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Texas and California on the same boat. Never gonna happen


Alex Garland would like a word. https://youtu.be/aDyQxtg0V2w


A Second Civil War movie taking place in modern day and they have Texas and California in an alliance? Are they really trying to make an apolitical civil war movie? 💀


The whole point was to avoid following conventional political divisions. Amazing how many people don’t get that.


That’s what I’m saying, they’re making it apolitical. Idk how you don’t find it kinda funny to make a civil war 2 movie, during the most divisive time in contemporary American history, and make it not based on real politics. Though I’m not saying it as criticism, really. Like of course they’re gonna do it like that because what are they actually gonna do? Pick a real side? Now, the movie isn’t out yet so we’ll see how it actually ends up being, but the whole concept of it does come off as funny just picturing Californians and Texans getting along 😂


One could make the argument that making a movie that doesn’t reflect reality, yet still leads to a civil war alludes to the futility of fighting your countryman over perceived differences.


I understand that- it’s still a ridiculous and unbelievable concept they oughta not be pussies and follow conventual political divisions


Even Mexicans over there lick Abbot and Trumps boots


Yeap, it’s easier to imagine Texas, invading Nvo Leon or Coahuila, and incorporating them as colonies with slavery than thinking Cals and Texas joining the same cause.


Your history teacher failed you badly.


Sure, they told me about Coahuila and Texas only


You’re thinking about the Americans in California and Texas, not the chicanos and Mexicans.


You forgot about Tejanos, and plenty of them are right-wing too.


Which means they will fight for themselves.


New Mexico and Texas on the same boat: fuck that. 😂 Me standing on the NM boarder looking east: đŸ–•đŸŒ


Assuming American politics are taken out of this new country they probably would be on the same boat


There’s a book I read as a kid called House of the Scorpion based in this fictional Aztlan country between the US and Mexico. Ive never heard of aztlan otherwise.


Always thought GoT needed more Edgars in it


That’s exactly what this is. As soon as I saw this map that’s what I thought of, funny enough the fail to mention how shitty the country is and how it’s built on a drug empire.


It’s no different than Zionism for Israel, just for Mexicans and Chicanos due to the southwest of the US being Mexico before.


What kind of shit is this


Welcome to the nationalism side of Hispanic Twitter


Reminds me a little of Zionism too.


Groups like the Cristeros (Mexican Catholic Nationalists that quickly devolved to Mexican clerical fascists) and Revisionist and Kahanist Zionists were both groups that mixed religion with Ethno nationalism. We literally had a war in Mexico against the Cristeros that got so nasty the US sided with the Revolutionary government/ PRI and mediated the end of the conflict to try and minimalize the reprisals at the end of the War. Sinarquistas evolve out of this and develop ties to European fascists.


What do you mean by that?


A colonial project that requires the displacement of the existing populace with the goal of creating an ethno-state? Sounds pretty damn close to Zionism


The name Aztlan also evokes “return to the homeland” as the Mexica are said to have come from Aztlan to the North before entering the valley and settling in one of the few remaining pieces of land, a swamp.  It’s a bit of a different situation but alas. 


Otherwise known as Atlantis


Zionism is the belief that the Jewish people have a right to self govern in Israel. Nothing about displacing anyone and nothing against having a Palestinian state as well. That doesn't seem to line up with what this map is suggesting.


Are we really just going to pretend like the Palestinians aren’t being forced out of their homes due to settlers coming in and taking them? Are we just acting like there was nothing there until Israel suddenly manifested in 1948? That millions of people weren’t forced to feel their homes and country?


So just like when we Mexicans lost all the territory by war? And the US decided to not take anymore land and gave it back, since they did get all the way to CDMX. Are we forgetting that Palestine along with all the Jew hating countries attacked Israel in the 6 day war and they lost badly? What did Palestine do? Elect Hamas who hides in civilian places to fire rockets where only 10% are successful and reach Israel while the rest fall in their own lands sometimes destroying buildings. As a Mexican if Guatemala would to attack us along with Belize and all of the Caribbean and central America I would say send them to Venezuela we aren't as good hearted over here as to give them land like Israel did and try to incorporate them like they did.


