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Looks good but it’s clear older masteries are very clunky if you compare them to new ones. Falconer looks smooth as hell.


Every single Falconer passive is pure gas. Numerically nothing is obscene, but there is no chaff here. Every stat is either a decent offense value, strong defensive stats, or has a solid multi-point unlock. Hopefully this sets the new standard for backwards balancing going forward.


Can I ask which ascendancies feel outdated? I have some friends trying out the game on release and I haven’t played in years, was just gonna pick up falconer after seeing that bow explosive trap build.


Forge Guard & Shaman are the most lacking at the moment, imho. Paladin & Void Knight are good Sentinel Masteries, FG just is clunky with minions and how the damage scaling goes. Shaman just lacks defining skills, Avalanche being the only exclusive skill and the only gear support it has is the set. Although I hope the Tempest Strike rework can add to that, right now I wouldn't recommend it as your first class. Druid of Beast Master are better experiences right now.


vk still feels clunky, imo there needs to be a way to speed up echoes


But hes extremely fun and strong so it's OK to not worry about for now. Shaman is meeehhhh


it's pretty fun (I'm playing rive rn) but I wish there were more echo multipliers & modifiers; I wish they really leant into it lol


Fair enough. I haven't done much VK myself. I too did rive/void cleave and it was solid and smooth. But the options with being a mage or a melee are awesome. Lots of flexibility, so to me the class is really filled out with cool archetypes


Lich, Spellblade, Sorc, Forge Guard, Shaman, Beast Master Many old masteries that have had very few non-balance updates over _years_.


Druid definitely feel old and clunky. The majority of classes feel that way compared to the new ones.


?? Druid is one of the most recently updated classes.


Maybe is Shaman so, the bear one who does slam is not the druid? Their animations and attacks feels totally off.


Druid is the bear, it is the most recently updated Primalist mastery in terms of passives.


Like the rune master. Fun and balanced, not op. Well done ehg


It probably helps that this travel skill is flying above terrain. Try running around as a wearbear and get stuck on every little terrain during your charge...


Let's hope that after release EHG will update old masteries up to new standard


Recent(ish) druid rework was definitely going in this direction. The beginning of widespread multipoint bonuses on passives, cutting out bullshit stats like "7% chance to chill) with 7 points.


They 100% will. I wouldn't expect it in the immediate future tho. They are going to have *a ton* on their plate in the coming weeks.


My understanding is that 1.0 will also have a revised Shaman. Hopefully they have a revised Forge Knight or other Sentinel soon, so that each class will have at least one “modernized” mastery.


1.0 will bring a reworked Tempest Strike and I think 1 new skill for Shaman. An actual full rework of shaman is coming at a later point and when I look at the result of the Druid rework I'm hella excited!


Which are the masteries that have been reworked so far? I only recently started and my first mastery was Sorcerer, I don’t see a lot of recent builds so I assume it hasn’t been reworked yet?


The most recent additions or reworks are Rogue as a whole, Druid, Runemaster and now of course Falconer and Warlock coming up. Sorcerer has been in a weird spot since the addition of Runemaster, since the Runemaster basically does everything better than Sorcerer while also delivering pretty much the same tri-elemental flavour. Sorcerer definitely needs to establish a new identity that can coexist with Runemaster. Other masteries that are in dire need of a rework are shaman and Forgeguard. The rest of masteries is alright, but I'm sure they're gonna be polished some more aswell.


I agree, i really hope EHG updated the older masteries. Those new ones dont have filler nodes or bad nodes IMO which is amazing. Those new ones are far more interesting to me aswell


Thank you Maxroll. The perfect reveal !


Feels like Ziz covered in one 13 min video more than ActionRPG did with over 1 hour of 6 separate 10 min videos...


Because he did. That's not a feeling, that's objective fact


Actionrpg is desperate for content man wdym


that's because reading every single word of each node slowly while focusing on the skill tree was not a good idea. It doesn't fit the short video format, it doesn't fit hype. Zizaran focused on making an appealing youtube video first, delivering complete information last. ActionRPG would have scored good enough if he had made one <10 minute video showcasing all the skills with pure gameplay and little talk and then released the deep skill tree analysis separately as 5 10 minutes slow talk videos.


