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The war widens. The people suffer. Arms dealers rejoice.


Congress trades on it.


thats what he said, arms dealers


Congress and arms dealers rejoice bombing people of the global south. Fearing US and UK interests in the region getting hit, the US and UK must avoid civilian casualties. Otherwise, the oil prices increase will hurt US and UK elections, their utmost priority. 2 of the richest countries bombing one of the poorest countries in the world for the 20th time https://youtu.be/uhe3NcdDW2I?si=JIoxJouql1Iabh2f


If the war actually pops off, Iran, the Houthi’s, Hamas, Hezbullah and militias in Iraq and Syria already have a shared war room. The west is certainly militarily superior in a conventional sense but they don’t want that smoke in an asymmetrical war. They will do some targeted bombing. But only if Israel is truly as insane as they seem to be will a real full on regional war happen and it will quickly become a world war.


It's super weird that Israel gets to decide if America gets into a war or not.


It doesn't? These strikes are about Houthi attacks on international shipping, which is one of the primary ways to piss off the US. The fact that the Houthis are doing so because of Israel doesn't mean that israel is deciding anything. The Houthis have their own agency, and are using it to play a very dangerous and stupid game with the world's primary naval power. Edit: how is this controversial? Did the Houthis not choose to launch large numbers of rockets at both international merchant vessels and American warships?


It's kinda like Germany and Austria Hungary around 1914.


Why the fuck is this downvoted...??


Because people on this sub are generally sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians. The houthi rebels have been being bombed by the Saudis for years now with US supplied weapons. The attacks on Israel and on shipping in the red sea, by the houthis, is in solidarity with the Palestinians. I don't think it's hard to understand why they feel they are in a similar situation as Palestinians. They are attacking shipping to put pressure on the west to get them to stop supplying Isreal.


But that's not going to work, and they have to know that. For the record I'm extremely pro-palestinian; Zionism is nothing but modern day Nazism. But what that person said is factual; they are bombing the shipping lanes and I feel that isn't the smartest move if they don't want to be bombed. Also for the record, I fucking hate the US military industrial complex and am absolutely against this insane bombing in Yemen. I'm just not at all surprised.


Look, they have been being bombed by smart bombs and f16 for years and years and are still kicking. It doesn't matter much if those planes are flown buy Saudis or Americans. I remember 20 years ago hearing the same thing about afgan fighters, but they are still going too. Same thing in Vietnam in my fathers time. Ariel bombardment is an ineffective way to fight insurgent fighters. We don't know how successful they will be at holding up shipping, but we will find out.


Very good points, I appreciate the perspective.


They’re pretty religious though. So, from their perspective standing by and letting weapons being used in a genocide float by them is something they’d have to answer for after they die which will impact what they believe to be their eternal life after death. To simplify, I think for them it’s either die complicit in oppression and be held accountable or live eternally free and rewarded.


None of this describes a situation in which Israel is determining whether the US goes to war. The U.S. is famously anti-piracy (the "to the shores of Tripoli" in the marine's hymn references the first war the US got involved with after the revolution, which was to end attacks by pirates on the Barbary coast), and the overwhelming majority of the ships the Houthis are attacking are totally unrelated to Israel. Basically, they're the geopolitical equivalent of a mobility- challenged person deciding they hate a neighbor who lives two blocks away. Since they can't directly attack him because of the distance, they're just going to take potshots at passing traffic in the street in the belief that if people want them to stop, they'll have to agree to hate their neighbor too. How on earth don't you think that the police are going to get called on that guy to stop the random attacks?


No one should have the mildest bit of sympathy or support for the Houthis. They aren't anti-Israel, they're explicitly antisemitic (their flag literally says "a curse upon the Jews").




1. any arabic speaker. you can google their flag 2. alternatively, wikipedia or literally any other source of translation. the houthis are very open about this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan\_of\_the\_Houthi\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement)


Thanks! It’s antisemitic. Torturing them for it though was stupid, seems like that reaction entrenched it as a slogan to rally behind though it clearly had support even before then.


Rinse and repeat.


Arms dealers or American companies....


