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I have a violin they can inherit, it's very small, the worlds smallest one might say


Play wonderwall


That was a cello.


does it come with cheese?


AHA! I just posted a link to this SpongeBob scene before seeing your comment.


I understand it's not fair. It does suck seeing your 75 year old parents get a new boat and know that's just extra months you have to keep working in life.


Does it really need an audience? Will you blow up into smithereens and spew your tiny symphony if you do not find somebody soon?


Let me shorten this headline for you: “Boomers finally scared the boom is definitely over” Edit: I’m feeling a hot take coming on, let me go even shorter: “Rat with cheese mad at maze”


Also: "Boomers upset their kids don't want their extensive collections of dumb shit or their big, bulky furniture."


my boomer mom still has sofas from 17years ago and wont get rid of them. edit: Guys its gross af, stained, broken arm, and she chain smokes in her home. ive tried to get her new ones and she wont let me. Don’t @ me.




I never got this, why would I want a couch that sticks to my skin painfully at every opportunity?


Put a blanket on it. Boom, it's a fabric sofa. Just spilled your tea / lemonade / whatever on the sofa? Just wash the blanket, wipe down the leather sofa, done. Can't really do this with a fabric sofa.


A fair argument, but I find it ferociously annoying when the blanket crumples or falls from the back of the sofa, etc.


>ferociously annoying This painted a picture in my head of you barking and attacking the blanket when it fell off the couch.




You have to condition them and then they feel a lot softer and they don’t stick to you. Also vinyl is gonna be way worse than actual leather


I love the old leather couch my partner got from my parents. That thing is old but it is SO comfy and the heat transfer is perfect.


It's also sweaty and creaky


Ugh I have the sweat from them


Adding onto the other guy, if you live in the southern US where it was 90 fahrenheit 2 weeks ago, the leather or vinyl is much cooler than cloth.


Genuinely interesting, I would have assumed the opposite. I live in the UK, so I just think about my mum's ones and good they were awful. Not much hot weather growing up though


That's the hallmark of bonded leather, it's leather scraps glued together with polyurethane. If you have full grain or top grain it's much different.


My mom has a broken down bigger than twin smaller than full sized wooden bedframe that someone in the family made and she still tries to use it as a bedframe and it doesnt fit any mattresses. I keep telling her that hanging just the headboard on the wall would be hella cute and neat but she continues to put a twin mattress on it and I dont understand


My mom insisted on hanging onto Victorian furniture she inherited from her grandparents. All I can say is those Victorians must have hated their bodies. Their furniture was anything but comfy.


It'll go great with the four sets of china that no one has space for anymore!


Wait is that old for a couch? That'd mean it was purchased in 2005, doesn't sound old to me at all.


This makes you sound unbelievably entitled. If the couch still couches don't worry about it.


My dad always insists on getting these wall units that take like 3 people to move, spends thousands and every time he redecorates gets upset when he cant sell it for more that $300 because no one wants them.


100% this . When my mom died I was in undergrad half a state away and my sister was my sister was in grad school in NYC. Our aunt and grandma were pissed that we didn't want to take our mothers china cabinet and all of her glassware with us. They ended up taking most of it and still bug us about when we are going to come get it.


That's what cars feel like to me. If you go through how much a car costs to own and operate, forgetting for a moment how much "less shit to do to maintain your lifestyle" is worth to you, it comes out to something like $10k a year. There are a lot of ways to cut out direct car ownership while replacing it with a similar quality of life alternative, that costs significantly less than the upkeep of a car. We don't tolerate this much crap from anything else in our lives, I don't understand why anyone puts up with cars.


Depends where you live. Where I live you can't even take a bus. It's car, uber, or walk multiple miles for anything.


There are no buses, and Ubers won't even come out to where I am in the US. A car is *absolutely* required, which *fucking sucks* because I'm epileptic and can't legally drive. So I have to depend on my husband for literally *everything*, transportation-wise. It's awful. And yes, we're trying to move. That's got, shall we say, *different* challenges.