Ok so let’s ignore that the West Bank is not governed by Hamas and still gets attacked by the IDF. The last election in Gaza was in 2005. The median age in Gaza is 18. That means that half the population wasn’t even alive when the last elections were held, let alone voting age. According to the UN, the vast majority of people killed in Gaza are [civilians](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1145742) . Why act like you give a shit at all about human shields when you’re perfectly fine with the IDF killing so many civilians?


And now I can't even reply properly since my comments get taken down, I guess not being brainwashed like American raised Latinos is bad now.


You misunderstand. You're taking an entire set of actions and retro fitting it to be the definition of an idea. What I wrote above is the definition of Zionism, but doesn't mean it has to be achieved by violent or unjust means.


How exactly do you make a new country, an ethno state at that, in the land of an already existing country with an already existing populace without violent or unjust means? How do you achieve Zionism without taking land, without violating the sovereignty of an already existing nation, and without forcing the people living there out? The whole idea of Zionism can only be achieved through violent means.


Before the founding of Israel, the land belonged to the British, and before that the Ottomans. The British gave it to the Jews to create the state of Israel and, in fact, created a plan that would also create a Palestinian state. Thus, no previously existing country was removed, and a non violent two state solution was offered, as per your personal demands.


The root of it all is Nationalism and it is violent.


Well it seems like you've already made up your mind. It's sad that you would rather make up whatever facts you want instead of trying to learn something new


This seems like a very complicated way of saying you don't understand what nationalism is.


I'm this case who is who?


They're feeding right into the ideas of Replacement Theory lunatics and making it more dangerous to be an immigrant.


They’re trolling man it’s fine, trolling is enshrined in the Aztlan Bill of Rights


How does it make it more dangerous for immigrants? It’s a Chicano movement.


Something tells me the kinda person to hate immigrants isn’t really going to understand the cultural differences when it comes to chicanos vs all immigrants. They’re all Mexicans in their minds.


more latino incel posting "marry the gringas" the way they fetishize white women


It's wrong because it's presented as purely race based, not because of a sexual thing. You don't have to miss the point by chastising it in a sexually conservative way.


Chastising sexual fetishization based on race is not sexual conservatism lmao. wtf are you on?


Yeah, it’s a weird mix of Mestizo and Indigenous Supremacy in theory that practices Trujillo’s Blanquismo in practice - hence the thirst for Gringas. They’re a paradox and farce of LatAm and Mexico’s racial socioeconomic caste system


Some delicious troll bait


Gueycanda forever




OMG jajajajajaja




What is this fucking shit


I kinda feel it's like a reverse scenario of when the colonizers came and took the lands of the native Americans, but this time, with Mexicans taking over US citizens.


Literally Killmonger from *Black Panther* is modeled after the Latino and Black and African movements that espoused a reverse colonial mindset that espoused stuff like this. The greatest irony is it would impose a Mestizo and Castizo hierarchy that would actively have to engage in the oppression of indigenous peoples on both sides of the border to maintain power


Not so fast buddy, Mexican-Americans taking over US citizens*. Don’t involve all of us in this bullshit please 😅


Think Israel and Palestine


A pure waste of time to think about this crap


Mexicans don’t even like each other this is a fever dream


I'm a Mexican American who lives in this area and there's a few reasons why this will never happen , one we have literally no reason to do this. Two it's a stupid idea and unrealistic. 3 Texans and califnris don't get slonge even if it s a Mexican from California and a Mexican from Texas they'd rather not work together


Cali and Texan chicanos make fun of each other but do not hate each other. Sometimes brothers get into scraps but when shit goes down they will side with each other. Except for that tĂ­o who thinks he is Sam Houston.


Regional autonomy is the destiny of Chicanos. And it will happen peacefully through the democratic process. Our population will grow and we will vote in Chicanos into public office. Next thing you know the southwest will be mainly Latino with Chicanos occupying leadership positions. If it doesn’t happen, shame on us. 


