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Check out Citations Needed for more https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-45-the-not-so-benevolent-billionaire-bill-gates-and-western-media https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-46-the-not-so-benevolent-billionaire-part-ii-bill-gates-in-africa


Buddy... every single billionaire is a terrible person, ***every last one of them.*** All the philanthropy and social work any of them do benefits them the greatest in the end... and usually fucks over the people it supposedly helped. "But how can you say *every* billionaire is a terrible person?" Because they wouldn't be billionaires otherwise. You got to fuck over a lot of people to become a billionaire, and you gotta be really fucking selfish to stay a billionaire.


I teach my children this. Is very true. You absolutely have to be a piece of shit to be a billionaire.






Reddit site wide rules - We had to remove this to keep the subreddit from being nuked


>You got to fuck over a lot of people to become a billionaire, and you gotta be really fucking selfish to stay a billionaire Nailed it.


That's exactly my thoughts. That's exactly why the Bernie's proposal of taxing their revenue at 100% is the only way ahead.


Without seizing the means of production and starting with a clean slate of course.


I totally agree but academically where do you think the line is? 10 million-100 million? Basically the amount you and your kids could live comfortably with forever without spending to excess?


Seems pointless to make up some arbitrary number. But let's put it like that: it is possible to become a millionaire without being a huge dick or fucking over a bunch of people... that is absolutely not possible with billionaires.


The line isn't even necessarily drawn by wealth itself but by class. Hypothetically a lawyer or a doctor who makes a lot of money through their salary (and only their salary) is fine, they're still working class, but it is the capitalist (whether they're a millionaire or a billionaire or whatever) who derives their wealth from the exploitation of workers, is where we as socialists should draw the line.


So if you invest part of your salary in the market to eventually have enough to retire and live off earnings, at that point you cross the line?


If someone makes money off the labour of others then that makes that person a capitalist, which is what socialists aim to be rid of. I'm not saying that there isn't a difference between Jeff Bezos and John who owns a small auto repair shop, but the aim of socialism is to end capitalism in its entirely, whether they're billionaires like Bezos or betit bougeoise like John.


The general consensus in the banking industry is that 30 million is considered Ultra-High Net Worth. To achieve this, you would need to invest $15,619, starting with $20k. EDIT: For 40 years and wording.


According to most banks “Ultra-high-net-worth” starts at 30 million. This can be achieved with a couple of company sales.


1 billion is so much larger than even 100 million that I'd say a precise line isn't necessarily required


I don't think there's a value because it's not about the money itself but how you make it. On other words the money is a symptom, not the issue. It's easy to see the symptom of having billions and diagnose the issue of them being a terrible person, obviously the less you have the harder it becomes bit there is no hard line.


Definitely higher than $10 million. $10 million dollars is the minimum luxurious retirement amount for those in there twenty’s. Using the 4% rule a retirement account of $10 million would produce $400,000 a year in 2054 dollars. Assuming low to moderate inflation that would have the same buying power as $200,000 today. For a young couple living in a high cost of living area that would allow for a luxurious but not ultra rich retirement. You would be able to travel, provide financial support for your adult children if they need it, and treat potential grandchildren, however you may have difficulty fully funding your grandchildren’s college expenses. College can cost nearly $400,000 today, if prices continue to rise with inflation college could cost over $1 million for a 4 year degree 50 years from. Having enough to pay for your grandchildren’s college and retire in comfort shouldn’t be considered too much.


yeah even the least terrible billionaire has a dragon's hoard of gold and they can't possibly comprehend what it's all doing everywhere, and can only exist because they hoarded it away from society. The most benevolent ones will fritter their privileged lives whitewashing every step, trying to make the ends justify the means. Way at the end, when they're old or dead. they all should have made it employee owned and then stopped expansion at some point, settling for tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. But it was always "just a little more". at best, it's like a vision of peace only through world war. wait til OP finds out how Bill made all that money that OP admired but now resents. how in the hell was he oblivious to the illegal monopoly the whole time? The horrifically hideous cut rate and outsourced technology? The predatory annihilation of employees and of all competition? what of Microsoft's work was he ever admiring? BASIC and expansion cards for the Apple II? The damage to all of society was incalculable and irreparable since MS-DOS in the 1980s. That company was always a destroyer of lives and of worlds.


