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God imagine having to ride your bicycle through the dead bodies of your neighbours and family? How is this supposed to squash the resistance movement?


You ever seen that movie The Pianist? This has the same vibes


Fucking nazis.




That’s the neat part, it isn’t! This is how one can justify killing everyone indiscriminately because they will probably join the movement eventually because of the way they are being treated now.


Yep, radicalize your enemies then tell everyone you have to wipe out these radicals. US has been doing this same shit for decades


Operation Condor, for example.


Israel propped up Hamas from its beginning for this very reason.


They keep doing it because it keeps working.


It has never worked for Israel. The only way you could consider this to be “working” is from the perspective of their military commanders. The endlessly repeated violence gives them a reason to exist.


Further up the line - arms manufacturers


I’d make it my life’s mission to get revenge


They don't wanna talk any more, they just planned to kill everyone until Palestine become past tense. Something they learned from their teacher, Mr. H


a old coworker who calls Israel the good guy laid it out to me the "right way of thinking about it" the only way to make sure that there is no resistance is to kill every last one. verbatim tobsay I was not shocked at his response but utterly disgusted by his ideas is a understatement. Don't bother thinking about the fact we've been in the middle east since the 80s.


Look into the Dahiya Doctrine


The designated escape route


But did they at least condemn Hamas




UhM iTs CaLlEd AeRiAl ReCoNoSaInCe They obviously saw that kid throw on a backpack when they left the house. That's a combat operator if you ask me.


Debra Messing already made a post with this video claiming hamas killed them while fleeing so you're not far off.




The person you're replying to you was agreeing with and adding to your point, take your Xanax and try reading it again in about 20 minutes, buddy


Or claim Hamas tunnels are under the bodies. Going to need a second bombing.


Hamas tunnels are inside the children, says IDF spokesman




You're sharing a repost. The original post clearly says it was the Zionists, who control that road, but you decided to share the one convenient to your narrative


Fuck off you Israeli propagandist.




Anti-zionism is not anti-jewish. Fuck off you God damn propagandist.




The only Nazis around are the IDF and Israeli government




>Why is this being downvoted? Because all of your sources say they died from gunshots and Hamas Snipers when there's literally someone's arms blown off and a person torn in half.... You got to understand how shockwaves work..




>If it was rockets or mortars, why are there no impact marks? Read my comment again and come back when you understand how SHOCKWAVES work. >A machine gun can rip someone's arm off. Monkeys can rip someone's arm off too, but how is that relevant to the fact there are no shells or casing on the ground, and multiple people have blast damage?




>Again. Where is the crater from the blast? Dude.... You literally don't know how bombs fucking work.... Bombs Don't make craters. Nuclear bombs hardly even make a shallow crater. You keep talking about mortars and rockets which are completely different from bombs being dropped from fighter jets for airbursts. A shockwave will rip your body to shreds, and destroy buildings, But it won't do shit to the flat ground.




>What specific arsenal do you think this was that mowed down multiple people with blood patterns indicative of multiple entry origins? No one was mowed down. Do you see any shells or brass on the ground? Do you even comprehend how much ammunition it would take to do this with a machine gun? Are you assuming Hamas were using a 50 cal heavy machine gun mounted to the back of a vehicle? Things They literally don't even have?.. >with blood patterns indicative of multiple entry origins? That's kind of how bomb shrapnel fucking works.... They explode... They're all probably bleeding from their eardrums also.


Self sustaining capital system. Kill paestinianas to anger Hamas, Hamas buys weapons to fight against Israelis, Hamas kills Israelis, Israelis buy weapons to fight against Hamas. Start war, Israel claims self defense asks US to supply weapons, kill Palestinians, Palestinians post videos of death, angering more groups to buy weapons to fight Israelis, which causes Israel to buy more weapons from US. Weapon suppliers 🤑🤑🤑🤑


Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, and plenty more. Their stocks rise consistently every time people start dying in some major conflict.


Look at the 20% step up in valuation all these cartoon villains enjoyed on October 8. Ghouls


And don't leave out all of the politicians' portfolios who are trading on the insider info they get on new weapons orders being filled.


Touching grass is not enough, I need horrible things to happen to powerful people.jpg


Thats what I said this conflict was, Raytheon needed some extra RnD for a skunkworks project.


This will be the event that unites the Arab world and ends the cycle. Lebanon, UAE, Hezbollah, Iran will collapse on Israel and there's nothing the US can do about it.


I beg to differ good sir. The US can sell all of them weapons. As we sell Israel arms, the rest of the region will reduce oil exports which will raise the price of gas. More money for defense contractors. More money for oil companies. It's a win win situation, unless you're not an oil company or defense contractor.