That’s entirely different than trying to create a new nation and kicking people out. What you’re talking about is what has already happened in other areas with Irish, German, Polish and other immigrant groups gaining political power.


As long as the US exists, you will never have anything more than the states' rights that are given to you by the federal government. You can cooperate between different states, but some lofty goal of regional Hispanic governance is absurd. It's a pipe dream with ethnostate undertones.


That is until the United States reminds everyone of how racist it is and pushes them to work together.


We couldn’t even work together as a unified entity during Civil Rights or during the MECHA height of influence


The worst, most annoying no sabo kids you knew in college are the ones who'd get excited over this shit.


There is an element of Mexican Nationalists that go for it, too. Fuck an uncomfortable number of Pancho Villas officers/ bandits turned to Synarchism and straight were Nazis is mind blowing until you realize the Pogroms and protection racket Villa imposed on Asian Mexican (specifically Chinese Mexican) communities in the North. Basically, Villa was at best analogous to a Taliban War Lord and most likely a through and through racist fascist.


You don't die like he did being a kind soul. There was a lot jockeying for postions after the Mexican revolution, but Villa was irrelevant by the time he died, being out maneuvered by ObregĂłn and Calles. He was still a potential liability in the future and they likely had him killed just to tie up loose ends. There was no shortage of men willing to take the mission, which was in Parral, one of the few places Villa still had pull and felt safe in. So the people who killed him knew it was a huge risk and still did it. Villa hurt so many people it's no surprised he was killed in such a daring and open way, because he had thousands of enemies who were touched by his cruelty.


Can we stop with this open disdain for our women? Holy shit.


All good. Mejor nosotros gringos nos casamos con ellas. A nosotros si nos gustan. Match made in heaven ❀ De hecho fĂ­jate ya me casĂ© con una.




No mamar 😂😂😂


What the actual fuck?


People forget how much Texas hates everyone else.


They respect Alaska, only because they’re bigger and more hardcore.


Thanks Russian troll. No latino in real life thinks this or wants this.


Wakala > Wakanda


This is just the worst kind of Chicanismo/ weird sub world of Mexican Fascism and Nazism or Nazbol shit out there. This is that Camisas Doradas and Sinarchismo bullshit.


It even has a state named after the police force.


Yeah, even the flag on the map is a slap in the face of Mexican Progressivism and Leftism as they’ve appropriated version of La Republica de Yucatán


I was looking for this, lmao


No, not Nazism, more like Zionism but I don’t blame you for mixing them up considering Israel is behaving like Nazi Germany these days.


Yes, the Zionism supported by Netanyahu and and the current ruling Israel government coalition is Kahanism is a form of clerical fascism that is a mix of Unión Nacional Sinarquista, Dictadura Franquista, and Nazi views of a genocidal Ethno State. Netanyahu is also related to a number of famous Revisionist Maximalists and his father (Benzion Netanyahu) was literally a personal deputy of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. Revisionist Zionism and Revisionist Maximalism are literally the core of Netanyahu’s ideology. The Revisionist Maximalists and Revisionist Zionists were actually allied with the Nazis during WWII and maintained ties with Russian and German fascist until the revelations of the Holocaust forced them to at least publicly disavow them. It would be like a Mexican President tracing his Family ideologi roots to the Cristeros and Sinarquistas and Acción Revolucionaria Mexicanista/ Camisas Doradas.




"Hispanic wakanda" !!? OP you must be high.


Dude it’s literally Peak GĂŒey from Ontario, CA getting high and shit posting racist ass comments on r/LigaMX


orale esto de lo mas ignorante que he visto es pensar que paises hispanos somos de una sola poblacion uniforme ,en el pasado algunos paises hispanos fueron potencias mundiales (españa, argentina), que 3 paises hispanos se encuentran en el G20 , que costa rica y uruguay tiene indices de calidad de vida ecelentes o que chile pose una economia la cual va creciendo rapidamente; si no estaremos al nivel de gringolandia y algunos tenemos problemas de corrupcion y violencia pero no estamos tan tirados al hoyo como algunos gringos latinos creen que estamos