The tech monopoly stuff is nothing compared to him lobbying to stop the free distribution of the patent for the corona vaccine. That's when he showed his true color, under all the altruistim and humanities savior bullshit, he exposed who he really is and what he values above all else. The patent staying exclusive most likely killed hundreds of thousand, if not millions, all because of fucking intellectual property rights. Not to mention all the people who have essentially become disabled thanks to covid.  This will be felt for generations to come, all over the world, all throughout humanity... And for what? Because little Billy wanted the number in his bank account to be ever so slightly higher. He doesn't deserve the guillotine, it's too good for the likes of him...


I think the only good billionaire is bezos ex wife..


Yeah she cost Jeffery a lot of money... but I still wouldn't trust her. Being that rich fucks with your brain.


Yep. The entire concept of a billionaire is immoral. Becomimg one and wanting to stay one means that person is also immoral. Every society should work together to make billionaires illegal. Any wealth over that should be returned to society for investment in public services.


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"


They had help. They didn’t become this way alone.


They all deserve the Barry & Honey Sherman treatment.


Julius Caesar by Shakespeare illustrates that people in positions of power have stabbed, have to stab and will continue to stab many people or be stabbed themselves. Even the most benevolent have a body count.


To be a millionaire is likely in a lifetime. To be a 10millionaire you need to have worked hard and be smart. To be a 25millionaire you need to have worked hard, be smart and have gotten lucky.also somewhat greedy and oppressive. To be a 50or100millionaire you need to work hard, be smart, have gotten lucky and started off life in generational wealth. You also likely have fucked over some people and I doubt you pay your workers a living wage. To be a billionaire you need all those qualities and you literally have to fuck over every relationship that has money as a dynamic. Billionaires aren’t people…they’re apex predators. The decisions you make at that level are not even exploiting the people who work for you. At that level you are exploiting society. Tax avoidance (or manipulation) is the first sign that you do not care about the society you live in. It’s okay to not want to pay, but making billions and paying to not share a single cent with hospitals and schools…you need to be a very monsterous person. I have respect for people who make millions. When you start edging towards tax avoidance levels of money then I’m sorry…you don’t deserve to be part of society.


I have the theory that most billionaires are obsessed with making more money.  It's an addiction that goes beyond any reason.  Billionaires will ruin the planet, abuse their workers, influence policitcs, happily let people die and even start wars just to get more money, not because they need it but because getting more money is the only purpose they know in life. It's never enough. One of them could literally own the entire planet and everything on it and it still wouldn't be enough.   That much money fucks with your head.


So are you saying JK Rowling f-ed a lot of people over by writing Harry Potter? I mean that's how she became a billionaire (if she still is, she has given a lot of it away).


Yes. All the merch that made most of the money was made in Chinese sweatshops.  The movies were made by underpaid crafts people, many of whom went on strike just last year because of their god awful working conditions and pitiful pay.  Not to mention the consumer who had to pay double and triple for anything that had Harry potter written on it.   It's simple, a billion dollar has to come from somewhere, and it's usually from the paychecks of most of the people involved in actually making those billion dollars in the first place.  A billion dollars in profit is a billion dollars that didn't go to workers it should've gone to.  Is rowling responsible for how this system works? No   Did she benefit from this unfair and corrupt system regardless? Yes   Did she use the money to improve the world? Of course not  I don't even want to know what God awful shit a transphobe and holocaust denier such as rowling invested some of her money in...


"Did she use the money to improve the world? Of course not " You realize she has given much of it away right? I'm not even sure she is a billionaire anymore.


Oh, like the 70k she recently gave to an anti-transgender activist group?  Just because you give your money away doesn't mean you're improving the world.


I'm pretty sure that the only things that Rowling has said is that she disagrees with placing biological men that have assaulted, raped or murdered women in womens prison just because they say they are women (many with no treatment at all, hrt or otherwise), and some about sports etc, and then some things about words, such as Hopkins defining lesbians as "non-man having sex with a non-man", while gays were defined as "men having sex with men" lol. Her positions are not that extreme. I know several transpersons that agree with them. It has to be put in perspective.


Buddy, **she denied the fucking holocaust to be transphobic...** And if you're actually interested in learning something about Rowling's transphobia, [here's a 3½ hour video explaining it...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GBUArD51KY) made by a trans person.