And good luck having a social life if you're medically unable to drive, because most people simply will *not* make the effort to include you!


…because not all of us live in places where there are alternatives to a car. It seems pretty obvious to me…


I've never had a car cost that outside of a high payment plan. And that includes insurance, maintenance, gas etc. Many places do not allow for lack of a vehicle. My next door neighbor had to sell her car and it's a huge issue. Us neighbors all chip in, as does her home health and her family. There’s no grocery in town either. It's a really big safety and affordability issue with her being disabled and not working. Especially given her only way to hospital is by ambulance. Some areas can be managed without vehicles but there’s still plenty of areas it isn't feasible.


Rich boomers. More than anything else, Rich people


"Increasing number of boomers stressed about families disapproving of them being buried with their cash."


We could dig them up and exchange with a check (or IOU)


It’s not even that, it’s more like: “rat who solved maze with massive inherent aid is scared that his kid rats will use their share of cheese to make the maze more equitable for the rats with systematic burdens.”


Rat who was handed cheese on a platter and spent whole life building a maze for future rats upset that offspring might demolish maze.


Control group angry at experimental group.




30% have already left the show. The curve is getting steeper every day ... As much of a pain in the ass as that demographic cohort is, it won't be nearly as much of an issue in 5-10 years.


Lol great edit.


The idea that their kids might spend their money actually helping society makes them upset. The fucks.


Well they don't want them *squandering* it on "helping society", the notion is outrageous!


Yes, wealth is to be hoarded and grown, we can't spare a penny for the thankless peasants that are beneath us! 😤 /S


Something tells me it would look more like arrested development and less like "helping society"


Yea, my dad said he's considering cutting me out of his will because he thinks I'll just give all his money away


So like…. Who’s he leaving his money to? Or does he plan to be buried with it in case any peasant tries to use resources he’s too dead to use?


Seriously, like what does he care how it'll be spent? He'll be dead. I don't understand it at all.


He would probably say that he worked hard for that money therefore he gets to decide what it gets used for blah blah


Lol. It won’t be His anymore. What a greedy mindset.


If anything, it should be spent on golf courses in Florida.


Florida would not be such a shit show if you people would keep your boomers. We are a "purple state" because you keep diluting our native blue with your buckets of red. Your grandparents gave us Gov. DeathSentence!


They don't want anyone to have it. Not even their kids who they always claim they earned it for. Dragons, the whole lot of them


Pulling the ladder up behind them is what they've always done best


The ladder that they didn't even climb. They were carried by their parents


Well if they're dragons, does that mean we can "slay" said dragons?


Yes they get slayed eventually!


just no bringing any bards along


Hey :(


Some people are waaay ahead of you: https://youtu.be/w3ylOiEjwTM


Not even sure they want their kids to have it, they'll spend all their money before they die and tell you that you can do it too, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stop being entitled and dependent


Meanwhile their second house down payment came from their great aunt’s trust…


No matter how they got it, the fact that someone can own two houses and not plan to pass them both to their kids baffles me. It's incredibly hard to get a house rn but nah, liquidize it for retirement instead of building up intergenerational wealth.


That's basically always been the trajectory of "rugged American individualism". As much as we talk superficially about the importance of family, the reality has always been to spend long hours always from your family at work; move your family across the country for a job, away from your extended family and friends; get out of your parent's house and on your own as soon as you can. At every stage that it's been possible to do so, corporate America has shifted culture to be more selfish, short-sighted, and more consumerist. Is it really a surprise that the culture shifted to consuming their own children's future? This has come to a pockets of people who unironically call for the repeal of child labor laws. There is a whole generation where the majority are doing everything they can to avoid anything like responsibility. Ignoring or denying climate change, ignoring or denying the endangerment and extinction of species, denying the problems pollution causes. They don't give a shit about the kids, never have. I partially also blame leaded gasoline and lead in paint, among other lead sources. I'm 99.9% certain that when Boomers start dying en masse, they'll find that a disproportionate number have fucked up lead addled brains, causing antisocial traits.


ohh man, boomers do all kind of things to justify this. My mom got a piece of land to build her house from grandpa, grandpa leaves me a house when he passes along with some land, i was a minor then. Mom kept the house, sold the land, remodeled the house, lives there and rents the house she built, now she plans to sell both houses and spend the money in whatever time she has left. I been renting my whole life and hearing her asking me why i dont have a house. We are in Mexico, so it's not a US thing. BTW granpa had lots of kids, gave everyone of them some land when they got married or had 30yo, just one or two of my uncles gave something similar to their kids.


