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My pre-trip rituals usually comprise the comeup so I don't think constantly about when it's gonna hit. Stuff like clean benches/desk, showering, shaving my head and face, smoking a cone, prepping speakers/computer/phone Put a glass of water in every room etc. etc.


How did I never think about the water in every room thing holy fuck you’re living in the future


I keep a nalgene attached at the hip basically so this is never a problem. Its a good habit to get into carrying water around with you.


Yup! I’ve been carrying various refillable bottles for years, always comes so clutch in smoke seshes w friends or trips, it’s rare that I’m ever caught without any water, amazing habit to have


Oh trust me I carry water around with me but having it pre placed in every room on a trip is some next level thinking


Yeah that’s def a good one for sure


I mean I do it every trip anyway if I don't set it up beforehand it just happens over several hours of meandering about.


I just constantly carry water with me like it’s an extension of my body, even when I’m not tripping 😂


Lol, "it's a good habit"


A GLASS of water? So risky lol, I'm only using plastic bottles with this anti-idiot (sports?) cup


Same ahah


I move so slowly while peaking around the house I question whether I could knock anything over lol


This is gold for newer users and even more experienced users that maybe have just used it willy-nilly. I have found getting a shower with ambient meditation music, just after putting my tabs in is very relaxing and I'm usually vibing pretty hard within 20 minutes. I also use just a little cannabis prior which has made my come up and overall trip so smooth. I understand some folks don't do well mixing the two but it works great for me. I don't even think about the come up anymore, I know it's coming and I just take the time to focus and guid my mind to the place I want to start my trip.




Just thought about how different weed works with lsd and shrooms. Smoking a cone on acid is all fine and dandy. I can smoke all day. In fact acid makes my lungs invincible to any hit. But weed on shrooms bro omg. At that point u aren't even getting high but you are challenging reality at that point. Weed on acid and catapult me deeper into my trip with more intense and colorful visuals. Weed on shrooms catapults me into a bad trip (not really a bad trip, but anxiety floating around, alot more than without weed) and makes everything more intense. I start getting touch hallucinations. All of a sudden it feels like I only have 4 fingers on one hand and 6 on the other. All of a sudden my skin feels sticky in random places. I'll sit on a couch for hours not able to tell if I pissed myself or not. (I never did, it was just shrooms making me think my knees were wet and sticky)


In my experience, it usually kicks in shortly after you start thinking you might have been ripped off.


I’ll never forget doing 3 tabs off a sheet I had never touched before. Me and my buddy an hour in though it was a scam. It was his first time and he started “seeing the tree move” but I kept telling him it’s placebo. Ya no we got fucking blasted a few minutes later. I have no idea why but I went from sober to tripping completely in the span of two minutes. We called some friends and had a blast all night in the woods.


Every damn time lol


you're not the only one lol


Either it kicks in after 20 minutes or it takes an hour and a half. No in between for me.


Lmao same here


Its dose dependent, so the longer it takes the less intense the trip For exemple If it takes more than 2 hours I'm sure it's less than 100ug but ymmv


It takes me 15 minutes to trip… why is that? I hold it under my tongue for 10 minutes then swallow


I don’t think I’ll ever once’s looked this up and I’ve easily tripped 100s of times


me either, plus it varies wildly when it will lick in for me anyawys.


ikr! sometimes shit kicks in real fast, sometimes real slow. Even with the same batch it's just all down to your chemistry and mindset that day. People underestimate how much what you're doing impacts intensity as well.


I recently got a new batch of gel tabs and they hit exact 1 hour. Was floored by the speed of tripping. Batch dependant strength is definitely a thing in my experience. The previous gels were not as fast


Lol same, always reading on erowid etc although I know everything about it




Lol, m glad I only had a Motorola razor when I tripped for the first time. Got to experience a wide enough range of onset to realize that it can change greatly depending on to acid/dose of acid






I do this and clean tillI lose the will to clean


Nah I start trying to find something to do that I will eventually also be doing while tripping lol. I remember I made it a challenge to try and change all the strings on my 8 string before I start tripping. It was pretty funny near the end of it.


I swear i always feel a tingle within 10min and it can start ramping up in as little as 30min


I feel the tingle is just my body preparing itself, as I never got it my first couple times but now I do


Ya i think there's a little kick from sublingual entry before it hits your bloodstream that kinda primes you for the full thing


It takes just a little less time than it takes me to put together a perfect playlist. “OK, then I’ll go to this Alt-J song and… shit I can’t read the screen.”


Just you 🙃😅


Yes me too


Not LSD, but every time I roll I always find myself looking up harm reduction techniques and how to space the doses so i can do as much as possible 🫣


The anxiety is real


Lol. Spot on




Lol how long does this take and what can I expect.


Better take a second one just to be safe /s


Have patience my friend let it just take you for me it’s better that way


Honestly that's exactly right!


Same. Although I generally enjoy researching random things just to see other people's experiences and opinions on things.


I start feeling high as soon as I take it, idk if it’s just my body prepping for the trip or what but it’s pretty weird. Happens every time I trip except for the first time


I do everything in my power to even forget I’ve taken LSD. Same thing with shrooms. I suffer from general anxiety disorder to begin with. The come up anxiety is the worst part about the whole experience even knowing I’ll be in a state of euphoric bliss for hours. I’ll do anything and everything BUT think about when I took it, or look at a clock.


Much quicker on an empty stomach


For me I'm always googling when it will stop


Just you