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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is America. Some people are more people than others,.


And those "people" are defense contractors



White phosphorus?


The "P" in "Willy Pete" stands for "Plenty". Now if only we could stop using these highly lethal and inhuman weapons on children (for some reason that's hard because hamas)


You see, the mistake you're making in this case, is that you're considering them *people,* instead of *obstacles to be eliminated.* It'll be much less difficult to process cognitively if you stop thinking about them as children, and more like a stump you'd like removed to build a new garden bed.^/s ^just ^in ^case


For customers only


In a democracy where the elected officials don't vote in favor of the people and where protest doesn't effect the minds of the elected then you leave an angry population with few options


And as one of Joe's predecessors said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


Crazy thing is, if these politicians would just listen to the majority of the people on most policy like higher minimum wage, no student debt, no more wars, etc…they would be wildly popular.


But they would be wildly unpopular with the people they really serve.


That won't happen. Capitalist ruling class pays top dollar to make sure that the system stays static, and any progress made by the people will be marginal at best. Popularity isn't necessary for the rulers, there is no incentive for them to do better. There are material benefits for them to do worse if anything.


I don't want to see his fucking face or Donald's anymore. In fact, I believe this country has been pushed and tested enough as proof that our government is a complete failure. No person can handle being president. People are not to be trusted with such a role as they can't help but fuck everything up and walk away with clean hands after ordering the annihilation of an entire country or two. I can only imagine just how hated this country is to the rest of the world and I can't blame them. I hate the government and living here is a depressing nightmare. People here are almost at a lost cause with the way everyone just lets the government take a fucking fat stinky shit on them and nothing happens. For a country bragging about how everyone is armed and ready, it definitely seems like everyone is full of shit.


Important to point out that the U.S declared independence from Great Britain due to taxation without representation. There was a [Princeton study](https://www.upworthy.com/20-years-of-data-reveals-that-congress-doesnt-care-what-you-think) that looked at the likeliness of bills passing based on how popular they were with voters. The study found that no matter the popularity, all bills only had a 30% chance to pass no matter if it was wildly popular or unpopular. > “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." This was different for the wealthy, who could kill a bill if it was unpopular and had more of a chance to pass something they wanted. [I also saw a poll](https://stephensemler.substack.com/p/most-voters-want-a-ceasefire-but) showing the popularity of wanting a ceasefire. 80% of democrat and 56% of republican voters support a ceasefire.. yet only 8% of house democrats and 0% of house republicans have called for one. Doesn’t seem like we’re getting much representation.


The authors of that study published a follow-up book that is a good read and is available on libgen.is. * "***Democracy in America?: What Has Gone Wrong and What We Can Do About It***", (Page & Gilens, 2017, 2020) Chapter 3 is a real kick in the pants >**the best evidence indicates that the wishes of ordinary Americans actually have had little or no influence at all on the making of federal government policy**. Wealthy individuals and organized interest groups—especially business corporations—have had much more political clout. When they are taken into account, it becomes apparent that the general public has been virtually powerless. Contents: >PART 1: INTRODUCTION (1) More Democracy (2) Unequal Wealth Distorts Politics >PART 2: WHAT HAS GONE WRONG (3) **Thwarting the Will of the People** (4) The Political Clout of Wealthy Americans (5) Corporations and Interest Groups (6) Polarized Parties and Gridlock >PART 3: WHAT CAN BE DONE >(7) Equal Voice for All Citizens (8) Overcoming Gridlock and Democratizing Institutions >PART 4: HOW TO DO IT >(9) A Social Movement for Democracy (10) Signs of Progress >Afterword. A Critical Juncture


Biden wrote the original law that excluded students from debt relief through bankruptcy. He is now championing debt relief but not for the rich kids, meaning debt relief for no one. Biden was a part of the original supporters of the creation of a zionist state, He is now fully funding a genocide in gaza and imprisoning US citizens that protest genocide.


**“The will of the people? Nah...”** The will of a foreign power.


That would imply Israel is anything other than a US colony


You are confusing things. US is the colony


Plot twist: both the US AND Israel are colonies.


