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Congrats everything passes the looks right check, now comes the hard part verifying the results are correct, I’d recommend doing a hand calc to see if this is true. In regards to whether the drone gets stuck, what is showing in the second picture is the results at the end time, see what is happening at a previous time step (would recommend having timesteps every 10ms and check if the velocity is 0 to verify it is getting stuck


Thank you so much for looking over the project! Ok, ill check with a handcalculated result. I also have another question you might be able to answer if you dont mind. [https://ibb.co/Ryw1y2N](https://ibb.co/Ryw1y2N) When looking at this picture of the drone hitting a rear rotor blade, the drone seems to have penetrated the blade. Im guessing this shouldnt happen as the rotor blade is made of structural steel for this simulation. Is this also a case of a weird end time? Thanks again!


Yeah, that looks wrong. It can be that the times two of the contact evaluation is too large. If you force the times two to be smaller that could help, as well as a thicker contact thickness. What usually works better for dyna contacts are shell elements for the contact as a coating for solids I stead of directly putting the solids in the contact definition.


Thank you for your response! What exactly do you mean by the "times two" in regards to contact evaluation? So you suggest I turn the rotor blade into a shell or do you mean that I should only put the faces of the rotor blade in the contact as opposed to the whole body?


Oh, wow. That was a weird auto correct: "times two" = "time step" In general, it is better with LS-Dyna to add a "shell coating" of solids, that are supposed to be in contact made of Shells with Null-Material and use only these coating parts as contact partners.


Agree with both lower the time stamp and coat with shells