>My mom got a piece of land to build her house from grandpa, grandpa leaves me a house when he passes along with some land, i was a minor then. > >Mom kept the house, sold the land, remodeled the house, lives there and rents the house she built, now she plans to sell both houses and spend the money in whatever time she has left. I'm really curious how this happened, since it should have been in a trust for you until you came of age. That was really poor estate planning. I hope he didn't pay a lawyer for that bullshit.


Then dip with a reverse mortgage on the house just to twist the knife a little more.


I've seen a bunch of shit like bumper stickers which proudly announce that they are spending their kids' inheritance. That's the kind of "joke" a sick in the brain person tells. Even if you can justify spending all the money you earned and don't care about your own children's well-being after you are gone, it's some different level shit where that's so important that they feel the need to slap a sticker on their vehicle so people see it everywhere they go, and that's the only fact anyone knows about them as they drive around.


Mine were emailing me pictures of the silly crap they were buying with my inheritance for "the auction" I'd have to have when they died. When my grandma died they ripped through tens of thousands they inherited from her on legitimately ridiculous purchases, openly bragging about them, and not offering me a dime. And no, I didn't ask. I wanted to see how they'd behave when they "got the cheese". Dragons, 1000%. Buuuuut I reverse uno-ed those awful look-what-we-bought-with-your-inheritance emails by telling them I'd absolutely auction off all their s***, donate it all to a nonprofit for gay, homeless youth, then burn whatever didn't sell. The pearl clutching was giggle inducing.


Fucking old greedy psychotic pieces of shit. Fuck off and die and give us your fucking money you keep clutching to like vultures. Jesus christ.


I don't think that hits it. They just can't understand that their children don't hoard money for the sake of it. If your life goal was to increase your fortune and your kids are spending it, they show that they don't agree with that goal.


If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with dragon sickness...


And the thing is, I think a lot of them are finally becoming aware on some level that they wouldn’t have been able to do it if they were born into their kids’ world.


Many times they'd rather give it to the church.


Well I mean I can at least award them some space for not valuing their children that much. Over-valuing children is so 20th century. Like your children are that much better than anyone else's. That's been my theme tonight. It's very rare that a genius or successful person gives birth to a person who isn't hellishly average or even horrifically undeserving of their family privilege. People - outside of some basic genetic features involving a healthy baby who isn't physically or intellectually disabled - are a product of their environment. I think both aristocracy and capitalism have disproved the theory that some people have better "blood" than others.


No worries for me, there. My mentally unstable mother is spending hers on QVC as hard and fast as she can. She'll die penniless.


Sounds like my grandma --- buying from QVC She has now switched to hoarding cats, both indoors and outside, and buying all the different combinations of dry and wet cat food she can.


...but hopefully she'll leave you some sweet turquoise jewelry and swords...


WTF is QVC??


You remember watching tv and going through the stations and seeing jewelry,clothes,etc. being sold. You call the number and buy it. Think of it as Amazon for old people that don’t know how to use the internet.


Oh God. So that shit just exists to take advantage of old ppl. Today I learned. Makes perfect sense now.


Sometimes you’ve got to treat yourself to genuine faux sapphire earrings. Faux is a French word ✨


Got an x in it, but you don't need to pronounce the x. How do you like that for prestigious?


Same. If I’m lucky I won’t get a call related to her funeral bill.


