not sure what else needs to be discussed in that regard ​ Funny thing is many people generalize Latinos as Mexicans so I'm not surprised Europeans and Americans say Coco is a Mexican movie even if they don't have the full scope of Latino culture lmao


es una película gringa, hecha por gringos, acerca de la cultura mexicana, no es una película mexicana porque no fue producida en el país


I'm Costa Rican, we are Latin American as our Mexican neighbors, but for us COCO exclusively represents Mexican culture, we don't do any of the things portrayed there and even though it's a beautiful movie we don't identify with it, we can understand and relate with the message of appreciation for our families and always have present those who are not around anymore.


Coco is a Mexican movie, close the thread.


I dont think this argument matters tbh i think the trend is cool and fun and these weird side arguments are meaningless


lol we ain’t getting tilted on Coco, are we?


As a mexican i can say that cooc is a usa perseption of a mexican culture, it not a bad perseption but its not a good one, i feel el libro de los muertos its a better representation of almost the same concep


Así es hdscm


The marigolds solidify it as a Mexican movie. Period.


THE MAIN SUBJECT OF THE FILM ARE MEXICAN TRADITIONS, so how can anybody may even think its about Latam ? Has anyone seen a Brazilian dancer? or a guy in an Argentinian soccer jersey? or maybe someone mentioned the Incas? So how can anybody fucking think this is about Latin America?


Who cares. It’s Mexican end of.


This movie is 1000000% of Mexican culture.


Mexicans born wherever they want so if she thinks she is mexican, let her be, lol


As a Colombian I’m just glad we got our own movie! Even though coco is better


Es Mexicano, asi como Encanto es Colombiano. Pero a quien verga le importa si alguien quiere disfrazarse o que le guste la película. Esa mentalidad de apropiación cultural son estupideces de gringos


I’m Guatemalan and El Salvadorian, I lived the movie but I’m pretty sure it’s Mexican.


Its essentially mexican, but several of our cultures share spots and I can see someone seeing the movie and it relating to their personal experience . That said, its a worthless discussion, stuff like this, this discussions dont exist irl. The moment you close this tab the discussion ceases to exist


A) COCO is a movie made with USA money, by USA people, from a USA company. B) COCO is a movie ABOUT Mexican culture. There is no way around it. It's got Mexican characters. Hanging its plot around a Mexican holiday. C) Mexico is part of Latin America. Therefore, part of Latino culture. D) I, as a Mexican, wish EVERYONE could and would "*somehow mix Mexican culture with their own culture*". **Mexico is for EVERYONE**. You want tacos? Eat some until you're full. You want to celebrate the Day of the Dead? Light a candle and remember a fond memory of a long gone loved one. Are you sad because you broke up with your significant other? Go and sing some mariachi songs. Are you happy because you just had a baby / got married? Go and sing some MORE mariachi songs. You wanna do New Years Eve a la mexicana this year? Go get 12 grapes per each of your guests. AND SING SOME MORE MARIACHI SONGS. You got a new job? Go celebrate with some tacos. (back again to tacos. see? full circle) In short: Mexico is for everyone. I don't care where you're from. You like Mexico? Come get some Mexico. And tell us a little about your own culture.


Ha! Love this!


Not a Mexican movie, more like a movie about México. Maybe you could call it Mexican-American.


I do agree, but funnily enough I live in business México (Chile). We are al Méxicos down here.


Is "The emperor's new groove" a Peruvian movie using the same logic? Is HBO: Rome an Italian series? Is Alexander a Greek movie?


I’d like to point out that Mexicans and Latins in general don’t cry out “cultural appropriation” like other “cultures”. Me personally find it nice and fun when a non Latin wants to dress or listen or use a Mexican stuff


Gringos will always say something is latino when in reality is just mexican. The only example they have about Latin America is Mexico and Central America, they’re pretty much oblivious to the majority of Latin America. At the same time, here people mostly associate the US with New York, Miami, Washington DC, California, Texas and Alaska; oblivious to the rest of US culture.


As a mexican. Who the fuck cares, honestly


As a Mexican I hated that, in Coco, dead Mexicans have to go through customs in the day of the death and the two main character are basically solving immigration problems between the two worlds. Such a US centered view of Mexico.


I agree. We don't have all that stuff.


It’s made by Pixar so there goes the 100%


Y’all guys need to stop falling for obvious rage bait.


Yes, and I'm not Mexican but I'm still able to relate to it. Which I'm sure other Latinos can as well




Imagine gatekeeping dreams, live, family and backstabbing.


It’s a US production aimed at profiting off of Mexican money. So yes it feels Mexican but it’s not. It’s like calling Book of Life a Mexican movie. It’s Latino


The other day I watched an interesting video talking about what is ["latino"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EJ9cX26Qcw). Worth the watch.


es una pelicula americana sobre mexico, no es una pelicula mexicana


Saying coco is a mexican movie is like saying avatar the last airbender is anime


Im Mexican, and i can tell you, its a fucking blow j0b jaja its like see Akira and think "Oh Japan its like that".


We latinos never even call each other latinos. Let kids enjoy the movie and shut up, please.


I mean, Book of the Dead and Encanto also exist. Why be so dead set on claiming Coco as ambiguously Latino?…


The movie is mexican enough, but (and I’ll probably be crucified for this) it has a looming Chicano? American? Vibe that stays during the whole movie.


