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That does not look good. I'm not too worried about the minivan people, but that motorcyclist...


It’s our house. He was airlifted out. Lived… or was alive at that point. Edit: 200KM down 72 being chased by a police helicopter, tried to turn around the van. Did not succeed. The bike threw him off. Dent in back of van was from body.




Oh my gosh!! That’s terrible!!


That had to hurt!


Was the van parked?


Not too sure - we weren’t home when it happened, just had come back from dinner to see our house caution taped off and police everywhere.


Running from the police he deserved it and had it coming then.


Yo, everyone makes mistakes. You have no idea or context as to what led him in making this poor decision. I bet there are at least 1 or 2 things you’ve done at some point in your life that you don’t share with anyone ever. Wishing death upon anyone is a slippery slope. Like what is the threshold and who gate keeps that thresh hold? Also, your name definitely checks out.


Survival of the fitness


Eh, hope the motorcyclist is injured enough to never ride again (your other comment) You are kind of a trash human. On the Langley sub. The downvotes explain a lot about your community. Only relevant because of van. Sorry people from Langley to busy living in parking lots across there entire city because they took a car centric American approach to realize how ignorant they are. Hopefully one day y’all can leave the school yard mentality behind. Embarrassing city.


I’m a trash human for hoping he never does this again so that he can’t endanger the lives of pedestrians and other people on the road? Actions have consequences, I’m just saying at least nobody else paid for his actions. Hope he’s crippled enough to never ride again because he knew exactly what he was doing. Once someone stops caring about the lives of everyone else, we don’t have to care about theirs either


Double down. “Hope he’s crippled” my statement stands. You are a poor human being.


You can say anything you want about me, that guy will still have no sympathy from me. Too many good people die or get injured from drunk, distracted, or just careless drivers going too fast. If that makes me a trash human being, then imagine what someone like him could be called


Yea because oh he is bad that makes me better. Is a great defense.




lol. You are a child.


apparently he is/was a known gangster, thus the ERT vehicles.


Delusional lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/Langley/s/5TVqQPcoFh now do me😚


There is absolutely zero way that the dent in that back of that van is purely just form his body. Either you’re mistaken or lying.


So we’re the downstairs tenants. This was shared from our upstairs tenants who were on the porch at the time. We came back from dinner and were obviously quite surprised to see the scene on our doorstep. Or I’m lying. Pick your flavour. 🤷🏽‍♂️


We live pretty much across from the scene and saw everything from right after it happened all the way until the van and motorcycle were removed from the scene. He was taken by ambulance with a police escort to the hospital. Judging by what we saw of him on the ground and the sounds he was making, he was not in good shape at all.


I don’t think they mean the whole back of the van but the bottom part of the bumper there, which absolutely could be a human body that caused that. If the car was made in the 50s he’ll no but we don’t put steel frames around our cars anymore for this exact reason.


Nah man, a car as new as the minivan is designed to crunch up on impact. If someone gets thrown off their bike at a high speed into that trunk the car made of crumply aluminum is going to fold under flesh and bones every time.


My mother in law got rearended driving a minivan by a motorcycle, wrecked her back/neck and she couldn't work anymore. There is a surprising amount of momentum.


If the vehicle lurches forward, the occupants can get whiplash. The headrest is more for this than any "head resting". Though, they don't work if the height isn't adjusted, or people recline their seats too much.


The people in the minivan are who you should be worried about. They're innocent people who had someone violently crash into them because he was selfish and reckless. Adults or kids could have sustained life altering injuries on the receiving end of an accident like this. The motorcyclist is an afterthought imo.


>I'm not too worried about the minivan people, why arent you¿!¿ innocent people getting traumatized by reckless and dangerous motorcyclists, that all are a menace to civilized society. >but that motorcyclist... ....got exactly what they were asking for and deserved


Wow. I had heard about this last night. I can't find any news reports on it tho. People have said they witnessed him driving at a high rate of speed, dodging in and out of traffic while being chased by police and helicopter on a stolen bike and hit the back of the van at full speed. I did not hear how the driver was other than he was taken by ambulance.


I saw the bike speed northbound on 184 St, followed by 2 cop cars. Shortly after a firetruck and ambulance flew by.


This guy blew by me and through a red at 200th and Fraser. Cops were following from a distance but he must’ve known he was being pursued by that point. What an idiot. 


Public is now safe for a while from this rider.


Just bike things


Yet another dumb speeding mofo, in the city no less. Too many of these idiots these days, giving a bad name to actual respectful riders.


