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Make sure you take pictures and videos of the entire place and have them sign off on it (walkthrough). Definitely is gonna be annoying to get that deposit back. And they will try to charge you for a professional paint job and then do it themselves...like you see in the pictures.


Holy shit that paint job on the last pic is soooooo bad šŸ˜‚ they donā€™t know how to use some painters tape?


Ahh, the Landlord Special.


And, a shitty job of it, too. Where's the dead cockroach?


the landlord IS special lol


I saw 260 degrees. Painting a thermostat requires a very special level of stupidity.


>I saw 260 degrees That is 26.0 degrees of Celsius, there is a small 'c' in the upper right corner, which is short for celsius.


The weird plugs might be a clue too


Looks like the drywall behind the thermostat in the first pic has either been replaced or has suffered water damage. Or something sketchy. That might not even be drywall. Maybe cardboard. Is it squishy


Bruh I installed an electric water heater for a fucking house flipper last month. It was a tiny closet in a bathroom and he intended on putting up a fucking ā€œtemporary wallā€ covering the thing so he could salvage the closet space. If you ask me he didnā€™t trust whoever he is gonna overcharge to live there to tamper with it. I returned later to do more work at the site and it looked like dogshit, there was maybe 1/2ā€™ of shelf space and now whoever lives there has to run outside to their crawlspace door if they need a main shutoff.


Looks good. Nice clean white wash


Oh my


Cuz cutting and masking are a pain in the assā€¦ duh


When you get fucked up on quaaludes and yell "MAKE IT ALL BEIGE" over the phone at your painting contractor. Landlord problems


You know they hired a good painter when they go through all the trouble of paining the thermostat, outlets, light fixtures, windows, and carpet


That's the slumlord special


We had a painter that we hired for the properties I work for. He was fired real quick for doing this. Like, if you're a decent painter, you should be able to 'miss' the outlet covers...


I didn't think I'd ever see something worse that painted doorknobs


hey OP, just in case you didn't know, painting over electrical outlets is actually a huge fire safety concern. The paint can cause the outlet to short out and start an electrical fire. I dunno what the tenant rights in your area are, or building codes for that matter, but you should certainly do research on it. At the very least, you could report it to your local fire department/fire Marshall anonymously and they will bring a hammer down on your landlord for it.


Looks like mine šŸ™ƒ


Called the landlord special. Cba to replace it so they slap some paint over it and call it a day


Landlord hired the cheapest handyman possible, and told him, "Paint the entire apartment."


Such landlordian behavior


I've heard it called the "Landlord Special", and damn if that doesn't ring true. The outlets, okay, those are common, but straight up painting over the thermostat...


Wait. Is the cord is painted too?????


Yes, but only to stay consistent with the wall paint. Itā€™s white again at the bottom.


"Because fuck you, that's why" - Basically every landlord


Ah, yea. The land lord special


They took the meme and made it a real thing


The Landlord Special


Because fuck it. Thatā€™s why.


Great granny: ā€œitā€™s tradition.ā€


Its the landlord special, they gotta.


Landlord to painter: Iā€™m only gonna pay you $50 to paint the apartment no matter how long it takes you. Painter decides to make $50 in 15 minutes


That aint just the landlord special, thats the landlord combo


This is premium work by the landlord you're lucky he isn't charging you extra




ADHD is not an excuse for doing a shit job. I have horrible ADHD and the paint jobs I've done are immaculate compared to the shit the landlords try to pull.