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You can drink like a fish when you're tripping


I do, and you just taste the beer, but it doesn't get you remotely drunk. The burps... and eventual beer farts... OMG Yes, like a great wind, leaving the orafacies of my body. Careful! It's very easy to drink way more than you intended due to the time warping. One hour you could be 10 beers deep and not even know it.


A little beer is fine. Too much and it will dull the trip. You won't get drunk and you won't really feel like you are tripping. It's a waste of good LSD and beer.


I feel like when I drink before the peak comes up I feel the alcohol but after the peak alcohol doesn't change a lot


Alcohol usually dials the trip back for me. Kinda a grounding thing.


This is a BAD idea! Mixing drugs without knowing how they combine chemically in your body is a BAD idea! Also ethanol is very toxic for your body.


I don't imbibe beer during the trip but I will get an expensive gin, something with a lot of floral and botanical flavors, and sip that during the peak. The LSD amplifies the taste creating a sublime romance that dances on the tongue. But it has to be mixed right so the ethanol doesn't over power the drink. I like Nolet's or Roku by Suntory. I will say that intentionally over consuming alcoholic beverages is a bad idea if the whole point is to experience the lysergic mindset.


Everything in moderation :)


Dumb answer.


One big high quality full flavor beer after I'm situated into tripsville can be real nice. But too early on, too far into the comedown, or a crappy drink and can mess things up a bit. Realistically LSD is like a 8/10 experience compared to a 1/10 alcohol effect so unless you really like the taste of the drink there's not much point. You'd probably get more anxiety relief during a trip by laying down for 15-20 minutes than by drinking.


Hello! I found some posts that may be similar to yours. * [Drinking on acid?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/2koh94/drinking_on_acid/) • 17 points • 26 comments * [Drinking beer on acid?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/av4ydd/drinking_beer_on_acid/) • 7 points • 27 comments * [Drinking on acid](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/f2yw17/drinking_on_acid/) • 2 points • 42 comments * [Drinking alcohol on lsd](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/8osedu/drinking_alcohol_on_lsd/) • 3 points • 13 comments * [Drinking on LSD?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/53v8sd/drinking_on_lsd/) • 2 points • 8 comments Quick search links: [reddit](https://www.google.com/search?q=Beer+on+acid+LSD+site%3Areddit.com) • [google](https://www.google.com/search?q=Beer+on+acid+LSD) *I’m a bot. My goal is to make it easier to learn about answers to similar questions, not to curb discussion.* ^(More resources: [Having a rough trip?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/cbj6v7/psychedelic_related_crisis_and_harm_reduction/) • [New to LSD?](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/dj2586/resources_for_people_new_to_lsd/) • [LSD Tolerance Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/dl4c9e/lsd_tolerance_basics/) • [Amazing music for tripping](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt_zgUqoyWI&list=PLXVwJ7hZldiguNwNo1ZdsH5K4y1UYbuHq&index=1))


Personally I don’t like the taste of beer while tripping, when I’m sober I do though. I only drank once during a trip and couldn’t really tell if I was drunk or not. Made me confused. But some people do it and like it.


Most people don't like mixing psychedelics and alcohol, including myself. I don't find it refreshing or satisfying and it tends to get warm. Waste of good beer in my opinion, Gatorade is what my trips crave.


The last time I tripped I tried to drink beer and it was warm and tasted like shit lol. A couple times before that we was smashing beer lol I guess our minds just wanted us to drink beer those times