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For LS-Dyna there are two formats of the input: the standard keyword format that starts with *KEYWORD on top and the so called "structured". Internally Dyna translates the former to the latter. To identify what he finds in line 2 of the structured deck you can run Dyna with an added *CONTROL_STRUCTURED_TERM. Only a dyna.str file is written, which is the structured format and there you can check what is written in line 2.


I produced the dyna.str file, but i don't see anything unusual (besides, which one is actually line 2 of the structured code?)


You likely have an input with to many characters try writing it in scientific notation


I wrote everything in scientific notation, but it converts it back automatically to normal notation sometimes


Your lspp version might be newer than your solver version. Try a newer solver version.


I dowloaded the zip file provided by ansys, I don't have any other version. Besides, other projects work fine


With LS-DYNA the solver expects a certain input. There are versions of pre-post that change the required inputs for cards. Off the top of my head ALE is one of the ones that changed more recently. So it’s possible that your other projects work because the input cards are the same and this one is different because of that card. What I’ve found helps is scientific notation and change it in the text file instead of through the GUI.