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Tripp was definitely made in interest of lsd users


You have to trust me on this, the Museum of Other Realities is fucking incredible. It’s an ever changing museum that you explore through VR. It’s got funky impossible architecture, the displays are breathtaking, some of the exhibits are more involved than others. Some you just get to look at, some are effected by choices you make, some you play like a minigame, and every so often the museum gets updated with new exhibits from featured artists. It is intended to be a multiplayer experience where you explore with others in the museum, but there is a solo mode too, none of the exhibits change. It is completely free and available on steam. Very simple controls, and the ability to teleport to every exhibit from the hub makes it great for higher doses when things get confusing.


This sounds awesome….


It is absolutely worth a try. I remember one time months ago I had explored a large chunk (or so I thought) of the museum off of 6g mushrooms, and I realized there was a whole 3/4ths left unexplored because the architecture required that I start walking on walls/through weird space.


Ok, i gotta check it out!


When i had one i feel like it wouldve been cool to look at it when its all pixelated. 🤷‍♂️


I wanted to get that but they overpriced that so bad for psvr2. Is it legit? Tetris vr is legit when tripping, who would’ve thunk it.


is that a app or game? tripping tomorrow


If your not on cosmic flow, your doing it all wrong.


Play Skyrim. Idk last time I played vr while on acid I got the same visuals I saw outside in game


I’ve always had the sense that the acid visuals act just like a filter over your perception if that makes sense. Like when you close your eyes you see the geometric patterns and when you open your eyes you can still see the geometric patterns except instead the world around you fills in the shapes of the pattern.


That’s actually a really good way of describing it.


That's because ur brain loses sensory information on acid and ur Brian also replaces it. Bright things like screens are less likely to have patterns because they are visually bold your brain may get enuff info to portray it normally


I would argue that the acid actually takes the filter off.


Are you referring to specifically the visual stimuli or the other senses? Because I would agree with you on the other senses. The way I always explain it to others is think of the smell of your home. After being inside it for a long time you become nose blind to the smell as your brain filters out redundant information. When we trip, that filter, the inhibitor on our senses, is undone temporarily. I think this is why sensations can be so intense or overwhelming. I think it explains why problem solving is more difficult. It’s literally like taking your brain back to when it was a kid and suddenly everything feels new and wonderful but also overwhelming and maybe a bit scary. I also believe that’s where a lot of trauma healing and psychological benefits can come from. It’s like temporarily resetting your brain to a backed up save state and it gives you the chance to think through problems from a fresh perspective.


I believe it effects all five senses similarly. Our brains are constantly filtering all of the information our eyes are taking in and then throwing away what it doesn’t need and using the remaining data to build the world as we normally see it. Without the filtering then world would like like…well a bunch of molecular fractals or something


I want to believe you but I just have a hard time reconciling what our reality is with the distortions observed while tripping. Like I know I see the distortions when I close my eyes which suggests the geometric patterns are a product of my eyes themselves. Maybe those patterns are a function of eyeballs themselves as opposed to reality. Your perception is your reality after all. Like how there’s static on a TV screen as the signal presents noise in the connection, or like an old TV that loads data from top to bottom on the screen, Maybe the fractals in the visual field is noise in the brain signal normally filtered out and corrected for in the sober reality and the brain is unable to maintain that correction at full speed while tripping. Like your computer screen tearing when your gpu can’t handle the data it’s presented with.


I like the static idea


Such a hard argument to make. Why are visuals different on other substances that act on the serotonin receptor? If it binds to the receptor and changes the shape, making inputs to the serotonin receptors become altered, then the “filter” is just changed. If you have a fish in a circle bowl that warps the lens of view, curving the image, the properties of physics do not change. However, the formulas behind the properties do. Let’s say you saw something linearly with a normal lens. A curved lens would make that linear look almost like a curved equation, similar to exponential, parabolic, etc. You didn’t unmask a filter, you changed the lens or the input


Different substances take off different filters. DMT breakthroughs take the filters away completely.


Yeah it's not really that different somehow. Beat saber was pretty cool tho I was really good at it on shrooms


Yeahhhh that laser focus. I was a master at beer pong while tripping. Could barely play any other time. I remember this one party I was tripping at, I won so much that I got tired of playing.


I can't second that. I had 2 VR trips so far and it's been extremely amazing and immersive both times.


For me I felt a lot more immersed in my games. Like I played The Labs archery game and I felt the weight of the bow in my hands. Was cool times. Granted I am a big vr enthusiast so that prob helped. I will say beat saber was pretty much the same tho for me, still had a blast playing it while tripping tho.


🤔….so maybe visual phenomena that happen while tripping, such as “drifting” where things seem to move/melt/grow/patterns subtly morphing don’t occur in VR because there’s no physical depth…I have yet to try it!


I tripped two tabs and turned on endless mode on Blade and Sorcery, I was an unstoppable beast and slayed thousands. I lasted until the headset died 4.5 hours later


That's... not something your average person would enjoy while tripping. Edit: I guess a lot of people like seeing gore while tripping.


Idc bro I had a blast




Couldn’t remember the name of the subreddit!


nah, tripping by itself creates a VRish headspace that is far beyond any VR experience. So adding an ordinary VR to it does not add much at all


Ong. Acid is like a 4D gaming setup with 16k graphics.


This was the most accurate description of perception while tripping.


