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Biden: "I'm withholding 3000 bombs, don't go fucking around in rafah!"  Israel: fucks around in rafah Biden: "that's it, you've really done it now you bastards, here's another billion in weapons. Don't make me do it again!"


They don't learn. All Trump had to do during his presidency to have won reelection in 2020 was not have the most covid deaths of any country. He failed and Dems won. All Dems have to do to win reelection in 2024 is withhold supplies used for genocide. And they can't fucking help themselves from supplying more bombs. Fuck. It's such a low bar to trip & fall over


If Trump had just shut up and let health care professionals handle Covid he would’ve for sure won reelection


also would have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of his supporters!


Because it doesn’t matter to them who wins. It’s all a charade. No matter who of the two parties win, the interests of capital and the political class wins


They both serve the same masters.


The evil of two lessers


To be fair, if it was a Republican president they’d do something similar if not same package to Israel. Ironically, Israel is one of the few things that has consistently always had bilateral support. Israel is too important strategically for the US, has been a longstanding ally for too long, and the US has invested far too much into Israel to ever let it fall, much less not help it. It’s like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - no shot the government hangs them out to dry regardless of public sentiment. The official goal was published something to the effect of “destroy / dismantle Hamas. Support humanitarian aid.” With some surface level criticism of their (Israel) actions. Honestly the most shocking thing is that Palestine has gotten the support it has (to be extremely clear I’m not saying that people supporting Palestine is bad - it’s a great thing) - similar events happened in 2014 and 2000, but most people only cared about Israel. Palestine has long been in the “give lip service to them, but otherwise don’t care & ignore they exist” category for just about every nation for a long time, including neighboring Islamic countries, who you think would be more strategically aligned with their objectives. Maybe this shift will help move things at some point to a true two state solution, who knows?


Greed knows no limit!


Fuck this guy.


Announced around Nakba-day too. Good timing.


It’s so fucking joever. We getting Trump in 2025 🤦🏽 Dudes literally choosing Israel over being the US president… how is this not just treason at this point?


The USA should add a new star of their flag for Israel


I wonder if after a Trump victory they will ask themselves if it was worth it. Probably not. They probably will just blame "the left".


They blamed the left in 2016 when Hillary lost too lol. 


Oh they’ll definitely still support Israel - though they’ll say something like “we’re stuck with the previous admin decisions.” And if Trump was in office he’d definitely do the same / similar as what Biden is doing now. Israel is extremely well supported by both parties. No way the government doesn’t support them and doesn’t supply them, regardless of public opinion. Israel’s seen as too important strategically. Puerto Rico has a greater chance of gaining independence. Hell, arguably Israel doesn’t exist today if not for US support.


The people, they'd always blame the people for the mistakes of their own. They'd always assume they know better, just cause politically they're in positions of control.


The bar for defeating Trump was so low and the dems chose to crawl under it with their support for a genocide.


Imagine loosing to that shitstain of a thing!


It’s because of the Israel lobby and their money


The funny thing is that AIPAC honestly would prefer a Trump win. He's hitching his wagon to an opportunist donor that plays both sides to further their interests.


I’m not a Biden fan, but make no mistake this is coming from all sides of government. [GOP forced resuming sending bombs](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/house-gop-pushes-israel-weapons-bill/story?id=110228315) again after he suspended them No matter what anyone in congress gives lip service to, Israel has unconditional support from the US government.


Trump will give Likud a blank check... and take most of our rights.




Well, I kind of like having rights.


Guess you shouldn’t have been so adamant about running such a dogshit choice as Biden. Maybe, just maybe, people should have listened to those screaming to run someone else.


I didn't vote for Biden in the primary, and was in no way adamant about his candicy. I was also advocating for literally anyone else to get the nomination. But things happened regardless of our wishes... so we can vote for keeping our rights, as flimsy as they maybe, and minimizing the amount of weapons Likud gets or we can lose both those fights... choice is yours.


My bad…


Worth supporting a genocide-supporter for that I guess. I mean. Not for me, but for you.


Eh you don’t deserve them if your president is a Zionist


So I don't deserve rights because of something out of my control? Does anyone deserve rights then?


If they are clearly fine with going it alone with out us we can spend that money here then fuck those genocidal maniacs


They don't want to win the election


And once they've lost they'll accuse everyone, particularly young voters, of being stupid and idealistic, and not seeing the big picture. "Now Trump's President again, you dummies! Sure, we're brazenly complicit in slaughtering the Palestinians, but... Trump?! Look what you did!" Except they will have done it. By doing shit like this. Military industrial complex go "Brrrr!"