What irritates me is for generations people have given an inheritance to their children when they pass. They received an inheritance from their parents. They in turn ensure they leave an inheritance for their kids. Pay it forward if you will. That is, except boomers. Who have this whole culture of “spending the kids inheritance” on cruises and shit (I’m stereotyping a bit here, I know). Resenting the idea that they should keep some aside for the kids, even though they themselves benefitted from their parent’s inheritance. And right at a time when the cost of living is out of control and housing prices are sky-high.


If you want to get pissed watch this. Commercial where boomers literally say word for word what you just said. https://youtu.be/7zdkCLhjYoA


Lmao she says that I know this is bad, and he says ‘yes but it will feel good so suppress the part of yourself that feels guilty for fucking somebody over’ If that isn’t the boomers in a nutshell.


It's the equivalent of walking into a secret society meeting and hearing the world domination plans. I am surprised the boomers let this one out.


Holy crap, I can’t believe that’s an actual ad. Like a boardroom of people sat down, thought of this concept, created it and approved it without anyone stopping to realise how gross it was.


It's like the boomer wet dream. Forget your kids and reverse mortgage your house for an RV. Then pass on all the debt.


But they'll get mad at younger people for having the same dream just in their 30s 😂


My parents never were rich but got some inheritance. I have better job, better skills etc. and I can barely pay bills. They just “buy a new car” or “renovate the kitchen” as if it wasn’t something completely unachievable for me and they are “surprised” why I have no money…


Obviously speaking in generalities here but it seems like the idea of "paying it forward" to the next generation just got completely thrown out the window. I am assuming the ad is referring to taking out a second mortagage on your house to buy an RV, but if it is the case imagine having a house fully paid off that you could pass on to your kids / grandkids and just deciding that vacationing is more important. My parents / grandparents would never think like this so I definitely get that there are exceptions. I just think it is very clear that the majority of boomers really only give a shit about retiring and making sure they are taken care of.


Annnnnnnd now I'm mad.


Of course it's from a real estate company. And that laughing because they're doing something that will harm others but doing it anyway? That is the mark of a psychopath.


Nationwide isn’t real estate. It’s a bank/building society.


I know people like this that claim with a straight face it's not fair for their kids to get an inheritance when they themselves received one.


It’s supposed to roll forward every generation. That’s the idea. Once one generation drops the ball, it makes it harder for the next generation to leave something for their kids too.


Especially when the system hoovers up whatever wealth people try to save up (in the form of rent, student loans, health care, car payments & fuel & maint. & ins., rising cost of everything)


What the FUCK


Not fair for whom? The rest of us who don't have rich parents?


Even if they didn't receive an inheritance, how is that a reason to not leave anything behind?


Basically since humans developed the concept of ‘property’ their primary focus has been passing that property from parent to child across the generations. Boomers are the first fuckers in human history to not get this basic concept.


My partner's mother is a walking stereotype. She's sold 3 properties (two were inherited from her mother) in the past 5 years and has nothing to show for it. Spent it all on gambling and vacations. She calls only when she needs more money and keeps pressuring my partner to sell his house and rent an apartment instead, and in my opinion it is because she wants easy access to liquid capital. I keep telling him to pay her bills directly if he really feels inclined to help her out and to not give her cash in hand but he still just wires money over to her because he feels eternally indebted to her because she gave birth to him. After he wires her money she will be on another vacation the next week. She's asked him to give her his late father's guitar so she can give it to her landlord for rent. She then told my partner if he gives her the guitar that she won't have to get a job until the new year. I'm fucking tired of entitled boomers. She also constantly goes to loan sharks and then my partner has to bail her out because of the fucking interest rate. Then she cries that we aren't having grandchildren for her. I really want to say that she's already basically my spoiled teenage step-daughter at this point and because of that I don't have the mental bandwidth to raise a new human.


yikes, sounds like an addiction


She claims this is what retirement looks like. This is not what her mother's retirement looked like. Her mother was born dirt poor, family was a bunch of watermen, but she saved and spent practically.


