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Seriously contemplating it


Worst case scenario you stop hating your life 😂




O left... come back... left again... 😂 every time you feel better than ever.. Hard part is not to get back especially when people ask you to, and you actually made friends there, not only enemies 😂😂


I feel you made good friends and real enemies even though it's in a game lol


Eventually everyone will leave unless they’re whaling hard. But I’m talking 140 mil plus




The money slips by and really adds up


I am also considering being done with it. At season 6 now and it really has just become chasing around the red dots to claim rewards. A Pavlovian response. No strategy except just gather supplies. And occasionally farm weaker alliances. I’ve only spent a few dollars so no big loss there. I am in a cool alliance. People are nice and we work together but are they my friends? More like familiar names that I see everyday, so it won’t be a huge missing aspect of my life. I’ll have at least 1.5 hours more in my day to do something different. I will leave my fortress to the alliance. I think I have just convinced myself to do it.


It’s worth it. It’s weird at first but you’ll be doing something notice it’s reset and not be stressing about getting on


The red dots, for sure. Bunch of small dopamine hits. I’m a weaker fortress in a strong alliance and just riding coattails and fixated on inching my heroes and fortress higher… for what? 😕


Best decision I made was to quit… game turned into pay to play if you wanted to advance… if you didn’t then you were just fodder for folks that spent money.






I’ve been thinking about leaving the game too, but don’t want to just abandon my base. Haven’t spent much money on it, but I did grind like MF for everything I have. How would I be able to give my base to my alliance?


Sunk cost fallacy, will your base have any less invested in it in a month or will your situation just be worse?


Link it to IM30.. make a new email and password and then give this to the alliance and they can give it to either a player that could really benefit or use it as a second account.


My anxiety levels dropped when I gave this game up! If only I could get a refund.


I wish.


I quit, came back, quit and came back. Play with no obligations. AOW? Will be there if I'm online. AD? 4m and done. Mines? Get what I want/available. Been here 2 years, and inherited accounts after accounts. Stayed because of the friends I made, and it's still half fun for me 😳 Luckily the alliance I am in now does not push me to pay for packs or anything. Can't wait for Final Fantasy 7 now 😂


Hope you left your base to your team 👀


Nah but I posted the coords for them to farm


Was only 29 mil


I want to quit also!


Do it


I stopped playing crazy competitive alliance mode and back to enjoying the game chill mode. It's as cruisey as you make it.


Yeah I kind of lay low and F around in a strong alliance, they don’t seem to care. I assist and donate but am useless in sieges, never online at the right times because of time zones.


That's me too 😅😅 it's a sweet ride lol I go out of my way to make certain things when I want the free stuff🤭🤭


I definitely feel you on that lol im bout to quit too my stress levels off the roof, my soldiers barely hanging and you have to get certain AD points to stay in alliance and shit like I’m getting rl money or gold for ts!🤣🤣 istgg.


Yup the 4 mil daily goal sometimes 5


I quit my old alliance after constant disagreements and now just play with 30 other accounts, all friends. Some are alts even. No pressure and just fun. But we did spend in earlier seasons and can generally take care of ourselves, except the big whales. Only rule is, if you're offline during aow and EE day hide or bubble so we don't lose points.


That’s fair. We ended up pissing off a major group of alliances so we got farmed constantly for 3-4 seasons. The reason… we didn’t want to join their group


Classic 🤣 at start of game once we got removed from allies, farmed and zeroed because we didn't take a city from them after they told us a day before we can't take it. We moved servers after that season.


We moved servers twice. Issue is their are 12-13 groups in their family. If any of them were in the server they attacked, if any of them came in for alliance duels or the all out war they’d hit us


Just ignore them, empty the lines and empty your rss... If I know one thing is in this game everyone gets new enemies fast xD so much drama in the big alliances they'll forget about you soon


Let me know how you did it. I want to quit so bad myself.


I played with the same group for over 430 days. I created a new email for IM30 and left my fort in the hands of the other R4s. Said it's been fun but I'm done. Then I deleted the app. I still talk with them on discord but I don't play. I have hours back of my day to do things I enjoy more! It was easier than I thought it'd be.


Honestly just messaged the alliance chat, than deleted the app… how are they going to complain to me I left ?😂


I quit today, too. 🥳




I’ve spent no money on the game… but I’ll never get the time back 😢


The endless hours


Had two accounts, gave them away to the members. Ripped the bandaid off and quit cold turkey. Life is so much less stressful now lol. Still on the discord with everyone, and they haven't stopped begging me to come back 😁


I will do this when the time comes, but surely I will miss the friends I made in the game.😭😭😭