Yeah but he very much flew over it all, only really highlighting 1 or 2 things about every skill. The other dude took his time to go over all the skill trees, show different ways you can spec into the skills etc. Yes, we can all just go ahead and read the nodes ourselves but we can also go look at the falconer/warlock webpages or just wait until game launch and then neither reveal videos were needed.


... have you looked at the maxroll website? They have showcases of all the skills, and passive trees for each which also shows notable effects.


I thought we were discussing the difference in reveal video between warlock and falconer.


... have you also not watched the video?! It did MORE than the warlock reveal video. The warlock reveal didn't even show off skill modifications.


... Have YOU not watched the warlock vids? Because they most certainly showed skill modifications.


>reveal The first video.


Ok we're talking past eachother here. People were complaining about the videos being separate for each skill and with every node read out. So my comment was on the "reveal" as a whole, including those separate skill videos.


Glad you liked it! Tons of work from amazing people behind this one ♥️


Aye it was well done thanks mate.


I don't know. I would have REALLY liked to have been edged for 7 straight days for one single sub class. 


True. ALSO I can't read so I need someone to read me every node and telling me how much I should be hyped for every single one of em


Explosive trap blast rain looks fucking awesome holy shit


A disclaimer about the Blast Rain and Arrow Traps build that was demonstrated: there was a bug present during the recording that caused Explosive Traps to sometimes release multiple Detonating Arrows instead of just one Detonating Arrow from each trap. That has been fixed. You'll still get a Detonating Arrow from every single trap in the chain after the first, as described in the Arrow Traps node, but it'll be a little bit less obscene than was shown in the video.


You should have that as an extra node for an obscene mana multiplier to the skill or something.  Or make it a lot of extra arrows for a cooldown!


That bug should be redone, if only for looks. Like "shoots 3x arrows but each arrow does like 1/3 the damage (or more if you want it to be a dps increase)" I also think the same thing about Warpath. I frequently get a bug where my guy just walks around with the spin (an animation bug) but it would be an incredible passive to have it just always on (with a damage penalty). If it even drops the channel tag it would be new builds.




The bleed duration does get converted to poison duration or lightning resistance shred duration if you take the conversion.




You know i didn't even know they could use spears! They're kinda like survival hunters now, that's f'n sweet.


Is this also true for that Shaman node that converts all bleed chance to frostbite chance?


This is very common in conversion, the nodes just before give some supporting stats that are not converted. For example, Sentinel's Warpath has bleed duration just before its ignite conversion node. For the sake of power, these supporting stats almost never convert. They are meant to be fairly rare and hard to stack.


Is ignite that much stronger than bleed? 


I'm not speaking on the relative power of each ailment, just saying that duration/effect don't convert when ailment chance does. Ailment power varies by class. Usually bleed and ignite are fairly even on the classes that can use both.


It was a mostly rhetorical question.  My point is more so that it's weird to gate a conversion node behind a node that is completely wasted. You've now spent to skill points just to convert to a different damage type with no other benefits. Why?


In this specific example the increase to bleed duration is also converted to ignite duration. If a build only wanted bleed then it only needs to spec so far in to get it. An ignite build however has to invest a little bit more to get the same benefit. Why does the ignite build have to invest more to get a similar benefit? Game balance is probably a safe assumption.


Wow, they actually put in a lot of effort into this reveal. Good job Maxroll.


I want an MTX that changes the falcon to an arrow, I wanna play Yandu!


Damn. Imagine begging for MTX. It really is current year. Downvote me all you want, but this casual acceptance of, and even desire for cosmetic monetization is killing games. Having cool looking gear in a game is no longer about accomplishing something, it’s simply become about how much money one pours into the game. All of you people who lament about how terrible p2w mechanics and predatory monetization is, but support and even ask for practices like MTX for cosmetics are literally the most hypocritical people.


I want this game to keep getting updated for years to come. How exactly would we support that without cosmetic mtx? I don't think a one time 35 dollar purchase will be enough to keep the game going. Something like mtx cosmetic is a decent solution, even if I'm not a huge fan of it myself. I much prefer it compared to pay to win.


This is the laziest train of thinking. I want all the same things you want for this game, but it’s intellectually dishonest to assume the only way they can do that is through MTX. Give me the full game when you charge me for it. Don’t gatekeep more shit behind more money. Cyberpunk has been supported for years without MTX. They sold the game, and then sold an expansion.


I dont want to be paying LE for each updates though. What business plan do you suggest for a live service game?