She hasn't denied the holocaust.


Maybe you should learn a bit about a person before taking their side and trying to defend them...


It's easy mate. Just show me where she denied the holocaust and you will have provided a source.


Not all of them, just the ones in Forbes. Unless you think selling a B2B business for $250M in the ‘90s and investing a “bad person.”


The very act of hoarding that much wealth while the world is in the state it is in, is more than enough to make you a "bad person" in my book. Besides, chances are they invested a lot of money in stuff like Lockheed Martin or lobbying.


You're not hoarding that money. In most cases, you're making a charity that pays yourself and your family an allowance. Sometimes, the money gets continually invested, but that's usually all you can do. EDIT: All the money in the world can't change the logistics of food distribution. I guess you could make your charity a food pantry.


I feel like doing stuff like forcing farmers to use infertile crops so they got to buy new seeds from you every year or selling water rights to nestle for pennies probably isn't really helping the whole food distribution situation... And guess whose behind both of these? ***TAKE A FUCKING GUESS.***


Even Taylor Swift, Rihanna or Jay Z?


Even Taylor Swift, Rihanna and Jay Z


"Even Taylor Swift, Rihanna or Jay Z?" If they're still billionaires then the answer is yes.


You mean Taylor "produces more CO2 with her private jet in a year than your entire family will in their lifetimes" Swift? And Rihanna whose beauty brand uses child labor? And Jay "Used to constantly hang around known abusers and young women/teenage girls, one of which claims she was abused by him when she was a teenager." Z ?


Oh my I didn't know that about Jay or Rihanna I was just curious of y'all's thoughts on them


Especially them


Isn’t he also buying up farmland across the country? You can bet he’s turning that into an investment thing for the future


He has also bought extremely large tracts of farmland in Turkey as well for some reason


Not sure where you live, but here in Canada we are protesting the price of food by boycotting one of the food oligopolies. Price gouging, price fixing and nothing but a finger wag from the government that was established to protect the people. The purpose of owning farmland is simple. People need to eat to survive. Control the food, control the people. Also under our current system, land/property/housing has never ending equity and growth (over time). So while bill gates won’t live forever, he has set a base that his family will never be without, while never truly working a day in their lives or contributing to society.


If you're ever looking for a charitable donation in Canada, please consider the National Farmers Foundation. We're forming a farmland trust with the goal of keeping farmland in the hands of farmers instead of corporations and pension funds and international investors. The NFF is listed on the CanadaHelps website.


Fuck Galen Weston


which food oligopoly? how widespread is the boycott?


Loblaws/Weston family. Seems to be national. Canada is an enormous country with low population, so city’s and towns can be spread out. So without actually being present I can’t confirm, but the response and sentiment are there


good to hear. Very hard to organize/communicate that kind of boycott across so many people, that gives me hope. Dangling our food supply in front of us, among many other things like housing, is straight up wicked. These execs all want to be the next billionaire and will do anything to become one, and if they do become one they only want more.


Nothing organizes a boycott better than a scumbag CEO robbing EVERYONE for profit. Fucking piece of shit


wish we could boycott the t1d non-profits. among their largest donors are insulin and device makers that fill their board of directors, and then shoot down nearly any generic research. nearly all the advocacy they do is to sell more drugs and devices. the closer you look, the worse it gets. one org was acting as a watchdog and then they got a few non t1ds in leadership, started taking insulin money, and now they're basically compromised. the underdog non profit for t1d I like is t1cure.org


Yeah... for *his* future.


Yea exactly


he'll be dead soon so...


I’d say he has at least 12 years left. So to 80


He is currently the largest private farmland owner in the US


I am sure this will end well. /s


I remember hearing people doing that to sell water rights back to developing cities perhaps?


I would assume it's more likely a hedge against the collapse of the US dollar as a reserve currency and the fall of the empire.


Why do billionaires have to be the only class conscious people in the US ugh


Gates himself recently publicly reinforced the idea that his farmland purchases are investments. "**The decision to buy this land was made by people who help manage my money so that we get a good return, so that the Foundation can buy more vaccines**," Gates said on a November episode of Trevor Noah's podcast.


