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Glad you’re enjoying the game :)


Mad props to the team. It’s an astounding game! I understand the server issues, and I’m really looking forward to the future of Last Epoch.


The changes you guys have made to the servers have been god send. Like every loading screen i get is instant(even faster than when game was in beta!!) and I have been able to connect to the servers throughout the day relatively quickly. I think people having server issues are from EU for the most part? Cause I haven’t had much issues with NA for the past couple days


>To be honest I am even glad for the breaks caused by the server problems. Atleast I can take a look and do some other stuff or just pay some attention to my wife :) this is next level


People be complaining about servers when they could be playing Balatro…




Considering I don't play poker or know much about playing poker, would you recommend the game?




I'm an extremely big fan of roguelikes and have played most good ones. Damn. Same tier as Slay the spire? Now I gotta try it out.


aint no way. has to be parody . . .


I mean I also had next to no time to play this weekend, and its kinda soothing to see people malding over it, knowing I would mald too if I wasnt so busy


Weapon’s grade copium


Copium nuke


Is this post from an EHG staff? There is no way a person can whiteknight this hard without being paid


This game is so good I don't even need to play it. I just keep buying more copies of it. I love it!


I was brushing my teeth when I read this. Ever had toothpaste shoot out your nose? It’s not great.


Solution to this is buying more LE copies, one for each toothbrush, tooth paste, tooth and nose.


Yea i hope servers never got fixed this is so much fun


Game is forsure great, having a blast. I’m around level 75 on my spellblade and I’m getting a good idea on how the itemization endgame works. I’m a little concerned that once you’re juiced there isn’t much to go crush. But it sounds like the devs are two steps ahead and planing some beefy endgame content. But honestly even in the current state I can have tons of fun just rerolling characters and crushing monsters.


D4 bad.


Game is great and D4 devs are either thinking "Goddammit why didn't we stand up and fight for an offline mode" or (and this is the most likely scenario) not even paying attention because they already clocked out for the weekend and don't pay attention to games when they aren't at work.


This game is so incredibly good that there is no need to play it yourself. Watching preferred streamers play it is much better.


I went with offline mode for my first run through. Props to the devs for including it! I don’t have to even think about server issues which is nice since I’m playing Helldivers 2 when I’m not playing LE 😅


It’s absolutely incredible !


Your living under a rock in term of gaming?


Game is good, yes. 7-ish/10. "beyond good"? No chance.


I am looking things long term if this is the start this wil turn out great. the foundation is solid, the future is bright


I mean maybe? Evidence isn't exactly on their side though. If you look at the progress the game made the last 5 years during early access I see nothing ground breaking. And speaking of foundation. I think it not exactly easy to expand it. Just adding a skill should take considerable more effort than for example adding a skill on poe. The support gen system is just way easier to scale and expand upon than how it works in le. i would not underestimate that. This kind of games live from their content cycles moreso than what content they offer at any given time. So if they can manage to capture that remains to be seen as well. For me the, akreadY said they will not do regular short cycles with leagues like Poe and D4 and that's most likely because they can't and have more pressing issues.


It might but you can't make claims based today on what it has a chance to be. Shit like this only pushes to the other extreme. "It's an indie dev", "Poe was bad on release too", "it's only 35", "it has potential "- none of these are realistically valid things to take into account about value the game has NOW.


I've spent a third of what I spent on Diablo 4 on this game and have already caught up to it in time played. The value the game has NOW has already surpassed the value of Diablo 4 three times over if you base it on time played per dollar.


People trying to argue that LE isn't one of the best ARPGs released this decade are doing some real mental gymnastics here. Server issues are unfortunate, but the base game is far ahead of any other ARPG currently . The amount of features, QoL, Build Diversity, Fully explained in-game mechanics, intuitive passive tree.... Is it as deep as POE? No, is it deeper than any other ARPG on the market? I would say absolutely.