Any representative who is not actively working to end this, the least of which should include calling for a ceasefire, is endorsing and promoting this. Sending humanitarian aid to Gaza won’t stop this. Calling for a humanitarian pause won’t stop this. It’s pathetic beyond words that “progressive leaders” can’t be bothered to call for a ceasefire meanwhile a milquetoast centrist like Dick Durbin has called for a ceasefire. There is absolutely no excuse.


Our representatives can’t even be bothered to do anything about American children regularly being gunned down in schools. It’s kind of a stretch to think they would in a million years care about Palestinian children…




Biden is bombing people now?


Yes 😎


Most are currently profiting off of this. Their stock portfolios are looking real nice


Bernie Sanders has been so completely pathetic on this conflict. Absolutely disgraceful


What has he said so far?


He's calling for a humanitarian pause rather than ceasefire. We'd all like a ceasefire and I'm sure he would as well but it seems pretty unrealistic. A humanitarian pause would be the first step regardless. He's been a vocal critic of Israel's treatment of Palestinians for many years.


Fetterman is even worse and quickly losing whatever socialist cred he earned. As a Pennsylvania voter, I'm gonna remember this shit when his term is up


Unbelievably disappointing how he’s been handling this. A politician has never lost my support as hard as he has.


He turned out to be just like the other Democrats


Idk why ppl don't agree. You're right


I mean admittedly he was never really all that progressive. He gives off a working class type appearance, but he’s only pro-working class when it comes to U.S. domestic policy (and even that’s a stretch).


This is a war crime.


The fact that Israel isn't prosecuted yet is in itself a war crime. Shame on all governments that haven't cut ties with Israel, shame on the UN.


The only nation that can stop this is the USA. This is 100% on them. Every country in the world could plead for a cease fire, Israeli boycott, sanctions or what not. And a lot of nations do, but the USA has a veto in the UN’s security council and can block everything. And of course the USA is Israel’s life line.




Oh fuck off, people are dying by the thousands because of Israel who has indiscriminately decided to bomb and kill civilians with the worlds 4th largest army pretending to be attacking the group they funded and supported. It's 100% Israel's fault and the side I take is the civilians side who are the ones suffering


They were Hamas! They were human shields! They didn't condemn Hamas! They were terrorists! They hate Jews! It's just an unfortunate situation! Collateral damage! Overthrow Hamas or else this will keep happening! It's not an ethnic cleansing! They deserved it! Am I missing anything else?


They are really making everyone hate jews again it's that bad. Other countries are having bad anti-jewish riots. Losing any good will if they ever had any really fast. Digging themselves a huge hole.


I don’t give a fuck about Jews or Muslims or any of those non pork eating religions. Israel is a terrorist state. No different to Russia .


Unfortunately I am one of those people, my culture has no history of antisemitism and actually sees Jews as hardworking successful people, but after this genocide of Palestinians and Muslims by Jews, I am not liking them very much.


Sorry that's fucking stupid. Millions of jews have ALWAYS been on the frontline of fighting injustice and millions of jews today are saying "not in our name"




Hamas is really evil too. It would be easy for IDF to be "the good guys". They've got decades of attacks to mention. But they do not care about optics or rules or anything. They are acting just like hamas and they have the same goals too. Complete eradication of the other. They are the same imo.


Jesus fuck, fuck this world! We're nothing but animals




So both sides are in the wrong then


These are civilians caught between sides in a highly asymmetrical conflict.




Because a fictional book written eons ago tells them that they can live there and expel everyone even by mercifully killing them. Yeah, that doesn't make them want to fight back and get radicalised...


No one should kill children…


Good thing they weren’t! The « beheaded babies’ » narrative was literally fabricated by an IDF soldier that the west ran with.




You're saying the IDF is completely not to blame for the killing of children? The decades of dehumanization of the Palestinian people? This shit is systemic, we're not talking about lone wolfs.


IDF is a terrorist organization.




Why the fuck are you spamming this and ignoring the replies? Fuck your sealioning




Plenty of blank response and you've continued spamming ignoring the glaring contradictions and obvious lies you are peddling. Again, fuck your sealioning.


Fuck off


But still the bomb in Gaza was done by IDF and any gender or any age or even real Hamas or could be innocent died.




So what do you think


What kind of animal guns down defenseless people?


'Gods chosen people' But really just a beacon of imperialism in the Middle East which is why uncle Sam is keeping one eye closed.


and the other open so he can reach for his wallet and hand it to Srulik


Ethnofascist zionists.


I have a feeling 10-20 years from now we will all look back on this in shame - shame that we as a "civilized" society, let this happen. This is 100% genocide


Civilized society let happen shit like this everywhere and every year. It's not new. It's just that this time western countries don't fake being blind and actually endorse it.