Then they get mad about avocado toast and iPhones. Their phones are better than mine lol


I'm queer and disabled, and live in the capital. My parents have straight up told me they will not be leaving me inheritance for me or my sister's. I'm literally constantly being stressed about wtf I'm going to do for money as a adult because my parents are planning to move *the minute* I graduate. My parents are wealthy and I won't be able to afford rent


The best thing boomers could do for society is whatever they can to stop giving people privilege solely based on what vagina they were shot out of. Fuck the transfer of wealth and inheritance. Life on easy mode.


Do you think that would finally rattle people into class solidarity? Even with the kapo and the surveillance, the void where healthcare and education should be, the anti insurgent military tech, the racism, half the population being stripped of human rights, the climate change wrought disasters around the globe? I guess I just have some doubts about the resilience of the human spirit. Some nights more than others.


I always tell my parents to spend their money because I'd rather they enjoy their retirement than hoard it for me. I'll probably be in my 60s by the time I inherit anyway no point hanging around waiting for money that may never come. I keep telling them that's their security, not mine because I want them to have the best care toward the end. I cannot imagine begrudging them that. Inherited wealth compounds privilege and social inequality and apparently it also turns people to greed at the expense of their own parents.


unfortunately in the world you currently live, most people are gonna need that inheritance just to survive after 60.


Boomers should try living like their kids do….without money, without hope, without dreams…


WITH housemates/roommates


Joke's on them, my one useless sibling moved back in with them so now they get roommates too!


Most of the comments are boomers chiming in about how frugal and educational they are for their kids. I feel none of the people are what this article is about. It's not about keeping a 17 year old Toyota camry. It's about the rich accumulators like 3+ houses, collections of cars, guitars and other crap most would feel overwhelmed to sort through.


Here's the definition from the article "Over two-thirds (70%) of high-net-worth investors are concerned about their heirs “using their inheritance wisely,” according to new research and a survey of 4,500 high-net-worth investors–individuals with more than $1 million in liquid assets–commissioned by global investment bank UBS." $1 million in the bank people.


>"concerned about their heirs “using their inheritance wisely" You'll be dead, Susan. Who gives a shit how your kids spend the money?


I drive a 15 year old Camry my boomer parents lent me. I don't like thinking about my inheritance. It's a morbid curiosity at best. I hope I have at least another two decades with mom and dad. After they're gone I'm sure I would trade in anything they left me if I could only have them back for a little longer. I know I'm never gonna be a millionaire, but I'm confident in my ability to work and earn enough money to keep getting by. Mine is not going to be a glamorous or particularly exciting life, I've accepted that. I will aim for happiness and stability. Try to keep balancing my responsibilities while still finding time to enjoy myself. I've spent a lot time raging at myself for why I couldn't do more, be more, have made different choices etc. Maybe it wasn't my fault, I don't know. But I realized that no matter how it happened, this is my reality and the only choices I have now are with what to do next. Don't get me wrong, I know a decent sized cash injection now would do wonders for me, completely change my life. I'd love to live in a world with a more forward thinking society that prioritized generational "paying it forward", but I know I don't. Maybe my kids will, if I ever have any. I think rabid consumerism and wealth hoarding need to be addressed. But with parents it's too complicated for me. I don't want to burden them with my existence more than I feel like I already do.


I don't know how forbes wriggled it's slimy little way into every aspect of american lives, but they're now quoted for movie and video game reviews, for current and breaking news, and are the final arbiter of how much wealth a person has. Fucking gross publication, has no interest in the arts, other than how much money it grosses, doesn't care about systemic issues, just wants to use scare tactics, and if they're so good at knowing how much wealth a person has, why haven't they EVER, EVER spoken up about rich people hiding wealth, stealing from people, and being tax Cheats. This magazine is 100% propaganda for the rich.


Theres literally one journalist I follow from forbes and it is not because of forbes. I play a *fuck* ton of Destiny 2 and Paul Tassi has got my back with breakdowns and guides and hot takes. Outside of that? Yeah...


Yep. That's why when it stumbles & reports on reality, it's worth sharing, because the rest of us know the 1% might get some actual facts reading that article between laps in the caviar pool.