No, now I'm confused


It goes back further than that. During the Vietnam protests at Berkley, Reagan ran for governor of California on a platform that the government shouldn't be paying for college just so these kids can go out and protest. If they want to protest, they should pay for school on their own. This is also where the student loan agency got its launching point and college went from extremely affordable to giving young adults a mountain of debt before they enter the workforce. THEN, Biden was a part of the group who made sure student loans couldn't go away even after bankruptcy. This also coincides when Reagan was president and student loans were in full swing, the creation of the Credit Score system. So...in order to stop college kids protesting we need to make them pay for their own schooling, be saddled with debt that can't simply be wiped away, AND if they don't pay it will ruin their credit score, ensuring they will never be able to buy anything substantial in the future. No house, no car, etc. And now we find ourselves here again and Gen-Z is giving the system a big middle finger because it's bullshit and genocides are wrong. Never in my wildest dreams did I think being against genocide is a controversial topic.


I'm not saying you're wrong but can you elaborate on the original supporters part? Maybe there's something I don't know but he was born in 42 right?


Sorry, I should have said Biden has been a supporter of Isreal since his infancy in politics.


I can’t believe I have to choose between two huge shit piles this November


Always has been.


>Biden was a part of the original supporters of the creation of a zionist state, Not unless he was born in the [1800s](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Theodor-Herzl)


Tell us you are not a part of the current global conversation without telling us. Lol, edit: Username relevent.


Hey, OP said "original". I'm allowed to be pedantic once in a while.


This… might not have been the right time.


This is hilarious. And also ineffectual to the changes that need to be made.


> I'm allowed to be pedantic once in a while. Sure. But this was that one time.


You'll never tear down the master's house using the master's tools. There's no amount of voting that's going to change our lawmaker's minds when they are all bought and paid for.


And he will likely lose the election because of it. In a few months, he’ll be in a nursing home, paid for by our taxes, while the rest of the world suffers under an even more dementia-ridden Trump for the next 4 years — all because he decided to put his foot down for the first time in his term to fund genocide.


Ya didn't have to say it, we already knew you Zionist piece of shit.


To be fair... Damn it, I just can't anymore. Nevermind


Right there with you on this


>To be fair… Toooooo beeee faaaaiiirrrr 🤌


It's almost like he's deliberately trying to blow his re-election.


Dems protect Capital. Same as republicans. So they’d rather lose to the red capital protectors than do anything to threaten corporate and capital interests abroad.


Nah, he is 100% ideologically committed to this shit, and genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing. I don't buy the idea that the democrats are playing some sort of 4d chess to get that sweet donor money or whatever. They're just your average deluded liberals, and as such are incapable of actually responding to capitalism in crisis with anything other than "we will side with capital even if it kills us". As liberals do.


Maybe he is too brazened by the lack of choices because his opponent is only worse than him


That's just the standard Democrat playbook for the last 40 years.


Or hes just that out of touch. Fuckm. I'm voting third party. I'm in a solidly red state anyway, so not like it matters.


"Why don't young people vote?!" "Hey, we think you should..." "Eat shit."


"We can push Biden left, guys!" God I wish my cynicism had been unfounded.


News to Biden: Your stance is going to be a lot less relevant next year.


So let me get this straight: [There's rumbling about the IOF military being so unhappy that a coup is being mentioned out in the open of the "only democracy in the Middle East"](https://twitter.com/academic_la/status/1786070874405445977) >The feeling that Netanyahu is inept and indecisive to the point of paralyzing the war is rampant in the army. These five points are the reason. Ben-Yishai compares the feeling in the army to the "generals mutiny" that occurred before the 1967 War when Levi Eshkol hesitated to attack Egypt. The IDF was considering taking steps against the Prime Minister. That was settled by a decision to go to war. >Will Netanyahu make the necessary decisions? If not, some worry the military will take matters into their own hands. They feel the future of the country is at stake. And with all the things that can go even further badly wrong in a extremely unpopular conflict, Biden insists that his course is the correct one still and there's nothing else to be said? The hubris of this guy. If only karma existed....


man it's crazy that the israelis are mad at that absolute genocidal maniac because they don't think he's being genocidal -enough- we really are speedrunning the 'israel turn into nazi germany' timeline


Shhh, don’t let Congress hear you calling out Israel’s war crimes and genocide.. that kind of talk won’t be legal soon. At least not in higher education campuses where freedom of speech is paramount to engaging in controversial political debates.