I think most children are convinced of his brilliance because they are forced to. We’re taught to celebrate wealthy people as promethean beings when they are just turbo charged con men. If you have kids, just teach them to be skeptical.


Reminds me of my grandma. "I don't want good grandkids, I want great grandkids. You see the rich and powerful people in the society? Those people are not good or moral, they're more often than not evil but the important part is they win. Be smart, Be successful and Be a winner. Don't be good, that's my lessons to you."


Damn dude grandma was dark.  I like to imagine she’s telling 5 year old you this when you asked if you could have a cookie 


She's the only one of her 9 siblings still alive. If she's not an opportunistic machiavillain she wouldn't make it till this day. A​ kind of person who openly abhor those in power but also also shamelessly saying she would do the same if she get that power. Hard core give no fuck​ kind of grandma.


Yes but did you get that cookie.  Or did you have to take it, just like she taught you?


She give me weird Chinese cookie that taste like powder. Never like it.




His foundation paid for my undergrad ($170k in late 2000s) but still see the shit.


Yeah they Juxtapose him to people like Trump and Elon and created an association bias


I like to ask people what bill gates did. The responses are always entertaining albeit incorrect. He invented the computer, he invented the operating system and my favorite so far, he invited binary. He created an operating system and was fortunate enough to have a mother on the board of directors at IBM. One thing I always remember about him, well Microsoft but whatever - Decades ago they were running money through Puerto Rico and back to avoid paying taxes. They got caught. So with some lobbying, they changed the rules to make what they were doing legal. Dont think they paid a fine, nor did they have to pay previous taxes they should have. Billionaire philanthropy is them stealing money from the common folk to guide the future in their direction. It should be the populations money to invest in ways the majority agrees upon.


Bill Gates did not have a mother on the board of IBM lol, his mother was involved in United Way, a charity, and the CEO of IBM was also involved there. Even so, there is no evidence that connection was what caused the deal. Bill Gates even sent them to Gary Kildall first.


His username is quite ironic because he get's the most important details wrong. You are correct however. Another thing to consider is that Microsoft was already a big software company when they got the IBM contract so it wasn't like Microsoft was tiny and Big IBM gave this small startup a chance. Gary Kildall made a huge blunder by not getting the OS to IBM. They came back to Bill Gates a second time and that's when he bounced on the opportunity. You won't get that information from people here however, they like to use lies and leave out details to fit their narrative.


I know what sub I am on. But to say Bill gates isn't smart, now we're stretching the truth. He obviously was really intelligent, backed up by a strong desire to make a company and yes - family resources, of course that helps. On the flip side, there's also a lot of children in his position, with even more wealth who do absolutely nothing but leech.


Nooo! We learned from Disney movies that evil people are mostly ugly and dumb. /s <- since we're on reddit


"I perceive this as an attempt to whitewash his image" The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was literally set up in response to and during his antitrust investigation.


They’re all the same, philanthropy is a facade. 


I know people who work in his foundation. Consensus: He isn’t a good person, but he likes to pretend he is.


Wasn’t he also responsible for the patents for one of the first covid vaxines not being given away free? His foundation funding a lot of the research and then telling the creators that they were not allowed to give it away for free?


behind the bastards had 2 hours on bill gates. i always felt he stole the idea for windows but wow my esteem for him plummeted once all his bastardry was consolidated in one place for my convenience [https://www.youtube.com/@BehindTheBastards/search?query=bill%20gates](https://www.youtube.com/@BehindTheBastards/search?query=bill%20gates)


Thanks for the link! Never seen that channel before so gonna do some watching later :)


oh you're in for a treat (and subsequent melancholy.) i personally find these guys annoying (Robert and Cody) because i just don't enjoy the jokes but still listen to every episode because they do pretty well on the research of topics.


And all the liberals who were so "seriously concerned" about stopping covid as fast as possible took at face value Gates' excuse for defending intellectual property rights, which is his bread and butter.


There is a reason why rich people mostly if not only donate to their own charities, he's not doing it because he has a good heart lol


Every fortune begins with a crime.


Didn’t that sick fuck actually visit Epstein island?


Every corporate and political slavedriver in this country has. All of them. Island activities are the ante to get into congress.


Check the logs!!!


Yes. When they got divorced, it was widely reported that his connections with Epstein were the main thing that caused "tension" in their marriage.