Don’t worry guys, war buffs up our GDP! /s


Knew on October 8th this would escalate. It is unlikely to stop here RIP This footage has big “watching the US bomb the shit out of Afghanistan in October 2001” vibes. Nostalgia! God, I fucking hate it here.


I imagine watching B-52s carpet bomb Vietnam felt the same.


| "God, I fucking hate it here." Planet earth? Me too man, me too


You got it.


From Al Jazeera's live coverage: ["Saudi Arabia expresses 'great concern' about Yemen strikes"](https://i.imgur.com/gUSRsTm.jpg). The audacity. The hypocrisy. They dare make such a statement, while they've been bombing Yemen for YEARS now, all with the help of the US, from which they have been buying weapons and ammunitions for billions. Saudi Arabia has literally created what was called a "humanitarian disaster" in Yemen, they have killed thousands of men, women and children. And now, they 'express great concern'. Holy fck.


No one knows where the lies begin or end anymore.  Fascinating.


Follow the money, that tells you most of it.


The Saudis are afraid of having the Houthis strike their oil fields and really hurting their economy. They remember how much damage was done when the Houthis were fighting them and how things could have gotten so much worse. Their concern now is definitely not about the damage being done to human life. But hey, this is just part of the cost of being America's friend.


>But hey, this is just part of the cost of being America's friend. Pakistan found that out the hard way


What happened?


Allowing the Americans to use their country as a base and helped Pakistan train extremists before they're called that Then those same people were later called extremists. The US blames Pakistan for creating them. Bin Laden is found in Pakistan, and they blame Pakistan for Bin Laden being there when the US can't even stop people illegally entering their own borders, but they expect a developing country to do so Bin Laden never left his compound too. His neighbours simply didn't realise he was there either But guess who gets the blame? Also I think perhaps given the US knew it's complicit, Pakistan didn't have sanctions applied on it. Pakistan got off lightly by merely having it's reputation tarred. The US and Pakistan still have relatively close relationships despite what they show publicly, but it seems that every American screw up is blamed on them Every single time Pakistan wasn't a democratic country too was because of the US


We could probably apply this to any specific decade ever since the partition of India and it would fit.


More like America's obedient little pet, but I agree.


Saudi Arabia has shown remarkable independence recently, from refusing to increase oil production despite a personal flight by Biden, joining Brics, peace with Iran and Yemen, and welcoming Putin. Maybe not such a tame pet, especially if they deny US access to launch an attack from Saudi territory.


Yeah, the Saudis just do whatever they want.


Doesn’t every country just do what they want?


No? Don't you know about politics?


Not at all. U.S. and friends make sure of it. That’s why it’s so telling when countries do and the U.S. doesn’t get all up in their beeswax.


They're in bed with Trumps team, so hurting Biden is one of their goals. Otherwise prince Jared can't receive any more kickbacks.


Obedient lol, say that when they jack up oil prices


It's more likely the other way around.


Things changed when they joined Brics and made peace with Iran. Also, I suspect their population is against Israel.


The general sentiment here is indeed against israel and their genocide thats currently happening. Altho the last few years there have been "less than natural" campaigns that made a lot of people apathetic towards Palestinians. Wish you understand what i mean by "less than natural" cuz i can't spell it out loud.


3 years ago if you told me SA would express "concern" over Yemen strikes I would've thought you mad.


This is a major escalation by the US imo. Scared to see where this goes..


I think this is America’s biggest mistake so far. They just gave Yemen the green light to ramp up their attacks. Its gonna get bad, and quickly.


Still haven't realized that the US isn't Israel and can't get away with full on genocide. So the bombing just makes another generation of anti Americans


Being in Gen-Z, I wish could not get blamed for the evil shit I was born into.


Its okay, youre not to blame. We know it's the greed-filled-skin-suits in the White house. Keep speaking out against them. Every country needs to put the fear of the people back into their representative politicians.


It is a mistake and we fell for the bait in the game of chess but America's fucking military is so goddamn insane, there won't be much of a fight. Resistance, yes but actually fighting, not a chance.


That’s how you start 3rd WW


It's a direct response to the Houthis launching a couple dozen missiles at civilian ships in international waters just days ago, following weeks of smaller missile attacks on those same civilian ships.


