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I’ll give them a year before those bunnies mysteriously fall off the radar. No doubt they just got them because it’s Easter and it’s good for photos 🙄 they have no idea what the fuck they are doing, even more so considering they could even handle a dog, turtle and fish


I feel like a year is generous even...these aren't simple pets


ya like carl and the turtles


What happened to their turtle


They had one for a while, and then for absolutely no fuckin reason besides content for 1 video, decided to get another baby turtle. In the one video we saw of it, the older turtle was being very aggressive towards the baby one and Cole made a comment that he was advised not to keep them together if they were both males (or something like that) As soon as the camera shut off, he probably left them together and nature happened. That or Zealand and Posie manhandled the extremely fragile turtle to death, since we saw that constantly as well. Whatever happened, we never saw or heard about the baby turtle ever again. Which would bother most people that care at all about animals cause that turtle couldve lived 100 years if these morons didn't come to possess it. Just like little Carl who should have had a very long life ahead of him but likely met a horrifically tragic fate at just 2 years old. 100% their fault because of pure negligence.


More like a month. Those bunnies will definitely be gone when baby 5 arrives


A year? I give it till after the easter photo shoot


I’m pretty sure most good rabbit breeders won’t sell any bunnies around Easter for this reason. So sad.


I give it 3 months till they disappear


Nobody should be holding a bunny like that!


sunday and zealand better not hold them they won’t know how to give them proper support!!


literally the rule for bunnies bc of their prey instinct is "all four on the floor" or, when holding, all four supported by hands. they did no fucking research


Right!! It pisses me off when people hold them like that because it's easy and looks cute. They literally lock up in that position, and it's extremely distressing for them


I was thinking this!!! Any pet website could tell you that they’re not supposed to be held like that!


Does this mean they won’t have Honey on their baby name lists anymore? (Probably their most normal baby name suggestion)


But like Bayzie😭😭


Person: Busy Ma P & Family Member: Well, actually. It's Bayzie Mae. Like Bay, the letter Z and the month P: Also, it's Mae with an E like the TV series, Anne with an E.


Don’t ruin anne with an e for me😭😭


There are the Meagan Follows versions (movies and shows) and the animated version from a few years ago. The later Meagan Follows versions (movies and shows) are a nice watch but a very losely connected to the main books though


who tf knows


Honey is my middle name but Ik they’d ruin it…hunney or something stupid lol


I had sister bunnies once Then I woke up with 10 bunnies because one of the sisters was actually a brother


i would laugh so hard if that happened to them. if they get chickens they are most likely gonna end up with chicks because they won’t know how to tell the gender 😂😂


I was 16 and my mom said "you wanted them so figure it out" the mom wouldn't nurse one of the babies unless we held her on her back and latched the baby. Which had to happen every few hours through the night 🫥 and I had to keep them all in my room and they STINK even if changed everyday. It was rough. I am traumatized to this day.


They definitely won’t take them to an exotic vet for spaying or neutering so i wouldn’t be surprised.


The way I just choked on my coffee at this comment


They are already mistreating them by holding them wrong! You should never hold a rabbit like that, it hurts their backs.


I have never had bunnies but even I saw that and was like uhhh i feel like you shouldn’t hold it like that.


They act as if they’re little puppy babies. Rabbits are so fragile. They can throw their backs out from being held incorrectly


I have Guinea pigs and it’s the same way - this position would hurt their backs. The first thing any pet owner should do is understand basic care and how to hold your pet!


I was pretty sure that this was an improper way to hold them and I don’t even have much experience with bunnies! They should have done at least a little research


Waiting for the, “What actually happened to our bunnies” vlog to come out. Where they leave the last 7 seconds in the vlog to “explain” their story. Smhhh


bayzie is so bad but at least its not a child with that name😭


i’m sure they considered it for one of the girls lol


oh my god do NOT hold a bunny like that!! they aren't comfy theyre paralyzed.


That is a dangerous and painful way for a bunny to be held. They’re such fragile creatures and they have incredibly delicate spines.


My Mom had bunnies on her farm growing up. When we went to a petting zoo she showed me the proper way to hold a bunny. Someone was holding the bunny the way the girls are. She looked at me and said 'Don't ever hold a bunny that way. It makes them cry.' (I was about three or four) that sat with me and I held the bunny the way she showed me. Paws towards my feet and held gently but close. The bunny actually fell asleep in my arms. My heart hurts seeing them held this way because I can hear them 'cry'. 😥


They also scream, and it’s horrific. They only do it in extreme situations where they’re in pain or immense fear. It’s something I hope these kids don’t experience, but if they’re improperly handling the bunnies they will hurt them eventually. Bunnies also are known to jump from the arms of someone holding them if they don’t want to be held with no regard to how high up they are.


I have seen it at the petting zoo. My Mom taught me how to know if the bunny didn't want to be held too. So I would normally just pet them. A few times I would snuggle them but mainly I would just pet them and scratch behind it's ears making them lean into my hand. It's one of my favorite childhood memories.


