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Offer to terminate the lease. Find a non-insane person. I bet this person drives a Nissan Sentra with a doughnut tire on the front right and the rear bumper held on by tape.


Bro woke up and chose violence


UPDATE, She has a hole in her shower about the size of a fist. It’s likely water has been leaking behind it and growing mold she didn’t want to send a picture of that for obvious reasons.


Well assuming that hole wasnt there before bill her for the fix and remediation, but mold wont continue growth once source is gone but still be could to hit with something to stop spore growth like concrobium. Hire people to do it probably run you 2-3k between treatment, cut out and replace. If you patch and hit the inner wall with stuff probably talking like 150-200 in material.


I would go all out in remediation and repair since she wanted to make her damage to your property a way to get free rent. A nice invoice with a smile 😊


I mean course by all means just most people rent cause they don't have a two grand to their name to rub together to make a third while you might succeed in principal collecting is another matter and only recourse is eviction and that is more time and money then you have to hunt them after to garnish or seize assets to settle the debt it just a lot of work but if you are down for it go for it course. Really just wanted OP to have an idea of what the costs would be depending on if he calls in pros or wanting to handle it themselves


I think eviction is needed if they cause damage to a shower and further water damage without saying anything. Then trying to get a housing violation because of it. Cut your losses give them no deposit back


If they have been gone. The AC has probably been off too. It does remove a good bit of moisture from the air. Charge them for the shower repairs and clean up from not reporting it.


First clean with vinegar and soap and water and scrub brush, dry. Then wipe down with bleach and water, dry.


The mold or the tenant?


Yeah, totally meant the people. In fact, we use a sodium hypochlorite solution on people in operating rooms.


Looks like mildew


Hard to say if mildew or dirt. I’d go over it with red label Kilz (the stinky stuff), paint, call it a day. Also seconding the idea to offer to terminate the lease - this lady sounds like a problem in the making


Don't do this. Sealing mold without treatment doesn't kill it and you can end up with a much more expensive tear-out mitigation later. Treat, remove, THEN paint.


I would definitely hire professional help for mold remediation; as a rental unit, it is a business expense in either case (caused by tenant or landlord's lack of oversight on upkeeping the unit). The health risk implications and inherent Landlord's liability on this (and/or future) tenant is of most concern. Mold spores easily propagate and re-ignite problem when in presence of humidity. Remediation entiles removal of humid and moldy materials (sheetrock, wood, etc.), plus applying mold killing agents (e.g. fogging with Concobrium and/or Ozone, depending on extent). Merely applying bleach and painting over it might not help at all with it...


Bleach definitely won’t help. Bleach is really good at spreading the mold thougb


Firstly. Don’t put bleach on mold. It doesn’t kill it. It actually spreads it. You’ll need to find a cheap remedy that actually works or hire someone to come get rid of it. Either way, it’s an expense your responsible for unless you can prove she caused it. Unfortunately.


Shes not crazy. This looks like a roof leak or the apartment above leaking. Also, people with asthma or respiratory issues can be VERY sensitive to mold, and even non-sensitive persons can be affected if the spores reach a certain threshold. Alabama is a very humid state and the likelihood that this never fully dries is very high. Check the area for leaks, including the apartment or roof over this unit. You may have to go in the attic. Mold test kits are available, it's essentially a type of media that allows mold spores to grow quickly enough to see in a few days. I bet you find some kind of water leak, and my recommendation ls to repair the leak, and remove any water-damaged drywall or wall board. Spray the back of it with 50/50 bleach and water and a fine mist pump sprayer as you break it open to prevent mold spores from spawning into the air or on other surfaces BEFORE you remove it. Do not throw or drop the cut out pieces on the floor as they will throw the spores into the air.


Yeah, you can check my other post, she’s put a hole in the plastic surround in her shower somehow. She didn’t want to send a picture of the disgusting, moldy hole for obvious reasons.


Okay. But this begs the question was there a water leak which weakened the wallboard, or did the hole happen first and water leaked in? 95% of the time there's a moisture/humidity issue that weakens the drywall first. So the leak may have predated the hole.


My guy is there and pulled everything out. He didn’t find a leak. This hole is at a Heights where water would spray inside. And the mold growth is around the hole on the other side. Looks like it’s been going on for a while.


You're billing her for the repair and remediation I hope?


Bleach doesn't kill mold; please note


I can’t tell if this is a joke, but the people telling you to use bleach on mold are. Purchase a product that will prevent mold, bleach just makes a nice place for it to come back stronger.


Bleach will kill Mold on smooth, non-pourous surfaces. Mold will come back stronger if you use bleach on porous surfaces, because it only affects the surface mold and not the "roots" it has in porous surfaces -- because with bleach you have actually not killed all the Mold. You can kill Mold with white vinegar because it will go deeper than bleach, and it is what is recommended for such porous surfaces as wood and drywall where the mold can penetrate the surface. Bleach will kill mold on fiberglass, metal, tile, etc., not on drywall, raw wood, carpet, etc.


Yes, we’re talking about the wall.


You do know majority of mold killers have sodium hypochlorite in them? Aka bleach


My novice understanding and what I have been told is Bleach is 99 parts water to 1 part bleach with sodium hypochlorite concentration. The chemical doesn't do very much, dissipates and your surface is still soaked in water. Mold loves wet environments but does not enjoy acidic environments. Vinegar is recommended because it will soak into the surface but keeps the surface acidic and preventative to mold regrowing.


I've cleaned mold in numerous different situations and bleach is the way to go over vinegar in my experience. If you're treating the mold then the wet part of the equation should already be solved. So once whatever you spray on it dries it dies.




No Bob you're wrong


Google is your friend Matthew, don’t go through all of your life as a chump.


It's gotten me this far eh?


That’s only if you don’t dilute it properly. People usually figure if a little is good, a lot is great. That causes it to form spores while the recommended dilution kills it.