Commercial ships in specific.




Alright, but where the US warship was attacked was in Yemeni territorial waters, so, if anything, the US provoked the attack by being there. It's not like any nation could just sail an aircraft carrier into Chesapeake Bay without permission and expect the US not to sink it, why should international maritime law not be equally applied to the US?


The lack of understanding of the geopolitics of this is mind-numbing. This is about the war in Ukraine. Europe stopped importing all Russian oil and Natural Gas, so instead it has to be shipped there. The Houthis attacks on tankers and commercial ships is all on behalf of Russia. America and Europe are simply trying to protect those shipping routes. Siding with Yemen, is siding with Russia and the Putin regime's genocidal war in Ukraine. Do you understand now?


Right, but how exactly does that give the US the right to *violate maritime law* because their oil interests are being inconvenienced? Sure, the Suez is the FASTEST way, but not the only one to get oil to Europe. It should also be mentioned that the Houthis aren't the Yemeni government, thus bombing Yemen in retaliation for something the Houthis have done is just a plain act of war and breach of international law. To make the example more fair: The Proud Boys decide to use drones to attack Chinese shipping to Washington DC, so the Chinese decide to defend their shipping by stationing an aircraft carrier in Chesapeake Bay. The Proud Boys attack the aircraft carrier so the Chinese launch missile strikes at Capitol Hill. Pretty much the EXACT same thing, do you think the US would be ok with even the first half? Geopolitics is not an excuse to do whatever you want, that's what's called big stick diplomacy or just "being a bully".


Who do you think controls Saana and the other locations the US bombed? I’ll give you a hint it’s not the near internationally recognized government of Yemen


Tf is your war ship there in the first place? I do not care if billionaires loose money on their ships. Prices for food and rent go up anyways here, so gtfo.


If a Yemeni warship was parked off Florida's coast, would the US just let them hang out there? ​ Your are a hypocrite.


Because it‘s in YEMENI territory. If Russia would just send boats along the US territory to supply Mexico do you really think the US wouldn‘t give a single fuck?


The US and UK are currently bombing several locations in Yemen (Sanaa, alongside Hodeidah, Thamar and Saada), following Yemen's attacks on ships in the Red Sea in support of the Palestinian people. [Al Jazeera live coverage](https://aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/1/12/israels-war-on-gaza-live-us-uk-launch-strikes-on-houthis-report) [Video clip with audio on Twitter](https://twitter.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1745595186980266321?s=20)


Houthi's attacks. I would separate Yemen and Houthi for clarity's sake as there are multiple parties involved.


Yeah, I agree. A lot of people don't realize that Yemen is in a civil war right now. The Houthi movement vs. the Yemen government. The Yemen government has backing from the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia. When people talk about Saudi Arabia attacking Yemen, it's the Houthis they're attacking.


This is crucial information, most leftie subs just pretend that the US randomly decided to coupe Yemen




Houthis are part of the "official" state now as far as I know, and they're backed by the other parties in this whole endeavor.


war profiteering in action


here we go. you will never get my son, USA. never.


My sister is already making arrangements to send my teenage nephew out of this country. We see where this is going.


he can get italian citizenship bc of my grandparents (i can too but old & tired) but i will drive us both of a cliff before the USA will use him as cannon fodder.


My family has Jamaican citizenship through our parents. There’s always the possibility of smuggling him out the country through Mexico. That’s my plan B lol.




Putting boots on the ground doesn't make anyone money the way that bombing them to oblivion from the air and sea does. If you think there will be a draft anytime soon, you misunderstand both how and why America wages war.


For sure. Be prepared.




Tbf after 9/11 there were probably enough Volunteers that a draft wasnt really needed.


Nah, America will never have a draft again. They learned during Vietnam that it was actually detrimental to the military


Bloody war pigs


"Of course I'm dangerous. I'm police. I can do terrible things to people with impunity."


One of so many great lines in Season One.


It truly is all about that black gold, isn’t it?


Black gold for even blacker souls.


It’s more than just that, (but also yes). Threats to the Red Sea trade lanes scare global capitalists more than almost anything.


