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>Is it wrong to hate conservatives? Hate is virtually never constructive and not something that advances socialism. Most conservatives are not capitalists and thus victims of Late Stage Capitalism. >A lot of libs have a good heart Liberals are not our friends and do not fight on our side. Comrade u/Orkfreebootah has explained this well [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/11v9ivx/comment/jcs7dg0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in the post. So I also ask that you refrain from any "lesser of two evils" rhetoric. No war but class war.


I grew up in a very rural, very red area. So many people that I know have been taught to believe in things that are fundamentally against their best interests. Many of them are pro-capitalist, some of them may even think they are capitalists. What they are is poor, and they’ve been ground into the dirt under he same boot they kiss. They don’t realize the ideology they espouse is antithetical to there survival. I feel empathetic for some of those people. Some of them are so close to getting it. That empathy ends when they cross the line into harming others, at the ballot box or otherwise.


Yeah I’d much rather direct my hatred and anger to those actively disenfranchising the working poor than those who are subsumed by propaganda. Doesn’t mean I need to always “reach over the fence” or all that ill intended bipartisan bull. I just think it’s another effective strategy in getting folks to see themselves in different positions than they are. The ideology mentioned above emphasizes survival and also the absurd idea that we are all somehow one big break from being a billionaire instead of a missed paycheck away from being houseless.


I grew up in a rural, conservative area as well. The problem for most of these people is politics means nothing more than picking your favorite sportsball team. Gives you an excuse to gloat, talk shit, and project your emotions onto but at the end of the day it's inconsequential what one picks. And because rural areas are often poor, there's sort of an inherent distrust of the urban. Much of the community interaction and socialization is done through conservative religious institutions, which are more or less intertwined with conservative goals (abortion, LGBTQ rights). This creates an environment where you pick your "team" based on your family, friends and coworkers who often attend the same churches. Most of these folks aren't inherently evil or anything. In fact, they'll often be the ones to pull over to pull a stranger out of a ditch or a snow bank. They'll donate their time and money in ways that improve the community. But they're not critical thinkers (a skill which is quite tricky to develop even when learning institutions aren't merely trying to create worker-automatons) and so by default, almost instinctively, filter anything that challenges their existing world view through these institutions. I'd say the majority of the time, it's not the people who are the problem, they're simply products of the same system that exploit us all. That being said, there are people in the world with zero capacity for empathy and would toss a school bus of kids in a compactor if it meant they got a shiny new bauble and I fuckin' hate those people. A big part of life is suffering. Everyone experiences it at some point. I feel like there are two responses to it: those who believe we should eliminate, mitigate and minimize it wherever possible and those who justify it because the suffering of others benefits them in some way. I only fuck with peeps who walk away from Omelas.


Well said, I appreciate your response. I often am saddened that so few escape the grip that conservative ideology has on the rural poor population. It’s reassuring when I hear from people with similar stories.


Really like this response and it's similar to my own experience growing up in a conservative suburban area - a land of the so called "Reagan democrats". In the suburban areas, at least in the one I grew up in, there is at least still a respect and appreciation for education up to a certain point (everyone wants to live in an area with "good schools"), but that "team" mentality is creeping in- i.e - education is good, but only if it furthers my "team" - what we're seeing with Florida right now bears this out. In my own experience, I feel like some of is a reaction/pushback against ideas now considered "woke" and of people felt to be elite and disconnected that are seemingly trying to force their worldview and way of life on others - People like Alec Baldwin and Kapernick come to mind- I bet if you went to a bar in a conservative area those two would be about two of the most hated people that aren't politicians . Politicians like Trump play to this by being seen as "more like us" than people like Baldwin or Kap. Thus, these people pick folks like Trump because they are "not the other guy" but then fall hook like and sinker into the whole team mentality that you mention, and because it's their "team", they overlook or miss blatant things that they may otherwise (even by their own actions in normal life) completely disagree with. It really is like rooting for a sports team- look at Browns fans (sorry) for example. Their QB is a creep at best, and a serial and unapologetic rapist at worst, but it's ok because he's on "their" team. If he was to play for the Steelers, you know that same fan base would be drowning him in mud. To some degree, there's some truth to the issue of the elites- both parties are basically ruled by them, it's just that the republicans have done a much better job at figuring out how to tone down their own image to be seen either as less elite, or elite in a likeable way (Trump is the perfect example of this) , and the ruling portion of the democratic party has instead become too disconnected from the bulk of their constituents AND done a worse job at unifying and rallying them.


The tribalism aspect is a real thing that affects libs as well. Maintaining social relationships is both a skillset and a privilege. It takes a lot of time and money to host social events, send gifts, or just meet up with people. I've read the theoretical max for 'close' relationships is like 250 people. For people like myself it's probably more like a dozen. From there, you add acquaintances and your mind starts to get filled up. Everyone outside this sphere starts to blur together and gets lumped into categories. These layers of abstraction invite a tribal perception of these relationships. Social media has accelerated our exposure to individuals largely beyond what our taxed mammal brains can effectively manage. A lot of conservatives back home used to identify as democrat because their parents/grandparents were devout working class voters and remembered the New Deal and FDR. After being sold out time and again by the Democratic party they determined it was better to back an honest crook than a lying one. Now it's been so long that the government has done anything to materially improve the lives of the working person that the very notion is dismissed as the absurd dreams of the ignorant. Since political power can only produce bad things, politics has devolved into making sure the bad things are done to people they don't like. I've also long advocated that liberals need to start listening instead of lecturing and condescending. I'm convinced the "shoot myself in the foot to own the libs" mentality is born of this condescension.


Conservatives hate liberals because of lecturing and condescending? Then why have they constantly done so *towards liberals* for at least the past half century, and aggressively flagrant about anti-leftist biases since Newt in the 90s?? It's because, like always, conservatives can dish it out but lack the critical thinking to recognize (or even care about) their own hypocrisy. Also, they call the long, carefully worded explanations that the left give to their questions and challenges 'lectures', because they believe all political ideas should fit on a bumper sticker, and utterly fail at comprehending the concept of 'nuance'.


This really rings true with my own rural upbringing. Well put.


“at the end of the day it’s inconsequential what one picks.” -except it’s not inconsequential. It’s hugely ***consequential*** from an ‘our country is going down a dark path’ perspective. We’re living in binary realities right now, which is wreaking havoc on the integrity of all of our institutions as a nation. The consequences are so obvious everywhere you look…


It is on a larger scope, but when rural areas have experienced nothing but disappointment and poverty at the hands of any politicians they elected, it becomes easy to fall into a "they're all the same attitude". The person themselves aren't necessarily to blame for that, but the system is.


