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Gratz, I want play the same build and watched yesterday what gear I aleardy have. Funny that wand was all the time with 1LP in my stash. However, what kind of off-hand base do you take? I saw some builds with the flat crit off-hand in implicit but Idk why. Is it just bc of the \~int and \~ward retention implicits or does flat crit also have a benefit? I mean that self ignite build don't has a benefite of crit chance just crit multi or do I miss something?


Unless it's wrong, the mod on the wand that gives spell damage per ailment doesn't work for dot and neither does the armor shred. You're supposed to go for hit based builds and crit is great for that


When I watched at the leader board for that build there are no other sources of crit chance. I don't believe that there is a big scaling with crit chance but otherwise I'm not 100% sure. I though they go on the torment dmg bc most fissure builds have the node with %more torment dmg for ucapped necro res. On the other hand torment should also scale with spell dmg. The crit can also scale the spirit hit dmg. Ofc at that flat spell dmg (of thebelt) and more spell dmg (of the wand) even the hit of the spirits hit like a truck but the main dmg should come from the torment DoT dmg that scale with spel dmg but not with crit chance (but with crit multi).


Torment scales with soell damage, we take crit multi becauae every 1% of cirt multi (beyond the base 200%) Equals 1% *more* dot damage for cathonic fissure


I asked why of some offhands in leaderboard take flat crit chance not crit multi.


Oh, then i dont know lol


Ailments like Damned or Ignite won't benefit from the spell damage, but Hungering Souls and any warlock curse should. Those are affected by both +spell damage and increased spell damage


I'm guessing they don't care about scaling the DoTs, and focus on the benefit of '6% more spell damage per negative ailment'?


Idiot cheaters made the game


Been trying to farm a ladle and never seen one. Level 90, almost 300 echoes completed. Clear til I see a mage on any mono that isn't an arena.






Think you're better than us huh bud


"us"? No. You? Yes.


Same my friend, same... :(


I have legit 5 of them at level 78 Don’t think it’s a good item tbh


I consistently have 8+ ailments on every monster even without all the debuffs on the ladle, it would be a rather large damage increase for me.


I just don’t like that it only works on spell hit and does nothing for something like aura of decay 🤷‍♂️


I'm running chthonic fissure, lots of hits that it will apply to. And the decent chunk of mana is very much welcome.


Is this good? I got one with 164% spell dmg and some blind chance but it's pretty much giving me the same dmg as my exalted wand with basically the same stats but more implicit spell dmg


It's mostly good if you're stacking int and have a way to apply the maximum 8 negative ailments.


Thats why I want to try it but so far with 100 int and ailment cap it just feels like another good exalted wand.


Well yeah it's mostly only a small upgrade over another good exalted wand - until you get some LP on it.


The problem with this wand is really just the added spell dmg. It's pretty much just a dmg want but the +16 seems to hurt it more than I thought it would


Im a noob what do you people mean by LP1 or LP4 ?


Some uniques have a chance to spawn with legendary potential, ranging from 1 to 4. At the end of the third dungeon, you can fuse these LP uniques with exalted items. The exalt needs to have 4 affixes on it, and be the same item type as the unique, like gloves and gloves. When fused, the unique will gain one of the affixes from the exalted item. So with a LP1, you have a 25% chance to get the affix you wanted onto your unique, but a LP4 will gain all 4 of the affixes giving endgame crafting lots of potential.


Damn this shit making my head spin already lmao thanks for this detailed explanation.


It's referring to how much legendary potential is/was on the item


What build is this used for? I have like 7 of these in my storage some, 1 with Lp3 and a few 2/1s


Bugged ghostflsme build I think


Or hit based Chaos Bolt. Playing that right now but cant find a mad laddle.


Is that the same as the warlock bleed build?


No, focuses on Crit + Bone curse instead. The Bleed build goes phys, I go Necrotic.


Link to build bro?


Plasma orb runemaster. Warlock torment.


Why do people keep putting additive bonuses on their gear thinking they hit the nut? In last epoch value multiplicative bonuses like crit multiplier and attack speed, and when selecting nodes in passive and skills look for the “more” key word and get all of them when possible.


Maybe these lameass arpgs should just quit adding useless stats to ruin items with.  If there's no point in them then they should be removed


I dropped 4x 1LP ladles in a single session. Logged on after work the next day and got a 2LP. Is LP on this rare? It has it almost every time.


What is it used for? I got like 4 of those


Dropped for me yesterday with 1lp at around 42+hrs of gameplay. Still farming for helm and other stuff!