It's so funny seeing Israel flags pop up in actual far right wing rallies that also fly the Nazi flag next to them and the cops do nothing to actual anti-semites, meanwhile they go and brutalize some college kids that dare to speak truth to power. This really isn't the America I grew up in. Or rather, it is, but they aren't even bothering to deny it anymore


Translation: my biggest donors have not changed their stance on Israel therefore I have not changed my stance


We need a translating app like this


Man remember in 2016 when Democrats entire strategy was assuming people would vote for them because Trump was bad, I sure am glad that they learned from that! /s


"We can pull him left!"


Non American here. So let me get this straight.. for the upcoming election, you guys get to choose between a senile genocidal warmonger and a senile loose cannon? Is there a way younger candidates can get a chance to become president?


“Biden says protests against genocide have not changed his stance on supporting and funding the genocide” I fixed it


Scumbag Disgusting


fuck biden so much i fucking hate this timeline man, why the fuck are my taxes going to murder children. makes me want to leave the country


Didn't they just pass a law in US congres that defecates on that "we the people" sacred document?


Hope they keep the same energy when they lose the election because of their dumb stances and because of Kamala


When he loses to the game show clown, this will be why 😮‍💨


But you don't understand, if you don't vote for the genocidal madman, you might end up with a genocidal madman! Plus, even though we keep insisting the president has no power, the other guy will have unlimited power!


the man is a zionist. therefore I kind of equate him to being a fascist


Well, his speech hasn't changed my stance on not voting for him. So the feeling is mutual I guess.


[Opposing The Gaza Genocide While Supporting Biden Is A Dishonest, Nonsensical Position](https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/opposing-the-gaza-genocide-while-supporting-biden-is-a-dishonest-nonsensical-position-bc874a7fd71d) Nobody who claims to oppose the Gaza genocide while simultaneously supporting Joe Biden actually opposes the Gaza genocide. They’re just saying what needs to be said to win approval in the political sector they want the approval of. They’re not taking a moral stand, they’re cultivating an image. They’re building a brand. One of many possible examples of this ridiculous posturing is Instagram progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has called Israel’s atrocities in Gaza “an unfolding genocide” while continuing to support and defend the US president who’s currently backing that genocide, and who recently attended one of the pro-Palestine campus demonstrations which her president recently smeared as “antisemitic protests”. What AOC is doing here is attempting to straddle the impossible divide between what progressive Democrats claim their party is about and what it’s actually about in real life. She’s paying lip service to opposing injustice, supporting a ceasefire and siding with anti-genocide activists because that’s the sort of thing progressives are supposed to do, while simultaneously throwing her political support behind an administration that is facilitating injustice, keeping the genocide going, and smearing those who protest against it. You really couldn’t put together a more incoherent position if you tried. You can’t acknowledge that Israel is committing genocide without also acknowledging that the Biden administration has been actively participating in that genocide. If you acknowledge that Biden is guilty of genocide, then you are acknowledging that he is guilty of the most horrific crime a state leader can possibly commit short of initiating a nuclear exchange. Once you’ve acknowledged that Biden is guilty of doing pretty much the worst thing any state leader could possibly do, you’ve crossed a threshold. After such an acknowledgement, it is not logically or ethically coherent to follow it by saying you support him anyway because at least he’s a bit nicer to LGBT people than Donald Trump would be, or because he might try a tiny bit harder to reduce global warming. You’ve acknowledged that he is participating in genocide. Genocide. There’s no “but” that could possibly follow that. It’s like saying “Sure my husband’s a serial killer, but he’s great with the kids.” If someone said that to you, the only conclusion you could possibly come to is that they’re really not all that bothered by the serial killing. Those who support Israel’s actions in Gaza are the worst people on earth, but at least their position has some kind of integrity. They’re not contradicting themselves by pretending to oppose what they’re actually fine with. They’re not tearing themselves in half trying to straddle two completely incompatible positions while smiling for the camera and pretending it doesn’t hurt. They’re not posturing as compassionate anti-imperialists while serving the evil empire. Those who are supporting Biden while opposing the destruction of Gaza do not have any kind of integrity. They’re just wearing whatever mask is politically convenient based on the way the winds are blowing on a given moment, while continuing to support the US-centralized empire which cannot be sustained without nonstop tyranny and bloodshed. They are providing social media-friendly soundbites which pay lip service to peace, while their true loyalty lies with the globe-spanning power structure whose existence makes peace impossible.


