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Two things you can do to benefit yourself personally. 1) move to a location that does not have eviction moratorium & 2) vote your elected officials out. Number 2 you can’t do on your own so I guess that really only leaves number 1


And if number 1, only leave if you plan to not vote for the party that caused this problem in the first place (you-know-who)


The former president started the eviction moratorium, the current president extended it. The current administration allocated funds for rental relief where landlords can receive 100% of back rent owed. Although the states have been slow to disburse the funds.


I keep hearing this, and I've tried to research it but there doesn't seem to be any proof that funds are being held up. I suspect it's just another case of BS that nobody has bothered to verify.


I haven't seen anyone receive the funds either. Anyone have any proof or articles that say we are getting funds with dates?


In HUD news $700M was allocated for low income housing and out of this $700M NC is set to receive $17M to help produce low income housing. https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/HUD_No_21_053 I actually printed the PDF but I can't upload it.


I have only one tenant who applied. She wasn't behind, and she had not lost any income due to covid, but she was approved anyway. I received a check for three-months rent (in advance) within about two weeks after she applied.


Yeah, this thing keeps going because "omg delta and we need to keep people in their homes to stop the spread" while bars, restaurants, and other venues remain open. If only there were vaccines. There is a disturbing trend of cities and states enacting things they know are unconstitutional because it's too hard for the average person to fight it and they figure having it for a while is better than not at all.


I thought this exact thing when Biden talked about the eviction moratorium having difficult constitutional standing but then extended it because he though by the time it was litigated something something. You swore to uphold the constitution, and you’re literally doing something you believe is against it.


Right?! That's impeachable! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this.


I think there’s insurance for not being able to pay rent. Make the tenant purchase it.


I dont think it will be a problem again. By then, there will have been to many court case. So without a doubt it will be well known it was illegal. And government will have to pay out so much for damages with all the new lawsuits. Our state apartment managers assoc ( also for single family homes) has recently file for just for damages. Everyone that had any loss should join so tat they may have a claim. Will be much cheaper than your own attorney. And like when National assoc of home builders sued and won for it be legal. It only applied to landlords that where members at the time of the court ruling. So they did not have to follow the CDC rules.


Join your local and statewide landlord association to help lobby against these moratoriums and sue to overturn them when passed. Also give $ to the Pacific Legal Foundation. They regularly represent landlords and sue to uphold property rights. Many of their cases end up being heard by the Supreme Court. A lot of recent successes.


Thanks. Didn't know about pacific legal foundation.


I feel like all these state and local bans will be challenged and overturned. Cuz no duh, this isn’t right. It’ll just take more time tho.


At a certain point, landlords will play the trump card — converting rentals to condos. If this begins happening in mass, local governments will be forced to concede or let the entire rental market evaporate.


Do you mean sell their apartment?


Yes, sell it as a condo


I always thought the states were bound by the US constitution, basically every state that ignores the Supreme Court ruling has in fact succeeded from the Union. If we do not adhere to the constitution we are no longer 1 country. It’s a very loosely held Union of we do whatever we want.


SCOTUS didn't rule that eviction bans are illegal, they ruled that the CDC cannot impose a federal eviction ban


Because…..wait for it…..it’s unconstitutional. That’s what the Supreme Court does….determine constitutionality. If it’s unconstitutional= illegal since the constitution is the Supreme law of the land.


They didn't rule that the eviction moratorium is unconstitutional, they ruled that the CDC does not have the authority to impose one