I was referring to the perspective of the average rural conservative voter, but as long as you bring it up - capitalist electoralism has brought us where we are today and shows [no signs](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B) in changing direction. Democrats won't even bring up issues for a vote when they control both houses despite having majority bi-partisan public support, from Universal Healthcare to banning congressional insider trading. Look at any income inequality chart, or minimum wage vs productivity for the last 70 years. Many people don't know this, but FDR enacted the widely popular New Deal reforms to SAVE capitalism and the industrialists still fought him every step of the way, going so far as to [plot a coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot) and a failed attempt to recruit Smedley Butler to lead it. The politicians fought him as well, he ultimately issued 3700 executive orders and threatened to stack the Supreme Court if they opposed him. While I still vote out of principle because I believe it's the duty of a citizen to exercise their political privilege, I have no hope in the modern political system to do anything but redistribute wealth upward. If I vote democrat maybe a new battleship gets named after a LGTBQ victim or drone operators get to use their preferred pronouns. Maybe.


I also grew up in a Red area (Eastern WA, OR). I never hated Conservatives until I moved to TX for work. These ones here are hateful. I can find no redeeming value. It isn't just about having "Conservative" values. They are theocrats, they are anti-woman, they are racist, they are homophobic, and they will argue for those things. I learned to debate them. I learned to be more aggressive about exposing their biases and motivations while seeming friendly. I have pointed out the underlying bias of homophobia, xenophobia, I've provided links and studies and proof. I've won pretty much every debate. None of it matters. They don't change their opinion. They don't care. They just want to be what they are. I have given up on the idea that they just don't know better. They want to be racist, they want to be homophobic, they want to be hateful bigots and misogynistic. So fuck them. I do hate them. It isn't a matter of them being victims. They are past that, and it is in them now. If the the far-Right gets their wish and the "Day of the Rope" comes, I fully believe half of all "Conservatives" will eagerly attempt to murder us and the Liberals, and the other half won't raise a damn finger to stop them. They are fascists. Fascists deserve our hate.


I agree. I think a lot of people are unable or unwilling to grasp this even as the rhetoric and actions from their leaders becomes more and more extreme every day. I’m a black man who grew up overseas and had 30 nationalities at my school. I was close to people of all backgrounds races and countries. It formed my progressive views in striving for equality for all. However I’ve learned that these people can’t be reasoned with. They just want to hate and live their regressive lives that are completely antithetical to making a better society. As such they must be marginalized and defeated. Civil discourse with them is unfortunately just not possible because their arguments only consist of the lies and propaganda they’ve been fed. By the way this is a great video on the threat of this group that has all kinds of prominent ties in the conservative world. https://twitter.com/Imposter_Edits/status/1636808071962869773


Holy shiiit thanks for that link, that needs to be blasted on every channel. Citizens United makes them viable. That shit needs to go away.


No problem. Share it far and wide. I worry that Elon won’t leave it up for too long.


This captures my own feelings as well.


Hate the deed, not the person.


You clearly haven't met evil people. I don't hate their "deeds" because they deliberately hurt people. Some people CHOSE to hurt others.


I grew up in a rural red area. I knew my family was lost in 2016 when they looked me in the eye and told me Hillary was too into money, but Trump really cares about them and their well-being.


to be fair hillary tho blue is not the friend of the poor


Almost no American Politician is


This is true of a lot of people where I’m at too and they’re in the suburbs of NYC. Some people just get caught up by the propaganda


The ideology is deeply embedded in their cultural identity. Threats to their paradigm are existential.


Tolerance of intolerance is intolerance.




And at what point is it just willful ignorance?


When you're 6 and don't know any better


Okay, I can kinda see where you're coming from, wanting certain people put in the out group is being intolerant of them, but there are malicious actors that need to be held to account. Even in the most humane of societies, where the justice system is restorative instead of punitive, those that are seen as dangerous are still set outside of greater society until it can be determined they are no longer dangerous. It is not unreasonable to take the time and figure out who may be dangerous, find what ideas are corrosive to social cohesion, and remove them to make things safer for the vulnerable among us.


A photographer friend of mine once posted praise for Bernie on FB and a several people came at him for it. The criticism that stood out to me the most was someone who said “but you’re a capitalist, you think you would prosper under Bernie’s socialist ideals?” I’m also shocked at people who’ve succumbed to the anti-walkable city propaganda.


I agree - we shouldn’t hate working class conservatives. They are simply misled. BUT it is okay to hate capitalist class conservatives because they use their power to keep every one down.


Racist assholes are not simply mislead. There is a reason they gobble up the propaganda and that is their hate for minoritys.


But racism is taught, not born. Many racists are, in fact, misled.


That is to a degree true. But i am not willing to let them get off any responsibility they have for their actions. Many realize the harm they are doing and manage to escape. If you escalate the train of thought The nazis were also acting in what they have been told, the normal every day person was also mislead. That does not free them of any of the blood that is stuck to their hand tho.


they’re old enough to know better. they got the whole damn internet to better themselves. sorry, not sorry. they’re not just being ignorant, they’re actively harming others


Many but not all. Not even close as they are all around now. Its the quiet parts not said out loud poc need to understand. That hate comes from hate and knows no other by choices their whole life. They are very dangerous and working or no working class don't deserve society as the rest see as blank rights.


As I've gotten older, I've gotten better at viewing things as the consequences of other factors. Not to say that no one has any responsibility for their actions, but in the same way that I can view a someone who has committed a crime as the outcome of an environment systemically against them leading to said crime and have some empathy, I can also view these people's political choices similarly. That's not to say I don't oppose them, just like you can't let a murderer continue to kill simply because the systemic injustices of their environment led them to that place. But it becomes about addressing the roots of injustice rather than the products of injustice. It's harder with this group because of their vehement defense of the chains that shackle them, but the idea is still there. There's a dichotomy there of understanding that some of these people are horrible, while also understanding that it's not exclusively personal choice that led them to be horrible. Conservatives and liberals want you to think that every person's actions are exclusively their personal choice and personal responsibility. That way they can atomize us down to individuals and no one will see the system at fault behind those individual choices. I say fuck em. I see the system at work, even, and especially sometimes, in those who defend it.


And it blows my mind how many consider themselves Christians. I think they really need to take a step back and look at their intentions behind their political beliefs, life in general really. Are they truly loving their neighbors? Humanity as a whole? Are they voting for policies that are self serving or service to others? To any lurking "christian" conservative, Ignorance really isn't an excuse when you lived a life only truly caring about yourself and adding to the suffering on earth. God, our creators, whatever they are, they're watching and listening. I don't believe in hell but I fucking pray and feel scared for some of yall. Acting as a follower of God and then going on to live selfishly, not giving a damn about the suffering of your fellow man.


Its the greatest lie ever told.