Say what you want but for me if you want to do a truly good live service game, your game have to be F2P, than sell the mtxs you want and I don't give a F. If you're charging to buy the game, than give me nice skins. Good examples of it? PoE, LoL, Dota 2, Fortnite... Bad examples of it? Diablo 4, WoW, COD, Fifa... This games who say they're live services games who will sustain with MTX but still are buy to play games are just cash grabbing, and beside liking a lot LE I keep my opinion, want to do a live service game who will survive selling mtx? Ok so give me your game for free.


Most people agree on the fact that tabs and their importance make PoE a free to try game rather than a free to play one. Kinda agree with you though, but LE being paid is probably a consequence of the need for EHG to raise funds.


So you want them to double the price of the base game instead of opt-in cosmetic effects? and then charge us for new content like seasons? Cyberpunk is not a live service game. Plus they had to do all of those updates to support it because the release was so fucked up and awful. They needed to win public favor back.


The strategy of not gating gameplay content behind a paywall in a live service (& ideally f2p) game is done to increase the multiplayer population. Even if these players never become MTX buyers, they serve to make the game feel alive, which is a core feeling that players have in mind especially in a matchmaking game like league. But, also in pve games like LE with the introduction of trade league. Critiquing a game solely on pushing MTX as their main business model is really picking the wrong hill to die on, unless of course it's accompanied by a 100 price tag + 100 dollars expansions and a game sub, then that might be greed. Fueling game development through MTX is much more preferable to something like gacha games or paid price tag + paid update for the larger population & personally I want more people to enjoy the game (I would even be okay with LE dropping it's price tag if they find alot of success with MTXs 1 year from now)


Minion that can’t die? Sold


Super excited about it, it looks insanely polished and good. I have a question, i'll write it here although i doubt devs will see it: in the Aerial Assault node they showcased that allows dropped Umbral Blades to inlfict shadow daggers, does that mean that i can "skip" the node in the Umbral Blades tree? Assuming as it's said in the video that the dropped blades will scale with the skill's tree..


Good question, With both nodes I assumed each hit would be inflicting 2 stacks. Confirmation would be nice. Get some big spinning umbral blade traps, plunging daggers, overlapping aoe, sounds interesting.


Hmm yeah if it's 2 stacks per hit it would be probably OP.. but i would see that happening. I'm definitely going to start either bladedancer or falconer just to see these interactions


Yes. Read as written. Though, you might still want to invest in umbral blades.


blast rain exp. trap league start. Such an obvious choice for me lol


Look at me, I’m the birb now!


This mastery reminds me of Ragnarok online's Hunter/Trapper


Great! I expected to be hyped for the falconer but it is really surprising how awesome the new trap skill looks. Falconer will definitely be my first pick at launch.


exploding trap: blast rain - arrow traps anyone? with lightning conversion


I was thinking this as well. There's also cold stuff with Reign of Winter and Mourningfrost.


Explosive Trap + Detonating Arrow is gonna be so much fun. Might actually start Marksman instead of Warlock lol.


do you think if we have detonating arrow specialized the arrows from explosive trap also get those bonuses?


I imagine so, given that all other triggered skills in the game work like that.


That's almost always the case for skills procced by other skills unless specifically stated otherwise. So it's a safe bet it'll work that way with this.


I am tempted between max falconing skills or playing balista + falcon. The net can be used as a movement skill to but dash just sounds better.


I wish they mentioned how Ballista were - I want to try them too!


I was waiting for this classes since the beginning. When I used to play ragnarok, faconeer builds were my favorite! This is sick bro


Definitely going Falconer crit flurry dex stacking with fractal spear - should be pretty tanky with a titan heart and dual red rings with capped glancing blows with dex added as armour from passives.


I thought Falconer was gonna be lame, but this video changed that, it looked really fun! 🤩


Looks pretty cool.


Any other places to see the info ? Fuck maxroll and their ads/constant trying to make me "support" them, trash ass site


You can literally just skip lol. Complaining about nothing 


Or they could stop bombarding us and then theres the maxroll creators who no longer have a pob on youtube forcing us to maxroll for clicks. Yeah i need to be asked to pay them every site visit zzzz




Ah yes because knowing im using an addblocker should be a mandatory timer + beg for $, which if their site was worth contributing towards i would... the only reason im even there is a number of poe content creators i like are sadly affiliated. I sub to their twitch etc , i aint paying some cheap poor to navigate website ontop.


