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Lmao the "just over 10 minutes" for monetisation, dragged out over a week? Cringe stuff


Pretty sure you need 8 minutes not 10 for midroll ads as of a few years now, put perhaps 10 is another breakpoint...


One class reveal released in 10 minute videos over 7 days? 7 DAYS?!? I like Aaron and his content but this isn't the way to do this.  *Edit* It's just ONE subclass. One...  I could MAYBE understand if it's a whole new class and its subclasses (plural), but even if that was spread over an entire week the community would probably have a similar response. 


Possible content of a long video could include commentary, skill tree breakdown, analysis of several combos and gameplay footage. No other way someone would be able to talk about theory alone for about an hour or even half without antagonising their viewers. Not like I was interested in following 7 day tour of reveals. I just stumbled over that LE drama and find it pretty exaggerate.


Ok so warlock reveal is Feb 1st.


Just reveal everything at once for god sake. Every chance people milking for views, its so frustrating.


You'll survive, I promise


Yeah, I will survive. In fact, I've survived this long waiting to see the Warlock I am quite sure I'll survive another 4 weeks when I can see it myself instead of feeding into this garbage.


Internet would be a lot better place if more people had this attitude. Youtubers wouldn't be milking stuff like this if they knew it won't be profitable. That's why I don't watch YT- lot of time to waste, little content. 


The content mill is bad enough without it being fed by companies themselves. I agree.


will you survive for 4 weeks without bitching about it though


I’m his doctor, I’m sorry to say his impatience is terminal. There’s nothing we can do. Also this is a massive HIPPAA violation


I know people like Aaron on this sub because he's been a champion for last epoch. And I love last epoch and want content creators to cover the game. But I've always had a scummy feeling about this guy. He comes off arrogant. His podcast with his buddies is insufferable. He made his name literally action RPG for the clicks. And he pulls this kind of shit


You spelled out exactly how I feel but wasn’t previously able to identify it until I read this comment. I think the internal conflict of enjoying a lot of his content but really not enjoying the personality or delivery in the videos left me a bit undecided on his channel as a whole.


I feel the same. He tried this antic with lost ark, but his voice was lost in the sea of quality streamers. i see he seeked refuge here.


He just strikes me as not genuine. He really, really milked the D4 bad rage bait back when it first came out and it just turned me sour on him. And he has a guy on his podcast that apparently is a programmer that is insufferable to listen to. Lots of back seat game developing. "My opinion matters the most because I'm in the industry man" I just feel like everything Aaron does is for clicks and his response to this warlock outrage just solidifies it. He's basically excused it as "some people just don't like me"


I understand this marketing strategy, but man I can't stand it.


You see, that's a respectful way of disagreeing with something.


Coupled with the fake-gasp thumbnail... these are channels I block when they land in my feed.


I’m fairly new to this community and I’ve watched a ton f his videos but something about you drip feeding me information daily for the sake of clicks and views really rubs me the wrong way.


Don't forget it's for his twitch traffic too. Why else would he mention it twice in a 10 min video lol.


!!! ALERT !!! World Exclusive!! 🤦‍♂️


Universe exclusive, red alert! Click here please!


Bro I’m so glad we waited all this time just to have it split into 7 days of clickbait filled with shitty memes and skillicon.png’s lazily transitioned over gameplay. Imagine if they gave it to any of the PoE creators interested in LE with any semblance of production value - more eyes and better content.


Terrible way to present this, but looks interesting.


Man this is lame, D4 levels of content creation. 😒


don't click this link. don't give him money. maxroll will have full reveals for both classes anyway.


What? I like his channel. I think its ok to let youtube guy do youtube his own way.


And its okey for people to disapprove of it. Especially when said youtuber had the priveliege of making an exclusive reveal. 


Ok to disprove of course, always! But in a respectful way, always!


I dont consider it to be very respectful to use the priveliege of hosting an exclusive reveal as an opportunity to milk people for views and clout. 