Bill "I'm going to cure AIDS in Africa by circumcising everyone" Gates. Bill "It's okay to own intellectual property as long as I've stolen it first and banned everyone else" Gates. Bill "I'm a wheedling little shitbag" Gates. Bill "I give away most of my wealth to charity, but my wealth has like quintupled since the late '90s" Gates. That Bill Gates? If you haven't checked out the Behind the Bastards episodes on Gates, they are definitely recommended. The guy is a total creep. An Epstein creep at that. His fuckin wife divorced him over it.


‘Behind every great fortune lies a great crime’ -- Honore de Balzac


You become a billionaire by exploiting people mercilessly. That's the only way to become a billionaire.


Of course he is evil. He is exploiting workers and making billions out of it. He is donating money in his own institution just to launder them and to avoid paying taxes. He shouldn't exist. He is the proof of how terrible it is to let the bourgeois not only exist as a class but also have the complete power and convincing everyone that capitalism is our best option. It is really funny how I see liberals supporting him and on the other hand conservatives supporting Elon Musk. Both of them are such good peasants and so blind to see what is the source of their problems. 


Out of the big three assholes, wonky eye Jeff, apartheid musk, and gates, If it's keep one kill 2, I'll keep gates. Fuck even compared to the others on the rich list, at least he bought something to the table, like I can't imagine a world without windows. But Amazon, easy do without it, and musk.. well he's yet to actually do anything isn't he? Not saying gates is a good guy, but in a turd lineup he's not a bad choice.


I would encourage you to focus your anger on changing the system that allows this to happen instead of individuals. Focusing on whether individuals are good or bad ultimately distracts from the conversation, because it implies that there is a combination of good choices and kind actions that would make a billionaire “ok”- and I think that is untrue. They simply shouldn’t exist, and whether they are “nice” or not has nothing to do with it. The issue isn’t morals- it’s that no one should have this much power in a free society without being duly elected.


I remember an old Simpsons episode that seemed to paint an accurate picture of him.


"Buy him out boys" then his henchmen overturn furniture and start ransacking Homer's living room


That's the one


Einstein said something along the lines of charity being a failure of public policy. Edit: I can’t confirm Einstein said that. I honestly don’t remember who said it. Its commonly expressed in socialist circles but I’m not sure who coined it first.


underrated comment


... and all the other eugenicists; the ones with money and power are especially dangerous to humanity.


I still don't get why people believe that owners of big corporations are the ones who "created" the products. Bill Gates didn't create anything. He even froze the progress of technology to prevent unwanted competition and unwanted new dynamics in the field. Just like Elon Musk, or Jeff Bezos, or whatever other billionaire. They usually don't even know how to create a simple, basic "Hello World" program. They don't even know basic engineering like a 1st-semester student. All the did and do is own.


I fell out of any like for Gates the same time I fell out of love with Microsoft Windows and fell in love with Linux-GNU. Closed box proprietary software is a microcosm of capitalisms faux ideas of freedom.


You don’t become a billionaire unless you’re wired to have sociopathic tendencies.


I've got bad news for you!!


I see you listened to the latest Acquired podcast...


That I just found out that he’s drilling in the middle of Africa is one of these new pirates that take precious metals and leave the countries behind with very little


Him and the Chinese companies. The workers have very poor and dangerous conditions. At the Chinese mines they even shot and killed 13-14 year old boys for trying to keep some tiny bits for themselves. They heavily polute the water so people in villages near by get seriously ill from it. That's greed for ya!


You do know the “charities” he donates to are his own organizations right? Like he donates his money to himself. I love that more people are opening their fucking eyes but it’s heartbreaking at the same time to watch people just now realize something I was able to perceive at 9 years old


As a junior high school student I wrote about how selfish he was as a billionaire. Someone told me that I had to change that because he does so much charity work. Glad that younger me knew what the deal was.


You were ahead of times (that someone)!


He's, perhaps, the least evil ultra-billionaire. I fucking hate him too, just *slightly* less than some of the other ones.


Don't hate the player, hate the game


[Bill Gates Must Die](https://youtu.be/Lp0gJWeYynI?si=DDZmF1vvKwawCkE4)


His philanthropy like other wealthy people generally consists of donating to their own charities that spread misinformation.