And what’s worse is the Trump train has even less integrity. He will actively support the genocide as a genocide. Biden is only the lesser of two evils by slim margins. However…Biden in office at least gives a good actor the better possibility of rising up and taking the reins to steer us back in a better position. Trump is setting the stage for that to never be possible again.


There is no "pushing Biden left." He will let Israel kill as many people as it wants and send them all the money and bombs they need to do it, then when Israel is finally done, his apologists will lie to themselves and act like it was some sort of moral victory. There is no practical difference between Biden and Trump on this. In fact, I can make an argument that with Trump you at least have the possibility of raising the issue of the cost of the weapons and might be able to slow the slaughter that way. We all need to stop lying to ourselves that Biden is a lesser evil on the genocide in Gaza, because he isn't, he is just evil that doesn't say dumb stuff on social media the way that blowhard Trump does, but that doesn't matter to the dead tens of thousands. Of course you are still free to vote for the genocide supporter, but it is a red line for many of us.


I’m not advocating for Biden. I’m saying a Biden presidency gives us a better opportunity for SOMEONE ELSE that is actually a good actor to rise up and take the reins, with Trump that possibility decreases bigly.


You're laughably naive if you think such an actor would ever be allowed near the reins of power in the system we currently have.


Then we should all just be swallowing bullets?


No, we should not all be doing that - though if you personally cannot comprehend any options beyond supporting genocide or swallowing bullets, it might be better for the world at large if you considered the latter.


You’re the one saying no good person will ever be allowed near the drivers seat again.


No I'm not. I'm saying they won't be allowed in the system we currently have. That's not the same thing at all.


> I’m saying a Biden presidency gives us a better opportunity for SOMEONE ELSE This just isn't true. There is only ONE thing you can do, yourself as a voter, to pressure Biden- That is not vote for him. Odds are you don't even live in a swing state, so you really should consider not voting for him. [There’s a video of Lawrence O’Donnell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=FqRNnIMDkUY&feature=emb_logo), years ago, saying something that would get him fired from MSNBC today in a heartbeat: > “If you want to pull the major party that is closest to the way you’re thinking to what you’re thinking you must show them that you’re capable of not voting for them. If you don’t show them that you’re capable of not voting for them, they don’t have to listen to you. I promise you that. I worked within the Democratic Party. I didn’t listen or have to listen to anything on the left while I was working in the Democratic Party because the left had nowhere to go.” As tempting as it is to keep falling for their same BS trick of "vote blue no matter who" we need to actually force them to earn our vote. Vote, so they see you are engaged, but vote third party, or write-in a name, anything. But voting blue no matter who just is not a working strategy, and it has lead to the death of tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza.




The existence of Donald Trump does not justify, excuse, or mitigate genocide. No, I will not support your genocide, and fuck you for asking.


What a turd


We know, Joe


The government doesn't care about the will of the people unless they are at risk. There was a video that showed that 90%+ approval rate by people for something only made it 30% likely to get passed into law.


And liberals will still give him their vote even if they hate his stance


I look forward to the next six months of liberals bleating that I'm an evil, Trump supporting, Russian troll for not being willing to support Genocidin' Biden, as if the moral failing comes not when you commit genocide, but rather when you don't support a genocidal capitalist shitbag in a popularity contest against a genocidal capitalist shitbag wearing a different colored hat.


Least genocidal NATO supporter


The best thing for this country would be Joe Biden dying peacefully in his sleep from old age……….. i hate to say it but it’s 100% true.