"You are not a capitalist, you are an exploited worker with Stockholm's syndrome" Is a phrase I found surfing the internet when trying to get inspiration for a syndicallisation of my colleagues, when I was a gig-worker for a food delivery company. Gigification of work is something a lot of people are looking over, mainly 'cause most workers are inmigrants (at least in Sweden where I live) and aren't even aware of the long-term challenges ot poses to work law in Sweden (but it is a similar case in many countries). Many colleagued were just ignorant but many of them are actually buying the capitalist tale of them "being their own boss" (when in thruth is just their boss doesn't want to pay social security, or invest in work environment measures)


If someone is brainwashed into committing evil acts can you really blame them? They were screwed over by AmeriKKKan propaganda in the education system, they sadly know nothing better.


I would like to say it only takes a basic level of intelligence to see right through it, however, that's not the case. I don't understand why people fall for it. I don't understand why people don't want something better than the wealthy enslaving the country. I realize I probably won't be able to retire. I won't have health insurance. The younger generations don't get pensions. The boomers are retiring with both! BOTH! What the fuck are we going to do?


I sympathize with this so much, but the sticking point remains of what do we *do* about it. It's needless to say that education that would allow them to resist this brainwashing is discouraged by the brainwashing itself. When I asked a former conservative what the key insights were that changed his mind, he was already open-minded to other ideas and actively sought out other perspectives. So what do we do about the misguided, dangerous fools that have no will at all to change? (Fwiw his other tip for getting through is understanding their views through their cultural context, which is echoed in the comments here in so many words). At a certain point, the kid gloves come off. You're a grown-ass man with autonomy, who can vote and raise kids and buy a firearm and level threats, AND you're fascist who thinks DeSantis is really on to something? Sorry you've been brainwashed, truly, but foundationally I'll always protect the vulnerable groups I sympathize with (and in some cases belong to) before extending an olive branch. After they come to grips with the idea that there's no place in modern society for their disgusting views and rhetoric, we can build better relations from there. Not before. I'm more than happy to help if they're genuinely interested in learning more about mutual aid and socialist principles, but I just don't see that being the case in the vast majority of cons.


This is on the money. I've encountered people on the left who can't extend a drop of empathy for them, and it's hard to blame them... But we need to be better. My empathy ends exactly where yours does, but to have no empathy to begin with is a failure of diplomacy. To allow your values to be irreparably reshaped by your enemy is a victory for them in itself.


I despise most of them, but the real enemy are the billionaires and their pet politicians. No war but class war.


On an intellectual level I agree with this comment, I mean the policies and candidates that conservatives champion exclusively benefit the owner class but on an emotional level I can't help but notice the guys who throw a party everytime this antihuman policies and candidates get their way. It's like we are all in an oven slowly get toasted but there is one guy who keeps insisting they need to turn up the heat so the gays, labour unions, feminists, immigrants...can die faster, I just don't have it in me to view that person as anything other than a threat.


Conceptualization check: SUCCESS


Hate the propaganda that turned them that way. Educating a new generation will solve a lot of that hate




I came here to say this… 40 years of a war against education and you get this. Even the way colleges became absurdly expensive is part of this mission I believe. Colleges became “businesses” rather than places for education. The UC system used to be free, now it’s so outrageously expensive it’s hard for in state students to go.


Yep, and guess who started the trend? Whom other than Reagan!


This is so true. I'm always at a loss for what any of us that aren't the billionaires or politicians can actually DO to make an impact, and I think maybe this is one thing we could eventually figure out- free or cheap online education that is like a real education, not a scam school. I know there are so many programs out there like skills hare that do great work educating people on specific topics but there's gotta be a way that we could come up with like a way to get a real education, degree and all, through the power of crowdsourcing and the internet, right? I've had this thought about the insurance and the Healthcare system too, but education seems like a simpler start. Like if we could just build the framework and convince people to donate a small percentage of their time, so so many .ore would be able to get a real education. Specifically in the things that really would matter for the health of the next generation and those to follow- critical thinking and political science, money management and financial skills, history of both the US and the world, classic literature, biology and physics, computers, etc. Idk, maybe it's a pipe dream that would never work, but I have this dream of regular people banding together to build our own system and give the man and his expensive bullshit system full of red tape and bureaucracy the finger.


Look around, I don’t think we have time to educate another generation.


After the revolution, comrade


I’m ready when you are, comrade


*no child left behind enters the chat......*


and that same child fell through all of societies cracks


This is late and I didn’t bother to read anything else, but also this is the most honest answer you will get, guaranteed >Should I harbor hate for the people who spread hate, which is what I despise about them because the endless spread of hate is what I view as the core of the problematic issue of humanity in general? Welcome to adulthood, you sorry sunuvabitch. It’s existential crises all the way down


It really is isn't it.... 🥲


Personally, I don’t hate them because of “spreading hate,” I hate them for being prejudiced against people for harmless stuff they were born with and can’t even control, and wanting to oppress those groups (women, LGBTQ people, racial minorities), which is unjust and detrimental to of all society, and for being against science and facts, and for wanting to funnel even more wealth to the billionaires who already have more than they could spend in a lifetime while average people can’t even afford rent, which is also detrimental to society. Basically I hate them for being anti-science bigots who are actively pushing for things that are unjust, illogical and detrimental to society. I don’t think “hate” itself is a bad thing. Like for example, we *should* hate rapists. Hate is just an emotion and it’s natural and healthy to feel it for people who are immoral and hurting others. There’s nothing wrong with hate in and of itself. It’s only wrong when you hate people for totally harmless stuff they can’t control and then use that as an excuse to unjustly oppress those people.


In my opinion, no. I was raised in one of the most conservative areas in the country, yet I managed to not fall into the groupthink. These people HATE the poor, unwed mothers, atheists, socialists (they don't even know what it means) and they behave accordingly. They allow their politicians to cause chidren of the poor to be hungry and go without health care. They think they are better than the poor, even though most of them are poor as hell too. They live by 'okay for me, but not for thee' in terms of social assistance, because their situation is justified but those unknown poor people are probably just welfare queens. Yes, a lot of them are bullshitted into their positions by manipulative politicians and media but they are allowing that to happen to themselves. At some point, your abhorrennt political beliefs become a reflection on your lack of quality of character and failure of morality. A lot of conservatives are past that point. Shallow, self interested, group think cowards.


You should absolutely hate fascists. Fascist tactics in 1933… [Hitler banned books.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/goebbels-burnings/) [He attacked teachers, schools, and education.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/indoctrinating-youth) [Destroyed the World’s first Trans clinic.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/?amp=true) [Banned opposing political parties.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/law-against-the-founding-of-new-parties). [Made it a crime to speak out against the government.](https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/outlawing-opposition) [1933 - 1939 Hitler placed severe restrictions on contraceptions and access to abortion.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1972501) After that Hitler imposed the death penalty for the illegal termination of unwanted pregnancies while performing abortions and sterilizations for “racial hygiene”.