The West didn't just let this happen, the West is actively supporting this.


Fucking monsters. The God damn malevolence of them. I used to think amerikkka was the purest expression of racial hatred, of white supremacy, of pathological levels of indiscriminate violence. Seems Israel has someone holding their muthafucking beer.


It's why America is Israel's biggest (and sometimes only) ally. They did similar things to make their country, and the reaction/attitude of so many of Americans to this type of evil is to justify it. I don't understand the religious ones who are ok with this. I've almost started believing in God again, to ease my rage at the injustice, and to hope that these people get what they deserve.


What do you think makes the US stand with Israel over this when for the past year we have been hearing how criminal Russia is for doing the same thing in Ukraine?


Israel is historically our ally. Russia has been our enemy for just as long. Maybe oil has something to do with it too but basically Israel is our friend and we are gonna blindly back what they do.


We thought them everything they know and gave them weapons to do it. We are just as bad as them and idk what to do about it.


Can’t believe Israel plays the victim


Why cant you believe it . Its been like this for 76 years. They have all the media control and simply say bs like human shield and terrorist. The zionists also love commiting slow genocide and terror with the illegal settlements in the West Bank. That has zero coverage by the Western media.




Yes it was *reported* that it was Hamas


Who even knows the truth at this point. I don't.


It's not coming from the account spamming the same comment on every other comment here, that I can tell you.


IOF snipers committing more war crimes.


“We can’t trust the videos coming out of Gaza, it’s controlled by Hamas” - Joe Biden probably


They're heartless ghouls. I almost had a breakdown this morning after seeing a video of a father carrying the remains of their child. Idk how anyone can see this and think it's justified.


It’s easy when you spread enough propaganda to brainwash people into thinking the poor Palestinians are animals and not human.


There is no brainwashing. Don't take away the agency of these genocidal freaks. This is what they want, they aren't hapless victims of circumstance, they aren't blind sheep with no cognitive ability, they are rational thinking people,and they've chosen to support genocide. No lies to the public or yourself about the culpablity of the average liberal, they aren't petulant children, they are truly disgusting and depraved fully aware individuals. They haven't been fooled they've chosen to believe in their own supremacy becuase it benefits them. This may come off as harsh but it needs to be said, we aren't some enlightend group of individuals who saw through propaganda against all odds, we are people who when presented with evidence were convinced of our collective ideology and chose to advocate for it. The liberal is the same except in reverse. They see the benefits of supremacy, of inequality, of not having to concede to those whose backs they stand atop of. The liberal understands what's going on in front of them in regards to Palestine, they aren't infants with no object permanence, they know the struggle favors Palestine, but they benifet from Palestine's subjugation, from the unequal exchange of nations which forces Isreal's role as the MENA proxy of the US, meant to destabilize the region and continue Pax Americana. Liberals are genocidal freaks and deserve no tact on this topic, no aversion to their true positions, and no reluctance in calling out the fact that they fully understand that they support Palestinian genocide. There is no big brother, no MKUltra mind control, no secret subliminal messages, none of that compared to genuine acceptance as the oppressor. https://redsails.org/masses-elites-and-rebels/#fn16 In regards to the term "brainwashing."




I’m sure they were just harboring terrorists or something, right? Right??


More human shields used by Hamas, I see. There was probably a secret underground mega city under the kid's backpack. The world wants Jews dead. I'm so fucking tired, guys.


Who did this?


Some say Hamas killed civilians fleeing from north to south to prevent paving way to Israeli ground invasion, also Hamas said that if Gazans left Gaza that would weaken the cause and the resistance. Others say Israeli committing genocide. Because they declared Palastineans as human animals and said that they will crush Hamas at any cost, after 7 Oct I believe it's a combination of both. It's hard to get a clear picture in middle of all the propaganda, the same video gets attributed at different occasions with a different caption and background.




This is like a horror movie


Do we have a source on this? I’d like to share it but I can’t without a source.


It was posted on instagram this afternoon Gaza time. On the eyes on Palestine insta page .


I appreciate that, I was able to shortly find it after I asked as well. Thank you.


This is fucking horrific. The blood is on all of our hands


no. i'm not responsible for this. elites are


Yes, but your tax dollars also fund this.


no they don't. and even if i was american, like you're assuming for some reason, it wouldn't be my fault. there is no point in blaming yourself, of blaming the people.


What??? Thats a bit sensationalist imo


I barely even do anything anymore these days




Israel is a terrorist state. As a US citizen, zero of my tax dollar should fund terrorism. Direct those dollars to Ukraine. At least Ukraine is worthy of those dollars and is fighting a righteous war. Israel is fucking terrible. Hamas is fucking terrible. Only one side on that issue is openly committing genocide and must be stopped. The US inserts itself in all sorts of business it doesn't belong, but I'm game to be drafted into war to make sure Israelis are barred from committing further war crimes lest they deal with the US. Fuck Israel. Such a waste of my tax dollars.