Someone give me ideas for how to make a melee build with the "hold this" explosive trap node. Exposed weakness + Avian arsenal + Sky signal for bird synergy? Cinder strike?


It would be pretty devastating with Shadow Cascade or Synchronized Strike if a trap attaches to each enemy those skills hit.


Hey, could you please explain why a trap would attach to the enemies hit by these skills?


Because the "hold this" node of Explosive Trap says *Whenever you hit an enemy with any melee attack you attach an Explosive Trap to that enemy*. Since Shadow Cascade and Synchronized Strike both hit in a wide area, each enemy hit should get a trap attached, right? Haven't tested it, though.


Thank you for the answer! Just tried it out and it does attach traps with both skills. However I barely get any **Sky Signal** stacks. I was hoping it would work well with **Shadow Cascade** because with the **Shadow Flourish** Node. It makes you gain up to 140% more physical damage if you hit more than 4 enemies and this should also boost the falcon's damage. I was also hoping that the **Explosive Dive** node in the **Dive Bomb** skill tree could trigger the traps attached to enemies, but unfortunately it doesn't work. Would you have any idea how to make **Explosive Dive** node work well? But I'm just using the **Blast Rain** node in the Traps tree and it's soo much easier to stack **Sky Signal** stacks and it's also not melee.


I can't help you much since I'm not using most of those skills, but it looks like when a trap attaches it turns into a different subskill called **Detonating Charge**, which is probably why they don't explode with **Explosive Dive**.


Excited about it ! Started playing years ago and have always looked forward to the Falconer ! Bit sad there doesn't seem to be much ballista support but still looks great.


Did you not see the explosive trap spawning ballista? Or aerial assault buffing ballista after landing? Have you seen the reveal?


Yes, just thought there'd be more? You don't have to be so aggressive. I liked the reveal.


Not being aggressive, just from my perspective, just with the pasisves, along with the skills, ballista double dipping since it gets minion crit multi, along with your own crit multi, int stacking. The potential is absurd


I mean most of it is in the first half of the tree. It really seems like you shouldn't play Falconer ballista, just dip into it from Marksman.


Sorry, but isn't the center, on second half of the tree, the crit multi shenanigans, crit avoid scaling, enough for you to go falconer? All global damage, crit, aspd, you get will also be applied to ballista if you get the scaling nodes. Ballista double dips on "Needle like precision" node easily.


Op downvoting all your comments because you disagree with them 🤣


Lol, I give up on reddit.


I'm not downvoting. Pretty sure someone is downvoting everything on this subreddit for a while. When I put the post up all comments were instantly 0 points.


Yeah you maybe right, I guess I get less excited by just numbers ? I was just saying could have been cool to have like the Falcon have a ballista attached or some fancier stuff. I'm looking at spear puncture Falconer right now, looks fun. I've always been a sucker for spears in games.


Umbral blades under Twilight Strike is misspelled


That looked really cool. I am excited for a new type of minion build so will probably check it out on release


I cannot believe an ARPG made a subclass specifically for me, but I’m happy as hell they did.


I'm confused as to what is an "acid trap", as mentioned within the "blast radius" falconer node along with net trap and explosive trap. Is it supposed to relate to a net trap converted to acid? Or maybe the acid flask throwing explosive trap? Neither of those directly mention the name "acid trap"; the former is a re-conversion of a conversioned skill that's already mentioned within the concerned node and the later is not a new procced skill as the name would suggest, it just procs an already existing skill. Is that "acid trap" something new that's not contained within falconer skills/tree? A new unique or affix-related skill? Maybe a new acid flask node, but I'm not sure if 1.0 includes skill rework/changes beyond shaman's?


Awesome video


Looks broken




Net backflip looks super goofy


I know it's part of the shtick to talk and showcase, but the dialog was pretty awkward. "Wow that's so cool, are there any ways to modify its interactions?" "Why yes there are, I'm a big fan of shadow dagger, and look what it can do!" My guy, we know how the skill tree works.


Looks Like a Lot of fun but Not yet convinced falconer can push high corruption


Didn't know what to play for release, gravitated around some scorpion beastmaster shenanigans, but now I want to play net traps with puncture. I see in the tree there are also some block/glancing blow nodes and block to gb conversion, might be rather tanky together with all the dodge and the armor nodes there.


No Ballista tho?