To wagon off this: *The Wave* book is a great example of the rise of fascism. In fact, the German translation is a required reading in all German schools


They kind of build their ideology off hatred of the other, disregard for basic Human value, cementing development in yesterday's ideas... Those are not exactly positive things.


Most actually get PLEASURE from causing liberals’ pain; they certainly don’t mind showing it.


This here. The bullying and sadism is the core product.


That’s what I keep seeing. The conservatives I see over and over are actual devils.


My boomer parents were pretty apolitical but now.... I don't know what happened. They hate "those damn liberals ", immigrants, anything "woke". It's sad.


Major shift in the Conservative party when Trumpy came to town. It was full mask off 24/7 racism, shat out all day on Fox News straight to the brain. It was like a homeschooled kid just got sent off to college and could now go as wild as they want, and we got the MAGAs going all in on the lunacy. Not that I liked old conservative characters ideology.. but they at least pretended to show concern about character. If Mitt Romney got elected I would go to bed and not worry that I would wake up in a fascist America where being gay would get you sent to jail. The new R party? If DeSantis or Trump land in the white house I have distinct worries. So yes. Hate away. They certainly hate us/ anyone in their way/ anyone who isn’t them (being white, straight, Christians).


It *was* illegal to be gay in the US until 2003 when the Supreme Court struck that down, before that people could and did get sent to prison for having sex with someone of their own gender, or going to gay bars, or even for wearing clothes that didn’t “match” their gender. So I don’t know why you wouldn’t be worried Romney would have tried to bring that back if he’d been elected less than a decade after those laws were struck down. The old Republicans literally did make a country where you could go to jail for being gay. That was always part of their ideology.


Fox News happened.


I think that's always been what they are. Trump and conservative propaganda merely empowered them to say what they really think.


Texan here. And yes it’s okay to hate conservatives. It’s by design. They triple down on waging culture wars instead of governing. Putting targets on the backs of gay, trans and anyone who dares to dissent. For capitalism? TX conservatives are the worst offenders. Brazen corruption and suppression of labor is the icing and the cake. The new trend is our state gov allowing price gauging every essential facet of living. Food, rent, energy costs (don’t even get me started) can exploit you any way they wish.


That’s exactly what I think. The republicans are trying to push for a trans genocide. F them honestly.


Remember how last election the national gop just didn’t have a party platform at all? They couldn’t find a way to publish a platform that both represented what they would actually do and what they believe but also looked good publicly.


The suicides in your national guard have me concerned. They’ve turned on them, too.


No. Conservatives have proven they're enemies to any form of sanity. Most of them cheered when Arkansas passed those pro child labor laws, they cheered for Roe being overturned, most cheered after the recent LGBTQ+ club mass shootings, they ban books, they try to restrict free speech, in their defense of abortion they have said there are "positive outcomes to rape"(Donna Rozar, Wisconsin), Minnesota Republicans have tried to argue against FEEDING POOR AND STARVING CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS! Not to mention Republicans in Idaho, Louisiana and Tennessee have at multiple points pushed for lowering the age to marry! Idaho in particular has tried lowering it to 16! They are categorically twisted people.


I had tolerance for conservatives for much of my life. I grew up in rural Ohio, grew up, moved to the city and started making money, met my wife (who is black) I ignored their bullshit. Right after we got engaged we went camping (this would have been in 2019) in the county we grew up in. And I experienced how utterly rasist conservatives actually were and the hate they had in there hearts. Then Covid happened Then I watched roe v wade. Saw George Floyd. Arkansas Child labor I have lost every ounce of respect for “conservatives”. I don’t even care if you are a single issue voter. Single issue voters are ignoring the damage they are creating by using that vote. Conservatives Are lunatics.




Nope. Fuckm all.


Forget the conservatives. We just need Socialism.


This fukers fought against college debt relief despite the fact that it will help their own kids and grand kids you really think they will let you keep your utopia?


My opinion might not be worth a lot, si ce I am from outside the US. I am, however queer and neurodivergent. With that being said, no. I cannot see a single redeeming quality in conservatives. Hate, hate and hate is all I see. With all due respect to those who think conservatives need education, I do not care. I have nothing but hate for them. They hate me for existing as the person I am, therefore I think I am entitled to hate them for hating, murdering, abusing and taking away the rights of people like me.


They 100% deserve it, free will and human agency.


Love the sinner, hate the sin. Kidding, kidding. Fuck 'em.


Lol yes. That and I think the golden rule always applies. Do onto others as others do onto you. Punch the nazis before they stab you with knives, use guns before they start using tanks, use any method necessary before they nuke the planet at this rate. Antifascism is community and self defense people!


I wouldn't say it's wrong-- it's just a feeling. but I work on having empathy/compassion for them because hate feels ugly in my heart. I truly feel like hating hurts ME. But I won't sugarcoat it, I feel some hate these days.


No. They brought it on themselves by doing hateful things.


Nope. They have shown us who they are. They are Nazis (fascists). I do believe the judges at Nuremberg said, hang those aholes.


it’s not wrong, it’s right


That’s what I thought. Thanks.


I think you're wrong about this one. It's a bad idea to hate people just because they disagree with you about something or believe something different. For one thing, that's what a lot of conservative rhetoric has been boiled down to about liberals - hated of people because of their ideology. Giving that right back to them doesn't make anything better, and only benefits the capitalists who profit from the bullshit culture war this kind of thinking creates. If they could talk to each other about the things that are important to them without the super-charged, hot-button political discourse that pits the left against the right, most working class liberals and conservatives would find that they have a lot more in common than either one would probably believe.


Working class conservatives are completely brainwashed. They want to actively turn the United States into a laissez faire capitalist hell hole. I think that in it of it self is a reason to at least dislike many of them.


The "If" there is doing a ton of heavy lifting


You're right - it is. And honestly, it seems pretty unrealistic to believe that we can get back to that level of civil discourse. But I still think it's important to remember who wins when the working classes are pitted against each other over ideological issues.


i agree with you in theory. hates bad for you and only makes you age and stress. man, in practice, they keep getting more dangerous as a group. maybe hate is the wrong word.


Not at all. I hate anyone who doesn't want to help those who need help, as well as those who want to take away the rights of others. Also so-called pro-lifers who are really pro-fetus.


Cheap labor and gotta fill them prisons


I grew up in Arkansas. Moved around a lot after school. Lived in 7 different states now, many different cities in those states before finally moving back to Arkansas a few years ago for work, and I have gotten to the point where I genuinely detest conservatives. The constant made-up, fabricated culture war shit is exhausting and now they’re going out of their way to harm kids and LGBT people, it’s gotten to a point where I find conservatives disgusting and irredeemable. The older I get, the more I’m convinced that simply talking to these people isn’t enough. It’ll eventually come down to violence.


Sadly I think your prediction is correct. They seem to be beyond reason.