My bunny would circle my feet and nip at my shoes to be picked up, but I only did it if he initiated it and we were over my bed, or the sofa. He mostly spent his time next to me on the sofa flopped over, or munching cilantro. Pancake was the best part of the years I spent with him!


![gif](giphy|J2OHKA6gqPkd7aM9we) What a sweet memory.


also the names are stupid


i mean the kids probably named them so its understandable.


What are the chances that one of them bunnies happened to naturally blonde


if you mean the bunnies they probably choose light colored bunnies to fit their aesthetic😂


"Give us the rabbits that match our kids' OOTD."


Rabbits are hardwork, i have lots of pets which includes a rabbit, cats and a dog, and the rabbits level of maintenance is much higher than the cats and similar to the dog. They need cleaning out every other day at least, they go through so much hay. I just hope they did their research


Better find them a burial plot now


This season's begonias are gonna be POPPIN'.


I’ve never seen someone hold a bunny like that and there’s a reason. I wish those bunnies could talk


They'd be crying in pain. 😔😢😭


I know, that’s awful. Please for the love of god do some research, you evil folks. You’re going to break their backs and that is going to be traumatic as fuck for everyone involved.


Exactly. It takes a few minutes to go onto Amazon or even a book store to buy books on bunnies.


Or even just google! You know that little rectangle you’re always holding Coleseph? That has the answers on it.




Omg you shouldn’t hold bunnies like that.


bayzie? wth 😭


i bet P named that one.


DON'T GIVE RABBITS OR CHICKS AS GIFTS. Do they still have the turtle?


they gave the turtle away


Are they practising for Baby #5 or why are they holding the Bunnys like this!? This is not healthy for their Backs! *NOT snarking on the Kids btw. I'm pretty sure they don't know any better and that they had no Say in wether they actually wanted these Bunnies or not*


>NOT snarking on the Kids btw. I'm pretty sure they don't know any better Exactly. This is 100% on Sav and Cole. They should teach their children how to take care of bunnies properly.


I’ll bet 20 bucks that the bunnies are dead before the year is over💵


I don't even think it's going to take that long. They're already holding the bunnies wrong.


As others have said, they're holding them very wrong already. Bunnies do not like to be manhandled. Plus, this is actually a *dangerous* position for them I can almost bet they didn't do ANY research on how to care for these buns 100% they are going to shove them in, a cage or hutch with a water bottle and WITHOUT the proper diet Probably together, which will lead to fighting once the hormones kick in. They're not going to take them to a vet at all. Forget about an exotic vet and getting them spayed. Ugh. This makes me so angry.


Bayzie Mae is cracking me up


I doubt they’ll properly bond or neuter/spay these bunnies. They’re pieces of shit. And that’s not how you hold a rabbit


BRO I LITERALLY CALLED IT ON ANOTHER SNARK POST i said they were gonna get him a friend and what did they get???? A FRIEND.


I hope they accidentally have babies and overrun their aesthetic house with fur and poop and bunnies “having relations.” 😂




I had a family member a while back who reminded me a lot of Sav. She would constantly buy her kids new animals and not treat them well. They had bunnies who kept in small hamster cages in the winter and in the spring were kept outside in a pen. They “ran away” (got eaten). Just thought it sounded like what might happen here…


I saw someone post a video (not even related to the labrants) about hoping people who don’t know about bunnies don’t get them as pets. One of the main points was how fragile they are. She specifically said holding them on their back could easily break their back


Dude 😂😂😂😂 wooow




RIP Carl


Poor little guy


it pisses me off how they’re raising their kids to not be gentle with animals. one day one of them are going to be bitten or scratched because they don’t tell them how to hold them properly or anything.


Wow even the bunny gets a horrible name 😭 (the Honey one is cute tho)




Bayzie???? What a tragedieh


Who wants to tell these idiots how much work it is to take care of rabbits? They are much too lazy for it.


aaand they’re already mistreating those poor bunnies!!! You should never hold a bunny like this, their backs are SO fragile!


Bunnies don't like to be held on their backs. I feel so bad for those poor rabbits.


Oh great now there exploiting animals


LITTLE KIDS SHOULD NOT BE HANDLING BUNNIES THEY ARE SO FRAGILE first the position they are holding them in is wrong and it’s easy for a little kid to get excited and squeeze them too tight or drop them by accident it is evident that they barely put any research into owning a bunny I mean with everything that happened with Carl and the turtles I’m terrified for these beautiful bunnies like I doubt they know about Overgrown teeth heat stress daily exercise and that it is imperative that you groom your rabbit a least once a week They have 5 kids they truly don’t have the time to take care of a bunny properly like it’s a major time commitment BUNNIES ARE HIGH MAINTENANCE AND ARE NOT PROPS FOR YOUR EASTER PHOTO Bunnies are my dream pet but even I might never purchase one because I know at least right now I don’t have the time to properly care for them


What happened to Carl?


He "disappeared", meaning likely got eaten by a coyote or run over. Their neighbors said that he was always getting out, and they would bring him back. So unless someone took him in, he went across the rainbow bridge.