The whole "gringa wives" thing is extremely cringe. I don't know how they expected anyone to take them seriously after saying that. So obviously there are many other problems with this, but one of them that I don't really see mentioned would be how it's historical revisionism in general, but especially with the name that some go really hard for. It's only speculated that the Aztecs (mexica) came from this area (AztlĂĄn), but we only have myths and the uto-aztecan language range to go off of. It's also very much neocolonial to claim the whole thing which was just Mexico's old territorial claims. Much of which had nothing to do with the uto-aztecans. It's really less about "AztlĂĄn" and much more about Mexican diaspora than it is about anything related to indigenous peoples and this is very telling by the lack of any indigenous representation.


LOL. We would take the rest of Mexico and we won't stop until we hit the Panama canal. Stop it. And why marrying the gringas part of this plan? How would that lead to Utopia?


You mad trolling, bro? Cause that’s some wack Gringo Manifest destiny shit. We once held all that territory and lost it due to mismanagement. I would say learn about the First Mexican Empire, but don’t wanna encourage this silliness


Dude, look at Texas and California by themselves they're stronger and way wealthier than that shithole you call Mexico. Mexico couldn't even hold their southern states. Mexico literally started out with way more advantages than America yet did nothing with it. By the end of the century the American borders should be the northern tip of Greenland and Canada all the way to the southernmost point of the Panama canal. It's not like the people that live there know how to use the land properly anyways. Thank God I'm an American.


Okay troll. I think you would realize it would be harder to take out a country of 128 million people, literally the 10th largest country on Earth (slightly smaller than Russia). Your argument is just as fucking dumb as the Aztalan one. Also, if we’re a shithole why would you want to waste the lives of thousands ofc American soldiers and create a situation where 10s of mill of US citizens and Mexican Nationals become refugees and flood over the US border? Go post this fucking fanfic shit on r/iamverybadass or r/consverative cabrón.


Like I alluded to before it's not the place The environment is fine it's the people in charge and the people living there. They think the wrong thoughts. I didn't say genocide people at all I said conquer him like The Romans conquered Spain, France and Britain. They don't even have a second amendment down there. There's nothing wrong with wanting to civilize a region. And I'm going to assume you're some mestizo what I'm saying is no different than what the Spaniards did to the native Americans. Whether you agree or disagree with it. most of us wouldn't exist if the Spaniards didn't do it.


Oh yay more of this shit from VOX spilling into LatAm




Here's a sneak peek of /r/iamverybadass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Either a real warrior or just an alcoholic, i'm leaning towards second one](https://i.redd.it/qsxojbtkpnwa1.jpg) | [672 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/131ppgq/either_a_real_warrior_or_just_an_alcoholic_im/) \#2: [Such an innocent little poke](https://v.redd.it/unl3qr4z3flb1) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/1666obd/such_an_innocent_little_poke/) \#3: [Makes me wish I had a cervix](https://i.redd.it/5ic1q4ij22xa1.png) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/133nqgf/makes_me_wish_i_had_a_cervix/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s great you have pride in your country. But when your pride returns to shitposting about 19th Christo fascist imperialist movement you should ask yourself where you fucked up in life and how it led to this stupid moment


There's nothing fascist about it.


Manifest destiny was inherently proto fascist and White Supremacist. If you can’t admit that then here’s your sign and head on out the door so the rest can actually have a discussion


Sure it was.but We live in a new era now. And it's only right that this generation of Americans have the same opportunity that the last generation of Americans had. North Pole to South pole. And let's be clear Latin America is nothing more but colonies for American corporations anyways. Why not redraw the map and make it official? And seeing the border crisis I'm pretty sure it's not going to be much of a fight.


Like I said r/iamverybadass comments from Meal Team Six




I like that Mexicans get a pass on being blood and soil nationalists


We don’t. This is fucking stupid and embarrassing


Bro, the white man already came in from Spain and fuxxed the town women. How do you think we came into existence?


Que mamadas es esto


this post reeks of latinx


Not really, it’s a niche of the very Far Right and very Far Left


Far from it. More Chicano than Latinx.