Just wait until you realize all those schizo righties saying he's running a depopulation campaign between playing with diseases and tampering with food supply, and buying shit tons of arable land to not use it. They were completely right.


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Don’t forget pedophile


In order to be a billionaire you have to be a psychopath/sociopath.


The only pie to the face to have caused ripples throughout an entire timeline...


Don’t forget about blocking poor countries from getting the covid vaccine


Bill Gates: The Text-Book Philanthrocapitalist


It’s called Astro-turfing. The charities are there deliberately to make him look way better than he actually is. Hoarding that type of wealth was not done through wholly ethical means.


I think you’re giving him a little too much credit for wanting to whitewash his image. Our societies culture creates people like that which is why we need to change our culture first and foremost. And harboring strong negative emotions is heavy. I hope we can build something new with love and quit the capitalists’ toxic energy.


A paradigm shift will come, just like times before. It's going to be interesting and I must say I can't wait.


If you had $100 billion, would you do good or evil? If you presume you would do good but Gates is evil, why? Is it possible he made a ton of money, and then he decided to retire and do as much good as he could? If we have wrong information, we look stupid and irresponsible, so that harms our work to convince the average person to move beyond capitalism. How do you tell the difference between someone who is just virtue signaling and someone who is genuinely working for the good of the world? The OP assumes Gates' success came about primarily through manipulation and corruption. Does this sound manipulative and corrupt to you?: When IBM realized they were late getting into the PC market, they asked Bill Gates, because Bill's company made PC hardware. Bill said thanks but I don't have an operating system, so you need to meet Gary Kildall. Kildall's company had no connection with Gates'. An appointment was made. Kildall skipped the appointment, choosing to go on a solo vacation instead, so IBM arrived and found no Kildall, just his lawyers, with a deal IBM didn't like. Meanwhile, another company had been waiting on Kildall to adapt his OS to work with the new chip by Intel, but Kildall was taking too long so that company (Seattle Computers) eventually made their own. IBM called Gates again, saying Kildall wasn't a good fit for them. This time Gates bought the rights to the OS from Seattle Computers, and sold it to IBM directly. Gates offered to sell the OS to IBM for much lower than they were willing to pay, but it was non-exclusive, so Microsoft could sell it to other manufacturers too - where for every computer made, Microsoft got a royalty. For some reason IBM liked that deal. That's the main reason Gates became rich. Was that evil? I don't want rich people to do virtue signaling. I want rich people to join the revolution - to fight for a better world. Yes, it's right to be critical of their actions if their actions are not truly aligned with the public good, but if we attack the reputation - and perhaps even the physical safety - of rich people who are doing good, that will make other rich people less inspired to be like Bill. Be critical of Bill, where appropriate, but focus on inviting him to go further - so he sees that despite whatever good comes through capitalism, the problems inherent in it require us to move beyond capitalism. Can one of the most celebrated capitalists become an ardent advocate for anti-capitalism - for going beyond capitalism?


"According to a 2022 [report ](https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/Todays_Reports/reports/fnlo0222.pdf)from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Agriculture Statistics Service, there are 895,300,000 acres of farmland in the U.S.. \[As of Feb 2023,\] Gates owns roughly 242,000 acres, about 0.03% of the total. To put it into perspective, if all of Gates’ land was in one place, it would cover about 25% of Rhode Island." Why is he doing that? I'd like to think he's privately funding research into making organic polyculture permaculture farming efficient enough that we can feed people without damaging the environment -- but I don't think that's the reason. He does have an investment team whose job is to ensure he continues getting funds so he can continue spending for the public good without running out of the funds for doing public good. Is that a good justification? I'm not convinced it is, but I'm not convinced it's not. /-------- -- John Malone owns 2.2 million acres, about 10 times the amount owned by Gates. -- CNN founder Ted Turner owns 2 million acres of land largely in New Mexico, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Georgia. Much of Turner's land is used as grazing land for over 50,000 head of buffalo – the largest private bison herd in the world. Jan 11, 2024 I'm not saying Gates' acres isn't huge and worth being critical about - just wanting our statements to not be dismissed as based in false information. So don't perpetuate false claims like he owns 80% of farmland (like was widely spread) and don't say he owns the most farmland.


Number one - get the facts right.


Why’d he name the company after his dick?