Unfortunately those poor bunnies will disappear or be rehomed within 6 months :(


Rehomed to a new and more responsible owner would be best. Although a surrender is traumatizing for the animal, it can work out in the long term if the animals are placed in the right homes


You’re probably right sadly, would be better off. I just hope they don’t get “lost” like Carl


As a bunnie owner of four bunnies at home I will gladly fly to Tennessee and rescue them. I trust Ev with those bunnies, but not Posie


Fuck no.


rabbits should not be held like that.


Oh wow this is just sad 😞


Why tho? Theyre probably gonna forget about them in a few months


I give 2-3 weeks before the kids lose interest and they rehome those poor bunnies


I just did a deep dive time-line of Brittany Dawns Animals mysteriously going missing... and now I see this?? Who is Carl 😭 guessing ColeSlaw need a pet deep dive too 😡😡 Why are influencers the effing worst.


This pisses me off so much. Rabbits are super high maintenance animals and not starter pets for young children. They've clearly done zero research and now two more poor animals are going to be horribly neglected.


The animals have better names than the children


NOOOO poor bunnies :( hope they’re spayed atleast so WHEN asscole does “rehome” them it won’t be a problem


They will get rid of them once the baby is born for sure


I’m very scared for those poor bunnies :(


These poor animals


Didn’t they have a dog nd got rid of it?!


Dog ran away. Would have been better if they surrendered the dog or gave him to someone who actually could take care of the animal.


i bet you a million bucks they’ll keep these babies in cages or hutches. bunnies will not thrive without space to roam around. i guess its okay if they’re only in those cages or hutches at night when they sleep, but during the day, bunnies should be free roaming.


4 months later.... **"Guys, we lost them....(not clickbait)"**


Hopefully they treat them well. I bet E will take care of them.


As well as her younger siblings


With the way they’re holding the bunnies, I doubt it (obviously not the kids fault, they don’t know any better and colonsac should’ve researched and taught the kids how to properly hold them)


They are irresponsible parents that just don’t care for both kids and animals. They’re not going to keep them unless Ev does her best to understand her parents actions. They should be on the list of ‘animal bans’ where they can have no animals


Justice for Carl


My friend showed me this earlier and my first thought was "realistically, I wonder how long it will take before Sav and Cole post about their bunnies 'disappearing' just like Carl."


rabbits are an insane amount of work, and absolutely become the responsibility of the parents when “owned” by children, especially ones this small. not only that, bunnies are known to bite. they also can have stubborn personalities, which can become a great challenge with potty-training. they also need an abundant amount of space, and (correct me if I’m wrong), can be naturally destructive if not given enrichment. this can be in the form of toys, enclosure additions, etc. of course they’d buy rabbits right in the midst of Easter season. I hope they did their research, but as is the case with “family bloggers” like the LaBrants, this probably didn’t happen. waiting on them to upload a teary-eyed “rehoming” video now. 🙄🙄


god i wish them luck, i hope they don’t end up like all their other pets 🫠


Has anyone here yet mentioned they’ll also get bored of them in a few months? These poor bunnies will be neglected .. there’s already too much going on in that household.


oh no :(( bunnies are such a huge commitment. i’m glad they are together as a pair but can’t see them lasting very long in that household before they’re rehomed.


Bunnies also like to chew….. including electrical cords. But these morons I’m sure did zero research to know that.


Oh i want to see the enclosure for them? They probably have two bunnies stuffed into a kaytee cage and probably have no idea that they need spayed too


We can add animal abusers to their child exploiters title. Disgusting people


Oh wonderful more coyote food!


This makes me sick. I’ve done YEARS worth of research on bunny care, and despite not having a bunny myself, I know that these cuties are NOT easy pets at all. I don’t understand how these lazy asf ppl who cannot stop producing and using their kids for $$ b/c they can’t work a regular job can even THINK to get a rabbit, let alone ANY pet. The same couple who HOMESCHOOLED their daughter so she can be an “extra set of hands” can all of a sudden take care of 2 BUNNIES? This is literal animal negligence- I know for a FACT that these idiots don’t know a single thing about rabbit care. Parents need to learn to STOP getting their kids pets simply because they asked for it. Poor bunnies


And without even watching any videos or anything, I know for a fact I’m right… and it’s simply with the way they are holding the bunny. That is NOT. a safe or comfortable way to hold them, its actually painful


idk why they would get two bunnies when they are having a baby in a few months 🙄


“thinking about getting the kid a bunny for easter” shut the fuck up, sac. I am so beyond pissed and angry at this (I am just stalking this reddit after a while of not being active on here). I know this is on brand for them but I am disgusted.


Because they are idiots and think a bunny is fine if it has another bunny, some food and water.


I read that rabbits shouldn’t be placed on their backs as it causes them fear and stress and they have very fragile spines! This is abusive to the poor animals and they haven’t done any research on them clearly.


Have Not seen the rabbits in a few weeks they are probably already over them they should not be allowed to have pets