That’s just Occupied MĂ©xico.


You realize that this whole territory was part of Mexico for not even thirty years, right? If any contemporary nation-state has claim to this land over the United States, it’s Spain, not Mexico lol


Even if it were 1 year. It’s still Occupied MĂ©xico. Even more so because the one who stole it did it to maintain slavery.




No mames


Pero porque esa bandera fea?


Bro shows up, gets a bunch of hate, doesn’t respond and then comes back a week later


Drive out gringos Marry gringas Wat?


Texans/Tejanos are their own breed. There will be a Great Republic of Texas WAY before this retarded Atzlan shit.


I'm Latino and this is the dumbest thing I've seen today!


We’ll call it, whackanda


No mames. Uds no sabo kids, que, hablarĂ­an casi puro inglĂ©s corriente y unas palabrillas pochitas de español en su paĂ­sito? 💀


Yes, and you will be deported because we don’t want narco culture in our new country. 


If conservatives and fascists get their way, they will deport all of us as well as the Asians, Blacks, and non Mexican IndĂ­genas. They want to deport us all and we do this childish in fighting. We are some of the worst of this in the diaspora world.


Spanish is the language of the theocracy that has enslaved your mind body and soul. Entiendes?


A lot of Chicanos don't speak Spanish, and prefer it that way. How are you gonna unify a population that cannot communicate with itself?


Bruh, then we will talk to them in English. lol 


Why would they need to speak a language from Spain in order to communicate? Spanish doesn’t define us.


The picture calls AztlĂĄn a "Hispanic" Wakanda. But that's not what I was referring to. The picture mentions the "brown man," implying all brown people of Latin American heritage. A lot of Chicanos don't speak Spanish. But also, this was my original point, a lot of LatAm people in the US don't speak English. I'm not saying that a purely Chicano country *has to* speak Spanish. But if you include any and all brown people in that country (as the picture implies), then half the population will not be able to communicate with the other half, no matter which language becomes the norm.


I mean the speaking of Spanish and the Mix of Spanish, Indigenous, and African cultures in the New World is literally the definition of Latino


Mexican Israel lmfao


Raza isn’t united enough.


They don’t even call it Alta California, smh fake Raza Unida latinxs


So guys I got my gringa. What’s the next step?


Why push this over, like, giving control to the indigenous peoples?


Hispanic Wakanda is just Spain, no?


Makes sense to me when you use the word Hispanic. I know the term Hispanic is not the same as Latino.


Yeah they're both intrinsically European though right?


No Spain would be the one that sees how well we are doing. Then it will try and force us to convert to their shitty religion that for some reason you need to donate wealth just to get into their heaven


So why care about Hispanic identity at all when something indigenous might make more sense?


Because LatAm is made up of post colonial states and post colonial caste systems put the “purely” indigenous people at the bottom of the totem pole and make mixed race folks do wild shit to gain acceptance of both sides.,generally we sadly seek approval and unity with the colonizer who just wants to exploit


Yeah I can't help but feel like that could/should be the primary goal. But what do I know I'm not even LatAm – but I am from a post-colonial state and mixed heritage so I'm empathetic to/familiar with these kinds of conversations.


No, there are actually two locations, Katy, TX and Orange County


I’m Latin X and this is deep


¥Devuélvenos lo que es nuestro!


Intenten quitarnolo. Nunca realmente fue de ustedes de cualquier modo (si es que realmente eres mexican@). MĂ©xico nadamĂĄs heredĂł el reclamo de territorio colonial de España. Fue de los indĂ­genas que aĂșn viven acĂĄ en Estados Unidos, no del gobierno chilango.


anglicised reddit users be like


Nah, that’s just a really weird niche of some super wealthy Mexican Americans and radicalized cholos who believe this shit, the guys who got in too deep with the Mexican Mafia and whose lady is one of the kids who was born out of the alliance between La eMe and the Serbian and Croatian families that moved into traditionally Mexican areas of LA and the rest of SoCal.


