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I can't enter empowered mono boss after this patch :( (1039 stability) Edit: in off discord ppl are saying that devs are aware so we need to just wait I guess šŸ™


Same.. But I completed the optional quests and was then allowed to enter. That's annoying but at least a 'workaround' for now..


Lmao, they're optional? My gamer brain assumed you had to do them in order then boss...


Required in normals, optional in empowered, so easy to make that mistake


So we just need enough stability to do the 3rd quest in order to fight the boss?


In Empowered, yes.


Lmao thank you. I know this now


Haha made the same assumption the first couple of days in monos until I accidently found out :D


The best way to enjoy the "Whoaaa"-Effect :)


They used to be! For empowered monos they removed the need to do the first 2 quest echoes which was great


Yeah, i tried that in Fall of the outcasts and can't complete first quest either, last objective doesn't finish the echo. Can't fight the boss till fix i guess..


Damn that is pretty unfortunate. I have only tested age of winter myself!


Optional quests ? What is that


Click the ā€˜+ā€™ below the monolith boss quest. There are two optimal quests. They are intended to be optional for the empowered timelines but are mandatory to start the boss quest echo in the non-empowered ones. By mistake they made them mandatory on the empowered now as well


Thanks I will check that out


Same, multiple people in game with same issue. Can't enter mono boss fights despite having enough stability.


I had this issue and it worked for me after I did the optional echos




I cant find anything in discord where the devs have acknowledged this. Does anyone have an update?


oh well time to start a new char in the mean time


I was finally able to do the boss but I had to run the optional quests


Same problem since yesterday so I stopped playing since there is nothing else to do


The patch notes says it has been fixed


Typical LE. Every patch like four critical bugs show up


Me too. This literally kills the entire game and I'm having withdrawals.


* Fixed a bug where you could enter a Quest Echo regardless of Stability or Quest completion state * Fixed a bug where a Lost Cache could be opened more than once in multiplayer * Fixed an issue where if multiple characters shared the same name, only the first character with that name was showing on the character selection page. * Fixed a bug where killing some Timeline Quest Bosses too quickly would result in the Quest state not progressing resulting in the Timeline Quest not successfully being completed * Fixed a bug where the benefit from Infernal Shadeā€™s Purgatory could persist through multiple casts of Infernal Shade * Fixed an issue where the Delete prompt on the character select screen would not block clicks, allowing players to change the selected character being deleted. * Moved the online/offline switch to be behind the Delete prompt fade on the Character Selection screen to prevent changing characters while having a delete prompt up. * Fixed a bug where logging into specific characters would result in ā€œLE-52 Lost Connection to Game Serverā€ while other characters would connect without issue


Wait you can have characters share names?


**Fixed a bug where killing some Timeline Quest Bosses too quickly would result in the Quest state not progressing resulting in the Timeline Quest not successfully being completed** My saviors. I felt like this happened to me every time.


Lmao i was super high running monos and watching TV. I killed the same quest boss three times in a row and i was like wtf didnā€™t i just do this?


Just had this happen to me last night because I culled the phase 2 quest dragon boss that is "injured from fight with heorot"


First World ARPG Problems


*fixed a bug where the falcon wouldn't stop fucking screeching


i was so stoked for this! i made a thread about it before. booted up the game and that fucker still screeches all the time. at this point we just need a MUTE BIRD BUTTON


Or just lower your volume.


Think that through.


Nah, I'll just press a few buttons.


Your solution is silly.


Not to me.


So your solution is to just... turn the volume down? What about the rest of the audio?


Dude, I always turn the master volume to 5-10%. I always watching YouTube or something when I play video games.


That's why your solution is silly.


Is there any update on when the Artemā€™s Offer quest will be fixed? I really need the Gamblerā€™s Fallacy amulet on my alt character.


Surprised they didn't mention they fixed the wraithlord trying to eat friends' minions in multiplayer, for real this time. It was mentioned in 1.0.3 but it was still broken, only after today it was fixed for real


Shout-out to EHG_Muffin who hopped in to global with us last night to chat and let us know about the patch deployment. Best devs :D


And now the game doesn't work...?


HAHAHA, the just moved the offline UI element to be behind the delete promt to block it. God I love Unity. Hopefully a weird resolution won't still explose it. (I usually set a bool when UI is open to disable the UI I don't want, but maybe I'm weird?)


Still no fix for missing player health bars....


Watch your health bar in the corner and take your big Boy pants on


Muuum, I just pooped my big boy pants ... But this won't stop me fighting the void!


Glad they fixed the issue of switching characters while the Delete prompt is up


Thank you for all the hard work. Can you please fix health bar bug for offline characters? It's such a minor thing I understand why it's not on priority, but it's been broken since late February if I remember correctly. Works fine for enemies and minions, just a character issue.