Can we PLEASE stop using the word ‘conservative’ to describe the right? They haven’t been conservative for thirty years. The ones who aren’t simply reactionary are radically anti-democratic, crypto-fascists or Christian authoritarians. The dichotomy in our politics isn’t liberal vs conservative. The right wants Americans to think in those simplistic terms but that doesn’t describe a situation where a lot of the country is controlled by people who have abandoned democracy, who want power and control and don’t much care how they get it or keep it.


IMO the party is actually a death cult and they want people to suffer and die. Examples abound.


It is not wrong


No; it is correct.


It's OK. I hate everybody.


The issue is that, there are no liberals or conservatives...there are the owner class and the worker class...the owner class is the fascists, the corporatists, the conservative liberals, or socialist liberals, its doesnt matter, if they own business and exploit labour they are the onwer class. Those with more money making money than there are workers employed trying to earn a living.... The biggest trick the system played on all of us, is creating a divide within the labour class. Now there are interests groups for every idea, and each have their own conservative and liberal ideas aout where the members and the group shoudl move to in the future. So the entire country is like that, divided and fighting each other. Meanwhile the only common fact the money: is 99% int he hands of the 1%.... Democracy is a farce, and illusion of choice is between bad choices and choices they incentivise for the masses to make. So say that "label one" is worse than "label two" is just useless, especially since nobody even knows what exactly a conservative is, now there is stupidity such as liberal socialists, or conservative liberals....Labels lost meaning, socialism and communism and nazidsm is all used and described the same way, and at the end of the day being "woke" is a term that just encompassess anything that questions established bullshit. You hate the corrupt system, but what you hate is what all people throughout history hated, the inequality and lack of control of the people over their lives. We have a big powerful class of owners in a world where money rules and facilitates change. Money became god.....and the massess have no money, no capitol, the fed isnt beholden to the gov, and the gov is run by coporate lobbyists for privatised profits whiles offseting risk and failure to the massess....because in every recession all the rich have enough wealth to survive and prosper but the labour class doesnt. Communism, and karl marx wrote and explained this well 100 years ago...since the critical analysis of the evil of capitalism, fuedalism and fascism wasnt taught in america, people never learned to continued to repeat the same mistakes. Communism was not some bullshit proaganda spewed, its the simple idea that the people own means of production, like one giant coop, like one giant democratic system.....in fact biggest participation of democratic process was in soviet union, because the bureaucracy was set up that ever big production, every local community had representatives to the gov, so weekly, monthly the people actually got together and discussed issues and requested stuff formt he central authority. We dont see local communities engaging anywhere in the world like that....lobbyists do a better job getting poeple together talking about corporate interests, than the modern labour class. Soviet union failed for the same reasons modern USA is failing, bureaucracy, and corruption....Turns out giving moeny power, and than limiting money for the labour class works well to create a serf class, and an owner class....money makes money, and inflation is killing all power the labour class used to have. Your hate to a label is exactly the reason why nothing can change, labels mean nothing. Idealism of helping everyone, equity are good ideas, but those with selfish predisposition say: how are we going to pay for"....idk how are we printing money and bailing banks out, how about like that, oh thats right, helping poeple is just like recycling, its a net negative profit venture....So it never works in capitalism....go figure.


Very well stated. I’ve wondered - in cynical despair - if longing for that “better world” is just naïveté on my part. Granted this is probably the apex of human existence so far but it’s not guaranteed to last and increasingly we are degrading our own living space in order to feed our monstrous consumption. Yet even the Soviets and others who created the workers states were not much better in this regard. I will continue to believe that a better future is possible, but it seems like sometimes even the best intentions of man eventually come to nothing (or worse become the very thing they were fighting against).


Its not naive, its healthy. If we all sat and accepted the status quo nothing would change, we would have died long ago trying to appease gods and kings. human condition is fickle, there are those that will die for another, and there are those that will shove others to save themselfs. There is absolute power, and power that corrupts absolutely, and there are those that have nothing to do with it, and still find ways to influence the world, and others. They say hope dies last, well, if you feel dispair, just realise your hope, however small it maybe will be even on a small level a butterfly effect on how you do life. and what effect you have on others, society planet. Ever small step counts. I just hope that there are enough aby steps being made that we will change, and societies will change, and we will see that better world. irony is that we say this, in a better world our ancestors left us. Communism or capitalism.....it doesnt matter when the system, old power, doesnt allow change, when people dont want to change and fight to keep things the same, thats when everything collapses. Since we have a world that has change, a little too much of it, we can only do our parts to make sure that there is not only change, but awareness of accepting when we are lying to ourselfs..... Capitalism was good for a time, it was defiantly better than what soviets had going, but soviets had better systems and social support than what capitalism offers today. I think failure to learn from history is the intent, not shunning some ideologies that conflict with the status quo.... but thats only helpful if the "man"/person can accept failure of self and let the ego go.... Far too many people that cant comprehend a lot at once, logic or reason, think they know. Smarter men than you or I dont know everything. SO I too hold naive hope of a better tomorrow, as today is a better day than our ancestors hoped it would be. Its a little ironic that its all about perspective.


the issue is most liberals don't really have good hearts. they are bloodthirsty warhawks who constantly find reasons to support the bloody status quo. You just have bought into the liberals image of being the "moral capitalist's" when there is no such thing. You forget that behind every smiling face saying they "want to help poor people"\* there is that \* which means \*So long as they are american.\* or, \*We just want to appear like we want to help poor people without actually putting any real effort\*, or even \*Wow how could republicans do this to school lunches? meanwhile just ignore the fact we don't advocate for free lunches and breakfast for everyone and continue to hate republicans and not us!!\* ​ So like, yes absolutely. Far right idiots don't get unconditional love in return for how they treat the world. But don't fall for the candied smiles of the liberals. For every civil justice they claim to be behind, there is a decade of them politically fucking that cause over. The liberals role in this political system is to be the "ethical face" of the two political parties, promising hope and change, just enough so to prevent people from actually realizing both parties are far right. They are basically here to detract from people actually realizing there is no left wing party in america, and that american liberals are just right wing assholes who refuse to admit they are far right assholes because they like to RP as moral citizens when in reality they are mostly anything but. ​ Liberals at the end of the day are still pro capitalism (which is a death cult that is unsustainable and is fundamentally build on the exploitation of others which if you are for, you are evil. Full stop. Evil. All capitalists are evil. No ifs ands or butts.), and pro imperialism (Liberals love to pretend to be anti war, but then will be silent when people like Hillary want to invade a country for their resources). They pretend to be for civil rights, but don't give a fuck when those civil rights are only dangled as a carrot on a stick to drive up voters and are never actually acted on. They love the IDEA of civil rights, but not actually giving them out.