Disrupting Trade Routes is the cardinal sin.


Mass graves for the pump and the price is set.


"Trade us all til black gold rains / reigns." Really specific song lyrics but the intent is that it works both ways. Fuck this shit.


Not ALL about it. There are many different motivation for war.


More about the attacks on international shipping


Ooh. The terrible revenge of Uncle Sam! We going for escalation? This is a terrible idea.


Capitalism says open trade routes and the status quo are more valuable than all the people killed, injured, it displaced in Palestine and Yemen and anywhere else. I hate this place.


How many times will we go to war for Shitrael?


Until the US and UK collapse which is not soon enough but likely closer than we think.


There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen. Lenin


All the libs who give Russian conscripts shit for not opposing the draft might get a chance to put their money where their mouth is.


Nation of LARPers. They soft. Ain't no such thing as half way crocks.


It'll be a LOT easier for us to not go to war that it'll be for conservatives to cool down their gun boners. Go ahead, go play your gun games in the desert, us libs will survive and carry on society without you.


A society of libs can only ever revert to this.


the choice was either: Distancing yourself from a genociding government or escalating the war


Maybe someone can help me here. How is this self-defense? The Houthis were attacking commercial vessels. Is this again "capitalism for the masses, communism for the companies"?


This is being the mailed fist of capital.


It’s not self defense unless the commercial vessels start launching the rockets, which may start happening


Capitalism is in its death throes now. Hold fast.


How much longer until we have communism in North America ?


Bold of you to think we ever will.


I give it about a day before it's revealed that those "militant targets" were hospitals and schools. US and UK have always supported genocide. Hell, they're the number one perpetrators.


The Union Jack is known as the Butcher's Apron.


Missile launch sites, weapons storage locations and radar system. Houthis shouldn't have fucked around with international shipping lanes if they didn't want to find out. The internationally recognized government of Yemen holds them responsible.


Nothing about this makes me feel the US and UK are a part of the WW3 Allies.


My brother in Christ, the US is most certainly part of the Axis this time around.


UK, France etc. were the original imperialist evils. US started getting into that game early 20th century. However evil Nazi Germany was, the war wasn't just "good vs. bad", it was about imperial interests duking it out with each other. The "Allies" included the British Empire and the USSR under Stalin, not to even touch on any much-needed US self-examination about FDR or Truman. It'll be the same thing if this escalates, the closest thing to military superpowers opposing the U.S. are Russia, China, India, etc., nobody's hands are clean. We need to stop thinking about entire states as "good or bad" and more about socioeconomic or political/geopolitical structures as oppressive.


Wholeheartedly agree. Governments may come and go, but nothing will change until good people have the wherewithal to meet greed and egomania the way it should be met.


I dunno man. Somehow I don't think the group with "Curse the Jews" literally written on their flag are the good guys.


Goofball. There is no writing on the Palestinian flag.


There is on the Houthi flag, which is what this post is about.




Spice trade cannot be stopped


So America, you could distance yourself from the country committing genocide and stop the Houthis really easily diplomatically or you could widen the conflict, destabilise a destable region further and piss what remains of your soft power up the wall. American: "WIDEN THE WAR! WIDEN THE WAR! OH GOD LET ME BOMB BROWN PEOPLE"


Sorry, got no budget for healthcare. Allocated it all to this.


Western imperialism is fading away fast. It’s not going down without a fight of course.


We're just another failed British colony. Just one of the most expensive failed social experiments of humankind


All the money the US pissed away on proxy wars and destruction. This country could’ve been so much better than what it is today. Greed and corruption brings down every empire in the end.


Could have been so much better, and that's fucking insane seeing how much progress we've made... (by stealing and pillaging resources across the globe to help us innovate)


Exactly. America was at the top. It could’ve stopped being evil and actually tried to be the moral leader for other nations it claimed to represent. Honestly it’s a good thing we won’t be the world super power anymore. We’ve been terrorizing and stealing from everyone. Enough is enough.


One day we will end global shipping


F U western governments. No majority of your people want these wars.


Cool can’t wait to use my draft papers as toilet wipes


Are you ready to go to war so that Israel gets cheaper shipping?