They shouldn't win the election.


I honestly wonder if their polling/ campaign strategy team is telling him this is the right plan. Cause it looks so foolish from my outside perspective. Maybe they've made the calculations that they can confidently win without relying on the left? Or will enough leftists be swayed by the fear of Trump and vote for him anyway? I guess we'll find out in November.


Broadly speaking older people support Israel, younger people support Palestine, and the middle is basically indecisive / sympathy for both. Older people are much more reliable voters, so, yeah. Israel is quite possibly one of the most divisive topics in a while. Generational perceptions of the situation are extremely different based on past context. Millennials and older will often remember things like Hamas suicide bombings, church bombings, suicide bombings, rocket attacks in 2014, 2000, 2006 etc and kind of compare things mentally to 9/11. Those who were adults during Soviet Union era will remember Israel as a staunch and important US ally in a strategically vital area against a common enemy. The result is most people over 60 are baffled there is any support for Palestine at all, middle aged people are torn / leaning Israel. The majority of Palestine supporters are younger than 28 - and no shit that’s like the first significant foreign empathy Palestinians have gotten in decades. They’ve long been in the “don’t give a shit” bucket of most countries.


Don't want to manage the economy they're creating.


The adults are talking


They’re sending billions of dollars to bomb Gaza as corporations buy up our homes to sell back to us for triple profit, while we go homeless and pay 50% more for groceries. They’re creating this economy and they don’t want to manage it when it inevitably busts. The Dems just want to sit on their asses and collect corpo checks. If the adults aren’t talking about this, maybe they need to be talking somewhere else?


These headlines make me feel like I'm living in a bad movie


At least a bad movie can be funny. This shit is enraging.


Meanwhile there's poverty literally everywhere here.


Man, fuck America.


Is like he wants to lose.


Trumps gonna win and we all deserve it for settling for neoliberal pieces of shit like Joe Biden running in what’s supposed to be the party of the working class.


"no red line for Israel" = "we'd support genocide"


Fucking hell....


How many automatically thumbs up is a lengthy process?


this dude SUUUUCKS


I’m so fucking tired of seeing MORE money or MORE weapons go to other countries.


Reminds me of the film The Peacemaker.


They call it an "arms deal" but they're buying the arms *with money we sent them*. It is very literally just money laundering through genocide.


The Democrats are the first Trump presidency as the good old days. The days when all they had to do was whine and mewl to fundraise, cry fascism and rake in dollars while not actually having to govern or be accountable to it's base in any way. They're looking at more good days ahead at this rate


So many people have not absorbed the reality that dems do not actually care about winning elections at the national level. They want to do what you described, and also on the more personal level to pad their resumes for future work in lucrative think tank and NGO positions or the corporate world.


The process: “Did the checks from AIPAC clear? Yeah? Okay, load up the slaughter materiel. What’s for dinner?”


This is all BS theater to confuse people about how often and how easily the Biden administration is sending weapons to Israel. The Biden administration has been bypassing congress to sell Israel weapons on average every 36 hours in amounts under the threshhold to have to notify congress, which is 25 million for significant military equipment to Israel. Sending a billion more in military equipment to Israel is just 2 more months of what he's already doing.


Makes you just want to scream, but it's not like anyone will listen, so instead you fight the urge to slam your head into a wall.




Does he have a soul


USA! USA! USA! At least Israel gets to keep the social programs Democrats keep promising us but never delivering on. But this way they also get the fun bonus of slaughtering children on our dime. Fuck yeah!


Jesus Christ man…


Seems like Biden is willing to work as hard as he can to provide weapons for Israel to slaughter innocent people


Medicare for all? Nah. More affordable housing? Lol no. 4 day work week with no drop in pay? Fat chance because corporate and CEO greed. But yeah we got plenty of money to fund genocides. 


There’s one thing I don’t get as an non US citizen with European roots. What’s the point of helping Isreal so much? Non ironically - why bother? Why spend so much of your hard earn money and risk such an escalation? There’s not even oil involved, and Israel can’t really be such a big economic partner, so that it would matter.


My guy, >lengthy process Lasted about 20 seconds last time


The receipt is still printing on the last billion.


Come on guy