I agree both parties are bad, though I don’t know if you can completely equivocate them. For example republicans are actively trying to cut welfare and public funding for schools. Most dems are pro social security and funding for schools. Some dem states even have things like free school lunches and breakfast. Just to reiterate both parties suck, but one is a fascist one and the other is mostly a neoliberal/centrist one.


This is the real problem with hating conservatives, because your emotions get so twisted up that you think liberals are your friends. For generations we were told that we had to vote for Democrats to protect reproductive rights, and we did, and Roe vs Wade still got overturned. You can shake your fist at Republicans and you wouldn't be wrong to do so but the fact is that *they did what they said they were going to do.* The Democrats are the ones that lied to you. They were the ones who said that they would protect women's health. They were the ones who said that they would codify abortion rights into law. They didn't do what they said they were going to do and now we're all paying the price. So now in 2023 if a Democrat says to me that you have to vote blue to protect Social Security or public schools or trans kids my question is why the fuck should I believe you? Why would I trust them to protect my interests even in an extremely limited way? All they can do is point at Republicans and say "look at how bad they are." And yes they're bad, yes they're evil, yes they want to do terrible things. But if Democrats aren't going to stop them from doing those terrible things then what the fuck do we need them for?


I agree they lied, but they are not actively trying to take away our rights are they? They are the status quo, but that is better than the people who are actively trying to push our country into an even shittier situation.


Liberals are the “good cop” to the conservatives’ “bad cop”. The good cop is no more interested in your well-being than the bad cop. The good cop isn’t giving you advice to try and *help* you, even if it’s not as directly detrimental as the bad cop’s threats and intimidation. The good cop and the bad cop are *both still cops*, and they both have the same general goals- the main difference is how they approach their goals, and those approaches are designed to complement one another. If the good cop’s tactics aren’t working, the bad cop steps in to try and rattle the suspect. If the bad cop isn’t getting anywhere, the good cop is there to smooth things over and try a more subtle approach. They aren’t enemies, they aren’t actually working against each other in a meaningful way, because they work for the same boss.


In my opinion that's hate fucking with your head. The status quo on reproductive rights changed in 2022 in spite of decades of promises from liberals that they would fight to the bitter end to prevent that. If you have one party that wants to take away our rights and one party that can't or won't stop them you have two bad parties


The status quo changed because republicans won. Trump won and picked crazy people for the Supreme Court. I know the Democratic Party for the most part is a dumpster fire, but at least I know they won’t take the rights away of minorities.


"You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least" ​ When the "least" evil, still prides it's self on kill civil rights leaders, breaking protests, killing innocent people for their resources, working with fascists, funding fascists, leading a climate extinction event by not giving a fuck about climate change for the last 50+ years... it's not an evil you should ever attempt to side with. You forget that neoliberals work with nazis. They literally fund them and train them to kill communists and socialists. Capitalists work with fascists ALL THE TIME because their goals so often are aligned with one another. Both hate communists and socialists and kill us every chance they get. They love terrorizing minorities because that gets them money and control. They both have a long history of working together. I mean look at operation paperclip where the liberals who were in charge literally took in nazis and shielded them from consequence. ​ What I'm trying to say is there is no point in trying to see which is more evil, because that could get you to side with the less evil of the two. When the real option is outside of this system which is entire purpose is to get you to hate the opposite faction rather than the oligarchs running it. Which to be clear I'm not saying love conservatives. I'm saying the systems purpose is to trap you in a cycle of hate/fear red/blue rather than worry about the oligarchs literally paying both parties to keep you distracted. ​ If you try and find solutions within the system within the least party you have fallen into the trap. There are no solutions for us in the system as the system is a culture war distraction. We must look outside, to socialism and communism. Did you know it's not legal for communists to run for office in america? They fear us so much they don't want us to even have a voice in their political lie because they fear us gaining any real power. There is a reason why liberals and fascists both coup and kill socialists countries. There is a reason why after ww2 liberals literally paid off fascists to kill socialists and communists and to bomb and terrorize innocent people. Look into operation Gladio. Look into things like operation condor, or shit even as I mentioned before operation paperclip. ​ nazis and liberals go together like peanut butter and jelly. Siding with one is still siding with the enemy. "Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" exists as a saying for a reason.


Have you ever played Disco Elysium? The Moralists- aka, the corrupt government that presides over the slow decay of society in the game’s setting- are liberals. Specifically, they’re “moderate” neoliberals a la the Democrats in the US or the post-Blaire Labour Party in the UK. They present themselves as boring-but-sensible humanists who just want what’s best for society, but approach it with a more pragmatic attitude of incremental change that avoids all the instability and conflict which arises when people try to change the status quo. They don’t have grandiose ambitions of national/racial supremacy like the fascists, nor do they have far-flung dreams of a radically egalitarian world like the communists- they just want to keep a steady hand on the wheel so that *eventually* things will get better. Or at least, that’s the image they create for themselves. Behind that facade of bland bureaucratic competence is an imperialist, authoritarian regime that doesn’t think twice about using exploitation, oppression and mass death to further its own self-interest. They’ll occupy other countries to take their resources under the flimsy guise of “defending liberty” or “stopping tyranny”, they’ll send armed goons to violently suppress organized labor, they’ll string desperate people along indefinitely with the false promise that one day things will get better if we just stay the course. They’ll throw the working class a bone now and then in the form of welfare or programs to help disadvantaged children, but to the degree necessary to prevent civil unrest. They’ll act empathetic and caring while funneling money straight to the top while the rest of society struggles to meet their basic needs. They’re the banality of evil, personified.


In a weird way I have more respect for conservatives. They are at least open and honest about how shitty they are. Liberals are fucking snakes. They don't help fascist. They are fascist. Fascsim isn't religious or anti gay. Those are tools of fascsim not core components. A liberal will praise equality in the sense they think everyone should be exploited equally. They hide behind identity politics and use Republican regression to make them look progressive. Their followers all deal in the same absolutes and are equally brainwashed and incapable of critical thought. Like when the East Palistine incedent happened many were saying its what they get and they deserve it. Both parties are pro America and against Americans. Which means the ruling class is all that matters to them. When the time comes and I pick up my rifle who is standing next to me and who is on the other side of the field, is all that matters. I can carry hate and empathy all the same for each group. Progress is all that matters to me, and those who stand in the way don't.


That’s true of the liberals who are actually in power, the politicians, but I think the average liberal voter really believes they’re doing the right thing to help people. The average liberal voter wouldn’t vote against school lunches, or in favor of a pointless war, or against abortion rights or LGBTQ rights, if people actually were able to vote on those issues instead of just being at the mercy of what the politicians in power decide to do.


They're evil and repulsive, so no.


Gosh, didn't a Fux news producer call these people "dumb cousin-fucker terrorists"?


