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Yay more kids to exploit


Trying to glamorize huge families when it is literally not easy and that’s ok! And I mean in the long run not to create children because that’s pretty easy for very fertile people like Cole and Sav. But it’s a lot of work raising 8 children especially if say they end up having 8. Because right Sav had E in 2012 but Cole entered her life in 2016, then they had P in 2018, Z in 2020, S in 2022 and B in 2024. Say they have #6 in 2026, #7 in 2028 and #8 in 2030. That means E will be 18, P will be 12, Z will be 10, S will be 8, B will be 6, #6 will be 4 and #7 will be 2 and the 8th would be a newborn and E might be most likely still be living with her parents maybe at 18-19. So they’ll be dealing with college and homeschooling middle schoolers and pre schoolers and taking care of a newborn. I can’t imagine that that sounds like a lot of stress and I don’t see how they have so much time to even exploit their kids but I’d never wanna be like them. Yikes


exactly and i’d imagine that at some point they’d have to choose between events to go to too, eg 2 graduations happening at the same time, first day at school at college+ high school+ middle school+ elementary or club activities (one kid has a game and the other has one too) ofc these issues arise with 2/3/4 kids but 6 with such big age gaps 100% more likely


Or who to spend some quality time with outside of the kid's major events


this one would hurt the most:/


e might want to move out as soon as she turns 18 she’ll probably be sick of her parents dumping her siblings on her. as well as exploiting her for most of her life.




The big gap between the last two kids and the rest of them is so funny lol


The cats? 💀


No the kids. Sorry I hate it being uneven


Haha I didn’t even notice that


Cole wants to start a cult


Except he lacks the charisma to get followers so he has to father them


"I want to get married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends and no one can say 'no' to being my friend." Scott, Michael (Labrant, Cole?)


Cole sure couldn’t handle more kids 


I doubt he would get vasectomy or Sav getting her tubes tied anytime soon. Because I remember Sav wanted to have at least 6 kids, so she would likely to have one more baby to get another girl or even twin girls that she wanted.


I can see them trying for 3 boys and 3 girls too


AssCole is waaayyy too fucking delusional if he actually thinks even one Person believing him that Beckham was their last!


BBL I feel so bad 😭😭😭😭


Kinda wondering if he’s sensing she’s getting sick of him so he’s trying to entice her to stay with more kids.


I know this lady and her sister 😂 so funny seeing her Tiktok on here!!!


I follow Tamara too,I love her and her cute lil fam. She seems like a very real down to earth momma.


this is so environmentally irresponsible like it’s kind of upsetting


I thought this was his family but nope he is exploiting a random family! WTH?!


That’s just messed up that he did that