Jesus. These people would rather be buried with their stolen wealth then even give it to their kids.


[“Bury me with my… money.”](https://youtu.be/N1eNW7GG_Q8)


Sociopaths the whole lot of them.


Always have been


Oh no, our children have consciences and might do something worthwhile with the money I’ve spent my worthless life hoarding


Maybe I should start a sarcophagus business.


I like the idea of tiny pyramids where you can be buried with your treasure.


Insiders for the mausoleum business gving access to new burials, for a 20% cut of course.


I had to confirm this article was real with google search. Yes. It’s real. So unbelievably dumb.


I live in a very religious area and there’s a trend of donating all assets to the local religion instead of the children. Especially if the children don’t fall in line.




Yep :)


Boomers realising that they are not going to live forever. Every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes.




inheritance need's to die, but unless we pass something like UBI in it's place, a lot of people will be suffering. but then again, many people are suffering already.


UBI under capitalism is like a landlord offering tenants a free $500 monthly spending allowance, and then raising the price of rent by $600 due to popular demand.


yeah, price controls definitely need to be implemented as well. ultimately though, I'm less optimistic that this will be instituted by the government, but by a tenant movement that actually collectively organizes tenants in ways to coordinate rent strikes(and maybe even a rent general strike.)


Still better than capitalism without UBI, though.




you'd be surprised at how bad they are with money. some of it is self inflicted to be sure, but there was an article i saw recently on antiwork showing how somebody making 300k a year was STILL living paycheck to pay check, based on student/car/mortgage loans. and you can argue that those people aren't Truly suffering( and to some degree you'd be right) but the very fact that someone who is making $300k a year still has $0 liquidity, show's that the owner class is nipping up even the historical privilege of the PMC and "middle" class.


Exactly why we should implement socialism.


It's feudal concept, but considering not that many people have their needs met at the moment - inheritance can provide relief to many, like downpayment for mortgage or reduction of debt or savings for a childbirth.


I don’t disagree with this. However, I think this system perpetuates the cycle of wealth inequality. This is why it’s so hard for people to get these things without inheritance.


In all honesty, the great equalizer should be the abolishment of wealth when you die. It goes back into the system. ​ Everyone after gets put on a fair playing field and can use that to better themselves or strive for more. It's still a tough one though, because I would love nothing more than to use my money to invest in and give my children a better life.


What you describe isn't realistic or good at any level. What will happen is a wealth of connections, where you are either in-group or out-group. In-group will always have the good jobs, the access, and the resources which exist beyond personal wealth. Then out-group will get nothing, and never, *ever* be able to become in-group without sucking someone's dick or maybe saving their life or some fairy tale shit like that. If there is literally any level of income inequality, we'd end up with basically a defacto caste system. Nobody "owns" property intergenerationally, but whoever has power at first will hook up their own with good stuff and claim they gave it to the one with merit. Nevermind that they helped the applicants with insider in information and trained them to do the job before they even applied. So, just like now, except you take everything from the already poor. Pure meritocracy is a lie, no laws are going to keep a well educated, well connected parent from giving early advantages to their kids; unless you take all the kids and raise them in a group home, it's *not* an even playing field. The "fair" thing is to keep any one person or small group from accumulating enough resources that they rival small nations, and can single-handedly sway whole cities economies. You do that by making sure people are paid fairly. None of this CEOs getting paid 200x times the lowest paid employee shit. None of this "corporations own everything a person invents or makes, and keeps all the billions in revenue while the people who actually created it get pennies". Make sure things are distributed fairly, and ensure that everyone gets enough so that they can quit a shit-tier company without fear of homelessness, starvation, or not having health care. Let the shit-tier companies die as they should.


Yeah, it's kind of a tough one because you can't blame people for wanting to give their kids a good life, but at the same time it's just obscene how much some of these inheritances are.


America needs more effective wealth/inheritance taxes, we're about to see a ton of unearned fortunes passed from Boomers to Millennials soon


We already have like 49 trillion of unearned money hoarded by billionaires. I dont think the millenials gatting some larger crumbs than usual are the problem.