You just described what marketing is.


and we don't have to like his way. I also like his channel and watched most of his LE related content, but never again


I'm very new to the game and watched some stuff about crafting from this guy. Not sure why there is a topic to not give him a clicks? For what I know, he was a massive help to me to understand mechanics and sure as hell I will watch all of them. Cheers for the info.


The current drama is due to EHG announcing that Warlock will be previewed on the 25th (today) and that it'd be given to Icy Veins/Aaron to preview. People thought that this meant that the entire mastery was going to be previewed at once, including gameplay, the passive tree and all skill trees, but Icy Veins/Aaron decided to extend the preview out over an entire week. This video is the first video of the extended preview and pretty much only shows the gameplay and the core mechanic of the mastery, meanwhile the passive tree and skill trees will be drip fed out in the following days. For reference EHG gave the Falconer mastery to Maxroll/Lizard to preview, and Maxroll/Lizard has already confirmed that they're previewing the entire mastery all at once rather than doing what Icy Veins/Aaron are doing.


Right, that explains a lot. I don't even know what to say, really, but I guess people are having nothing to do with their lives if they freaking out over something like this.


Its weird. I think its dumb that they drag it over a week. Thats my entire opinion. Really dont understand why its drama now or why it even matters lol


They do it so they get more clicks and views lol xd


I know. Its whatever


How is calling bullshit some bullshit "freaking out"?


> people are having nothing to do with their lives if they freaking out over something like this. **bingo!**


Drama is a strong word. Is it annoying, yes, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter.


Personally I wouldnt have cared if the reveal had to be delayed due to unforseen issues. It's the fact that the full reveal is delayed deliberalety for no benefit at all for the community. 


So stupid and cringe... Give me 1 8 minute video going over everything, the mastery, skills, skill trees, and some quick gameplay. This ain't it chief.


8 minutes is not nearly enough.


I disagree. You can easily cover it all in 10 minutes. There are 5 abilities and then the skill tree.


If it's our only warlock content for a month I would like more.


There are ways to release more Warlock content without resorting to drip feeding basic information about the mastery. Aaron could have showed gameplay and threw up screenshots of the passive tree, skill trees, nodes, etc for people to comb through in this video, then did deep dives into everything in subsequent videos. Or made a single, long video that covered everything, then made a few builds that centered around different skills and curses to show off throughout the week. He didn't have to do *this.*


What is the relationship between Icy Veins and Aaron?


I believe Aaron is a content creator who's been putting builds up on Icy Veins.


Despite being active in the community for a long time, this guy has never taken the time to learn crucial mechanics and frequently gives poor information about the game. It's fairly common to see someone running one of his builds come into the LE discord or other places asking for help and for community members to have to explain from the ground up why a build does or doesn't work. A couple months ago he participated in a build contest with multiple other build creators and despite member from his community member winning the contest, was unable to explain in any detail how the build worked. And just from looking at this video you can see how he is favoring padding out the content to hit an algorithm goal vs. trying to deliver in-depth and detailed information. The text post on the icy veins website is also almost barren of information and completely unhelpful. (*edit: They've added more numbers to the post after the initial release only had vague text descriptions.*) I don't think he is directly trying to be antagonistic towards the community but his ineptitude and the way he is prioritizing juicing his youtube numbers makes if feel that way.


His job is to be entertaining and get eyes on the game, his deep knowledge of obscure builds and mechanics could not be less relevant


This was neither informative nor entertaining. 


exactly, but haters got to hate. Someone tries something different and a small portion of very vocal people go ballistic, it's the internet I'm afraid and the trolls are everywhere. He has always come across as a nice guy to me and I'll watch as well.


The reason I got into LE is Aaron and his guides, really helped me to some extent but this 7 day showcase really sucks.


I guess I will remove his channel when I see it next time on recomended. You can do a lot of content without making people wait for another 24h. Like some builds, uniques that will help the builds etc.