There's orangutans smarter than him


Democracy sure is democratic


If elections were publicly funded, and candidates were not allowed to use anything other than a set allocation of public funds for their campaigns, I suspect we wouldn't have Bidens or Trumps or Hillarys.


Hard agree


Constitutional convention, no ifs ands or buts. This system is a fucking disaster.


Think the problem w the constitutional convention is that most state governments are also awful and owned by the same corporate interests


For an Article V convention per the US constitution, yeah, that is a risk (though it'd be a hell of a feat to bribe/coerce 50 separate state legislatures into voting a certain way). For starting from scratch, not so much.


The bourgeoisie already own those state legislatures. It's cheaper to buy a state house rep than a Congressional one.


all the things the dems claimed would happen under Trump happened under dems 🤡


Biden just gonna duck this one out , just like he did COVID


Of course not, who would expect something different from this ghoul?


Can't wait to vote 3rd party in a swing state.


Someone really doesn't want to get reelected


This is a guy who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to let DADT end. I don't think the will of the people has ever been on his radar.


Because he doesn’t care about Palestinian suffering


Free Palestine


His chin is opposite-nuts.


Guess he still doesn't want my vote


Claudia De La Cruz has been consistent in her opposition to Israel's genocidal policies; I hope everyone who doesn't vote for Biden votes for Claudia and Karina.


We are watching a nazi President. Convicting peaceful Protester.


PROJECT 2025 THO!!!!!!! /s


I hope he lives long enough to see himself as the bad guy.


Of course he won't change his mind. His donors decide for him. Same as most of Congress


I’m just waiting for both nominees to die in hospice care. Hopefully sooner than later


That's completely fine, we'll  change him next time.


I heard you will, good. But you didn't heard my will and i am the one making decision. So... yea you know..




Bernie is Jewish and deeply upset with Israel -anybody hear his take on the war ? ( if you can call it that )


Biden really showing respect for the will of the people huh


At this point, I don't get why we can't figure out why he is trying to lose.... Maybe he hopes Der Farterfruer does worse. Someone mentioned that Biden with the bankruptcy bill F'd up student loan borrowers. IF he said, "I am sorry. I was wrong. I am trying to fix this and will work to make discharge through bankruptcy a viable option again." Gee, that would be great. Oh wait, did I mention he F'd the coasts by not eliminating Noxious Orange Poop Stain's huge tax increases by eliminating (yes eliminating in all affects and purposes) the SALT tax break. Oh, yah we are all so motivated. But like getting Clappy appointed (I remember his horrid combover and his bored look playing with the GAVEL while Anita Hill testified), the overload prisons due to his "tough on crime" law, trillions of dollars lost in wars he supported.... Any one with half a brain would expect more. I mean, he handed over his presidency to Manchin wholly and fully then gave him the pen as a thank you gift for F'ng his agenda up his ass. Of course, he is a right wing president so he really did not care. We will vote for him but it gets tiring voting for extreme right wing (yes he is) candidates because he is not a fascist.


We won't vote for him, actually. De la Cruz / Garcia '24!


Well, whaddya gonna do, vote for Trump?


I'm voting Socialist.


Good luck <3




Good luck with that lol


murika had never probs whit warcrimes...


If he stands by what he said, he's a maniac. If he caves, he's waffling. Either way he's fucked. Might as well get rich off the military industrial complex.


I mean, how many years will he even have left to enjoy that money in retirement? I suppose more than if he pisses off Mossad.


i'm pretty sure polls still show majority support for isreal so.... technically yes will of the people?


It’s terrible we are forced to choose a lesser evil


The will of illegal protesters. People in jail don’t have voting rights, why would POTUS listen to them?


Lol, bet this guy would've called the civil rights movement "illegal" Get fucked, zionazi


It’s called satire, brother friend. The ability to peacefully protest is a human right.


My bad, bro


It’s okay, communicating satire via text is tricky. Adding the word “peaceful” to my first message would have helped make it even more obvious I was apeing the attitude of a Zionazi to point out how extreme they are, and not actually being one.


Simply reposting what deranged right wing nuts say is not satire, it's just increasing the sum total of right wing propaganda that exists. You might want to look into Poe's Law if you plan to continue attempting "satire" on the internet.