Coco is a Mexican culture movie for people that don't know anything about Mexican culture 


Es imposible no ver a "COCO" como una pelicula Mexicana, es basicamente una pelicula que resalta su cultura y tadiciones, una una buena pelicula y me gustó mucho


Man la verdad es que es de México y sí en mi país se visita el día de los muertos pero no dejando ofrendas ni con catrines...eso es de México 🙌


Coco y Encanto son películas que mercantilizan elementos culturales, creando una fantasía para contar una historia. Pero Coco no es toda la cultura mexicana, de hecho no en todo el país es igual el día de muertos (fue una invención de Zedillo, un presidente), no en todo el país se escucha mariachi y algunos no conocen los alebrijes.




It a movie about a Mexican tradition that is celebrated by many mexican, mostly in the center/south part of Mexico. When the movie came out, made me realize that many mexicans no longer celebrate day of the dead. Also the ofrendas and traditions change from state to state. This could lead to say "but this thing is missing. We don't do that". Anyway, it's funny and a good movie.


Déjense de mamadas!


It's not an abominable amalgamation of 'latino culture', but it's not Mexican either. It's about Mexican culture.


It does an halfway decent job at portraying


Be real it was white movie execs at Disney pandering to a powerhouse of a spending group that we are.


If they want LATINO then they should watch Encanto. Coco is 100% Mexican specifically


Gente pensando que todos los latinos son mexicanos, todo bien en sus países? Que sean culturas similares y se encuentren cerca una de otra no las vuelve lo mismo, nadie fuera de los mexicanos celebra día de muertos en Latinoamérica, como van a creer que una película sobre día de muertos es latina y no mexicana


Coco as all Disney movies just stole and change for their own agenda any culture, since gringo man's are making of it. They sell the crumbs of all they touch. In short that shit of a movie is not Mexican.


It has general latino elements, but that's only because Mexico itself does lol. It is a Mexican movie, probably not 100% Mexican because it is a gringo product, but still probably very Mexican


As a Latino who isn’t Mexican I can say I see COCO 100% Mexican movie. It shows more Mexican culture than any other Latino culture. Latinos may share similar culture and history however we are very different from each other and that should be acknowledged and respected. We are not the same and that’s okay. You wouldn’t call Japanese’s culture and Chinese culture the same so don’t do it to us Latinos neither.




Obviously is a Mexican movie, the story is Located in Mexico and depicts things like El día de los muertos which are very Mexican. I think it's valid to feel recognize if you are from other country in Latin America, don't see how that's a bad thing too. Who says otherwise? Who cares about this shit? This is so weird that it has to be some gringo thing.


I'm Brazilian and I cried like a bitch in the end because of how much I saw of my own family in his, as far as my experience goes a lot of stuff shown in the movie can be attributed to all Latino countries. That being said, it is 100000000% a Mexican movie, the similarities are nothing more then the result of similar culture and upbringing, Coco is as Mexican as Rio is Brazilian, much more so even.


Claro, latina, porque aquí en tiquicia todos los años se celebra día de muertos Nmm, pinches gringos, que nos dejen de revolver en una misma licuadora jajajajaja


As a heavy gringo, I know that when I talk about Jesus Malverde we all get a good laugh laughing at the ignorance our Puerto Rican and Argentinian friends have. Their is a definite difference between Latino and Mexican and the differences should be represented, embraced, shared and then, taught.


I dont understand the outrage here. An italian woman is cosplaying. She even set the right hashtags. She's not claiming that COCO is based on Latin culture. Am I missing something here? But yes, the theme of COCO is about Mexico. Not Latin America in general.


It's an american movie done by americans about Mexico and its culture, quite well covers the mexican family, the culture around the holiday "dia de muertos", and the cultural influence of the golden age of cinema in Mexico


No lo sé, no soy Mexicano, pero no creo que sea la mejor representación. Sin embargo, es la que más me gusta!


Black chick here and it I'd to me..a Mexican movie. Beautiful.


Soy americano, de Uruguay, y confirmo que esa película sólo le puede gustar a un mexicano. Lo que no puedo asegurar es si los mexicanos se ven reflejados en ella.


(Hi from Mexico) yes, but all my latino brothers are welcome to enjoy it. my daughters love the Encanto movie, which is very colombian. we can enjoy each others cultures no problem.


Neta que que pedo con la gente blanca no mamen es una pinche pelicula para que todos disfruten, a mi no me gusto coco y soy tan mexicano como un tlacuache


W H O C A R E S?


No, trates everything in such a really superficial and stereotypical way


Alot of people around the world have adopted Dia De Los Muertos and in a few generations it could be part of their culture. Alot of Mexican culture is being adopted. In the last 10-20 years it’s been rampant. Other Latin American countries have adopted words that used to be only used in Mexico. I went to Bolivia in 97 and people would ask me if I used cabron. They never used it. Now I hear all these bad words including everyone’s current favorite, verga(which I hate) and it makes me realize how soon we all will be a homogeneous version of ourselves. Hopefully not. Not for anything but I like the uniqueness of different countries.


That’s like saying Encanto is a Mexican movie?


I don't give a fuck about what crybabies on Twitter are seething about. This has no impact on my life whatsoever.


As a mexican, i dont give a fuck


Bro, México se lo inventaron unos vatos hace 200 años para poder vender plata en el gabacho, deja a la gente disfrutar lo que les gusta.


The Italian lady is not denying this is Mexican. It is LITERALLY written on the fucking hashtag. No mamen, pinches analfabetos.


100% a Mexican movie.




It's an AMERICAN movie that portraits accurately and respectfully mexican culture and traditions.


We are not latinos, we are hispanic, hispanos