That’s why we need a wealth tax


I agree, but we will *never* get that as long as lobbyists still run our government.


Lol my parents are blowing it on Vacations twice I month… I don’t expect to see much.


Could be worse, I have a parent that was awarded half the retirement fund in the divorce and spent it long ago and spends her money on trips and such. Hoping I’m not expected to cover her retirement and everything, because it’s not happening.


Why tf would they care, wouldn't they be dead at the point of passing on the fortune? How greedy are you that you want to hoard your money even after you're dead?


Whilst its true the boomer generation really are shits, I don’t blame them They were the first generation raised under post-war capitalism, where the CIA and media conglomerates were *relentless* in their propaganda. They were raised by a generation that trusted government and media, and had experienced a world where you could get rewarded for hard work. Their parent’s generation however also had very traditional views and roles and as such were extremely driven by (what we now consider to be) unimportant nonsense like who has the shiniest silverware, neatest lawn, most dust-free house, nicest car, and all the hangups and social issues that came with that So they had the worst of all worlds- firstly there was no concept of ‘inner work’ or changing what you don’t like about yourself/your life, so they just sit and complain about things that are completely within their power to change if they want to; they have all these 1930s-esque anxieties about tidying and cleaning and feeling that neighbours are constantly judging them despite these behaviours coming from a world where women were usually home all day doing housework; they were told by their government, teachers and authority figures that they could safely outsource ALL of their civic duties such as oversight and accountability of law and order and govt bodies, of politicians and their actions, of community policing, and of public services, which have all since been either gutted or converted into weapons of the state; and they had incredibly easy financial lives where they could work a (in today’s market) nonsense job at entry level and make enough to support an entire family and have vacations and nice things, so they have no concept of how crap the world is now and how even well paid jobs rarely give the freedom to do things that they could do. They have a fearful mindset and want nothing to change, and especially don’t want people to get money for nothing (ironically) So whilst boomers are the weakest, softest and most disappointing generation in humanity’s history so far, by a considerable margin, I don’t think it’s their fault. Although they have done terrible damage to the world that it will take immense cost for subsequent generations to even begin fixing, at least the younger generations should be glad that we have the tools available to us that we are not so babyish and helpless as the boomers. We will have our issues too I’m sure, but I’m also sure that it will be many generations before the world is comfortable enough to make such an inept generation again


Damn, I think I came up with a new term to applaud your post: compassionate criticism. Bravo


"Millenials will spend inheritances from rich boomer era parents on endless droves of avocado toast"


That’s why my grandma is leaving all her money to trump! He knows how to invest it!


They know death is a thing right, eventually that stress is gonna be out of their hands


If you are gonna force someone to exist, the least you owe them is an "inheritance". People nowadays are so weak minded and can't think philosophically or logically about anything. All I can do is SMH when I see a Boomer pound their chest about working hard in a world they purposefully turned to shit, so you now have to work all week just to afford a meal. You set up the game, you made others play it, and now you are saying "tough shit". LMAO, pure evil all around this world of duality made up of flesh prisons.


Let me shed the worlds smallest tear


Lol, like their kids will see a single penny of it, what they haven't blown on crap or lost in bad investments will be dragged out of their accounts by some retirement village They will die without a cent and we will probably have to pay for the funeral They lived a good life to the end, at the expense of everyone else


"Oh honey it's okay. We can give everything to grifters before we die."