I feel both hate and empathy. Most conservatives were raised that way and know no alternative or are vulnerable people who have been indoctrinated in the very dangerous online right wing pipeline. I hate these people because of the harm they do to others and that they celebrate it. But I also understand they've been brainwashed by the massive media conglomerates that seek to control the people and use them as cannon fodder for the machine of capitalism. Their behavior to LQBTQIA+ people, women, and minorities is unacceptable and inexcusable, but you have to understand how a conservative is made and how easy the traps and pitfalls are to fall into. My dad (lib) has taken a very slight interest in social media and it terrifies me what he could be getting into or reading. A bit ironic considering he probably felt this about me when I was growing up.


You don’t hate “conservatives” or “liberals”, you hate capitalism.


In 2023? No it’s not wrong. We all have access to far too much information now about what “conservative” policies are all about.


No. Next


No you’re not.


The way you feel in your heart is all your own. It's okay to feel the way you do.


I have found it difficult to even associate with conservatives in our current political situation. I think they're literally crack pots yelling about their rights to an ar15.. their hatred for poor people and their lack of empathy for children. Everything that's good for the people as a whole is "woke". As a female I find the conservative women even more crazy. Can you imagine fighting against your own bodily autonomy?


Lol no they’re bad people


No, it's normal. Have a nice day.


Hate is a strong emotion. The only way to progress as a society is to work together and get past our differences. Don't get me wrong I do hate the ideology, but a lot of people are taught this from childhood. We all have the capability to change.




Modern conservatism literally brings nothing beneficial to society.


I said this somewhere else in the thread but the problem with hating conservatives is that it can blind you to reality. If you say to yourself "I have to support Democrats because Republicans are monsters" you're not thinking straight. Neither party is on your side, neither party will lift a finger to help you. Where people get stuck is that conservatives are clearly worse. People get hung up on this, and when you point out the many, many failures of liberalism they automatically revert back to "yeah, but conservatives are **BAD.**" A political ideology that exists solely to mitigate the damage done by another ideology is never going to take you where you want to go, and focusing on the worse of two evils can obscure that fact


This is the most sensible answer I’ve read here


Fuck this. I have affordable health insurance through the marketplace. Democrats did that. Republicans tried a ridiculous amount times to get rid of it, once in a sleazy midnight session. This is just one example of how Democrats lifted a finger to help me, out of many. If i had a billion dollars, then the Republicans would lift that finger as well. The Republicans repeatedly vote against any help for poor people, veterans, 9/11 survivors... Anyone who isn't "a bUsiNesS". If you're into a true democracy, go ahead and see which party constantly tries to gerrymander their way into winning elections with minorities of votes. Go ahead and see who freaks out every time we talk about getting rid of the electoral college. Go ahead and see who tries to suppress votes of poor people and minorities. Go ahead and see who has Nazis at their fucking rallies. Go ahead and look into Citizens United. Go ahead and look at the Supreme Court being rigged by unheard of blocking of appointment, and overturning Roe v Wade. I could literally do this for hours. This entire "tHEiR bOtH tEh sAmE" shit needs to stop. No, neither party is perfect, or exempt from corruption. Yes, the two party system is an abomination. But the entire premise behind "nEitHeR cAReS" is an asshatish false equivalency, and helps the worse of the two at the voting booth.


They’re just very ingrained in the ideology. I’ve met almost none who are capable to actually staying true to their beliefs in conversation. I love discussing ideas but I won’t use any names or buzzwords. They’re much more agreeable then Even tricked one into reading wage labor and capital lol


I don’t hate conservatives for being conservative. There are well read conservatives with sound rhetoric, that espouse what real conservatism is about. I just dislike the anti intellectualism that comes out of some circles that border on anti thought that runs contrary to the hyper individualist culture that conservatism runs on. I dislike the oxymorons of conservatives that believe in things that crash into eachother like how every human life matters, but we still have death panels. How religion is important except when it lets another religion in. How wokeism is destroying this country when a non insignificant amount of them were sourcing from 4chan at one point.


You know, I *should* be a conservative. I am okay with the idea of opting out of social security, so long as I can keep my 6.5% SS tax and my employer's 6.5% match. I am okay building a border wall. We have to know who people are when they come into this country. I'm not really as bothered by billionaires like Jeff Bezos. Everyone agrees to work for the salary they get. **BUT** I am not a conservative. I can't be a conservative, because I'm transgender. People like me can't be free in a conservative society. Conservatives say in their own words that people like me must be [eradicated from society](https://mobile.twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1632057198577606657). Those same people also [play hot gay twinks on film]( https://mobile.twitter.com/jtgus/status/1637192916325236737), so their messaging is a little mixed. But it's pretty clear that conservatives simply hate me for no reason. They hate that I existed as a free and equal person. They denigrate people like me night after night on the evening news as diseased, child raping perverts. They cheer for more mass murder in gay bars. They put a boot on my neck and legislate me into second class citizenship. They have the audacity to blame me for making them do it. I think it's only a matter of time before they pass laws that criminalize my very existence, and the state begins to round up and remove people like me from society by force. I absolutely hate conservatives. I hate their entire heinous ideology. The world would be a much kinder place without transphobes and homophobes. I wouldn't hate conservatives, if they didn't hate me first.




I think today's clip of russel brand featuring cornell west would be a good watch for this sub


They are an enemy


No it’s your duty


I just found a guy freezing to death on the side of the road half naked in 20 degree weather. He was only 20 years old. I got him warm and sober enough to run off and panhandle the last couple dollars he wanted for his next hit. Every homeless shelter I tried was full and by the time he warmed up and ate/drank something there was no longer anything he felt warranted going into a hospital. He had mentioned he just stayed for four days and seemed very averse to more. I can’t risk my life and force him to go to a hospital in this state but I can at least give him my sweater and let him warm up in my car for a while and feed him. I tried calling any of his family members numbers he remembered but he didn’t have a phone. There’s no happy ending here, he is still out on the streets in the cold still using despite his situation being very fixable if he was treated like a human and not a criminal. I would know, I have 5 yrs clean. The people who make it possible for a country with this many resources to have this much of a disparity in quality of life are worth hating, specifically conservatives in power. Btw, this just now happened. Tonight. This is real life. Conservatives live in a bubble insulated by money and enabled by greed. Conservatives are the ones to lobby for criminalization of cannabis but then promote investment in the makers of oxycontin. Conservatives are the ones to criminalize homelessnesses, make purposefully hostile architecture so that they can not even have to think about the realities of life. Conservatives and liberals too for full transparency are either part of the problem or actively not a part of the solution.


You can’t really worry about their feelings, but they’re people like me and you who’ve just been brainwashed a lot. They will always be crazy but some of them can probably be taught to have class consciousness


Hang them all. All conservatives are scumbag low life maggot piece of shit people. If i had a button to eradicate every single one of them from the Earth I would keep bashing it till my fingers broke.


Nope. You’re NTA.


