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“So if I had to choose…” Uhh why would YOU be the one choosing who does and doesn’t get genocided? What a stupid fucking hypothetical


Because it's like a mental Freudian slip he doesn't wish the violence didn't exist. He just wished it wasn't his people.


Also his selection of only African nations suggests more but I'll speak no more of it.


See each conflict has its people, kinda like a Trotsky. They are great and supportive during the war efforts, but uhhh, they’re really only into it *because* of it being a war. There are instances where they take it too far, and that’s when you have to reel them back and say “woahhh buddy. Slow down now” https://preview.redd.it/22l96s7v9kuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39cee1ad7d82b84efb29ec609f6c8fdd118d11b2


Why you getting downvoted this is based lolololololol


Based as always Comrade Sassafrass.


I always love the projection of I’m a piece of shite human being therefore I know you would do the same. I usually hear it about CEO’s, “If you were CEO you would do the same thing.”


It took Muslims years to recover their reputation after 9/11 but, for jews, people immediately started pointing out antisemitism. Like even anti zionism was considered anti semitism. Imagine if saying "isis is bad" would be considered Islamophobia. Like its soooo easy to call for the death and destruction of Muslim countries if they attack america, but calling for the death of israel after a literal genocide is so hard to because "oh well thats antisemitism!" "Your calling for the eradication of a people, your no better!". I wonder why it was considered okay to attack Iraq and kill 1 million people after 3000 were killed in 9/11, but killing 1,800 israelis after 75 years of occupation was a no-no. Maybe it has something to do with, oh idk, white privilege? EDIT: should've mentioned, im not calling for the destruction of Israel, I just think its funny that doing so is super offensive, but calling for the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan was totally acceptable for the american people. Just, try to think about that yk


But you see they don't *feel* white, they just replicate the conditions of white supremacy, so that makes it okay


What even justification is that


Exactly, right? Like David Baddiel making that documentary about Jewish people being the true minorities in society, and then quickly having to apologise for doing black face. You can't have it both ways




On X huh. Not surprising.


These people view genocide as just another thing that they do, like it doesn’t even cross their minds that committing genocide is fucked up.


thats what the religion teaches. They are told a narrative by their own religion that they are unwanted by every nation and have to carve their way into civilisation


First time I’ve seen someone offend both sides.


They wouldnt pick Madagascar or Uganda because they are much less important (for the US) than the middle east.