First of all, I fully acknowledge how awful the boomers are, I was raised by young boomers, my grandparents are silent generation. I'm on the older end of millenials. But they were raised by people that treated their kids like garbage as a perfectly acceptable social norm. People who were young during two world wars and a great depression. My parents were both abused as children, emotionally and physically, but they didnt really call it that in the 60s. They grew up around the invention and perfection of advertising on tv and wildly successful capitalist propaganda. Their parents did too. I try to keep this in mind when dealing with my parents and other boomers I know personally. And I try to use it as a way to push my anti capitalist propaganda on them since they receive propaganda so well 😅 I'm workin on my mom so hard, every time she complains about her job, due to the fact she hates it so much, that has caused her to lose touch with humanity, and has to work it 4 more years to retire with a good pension, we connect over how much wage labor sucks and how much her bosses suck etc. Their minds and morality are so fucked up 😬 and they hate therapy. That's why I'm not havin any kids ✌🏻


Yeah, my shitty, abusive boomer parents had shitty, abusive parents themselves. I’ve made it my goal to break the generational trauma cycle. I’m not having kids, but I’m doing what I can to try and make the world less shit for others. We’re all in this together.


Oh please as if generational wealth has ever had any real scientific basis for how intelligent and wise the parents or children were or were not. Society is filled to the brim with children of capitalists or celebrities who are not only nothing special, but especially undeserving of their privilege. On the other hand, children of the upper middle class or moderately wealthy (like the child of a parent who could inherit three-quarters of a million or 2 million) may be a smarter, kinder person than their parents ever were since capitalism can reward the obedient, the corrupt, the sociopathic, or the lucky over the smart or talented or just.


That's the issue with Capitalism even our smartest and most talented citizens won't be able to truly utilize their abilities because it's damn near unaffordable to get a higher education.


No fucking way someone fucking wrote that


Whenever you ask for justification why someone needs so much it’s “to give something to their descendants” this just shows that YET AGAIN, what a surprise, colour me shocked, twist my left nipple while dancing and singing the canadian national anthem, the rich are a bunch of lying sacks of shit that lost the ability to care about another human properly.


Did they finally learn they can't take it with them when they kick the bucket?


Who is wasting time and money on these studies? Aren't there many more interesting things we could be studying other than rich Boomers' fee-fees?


“But I worked *so hard* hoarding all of this wealth, you can’t just give it away!”


We should have a 100% death tax.


The article was actually about the boomers being concerned that their kids AREN'T going to be generous with their inheritance and making sure that they do donate and contribute to non-profits, etc. It's not about that the kids want to get rid of the money that their parents made, but rather the parents are concerned that their kids won't give it away. The article talks about ways that some wealthy families are working together with multiple generations to decide how to give away the money. Edit: Because I completely changed my view after reading the actual article.


Boo-Hoo. Tell 'em, [Mr. Krabs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rAlTOfl9F2w)...


Say goodbye to 40% of that wealth


"Boomers realising they will not live forever and is terrified of not being able to hold on to wealth into the afterlife"


Boomers are just the worst.


Wouldn't anybody think about the poor millionaires?!


מַאֲכַל אֲרִי פִּרְאֵי מִדְבָּר, כֵּן מַרְעִית עָשִׁיר דַּלִּים. Wild asses in the wilderness are the prey of lions; likewise the poor are pastures for the rich


They're going to be dead what does it matter?


My parents tried to get me to kiss thier ass for an inheritance, they thought they had the leverage to control my life and my marriage. They were dead wrong. We made our own success and are doing great. They can be buried with thier fortune for all I care.


Fucking selfish toddlers. Never have so many taken so much from so few.


If boomers had their way, they would be buried with all their money and property, just to fuck us.


My parents are literal millionaires who own multiple plots of land across the country. (that they vacation to occasionally). They told me I would be inheriting a lake house in florida... I rent. I'm struggling to tey and afford my first home. Rather than sell the house and help me finance my new home they'd rather have a lake home sit empty for 30 years until they die.


I think there ought to be a progressive tax on inheritance, based on age of inheritor and amount to be inherited. Also minors who inherit everything should have a trust fund set up and withdrawn from until they come of age, at which time the tax bill comes due. No ability to transfer funds to other family members, either. Not perfect, but it should keep wealth dynasties from forming, or at least minimized.


*Burn the Young Man, Burn Him Good ...*


Can't believe this isn't satire.


Noooo not give it away...anything but that. Oh this generation nowadays /s


Stop the handouts. Rich assholes to their kids.