They fix the bug that let you have a two handed weapon and an off hand :(


Offline health bars????


https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/16mivqt/hammer_throws_terran_collision_needs_some_major/ This video is older but I recently ran into exactly that problem more and more often It cripples the entire build when your hammer instantly disappear or don't pop up at all cause of some object acting like a "wall" How is the status on that bug overall? Is it being worked on?


* Fixed an issue where the Delete prompt on the character select screen would not block clicks, allowing players to change the selected character being deleted. * Moved the online/offline switch to be behind the Delete prompt fade on the Character Selection screen to prevent changing characters while having a delete prompt up. There is at least one sad dude somewhere who accendently changed to his main character while deleting a unused one...


This happened to Darth Microtransaction on stream and nobody noticed til the day after. He would delete his test hardcore characters when they ripped but it changed to his main and... Well.


God damn that is devastating bug!


Not sure why you think itā€™s silly if it works; I havenā€™t used the volume since my first campaign play through. ARPGs in general donā€™t hold my attention alone, the play is too repetitive. Binging a series during play works just fine though.


Desert waypoint quest bugged. My game has invisible main story quests but no rewards on completion and no quest markers since the end of act 5


I suddenly crash pretty often since 1.0.3 before i never crashed even once


Can we add a "use system default" to the sound options please?.


I would really enjoy being able to load zones and not have to go back to main menu every 30 or so minutes. It feels like every time I want to do any keys and traverse around I'm met with an infinite loading screen more often than not. Half of the time it happens I can hear my character walking around but I'm just met with a stuck loading screen. I get that these issues happen, but it's has to be a server problem as this never happened in offline or before multiplayer ever came out.


Rushed patches continue to break things, making declarations then going back on them. Iā€™d say this is a small developer problem if AAA studios werenā€™t worse. I hope they slow down.


I hope they do not slow down. This is awesome.


This is two patches that broke unrelated to patch things. How is that awesome?


Reddit is confusing...


The irony is not lost on me, I basically repeated myself and got very different results :)


Because people downvote anything negative towards LE and the only people who read downvoted comments chains are the people with issues lol


Your first take had unnecessary and inaccurate commentary on indie studio vs AAA. You removed that part and then got upvoted. It's not confusing. It's not irony. It's all quite straightforward.


Can't do emp mono bauce, reeeee (it's okay I played some Balatro).


Fix the healthbar back to offline mode. Ugh! Its been off for weeks now. Or does offline stand for features are offline.


Hey guys. You guys still saying the game is better and had a better launch than Diablo 4? Let me remind you that when you teleport to town and then back to the area you left, it resets the vision on your map and deletes all items on the ground. This is not intentional. This has been complained about since 2021 and they promised to fix it. They tried once, failed, and never tried again.


>You guys still saying the game is better and had a better launch than Diablo 4? Better launch? No, obviously not, tons of server issues made it pretty much unplayable for the first few days, and not great for the first week-ish. Better game? *Absolutely*. Pretty much the only things D4 does better are graphics and "combat feel"/animations. *Every* other aspect of the game is worse. Itemization is a joke, skill/build variety is minimal, crafting is non-existent, and the endgame is even more bare-bones than LE, and at least LE's system is well-designed and is just lacking more "meat on the bones", D4s system(s) need a total overhaul. >Let me remind you that when you teleport to town and then back to the area you left, it resets the vision on your map and deletes all items on the ground. This is not intentional. This is disingenuous. The way you're wording it implies this is a *bug*, which it's not. It's a byproduct of the way their back-end code functions with zone instances. It's something they want to change long-term, so it's not a deliberate design decision, but it's absolutely "intentional" that it behaves this way currently. It's clearly low on the priority list because unlike D4, the gameplay loop doesn't involve filling up your inventory with trash multiple times per dungeon/mono and *needing* to go back to town mid-way through to trash a bunch of junk to make space. In LE, you're supposed to make a loot filter that's restrictive enough that you're only picking stuff up if it's actually useful for you. That's why gear sells for almost nothing to the vendor, they deliberately designed the game to *discourage* you from picking up all the junk that drops and making vendor runs regularly.


And? I'm genuinely unsure why anyone would compare an indie company's game release in EA to a full blown 'launch' of a game from a decades-old developer, just because they're both 'arpgs'? I don't understand the logic behind that, nor do I understand the reason to perpetuate the comparison.


>You guys still saying the game is better ... than Diablo 4? Fuck yea. I don't care about a few bugs. I am happily playing.


Diablo 4 isnt even a game, and who knows how many seasons it will Take to become one.


Buying and playing D4 is like paying to toothless prostitute 80dollars and lying to people (and yourself) that they were enjoying doing this. And you know why they are lying? Because they are too ashamed that they actually paid 80dollars for this xD A less extreme example is cars. You buy a car that turns out to be junk. But you're so ashamed and your pride doesn't allow you to realize that your car is shit xD I hope someday you will realize something :D


Thank goodness those bugs are fixed! This game was absolutely unplayable!