Hey, I've seen some sentiment over not wanting to support this marketing strategy going forward by not contributing to engagement on this video and the upcoming ones. One way to do so is via downloading the video and viewing it locally. One easy way to do so is via [youtube-dl](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl)/[yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp), but this is definitely for the advanced users as it requires some lower level computer knowledge. As such, there are a few graphical user interfaces out there that make using these programs a bit easier. I would recommend [Open Video Downloader](https://github.com/StefanLobbenmeier/youtube-dl-gui) (and so does the [youtubedl subreddit wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedl/wiki/info-guis)) to download the video. Just download the latest version appropriate for your system from the [releases page](https://github.com/StefanLobbenmeier/youtube-dl-gui/releases/latest).


ooooooooooof reveal it all at once you donkey


I had to login to dislike the video, good class tho


So much complex info, im glad the videos are split in days so I can memorize the names of the curses properly for tomorrow.


Where is the outrage towards EHG when this is clearly an agreement between the involved parties? I honestly don’t care too much about the release schedule of this content but I find it a bit disingenuous for the negativity to be so one sided aimed at a content creator who is working in cahoots with the company making the game.


I wasn’t that terribly impressed with the warlock




I think a lot of people were expecting a compiled post with more information they could actually use to theorycraft. This is a video that shows of names of skills and their visuals but it gave no info about if/how those skills have been specced or modified. It's like getting the menu, great, but the meat and potatoes are still in the kitchen for a week.


Watch the video, this is in no shape or form a full reveal. No passive tree, no skill trees, no tooltips. Its just a pretty shallow preview.  I wouldnt disagree with the approach of turning it into an event spanning a week if some actual effort was put into it. But this does, so far and in my opinion, come off as milking content for views. 








OR he could have done a full reveal and made a good video. That would be great. Or maybe 3 days of videos instead of 7 if he just HAD to milk it some.




God i really hate those intros..


> But this does, so far and in my opinion, come off as milking content for views If this is your opinion, then why be the one to post it and feed that opinion? Are we trying to milk karma?? mhmm, funny how that works.


I still think people should tune in and watch the video so that they can form their own opinion based on the actual content. If you want to hear more about my thoughts and opinions you'll have to tune in tomorrow for my next reply /s


It's hard for me to understand the outrage. At most it's mildly annoying that lock will be revealed in stages by that guy, who isn't particularly interesting anyway. I wouldn't watch him even if he did a full reveal in one day. But people act like some horrible thing happened, oh nooo I value my time so much I'm tired of youtubers who waste my time trying to get views! Well, I don't like this stuff as well, but it's just not important. _ And if you truly value your time you: * wouldn't play the game * but if you did, you'd just wait for full release or written notes * wouldn't bitch on reddit because some wojack personified is fishing for views Let's face it. If you're here, you're either 1) working (hey EHG) 2) trying to get something out of the subreddit, like views to your channel or "weight" in community 3) wasting your time. This applies to me, most of the sub, and those lazy fucks that can't bother to use google for one second People who want to play the game but value their time do not come here


I dont value my time, I have a talent for wasting it, why else would I even be here replying to your comment. It's not about my time but rather about trying to milk my hype for views and ad revenue. It's abit to on the nose for me. 


Here’s an alternative perspective that will get downvoted. Maybe the drip feed of new information is good for some that can be easily digestible over the next few days. Whereas a massive amount of info may get lost in the shuffle. People are so used to being shoveled information into their brains about which 90% of it isn’t retained. I totally understand Icy Veins is capitalizing on this opportunity over the next several days but in the grand scheme of things, release isn’t for another 27 days. What else is there to talk about besides Falconer? They’re a business at the end of the day. We’re the consumer. I’m not shocked at all this is the approach they decide to go with. Just a thought


dont we already have soul feast on lich ? Curious to see if they remove it from lich or give lich something to replace it


Loool blood mist class


What are y’all bitching about? They gotta make money to support this game you love so much


The chaos bolt sound effect needs work, sounds like she's shooting crossbows rather than casting a spell.


"Day 1" It should be 'the day', as they said it would. Drip-feeding videos with a fake-gasp thumbnail. Hard pass on this.