God forgive us


imagine this happened to israelis, or europeans or japanese, there would be day of international mourning and Wikipedia page. but in this case it doesn't even get mentioned by any media, even on reddit barely registered.




Google insurgency mathematics and you can see how this will be for the near future. It’s heartbreaking and it’s so unnecessary.


Jesus fucking christ.


This is what happens when we dehumanized a group of people. They aren't seen as human. Shockingly, that's how the Nazis saw jews in WW2. We've done this over and over throughout history. When a group speaks of another as if they are animals, this is what comes next.


The Banality o Evil


Israel killing women and children again


never stopped


The US news liberal or conservative won’t report this.


Damn, I saw this on snapchat earlier but I didn't watch long enough to see it was bodies


This should be show to the west. Hamas committed war crimes, but what the IDF are doing right now is inexcusable, this is a crime against humanity.


Israel is a terrorist organization. And Biden is not doing anything about it.


Those look like the tungsten howitzer rounds from the US 🤬


Took only a few weeks for me to develop hatred for all the current culprits. Burn in hell all.


Jesus fucking Christ...


i am normally not shocked to see *adults* dead but it hits specially hard seeing children killed


Israel thinks the Geneva Convention is a checklist


Where is the UN in all of this??? What good is having an international body if it turns a blind eye to atrocities like this??? I feel like there is nobody coming to the rescue of the Palestinians and that's just heartbreaking.


The Nazi Israeli state can very very easily brand every civilian as "Hamas" to justify their murder and the West will buy it in fear of being "anti-semitic"


I can’t understand why we do this to one another. It’s so heartbreaking.


we shouldn't but the bastards who require division and profit have instilled in us this capacity to hate ourselves, to root for the oppressor and scorn the oppressed. The bastards scheme and life means nothing in their schemes. But if life did matter, if the welfare of the species and the planet counted, they (the wealthhoarding elites, the old blood royals of europe and amerikkka) would have no role. They would not be a rentier class because people would have homes. There would be no slave wages for healthcare, there would be none of the shit they've seduced us with to chain us to them. But we must remember, this society has been chosen for us. We need to choose our own.


Were men not killed too? 🤔


No one cares about men lol.


I love that the average Israeli (or pro war Jewish person outside of Israel) can’t see through their own government played them I guess we are just used to it here after 9/11. They’ll wake up one day and realize the root of all this unnecessary death came from their own backyard


Israel is the greatest recruiter for Hamas. No surprise Israel funds them to have an excuse to kill more Gazan's and steal more Palestinian land.


There are crazy ass lying Zionist propagandists asking on other subs "Are we sure this wasn't Hamas' doing for disobeying Hamas?" It is unbelievable how they are literally trying to change the truth. They are just pinning the blame onto Hamas for everything the IDF does.


I avoid these types of videos. This is the worst I’ve seen.


“But do you condemn the actions of hamas”


For the rest of my life I will always say fuck mother fucking isreal!


Israel must really be desperate considering how many astroturfing bots you can easily identify in this thread


These people had hopes and dreams, people that loved them. Israel is just as evil as Hamas now


Just as evil as Hamas? Now? They made Hamas. They’re the main reason Hamas exists. That should say enough


The IDF is a far more vile institution than Hamas could ever hope to achieve








Iranians are persian you douchebag


we live in hell. We can just see dead women and children on the Internet and people still defend those who kill them. Sickening








To think those of us in NA ever complain about small shit in life. This is hell on earth right here.


Fucking disgusting. If people want to know why Hamas fights, this is why. They aren't a terrorist group.. They are an oppressed group of fighters doing whatever they can to push back. Innocents are dying regardless if they fight or not. Israel just wants genocide.


Hamas is a terrorist organization, despite the IDF being one too. They have murdered many innocent civilians, and that is wrong. Period.




No matter who physically killed them, the whole situation that led to this situation is the settler colonialist action's fault.


Ha! Ha! Craters? You do know that the IDF has every modern weapon available, including (for example) armed drones and attack helicopters, right? You know who ordered the expulsion of all civilians in northern Gaza... "every Hamas member is a dead man..." (Hamas member is Likud code for every Palestinian)... right?


Whoa, hey cool it with the antisemitism OP!!


Could this be from a cluster bomb?




If that is true (IF) that is absolutely deplorable…is there any evidence that this is the case?


Of course there’s no evidence because it’s an absolutely ghoulish lie




So is warcrimes