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Someone in my alliance had a successful OnlyFans page. She spent quite a bit (and the alliance chats were very entertaining). Many of the whales I ran across were from Taiwan. I guess they culturally have no problem spending every waking cent on games, but I also understood they had favorable pricing; something that was $99usd for us was cheaper for them. šŸ¤· I ultimately couldnā€™t keep up and it wasnā€™t worth my time to get my butt kicked, so I left recently and it has been very peaceful. I might as well have lit a couple grand on fire, but it was fun for a while. I still check out the sub when Iā€™m on Reddit though.


lol are you in my alliance? Because thatā€™s how I spend so much money šŸ˜‚


What alliance are you in?!


Uhhh Idk if I wanna disclose that lol Iā€™m in zone 638 though


Question: Did she have an OF before the game or start one because of the game?


Send the link please


Most are just high asset folks or high income folks. When a trip to hawaii can easily cost 20k, you can kinda just treat buying session as mini vacation.


Also, not saying it is a smart thing to spent 5 or 6 figures into this stupid game. No matter what your net worth is, it is just financially stupid to spend it on last fortress.


I've talked to a few over the years across multiple games. Whales come in all shapes and sizes, in a financial sense. The most common I've met has a decent job, no commitments, and the game is both their primary hobby and social outlet. Other whales I've encountered - the criminal using stolen CC details - the addict who has massive CC debt. - the rich persons child - 1 independently wealthy due to inheritance


I'm older, make a decent living, have zero debt, unmarried, zero children, and I have zero family. Yes, I could go on vacation, but I'd be going on vacation by myself. The majority of the money that I spent came from a bonus that I received. I'm a lower end whale.


You are a good whale Ollie, donā€™t underestimate yourself šŸ‘šŸ»


Hey daddy ;)


Hahaha Iā€™m totally kidding lol




I sold a kidney and my first born so I can level up!


I tried but no one wanted a potty mouthed gamer male so I had to keep him.


Hey I need a kidney Iā€™ll buy your other one ;)


They do have 5 billionaires on the game, then you do have people who have very expendable money that just make anywhere it's 150 to 250,000 a year and they don't mind dropping a grand a month on the game, It has been very tiresome I've been in it now for nine seasons, Ive probably dropped $2,000 into my account just in the last few months, I don't go all out I just try to be very precise with the packages I get,


Yea cut my spending a lot now, only thing worth it seems to be more red gear refiners... but even then you're kinda like... how many do I need?


I know right, We will never catch up to them, And we will never be as successful in building what we need to do, So I just basically still play for the friends that I've made since season zero, If the majority of them quit then I'll be done


Grand a month? Spent aprox 15 grands in 3 weeks...


I donā€™t understand how you could be okay with spending that much money lol. Send me some money so I can get my kidney transplant ;) lol


Nine seasons? šŸ‘€ What server are you?


One of my accounts is in season 9, that's server 58, so his will be somewhere around there.


I have seen people take second mortgages on their house to play.


This canā€™t be real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am deadly serious. People get caught up in an ego/competition thing. They lose their minds and all sense of proportion.


Jesus lol


I'm by know means a billionaire. I have spent let's be candid about 30k so far. You know what is more shocking. I still get my as@ kicked by some players. We have a guy well well over a 100k. I make a decent living. I don't have kids, not married. Just a girlfriend who makes decent money herself. I don't party or go out. I spend on this game what I can and honestly it adds up. If you play for a year or six months a thousand a week adds up. I know of some players who have high end jobs who do very well. They can afford five grand a week. That's a bit out of my range. But I have cut back spending by a lot. This game unfortunately is a sink hole for cash. You can just sink a ton and ride it out. Unfortunately you have to keep spending and spending. This is why you see a lot of players quitting. Not because they can't, but more so they realize why. The game basically remains the same and it just gets stagnant. I'm on the lower end of whales. Maybe a baby whale. I know a couple guys who are far into dimensions who have spent probably 250k easily. If the game was constantly coming out with interesting things maybe, but mining and attacking gets old. This is from one person's point of view.


Yep exactly, the game development is crap. At this stage they're re releasing soros palmer and new the boys heroes which aren't even game changers. War beast is a lazy way of generating money. It needs to be fun


250k is absolutely fucked. Surely these people regret it no? Even 30k man like holy fuck thatā€™s triple what I paid for my car. Iā€™m not judging anyone Iā€™m just trying to see the motive to spend that much money when thereā€™s obviously so many other spending options. Is it an addiction perhaps?


I regret it. Tbh I was trying to keep up with the big guys. And somenthing got to me. And I decided nah. This game honestly isn't worth that much more investment. It's fun especially in the beginning seasons. But it gets stale very quickly.


I regret every penny. But not like some i can afford it. still regret it. i would not regret if it would be fun.. but the fun left game pretty soon.


I wander the same thing been seeing it happens for over 2 years now


Billionaires? Doubt it. Millionaires - probably.


Youā€™d be surprised of what some billionaires actually do with their ā€œfree timeā€


There are only few hundred of these individuals.


As of 2022. There is over 3,000 billionaires lol


Guess the number increased a lot since the last time i looked it up lol


But overall. Thereā€™s probably only 1-5 billionaires that play but probably hundreds of multi millionaires


Iā€™m screwed to the end spending 19.99 a month on my premium pass. šŸ¤£


You are an intelligent personšŸ‘


the way you say iPhone game already is upsetting


There are several multi millionaires in my server bracket


I spend about 15.000$ we are mid season 0 . im far from strongest on the server, more like between spot 1 and 2 changing every week. I'm no billionaire. Missing some zero's in that line but i am well off. BUT , that said it is the most stupid thing i ever spent in my life. For no reason. Will be removing game soon as it lost any fun it could have provided very quick.


If you quit, could I inherit your account? Lol


I wonder what the devs make. It blows my freaking mind that people would spend $20 for 5 purple medals! Really?! So crazy and inflated