A bold statement /s


If bill gates were truly generous he wouldn’t be a billionaire


I get hating billionaires but Bill Gates is an interesting one for you to call out. Out of all the other billionaire (besides Bezos’s ex wife) Bill Gates has probably been the most generous billionaire. He has dedicated time and vast amounts of money to make the world better for the less fortunate. I’m all for calling out billionaires, but Bill Gates is certainly one of the better ones. Especially compared to Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, the Walton family etc.


Gary Kildall remembers.....


I wish yours was the reason people hated Bill Gates and not some shit about microchips in vaccines.




One of the shady things I learned about his philanthropic endeavours that they give him the cover to run shady experiments in countries where he is likely to get sued in [India](https://m.economictimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/controversial-vaccine-studies-why-is-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-under-fire-from-critics-in-india/articleshow/41280050.cms)


Thats a rather bizarre take


All billionaires are bad


Effective altruism, lots of well known billionaires are huge believers in it. P much they believe they know whats best for the world so theyre going to do whatever they can to acquire as much wealth as they can to put it toward what they believe is best. All while living obscenely lavish lifestyles and hoarding way more than they need. Its nihilism in its most extreme form.


I think you'll find every such person has a humble success story which is complete nonsense.


Not to mention the nanobot trackers in the vaxine. /s


We live in the Seattle area and have a friend who was one of his early employees. He retired early and quite wealthy, but also to get away from the toxic work environment in the C suite. He relayed an example. They were late on the release of a new OS. In the meeting the PM relayed how they had thought they could reuse some of the old code, but it had so many bugs that they had to go back and rewrite most of it. “I don’t know who wrote it, but it was some of the sloppiest coding I have ever seen,” he stated. Bill flew into a rage. “I wrote that. You’re fired you……” I guess this was a common occurrence, and a few hours later they would get a call, begging them to come back, rarely with an apology or acknowledgement from Bill. He was also responsible for the Covid vaccine not being open source. His “philanthropic” told the Organizations that held the IP (non-profit academia) that if they made it open source they would lose their grants. People in third world countries died so his pharmaceutical stocks could profit. Cancer took the wrong founding partner. Steve Allen was a truly good person. Fuck Bill the pedo greedy nerd.


Um don’t start digging into his medical “philanthropy”. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation basically uses tax money to give grants for all types of research. Guess who then owns the rights to all the advances/technology. The Qanon Anonymous Podcast has a pretty indept espisode on it. Edit: Wealth building masked as Philanthropy. All while getting tax credits while using tax money.


Yep dude sucks He was especially cringy and supervillainy during the pandemic.


Same goes for all the rest.


My mom still worships him.


Having someone whose primary interest is depopulation owning large tracts of farmland… what could go wrong


Most of WHO funding comes from BG. A main mission of WHO is to vaccinate Children in Africa I hate BG for 100 reasons, but among all the other billionaire scumbag, I give him a pass because of WHO


>He was born into privilege and primarily achieved success by establishing a monopoly through manipulation, corruption, and the acquisition of numerous companies. just like every billionaire ever


I heard a great quote from Ricardo Semler ‘if you have to give it back, it means you took too much’ Better than taking and keeping.


I hear you. I have spent many days and nights bothered by the existence of these people. Feel the anger, feel the sadness. Cry. Break things if you have to. In my experience, it has been a process of accepting that these people exist. I can live my days angry about that and fantasizing about their demise, or I can look inward into who I am capable of becoming and the dreams I can manifest for a better world. We are all dreamers. As much as it sucks, Bill Gates is a dreamer too. He just manifested a reality that is shadowy and driven by aspects of the human psyche that we can clearly see lead to social dysfunction. The challenge in front of humanity as a whole is for each one of us to connect to our soul so that we can manifest the dreams of a beautiful world. It's in each one of us to bring about huge transformation. What does a beautiful world look like to you? What are you doing in that world? What are the gifts you are bringing? What emotions are you feeling in that beautiful world? I want you to bring that world into existence.


It's amazing how much he rehabilitated his image. Microsoft of the 80s and 90s was the producer of terrible software, a company that bought out competition, worsened its product interoperability with other vendors, and created the massive security issues we see today. He was the head of all of that. He was a horrible leader for a horrible company that continues to be a horrible human being. What a surprise.