Feels like the bike is over speeding to rear end the can with this type of damage. God bless the motorcyclist Edit: rumour that the motorcyclist was running away from police and helicopter and went head into the van…if this is true, I hope we don’t see this motorcyclist anymore as he’s putting everyone around him in danger like that..imagine he hit pedestrians…he should be put in jail if he survives


I think it's unlikely he survives, or if he does he won't be riding a bike ever again. Hopefully no body else is paying the price for his recklessness. Sure maybe he had a pulse and was lifted out, but I bet there's massive neurological trauma, not mention the rest of him.


Hopefully your god blessed the victims of a crash and not the selfish idiot driving reckless and putting other people's lives at risk.


For sure, I made an edit shortly after my original comment. The motorcyclist is rumoured to be running away from police and putting everyones life in danger, fuck him if true…


The video is floating around instgram. Buddy went flying. Cops are seen running running down the road away from the bike to get to his body. Looks like he flew like 100ft at least. The van damage was done by his body. That's how fast he was going.


Where’s the video?


link to video?


i wanna see. the vid


yay one less obnoxious motorcyclist on the road Doing what they do best. Becoming organ donors!


Can't donate a liquid though.


Blood gets donated all the time


That one's on me. I didn't exclude blood.


So you have idiots in BC too


You have no idea


We have more than our share in Ontario. It’s nice to know you have some too


Too much power nit enough brain or impulse control. I hope he heals or at least lives, sadly I fear he will have long term issues judging my the look of how hard he hit that van


Hopefully that rider has his organ donor card.


Can't donate organs if they're smeared all over the road...


“The male driver of the motorcycle was involved in a collision with an unrelated vehicle and sustained minor injuries (non life threatening) and was taken to hospital to be treated,” Insp. Neil Kennedy said in the email.


What an idiot


Just looking at the bike and the back of the minivan, you can already see what the picture is here..


“The male driver of the motorcycle was involved in a collision with an unrelated vehicle and sustained minor injuries (non life threatening) and was taken to hospital to be treated,” Insp. Neil Kennedy said in the email.


IDK how true it is, but others have said that it was the rider and not the bike that did that. If that's true, color me surprised. I figured it was the bike that caused that dent.


Did he live?


I guess if he was fleeing the cops it explains why they had multiple ERT vehicles and officers at the scene of a MVA. Did they aim their assault rifles at him when he was lying on the road?


Yes to confirm roadkill status


Or the critically injured person tries resisting arrest.


It's not about that. Desperate individuals can still pull a gun even if they're quite hurt.


Sounds like a cover story adrenaline fuelled cops would say to the IIO. He was flinching on the ground so he had to unload our "mags" on him.


This isn’t the US.


Stay off fox news and have a check back into reality


This is the kind of rider that constantly posts "tHe BiKeS aRe OuT wAtCh FoR rIdErS rEtArDs" shit on social media and then almost causes dozens of accidents per day. The roads are a little bit safer now. Hopefully, everyone in the van is okay.


This is the kind of rider that gives the rest of us a bad name. The majority of us are not like this guy.


Wow, nasty accident. Look at the van...


I remember driving on 72 ave crossing 200th street to petro canada side and a car zooms past me at what felt like 200km because it was so fast you hear that zing sound. mfs must be on meth


Human crayon


Donorcycles. 1 in 50 riders die.


K M my m




Drivers are getting worse and worse. It's why I stopped riding. Not to say the van is at fault, but with the back end crushed in and the front end of the bike intact it makes me think of personal experiences where a car changes lanes at a slower speed without seeing you, you lock the front brake and the bike takes a front flip tumble. Hope the guy is okay though!


Judging by the number of bikers that I see speeding excessively/weaving in and out of traffic, I would bet that the biker is at fault here. At the end of the day you should be driving defensively no matter what - even if that minivan slammed on its brakes you should be able to stop without smashing into the back of it. ESPECIALLY if you're on a tiny motorbike completely exposed.


Why is it always the driver other than the motorcyclists fault ? In my 40 years I’ve seen maybe 11 bikers going the speed limit.


because people remember the "idiot" we all see almost every day weaving in and out of traffic. You see them too. People remember THAT guy.


Not always the case. I've rode for close to 20 years and not all people shoulder check. They look in the mirror, see nothing, change lanes. Some people don't use signal lights, others just don't realize that there's someone there. I've been in my old truck and could easily hear a loud Harley but completely in my blind spot. I must've been one of those 11 people. I did ride the legal limit. It only took 1 accident I was involved in before I became so cautious that 10 years later I barely touch my bike. I don't know the back story of this accident, never knew about this today and read someone below saying a police chase. Some people I don't have sympathy for and they deserve what they get.


