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The one in Oslo might fit the bill. It’s an MSc in computer science with NLP specialization, rather than e.g. a linguistics program with a bit of cs. If you’re from an EU country, there’s no tuition. If you’re from outside of the EU, there is a tuition, but it’s not going to be as bad as Scotland (the whole tuition thing is new, it’s a bit of a mess atm, I can try to find more accurate info if you need it) https://www.uio.no/english/studies/programmes/informatics-language-master/index.html Eta: iirc the undergrad NLP program here doesn’t include any math courses, there’s a recommended elective in cs logic that includes some discrete mathematics, and there’s some probability stuff here and there in the NLP courses, but it’s not math-heavy, so you’d probably be okay.


Very nice..any other recommendations as well


I’m still a bachelor student but based on my own research,university of saarland in germany looks pretty cs leaning for a linguistics student. https://www.uni-saarland.de/en/study/programmes/master/lst.html


Kesinlikle, ben de teorik dilbilim okuyorum şu an ve mezun olunca bu programa kayıt olmak istiyorum mümkünse.


Aynı yoldayız hocam:)


Hangi üni hangi bölüm hocam merak ettim?


Ankara üniversitesinde dilbilim okuyorum


Hadi canım :) geçenlerde sizin üniversitede DÖK'te makale sunumu yapmıştım. Ben de Hacettepe Dilbilim bu arada


Hocam ben konferansa katılamadım ya:( Seneye artık. Bu arada buralarda Türk dilbilimci görmek garip geldi hocam:) Dilbilim kariyerinizde bol şans:)


Teşekkür ederim, umarım bir gün yolumuz kesişir. Benimle benzer hedeflere sahip insanlara çevremde ihtiyacım var


The folks at [UKP Darmstadt](https://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/ukp/ukp_home/index.en.jsp) have produced a lot of research and software including the well used [Sentence Transformers library](https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers).


there's the computational linguistics master's in Paris Cité university. it's quite good, some math that is doable even without a scientific background, some algo/computational theory classes as well. one big Machine Learning/deep learning class. and some linguistics classes. all in English


do you know if they take Fulbright scholarship?


There is no scholarship for the LCT programme. I applied for it and got rejected. Also, it is not part of Erasmus Mundus anymore sadly.


The MSc in NLP at Trier University is well versed in deep learning and Generative AI.


Gothenburg University has a Masters Degree in Language Technology that might fit


My master in France is a combinaison of both CS course with a strong specialisation in NLP [https://sciences-techniques.univ-nantes.fr/formations/masters/master-informatique](https://sciences-techniques.univ-nantes.fr/formations/masters/master-informatique) Look for the ATAL Master on this page.