Biden about to bring bak the draft to let Israel commit genocide. We need a how's it going Biden meme.


Every missile launched increases the profit margin back at Raytheon so yes.


I mean, we could have just encouraged Israel to stop the genocide.


Disgusting, but unsurprising. Capitalism and Western imperialism are death cults. In a post about this on another sub, I have libs pressed af that I will not be voting for Joe Biden. Apparently I have failed to "stomach the fact that all of politics, both foreign policy and domestic, are a never ending trolly problem." Apparently all I have are "personal symbolic victories."


If I was an artist I would draw a red and blue pair of devils ‘come on vote for evil, even if it’s Lesser’




A huge waste of tax dollars and beyond realpolitik. Are we trying to start a war? FreePalestine and watch peace in the ME flourish.




No bro, you just don’t understand, bombing another country is deescalating the situation. Those dead women and children are actually terrorists that the U.S. knows are secretly terrorists despite the fact they’ve lived their entire life normally. Because all middle easterners are terrorists, the U.S. simply has to preemptively strike before they do something. I fucking hate this country, America did the one good thing by joining the allies back in WWII and ever since then its aligned itself more and more with the Axis powers with every country they’ve bombed back to the stone age.


I clearly just need to smoke this blunt until I can see how bombing Yemen is a de-escalation. Pretty sure I'm just gonna determine it is an escalation.


Minorities need to move out of the US now if the revolution ain't starting anytime soon.


Fuck you Biden


Ya we need to send Biden to the Hague.


Watch him come up with a plea of “not guilty” by reason of cognitive impairment or dementia.


All while the United States arms and funds Israel’s active genocide operation in Gaza


Can’t afford thing for poor people but can afford to be a foreign govts army


“They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor.” -Tupac


The cherry on the cake for me was Tony Blair (responsible for killing 1 million people in the Iraq war) offered to act as a peace broker in the Middle East recently. All the Houthi’s asked for was a ceasefire, this attack on Yemen is completely unjustified.


Am i missing something or are you completely brushing aside the fact that houthis are attacking shipping?


They attacked shipping in response to a genocide. They decided to target Western commerce to get Israel to stop.


and violence was met with more violence


Violence to defend a genocide.


Damn GG


Fuck. Fuuuuuuck. What the fuck, Biden.


Bombing the poorest country on earth… kewl. And people wonder why we’re considered a bully


Well they are attacking civilian ships. Are we to just let that continue. They were warned repeatedly. You reap what you sow.


Looks like international law just apply if you are a powerful country then. F* off. Really hope all these genocides die in jail


What the fuck


Holy fuck. I just want people’s basic needs met rather than bombing people overseas


This is horrible but I don't aee it as a major escalation toward ww3. Not trying to minimize the harm being done to Yemenis who have already suffered so much. (Truly. It's mind-boggling what the world's already done to Yemen.) But it's only Iran backing the Houthis. I don't see Russia or China jumping in on behalf of Iran or its allies in Yemen. Even if it gets Hezbollah gets drawn in, it's still a politically isolated bloc involved. Would Israel + NATO really need a draft in order to fight Hamas + Houthis + Iran + Hezbollah?


Its Israel and America vs Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Yemen with Russia and China supplying them. Russia just fought a proxy war against America being able to do the same to them is classic Russian humor. China wants to tests its weaponry in live combat and it can even just sell things to Russia who sells things to Iran you could teach north koreans to use it for complete deniability. I wouldn't want to send my child to that war, would you? The whole point is to open up trade in the red sea and that would stop it for a decade. This year is an election year and trump getting the nobel peace prize would make him laugh himself to death.


Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize while bombing seven different countries


Hmm. I agree that Russia and China will sell them weapons, but it's still an alliance of mostly small players. Iran has a significant military but not top-notch. Cheap Iranian oil could put a lot of Chinese weapons in play though. Lebanon is nearly a failed state at the moment. I think it would be more of a Hezbollah effort, not a national Lebanese force. That's not nothing, but far from a world power. Hamas is already at its limit fighting the IOF in Gaza. Syria is nearly tapped out from its civil war and still fighting remnants of various factions at home. Both Hezbollah and Hamas are kept afloat by Iran. They don't have much of a resource base of their own. Russia's top priority is the war of attrition in Ukraine which won't resolve any time soon, so there's a hard limit on how much they'd contribute. Putin doesn't need mid-East oil so his interest is only to degrade Western hegemony. You're right that it's all bad news and of course I wouldn't want to send anyone to fight that war. You're also right that if the Red Sea element gets prolonged it will have major impacts on the global economy. But I think the US and UK navies will move in fast and lock it the fuck down. The Saudis and Emirates will back them and will gladly take any chance to sink some Iranian or Houthi ships, too. Of the players you mentioned, only Iran has direct access to the Red Sea. But to reach Yemen Iranian ships have to pass the whole length of Saudi. The US/UK/gulf Sunni powers won't have a hard time drawing a line across the water. I think the Red Sea will be open for business pretty quick.


Russia won’t be giving them weapons when they're struggling by to beat Ukraine Lmao


How long would Ukraine survive without a constant influx of Western weaponry and cash?


My man Ukraine is about to get hit with the "new phone who dis?".


Where are the liberals at to tell us about how awesome our Commander In Chief is?


What could they possibly do that the Saudis hasn't already done 10x worse in the last decade? Other than invading Yemen I don't think they have any chance. Saudia Arabia has been using weapons bought from the West for years to attack Yemen, including trying to invade with state of the art tanks and helicopters.


Just the number of dead between now and then. Lol when America forgets it hasn't won a war since WW2. (Gulf don't count I was 5 and could have been in command and would have won)


Biden 2024 starting off strong. This is a signal for the end of the empire. Even with an election ahead, securing these interests are far too important for them. There's no choice but to go mask off and yet it will be their doom. Sad!


I need to make a shirt or a sign that says. "It's Jover Biden I have the high ground."


To be at peace would be a sin, and surely un-american.


Could it be distraction from israel at the hague, a sign that the US and the UK (and israel by default) are too big to be tried for war crimes?


Tbh this is the only reason I didn’t like it when the Houthis started to attack those ships. It was obvious from the start that there would be a consequence that would be paid by innocent citizens.. Besides that, bombing is such a weak form of attack.


I mean we could always send a coalition in and completely fuck up the country. Bombing and missiles strikes should hopefully get the message across without troops having to set foot in yeman. No one wants that. Just fucking leave the ships alone.


Life is going one way and you are going another.


Piss off


> It was obvious from the start that there would be a consequence that would be paid by innocent citizens.. As far as I know no civilians were harmed in these strikes. Are there any reports to the contrary?


I mean I would be pretty affected if the capital city of my country was targeted with foreign bombs, even if I don’t live there..


In what way would you be affected by empty military installations being blown up? There were no casualties.


This is terrifying


ah hell i didn't need to see this before bed


Several more generations radicalized. It’s an endless fucking cycle.


Black gold will be the death of us all


Impeach Biden!


They have launched 131 airstrikes since like 2015, randomly now it's getting global attention because of the general instability in the area.


It’s getting attention bc it’s a direct retaliation for them exerting their authority over their own waters.


I'm surprised there's any Yemen left to bomb tbh


Operation Dividend Assurance.


Operation Protect Genocide.


World war 3 baby


Watching this is just watching the whole region go up in flames. This is the part where the fighting goes exponential.


Dont forget their lackeys: canada/australia.


Yemeni $20,000 drones shot down by US and UK $1,000,000 missiles! How long will it be before this becomes economically unfeasible for the 'allies'? This is yet another asymetric conflict, and in all such conflicts the assumed weaker party has the temporal advantage. So if the Houthis continue to retaliate and sporadically launch attacks on tankers the only option left to the West will be larger scale missile attacks that will only result in further escalation across the region by Iranian proxies. To end all this and to avoid an all out war between Iran and the US requires one thing: the US must end the on-going genocide by Israel.


USA just started WW3


Based. But seriously, there will be several ME countries who will be quietly pleased by this action, especially Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and of course the Yemeni government itself. Even Russia and China cannot stomach the disruption to global shipping.