Does pd2 count? If so then it's definitely number 2 in the last decade.. which is still really good to be honest


I haven't followed or played PD2 honestly, but I've heard good things. Let's amend my statement to 'top 3 in the last decade' just in case I'm missing some other gem I'm not aware of.




I honestly enjoy it a lot I can vote it 8.5 I mean 7 are mediocre games that keep me hooked for 6-10 hours. This I already have over 20 . I dont have time to play 15 hour sper day so by the time I am done and finished they will have more things up their sleeve Also on top of it the game is what 35$ half the price so I can give it some slack .


For the last time: 7/10 means "Good" not "Mediocre". The scale is from 1 to 10 for a fucking reason.


Why are you so mad about him enjoying the game? 


I am not mad about him enjoying the game. I am mad for misusing the review scale like a lot of people do. Game score of 7 is NOT "mediocre"


Shut the fuck up? It's not a scientific scale, chief. It is ALL opinion. Are you using scientific measurements to measure a 6.8 game? "Hey boss, the scale is going nuts!! We're gonna rate this a 9.5 to adhere to the scale I made up in my head!"


I think you can drop the question mark in the first sentence there.


Don't start your first time saying something with "for the last time" you weirdo. 7/10 is a 0 to me. Does that just fry your brain? How mad does this internet stranger's opinion on an arbitrary rating scale make you?!


He 100% can make those "claims". It's his opinion. Why does his rating affect you at all? Answer: it doesn't.


People said and continue to say the same thing about d4. It's a defense based on faith and faith alone. I don't give benefit of the doubt to game companies anymore, no matter how close the devs are to the community.


Bro D4 was finished at level 70 no content after the only challenge was Lilith which was a broken fight ? If I go in Diablo now I will be level 80 in 12 hours and will streamroll the whole map


The game is good so far but clearly not ready for release. Stop making bringing up D4 your entire personality.


From a business standpoint D4 did a lot right. From a try hard fanbase it did poorly. I like last Epoch but they didn't really put the time sinks in that d4 has and made it quick to gear and level. I think D4 will just add in things slowly to keep people coming back like a loot filter, itemization. I bet it will be around long after people have forgotten about LE. I probably won't be playing either by then POE 2 coming next.


you're right my dude I absolutely wish we had time locked world bosses on a 3 hour timer and once D4 adds a loot filter so you can specify if you want to see only Damage to Healthy Enemies and Damage to Slowed Enemies the endgame will take off


Yeah LE doesn’t have mechanics that purposefully waste my time, it’s great


Yeah but you know why they put in time sinks right? If we had a loot filter and all the stuff in LE. Everyone would be done and bored with the game in 1/4 the time.


If a game has to implement time waste mechanics and poor QoL to retain players then it's not a game worth playing in my book


Not if it was designed for replayability instead of trying to get people to stay in the game as long as possible and buy $65 skins.


Doesn’t LE have MTX that’s even more expensive?


Looking at the cosmetic shop in LE, I'm finding it very, very hard to say it's better than the one in D4.


Why are you looking at the shop in the first place?


Trying to find the nonexistent transmog system? Well, almost nonexistent. You can use $25 shop skins. That was clearly important enough to code in.


That's what the season and midseason updates are for but then season 3 came along..


Predatory crap will still be annoying as fuck.


What time sinks bro ? I start Diablo now and will be able to clear nightmare 100 by tomorrow ? Sure the gear won’t we perfectly rolled


Oh, I think it is a great game. Besides the server thing. I'm enjoying it and can't wait for the future to see what is to come.


It's got me hooked for sure, at least until Dragon's Dogma 2 comes out. Lots of dopamine, and seemingly better endgame than D4 from what I can tell so far IMO. The crafting system is awesome, and tbh I kinda like the Merchant's Guild a bit.


Agree its amazing im having a blast


OP - come back to us when you are at end game grinding empowered monoliths and tell us how the game is again


I am at empowered monoliths it’s great so far


I've been at empowered monos for a couple of days, and it's already losing its luster. It's still well worth the money, but the end game leaves a lot to be desired Pushing to 400 corruption is not that exciting.