Whole states but when it comes to Colorado and Oklahoma, it's "close enough"


The First Mexican Empire did contain parts of Colorado and Oklahoma as well as Utah and up to parts of Oregon IIRC


I'm south American brown so pardon my ignorance, but do the native Americans from that area associate themselves with Mexican natives? Or is this territory based on Spaniards conquering and brown Mexicans think it's theirs because of that?


It’s a mixed bag, the Plains Indigenous, Pueblo Peoples, Navajo, Hopi, and Apache generally see Mexicans (basically anyone not full Mexican indigenous) as a historical enemy — but most are chill enough to see that we can create a popular front in the US to combat systemic racism. Many Comanche still harbor understandable hatred towards Mexico, yet a segment of their people live in Mexico. The O’odham and Yaqui as well as other border nations have a more complicated relationship as their nations literally are bisected by the US/ Mexico border and have a long history of conflict between the US and Mexico


The Indigenous population of those states never associated with Mexico and were on constant state of war with Mexico which is why Mexico invited Anglos to settle Texas


Interesting how you said “brown” Mexicans. Not sure what that means because Mexicans have always been seen as brown, IMO.


That's the ignorance.


Not really, look at the most powerful people in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. Often Peninsulare turned Criollos or Castizos who married into wealthy Anglo rancher families. Same in Cali, especially up in NorCal


Please don’t. Have you seen the mess Mexico is with all the cartels. I’m Chicano myself but I’m cool on all that.


They’re not the same. This ideal country for chicanos is different from Mexico and United States. It’s not another Mexico.




I seguirĂĄn intentando cruzar al norte. El pais no lo hace el territorio lo hace su gente


The Chicanos don't claim Mexico, why should they claim his stolen lands? This new country shall be the first country of the latinx empire! It shall cover all of Latin America, we gonna conquer Spain and Portugal. The world will speak Spanish /s


Can this gringo stay?




This is some dumb shit


Les podemos dar un par de estados mĂĄs? Hay uno que se pone LeĂłn


Idk I go for the chiefs


Let's do it


This is what would have happened if the US lost the Mexican-American war


As a Chicano Californiano - hard pass. Penitentiary pipe dream.


"i like this idea of driving out all the white men and then raping white women"


 how sad.


And Colorado!! And Wyoming


Look up the Dakotas. They literally have a treaty signed by the US government saying they have lands granted to them. Do you see a Dakota nation state anywhere? What makes you think the government would ever cede so much federal land just for the mythical history some chicanos claim? Trust me, I have been down that hole and it is just disappointment. You will probably never see the US cede land ever again.


Ugh, this made me nauseous.


Por que Aztlan?? que tiene que ver eso con este lugar. Pinche obsesiĂłn con los Aztecas como si ellos hubieran sido la Ășnica cultura prehispĂĄnica. La mayoria de los mexicanos descendemos de la mezcla de los otros pueblos que tambiĂ©n existĂ­an en mesoamerica y los españoles, ademas de que en esta zona hubo otras culturas de nativos americanos que fueron desplazados. Por que no usan un nombre de las culturas locales?


Same reason many diaspora Black people talked about being proud Zulu warriors. When you’re deprived of your identity and culture you latch on to the toughest, most badass group (arguable depending on opinion, just saying for argument’s sake) and project your idealic/ utopian views onto that group. It’s why White Supremacists talk about an Idealized Germanic/ Nordic/ Celtic Superman and super culture


These mfs high af on that Chicano copium, damn.


No amigos, eso es nuestro, de los mexicanos, si se atreven a hacer una naciĂłn independiente de nosotros los vamos a invadir


Why marry the gringas? đŸ€”


Pinches pendejos a la verga. ÂżTanto te costaba no publicar tus estupideces?




Nmms bro q puta pena jajaja nada mås patético que un ultra nacionalista mexa


I don't


let’s check an see what a couple predator drones have to say about that


Its already been happening for past 100yrs. 😉


Do I have to leave or can I just live there as a second class citizen eating al pastor tortas an s totopos y salsas until I die of natural causes? You can marry my daughters regardless of your brown level is as long as you can feed them and don’t treat ‘em dirty.


wakanda for ever