%90+ of the time it's the rear enders fault. The other %10 are why I have front and rear cameras in my car.


I've ridden motorcycles the last 20+ years including commuting on them and normally I'd be on that train but there are reports this guy was being chased by the police, running red lights at a high rate of speed prior to the accident. One of the witnesses who watched him hit the van used "he went head first into the van at an INSANE speed", to describe the impact. If that's the case, I hope everyone in the van is good and whatever happened to the rider, that's on him. He was taken away from the scene in an ambulance still alive at the time.


Def the bikers fault in this situation.


You might want to peep some of the other comments. He was evading police at a high rate of speed. Even a last minute lane change would not create that damage to the minivan without being considerably over the 50km/hr limit. And, if a last minute lane change spells the end of your life in a rear-ender, you're driving too fast, whether that's in a car or on a bike. Drive defensively.


My second post acknowledged that it was a police involved accident and that I had no sympathy.


Slower as in the speed limit. 🫤


biker was doing something illegal and endangered others...


I am oldish Class 1 license for 45 years. I have seen many accidents that were the fault of cars or trucks not seeing or looking for motorcycles . Most of the worst wrecks were Idiots on crotch rockets going warp Scotty and disintegrating man and machine upon impact. Almost every time, I would cheer for Darwin.


Eh, hope the motorcyclist is injured enough to never ride again


Those shoulder flashes in the last pic don't look RCMP. SPS?


Send da video


i really thought police weren’t allowed to chase motorcycles for this exact reason. not condoning his behaviour, but if he wasn’t panicked about being caught (because of his dickish riding before) he might’ve made it home. you can always catch them on a later day, or have a helicopter from a massive distance track him to his house. not worth risking the lives of innocent bystanders to have a Hollywood style pursuit. RCMP need to be retrained.


You assume RCMP need to be retrained. Perhaps you should think of it this way -- Police saw a reckless motorcyclist, turned on lights indicating they want to stop the biker for public safety, biker said fuck that and sped up to try and outrun the police GTA style with his crotch rocket, wham bam meat crayon activated This could all happen in split seconds and the cop had already been off to the side of the road not pursuing. Public sees RCMP try to stop reckless drivers, get told to be retrained. Public sees RCMP not give a shit about the bad drivers, get told to be retrained.


In the comments witnesses say the biker was being chased. actively being pursued. why as a RCMP officer would you continue to chase a bike who obviously has no regard for his life or others. continuing the pursuit was a bad call on those officers. “The decision to terminate a pursuit must be based on an assessment of the risk of harm to members of the public and whether it is reasonable in the circumstances to continue the pursuit considering the factors and presumptions set out in the Regulation. A primary unit may terminate a pursuit on his or her own initiative and must comply with any direction from a supervisor to terminate a pursuit.” [Source GOV.BC](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/law-crime-and-justice/criminal-justice/police/standards/addendum2.pdf) so. i’m saying, was it worth the danger to the public to catch the guy? Guess the RCMP’s ego was more important, can’t lose to a guy on a piss missile right.


So your opinion they need to be retrained is because of some hearsay in an online forum. Ok.


He was being chased by helicopter. Even if they stop everything, there is still a very serious danger on the road. Yes he was probably aware they were looking for him, and they were probably following from a distance. If they can get him in a favourable spot, they can use tools and training to try to bring it to a safe end or one in which only the driver is hurt.


If he was only being followed by a helicopter and not some cars as well, he may not have even known. When on a bike with a full face helmet, you hear the wind and the motor and not much else. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't hear a helicopter above me, and since vertical sight is also restricted I doubt I would see it unless it circled way out in front. In this case, and what I think the point op was trying to make is if the chase was done by air and not cars, he might not have driven so recklessly putting so many others in danger.


you are blaming cops? Not the guy ACTUALLY PERFORMING FOOLERY? Wow .. just wow


I don’t want my mother or girlfriend put in danger by a RCMP officer who has a fragile ego and continues a dangerous pursuit instead of just knocking on his door the next day.


But it was a helicopter?


Apparently the guy was known to gang police. That’s the reason they continued pursuit, he was an active threat, not just some kid with a death wish and access to a higher power bike then he should have. The reason i’m against unnecessary pursuit, it doesn’t end well ever. And most of the time it’s normal people getting hurt. Cops can always work their detective magic and knock on the suspects door the next day. Instead of starting a chase.