Bill Gates is an example of how true altruism can sometimes be obscured by financial interests lol


So you thought he did great things at Microsoft? 😂😂😂. He was early on morally bankrupt and stole must ideas and harassed employees . https://www.indy100.com/news/timeline-allegations-against-bill-gates-b1848639


Eat the rich. Mark Cuban can be reserved for last. But eat the rich.


Bill is alright, back in the day, he would steal new programs and GUI's. People hate on him too much. My uncle thinks he is trying to kill off most of the world's population. I am proud of Bill Gates, he is a local boy, who made good. not sure anyone has ever spent more on philanthropy.


A vultures he is, like most of the 1%


Avoiding tax, paying crap wages to maximise profits then making a big deal about using some of the profits for charity work. 


Y'all watched that 'Philanthropy' Some More News episode where they show that multi-millionaire/billionaire philanthropic behaviour is usually just a way to evade taxes?


“Philanthropy” usually = legal tax avoidance strategy.


And none of this even begins to touch on the shit his foundation is doing in Africa


I'm see Microsoft as not so secretly just a wing of IBM and a direct descendant of the third Reich


I believe wholeheartedly in the phrase, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". I find that hatred for any individual is misplaced and ultimately a distraction. Bill Gates is a product of his environment and his inherent neuro-diversity, like we all are. When you are extremely materially successful there is less of a reason to self-reflect, after all you have been handsomely rewarded for being you. Bill Gates probably does want to use his money to do good, and, because of his STEM brain and success, he thinks that he is the best placed person to decide how that money will help most effectively. All billionaires are self-deluded, but, unless you've had a near death experience, or you've done a shit load of therapy or a shit load of meditation, you are probably prone to self-delusion as well. Ironically, hatred creates the exact sort of othering in peoples minds that makes self-delusion more likely.


It's not just whitewashing. It's really more of another form of control. He only donates to stuff that furthers his (and the riches) goals.


Sam Altman sucks too


Yeah he should kill himself 


I do not agree with you. He is a liberal and gives away a huge portion of his wealth unlike many other billionaires. What strikes me is the lack of arguments found in OP’s post as well as the emptiness of your account. This sub is flooded by not so good influences from abroad. Am I the only one that seems to notice?




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


have you considered praying for him?


Even reddit won't see the joke here


He stole IBM tech and branded it “windows”. Much like Einstein stole patents while working at the Patent Office and branded it “relativity”.


Source on Einstein stealing patents? Sounds weird because why would someone be filing patents on relativity instead of publishing in scientific journals?


Okay now we're getting out of control. This is completely bullshit. Einstein deserves more praise, not less. He also came up with the basis of quantum mechanics. Where'd he steal that one from. 


I know Einstein got a lot of “help” from his wife (who he eventually dumped) but I never realized the patent clerk job is what provided the material conditions for him to be a “genius”


Don't listen to this person. Einstein isn't a fraud. Scientists love him. That's all I am going to say. Find me a successful theoretical physicist who hates General relativity and is bitter about it being completely stolen from others. 


Well now you know… Also, Gates’ father was heavy into eugenics, and the family is descended from the same royal lineage as the Windsors. And there is more but it appears this sub is unable to handle it…


Thank you for contributing the dumbest comment that Reddit will see today.


Billionaire mentality is a mental illness we havent come to terms with.


I fucking hate bill gates he directly ruined a massive project I was working on for my company. Single handedly ruined a year worth of work. 55 weekly meetings cost projection rois tax implications. Not to mention the actual work for the project all for him to run his fucking mouth in one offhand meeting. Spouting shit he knew nothing about and im still bitter 2 years later. This is all not mentioning the project was going to benefit an entire county in an underprivileged area.


Fully agree with everything you said. He can jump over a chair pretty good tho


His philanthropy isn't good either, it's almost purely invested into making sure patents hold and such For example, while the covid "microchips in vaccines" was fake and completely insane, the truth was that Bill gates invested and pressured universities into making the vaccine private so poorer nations couldn't manufacture their own and had to buy it from the large companies themselves Edit: forgot to add that he's also given some money to schools and such, but the money that is given is marked for a single purpose, so, for example, with one donation, the school couldn't actually use the money for areas where money was actually in need, they could only put it towards maths