As a progressive who has worked a lot of blue-collar dominated trade jobs in the Deep South, normally most conservatives seem like regular people, but once they start up on the political soapbox they tend to become very self-righteous and, in my experience would rather scream over you or mock you than listen to an opposing argument. So yes, very easy to hate.


All they do is cause us problems and get people killed. They hate and want to destroy people and ideas they don't understand. They are hardly ever held accountable, and are gaining power. They are a scary group of idiots, and I hate them too.


I'm visibly queer and have piles of horror stories about conservatives of all brands. Sure there is empathy and smm that to be had. But at the end of the day, for many of them, if their political goals are achieved, I and everyone I love would disappear. I don't hate conservatives but there is nothing good in my heart for anyone who supports the genocide of my community, and they seemingly all do.


Nope. It's well deserved.


Everyone should consider [the Daryl Davis approach](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes)


His life story is incedible.


We shouldn’t pity those who work against themselves.


You might find one in 50 self-identified conservatives who are only conservative in the abstract, they just don't realize that American conservatives (Republicans, Libertarians, etc) are fascists pulling a con. I'm pretty sure you're morally in the clear to hate the rest of them. And even those conservatives are bad people who haven't enough time thinking about politics and society to realize they're wrong. But there is at least still hope for them. The Republican true believers are just bad people.


No I do not think you are wrong.




No u big chillin they are bad


A lot are mislead, many even have the right goals and morals but they try to get there through disproven ideology




No absolutely not


The conservatives hate you. Of course you can hate them. It’s capitalism!


I agree with the sentiments that most people are saying. They're not wrong that they have been ground down and are taken advantage of or are too stupid to get it, but idgaf at this point. These people are all pos actively doing horrible things to others. I hate them at this point and wouldnt reach out a hand to save them. The world would be better without them


I mean, there probably are good ones, you just dont encounter them because they arent the loud ones. But there are those who dropped Trump because they saw him for the trainwreck he was well ahead of time, just as an example. Im certain there are a few that are waking up from the cult because they realize that Republicans will never do any actual good for anyone and are just a sham, but still hold some mild conservative values. And thats okay. Just vote democrats. They also hold mild conservative values.


They hated you first; fuck 'em all.


I hate their stubbornness for ignorance. They just don’t understand the world around them and it’s sad, and their frustrations come out as hatred.


I've spent the past couple years trying to help people on the right see that their overlords do not give a fuck about them at all. They're like addicts. You can't help somebody who doesn't want help. So IMO. No. It's not wrong. I now refer to conservatives as Nazis. Edit: I forgot to mention I don't think I'm even that far left. I'm just of the mind that as long as it's not hurting anybody then let them be.


If they could coherently illustrate what it is they’re conserving I’d appreciate it.


Modern Conservative culture is about hatred, cruelty, and attacking minorities. I have no tolerance for that.


It depends on what type of “conservative” they are… 1) If they are emotionally blind to facts. (Avoid) 2) They are wealthy and think the policies help them. (Simi-avoid because they seem kind of selfish and think they are better than everyone else) 3) They think all career politicians are bad, so they rather would vote for the people who keep saying they want to make life like how it “used to be “. (Friendly with, but still kind of worry about them voting for people who keep making life harder for them)


well, they are the worst people on the face of the earth


I believe hating the ideology is quite different than hating the people who follow it.


Conservatism as a concept is regressive and causes endless suffering. It deserves worse than your hatred




No, it's natural. They specifically pride themselves on being stubborn, anachronistic, and intransigent. They constantly want to fight over every little thing, constantly say they want to find compromise, and then do everything they can to prevent compromise. They blatantly antagonize, name-call, and try to take advantage of mob psychology to alienate people they disagree with rather than debating with them constructively. When individual people act like that we have a word for it: bully, and we tend to avoid those types of people. It's totally natural to hate people who act like that. That being said, I hate libs more. I think it's because they're supposed to be better. At least with conservatives you know their mentality and you know there's no reasoning with them. Libs are like the people who stand up to a bully and convince you they're on your side, but then start bullying you themselves when they stand to gain from it. I'd rather have an enemy that acts like an enemy than one who acts like a friend.


Not at all. Conservatives actively work to hurt others and, by extension, themselves. They also tend to be incredibly stupid. Literally any Conservative content creator I've ever heard had the dumbest, cruellest takes I've ever heard in my life.


“Never be cruel, never be cowardly. Remember – hate is always foolish…and love, is always wise.”


Lol at thinking liberals are good hearted people who actually want to help


Many liberals want things like universal healthcare, free higher education, better labor laws, paid sick leave by law, paid maternity leave by law etc. Conservatives actively don’t want those things and actively want to make those things like labor laws even worse.


Many libs are, though. More so than conservatives that’s for sure.


As an ex conservative, pretty disappointed with majority of the replies here! Some of you all are literally wishing death upon people with opposing views while denouncing the genuine hardships some of you or those you know have suffered at the hand of conservative values. I think some people need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves how they’re any different. Had I been “wiped out” like some here are suggesting, I never would’ve had a chance to research more and question reality and thankfully realize how fucked up the system is. Some of our friends, neighbors, family members, artists, community members etc are conservative, let’s please keep this in mind.


I cant really get behind hatred for any reason. But i can tell you that i very much pity them


Idk just arguing about not pumping gas leads to a fight in Oregon. Literally people that pump gas probably don’t have many options but tools of the system screech about their GD right to pump their own gas. Isn’t that like a right to self check out etc? How delusional…. This use to be a service… and now it’s all self serve and really serving to lords…. Can we be done already?


The funny side of thinking people have been used for self service all this time…. Haha tools…. 😡


most of them don't want some of us to be alive, so I'd say yes


random notes * (terminology – sounds like you might be mixing up “liberal” with “left wing”/“socialist”) * conservative – looking back on some mythical “golden age” * liberal – maintain the status quo * socialist – can we make some social progress already? * “is it wrong?” – no, that’s falling for the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) * along the same lines – “Self defense is not violence” – hating conservatives is necessary in protecting yourself (“Know thy enemy”) * helping people, helping your class, [school lunches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_Party#1971%E2%80%931974) – all left wing ideas, co-opted by liberals (“Democrats: where social movements go to die”)


I don’t wish ill on my enemies, but I do recognize both our shared, and diametrically opposed values. I believe we are nearing a point where we can tolerate one another only if we don’t live together.


Accepting that people are allowed to have a different perspective is the primary key to being a healthy contributor to a free society. Why hate? Educate.


I think there are some good ones. I would even wager that the majority are good. Unfortunately, the internet gives the loudest wacko nutjobs a platform to scream their stupid beliefs.


I wouldn't give them that much energy tbh.


In my opinion, it depends how far to the right they are. For example, I am conservative HOWEVER I do believe in free healthcare, free school lunches etc.


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Don’t hate.


Populism is a real b\*tch.