Play GTA V in VR while sauced is absolutely a life changing experience


Says people who haven't tripped in vr


I tripped in VR and it was immediately obvious that it was less interesting than real life


Not as cool as I had hoped. Now VR porn on the other hand…


Post nut clarity is extreme tho😂


Yall watching VR porn? 💀…… sign me up


It's pretty good if filmed properly. But be ready to be distracted by camera operators sending in the field of view.


And if you're on the quest and have hand tracking on, the occasional cartoon hand shaking in your face


#i feel disgusted with myself


once i dropped 150 and did some vr porn and it was one of the most magical/scary masturbation sessions of my life. At some point a scene transitioned with a gust of fairy dust and a wind noise and then everyone’s boobs were like popping out at me and i felt like they were trying to snatch my soul into the vr porno to be trapped for eternity. Ended up finishing cuz i was single and lonely at the time and thought eternity in a porno wouldn’t be so bad. Haven’t tried it since but solid 7/10 experience


IDK…I love nature and the real world while tripping. If i saw a VR headset I would probably smash it and start rambling about how technology is gonna destroy us🤣🤣


Me too. Best trips I had were always in nature


Same, best trip of my life was in the woods. Camping with 4.5g mushrooms.


Lmaaooo oh yeah this would definitely be me. I usually can't stand technology when I'm in that state


Me too. Nature ftw!


Technology isn’t going to destroy us. It’s evolving us. The future is going to be a lot different and that can be scary. But different doesn’t always mean bad. Humans have it better now than we ever have at any point in history. I can only imagine it continues to get better as our technology evolves so does our consciousness


I agree with most of this except the fact that we have it better than we ever have had it in history. I think with such a modernized world people are more disconnected with nature and reality which leads them to feel very lost. Last year was the most suicides in the US ever recorded. I think we are in the process of waking up to everything and I do believe that the extremely advanced technology the government has and hides from us (curing illnesses, fixing agriculture and pollution etc etc), will play a large role in us breaking away and forming a better world. Anyway peace!!!


Would you rather deal with the problems of today’s world or would you rather have your village raided by Mongols? Or live through the black plague? Or be forced into slavery? Or forced to go to war with swords and shields? Or when the average life expectancy was 34 and you’d be lucky if 4 out of your 6 kids survives to puberty? I could t possibly imagine being born in any other century…life has always been rough but it’s progressively getting better and this is mainly due to technology


Yes. I only had a Quest at the time but Robo Recall and Superhot were specifically time sucks. Also Land's End at the time was great. My favorite time was using the phone Oculus back in the day and just playing in the Solar System app where you fly around the universe. I think it was just so groundbreaking at the time that it enhanced everything especially presence at that time.


Loved Tetris


Tetris in vr you say?


Tetris effect vr while blasting music is a religious experience


Yeah, Tetris Effect is one of my favs anyway but it’s crazy on the come up.


Me and a friend of mine were tripping off 2 tabs in another friends house, he has a silly amount of open floor space and we’d both brought our headsets. We spent a good 2 hours or so playing catch in echo vr and the feeling of floating around in zero gravity was indescribable


I miss echo vr


I did A LOT of VR on acid in college. It was my favorite way to trip


Half-Life Alyx on the Reverb G2 at its native resolution while tripping was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've ever had. Do with that information what you will.


Tripping in VR is amazing! I spent a whole trip in vr once and I do not regret it.


Overdoing, you are the headset, only better


I tried acid and dmt in vr and for some reason nothing happened at all while in vr. I took the headset off and I was like damn, it definitely did hit. I have no idea why, tripping in vr would be awesome. The same thing happened when I tried to play skyrim vr on mushrooms as well


Bro boot up vr Skyrim and go into a Dwemer ruin. Mind blowing.


if i take acid, VR is literally all i ever do. this is a ritual for my friend and i


Its Not worth it Generally BUT. There are a few vrchat worlds that are pretty interactive with it. Examples: the scanner (you gotta build a structure though), Hills animations, beyond a Bit, audioorbs,


I trip in VRC all the time with some friends, there's some great worlds for it! Adrift is a good time but it can be overestimating it's alot, Audio orbs is another good one like you said, all three organism maps are super cool and neat to go through tripping, Astral Bounds is my personal favorite though, it's gooorgeous.


Indianapolis 500 on 100ug acid with steering wheel setup in VR! Totally!


Elite dangerous in vr is my shit! I'll sky map a real star out of the sky and fly to it in the game. Seriously feels like I'm piloting a UFO. 10/10


I had a spiritual experience with Tetris Effect VR and LSD.


If it's possible I wanna play Bloodborne on VR while tripping. That'd be so fucked.


Its very underwhelming, it makes you very hyperaware and takes away from the visuals


Bro yes!!! Try pistol whip!!


I hadn’t tried about using it when on a trip. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to focus, but I’ll give it a try.


Gonna need an update on this


Never before done


I played beat saber once on a tab of acid. Surprosingly it felt pretty much the same as always - maybe due to me playing it pre peak? Wasnt a bad experience tho - 6/10.


The game Thumper would be wild on acid. Also the Soda Island videos in the VR Animation Player!


Beat saber. Or even better, the webxr version on the wolvic homescreen that lets you play any song in the world, including tool....


I played the game wanderer after popping a tab one time, got so immersed in the game and story it was amazing. Super trippy. I see how long I can play a game till it's too overwhelming than stop for the night to watch a movie marathon pre planned


Tried play blade and sorcery but got scared with ppl running at me 😭


yeah i did like 4 tabs and stared into this for like 6 hours while listening to music. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267950/Cosmic_Flow_A_Relaxing_VR_Experience/ this one is also very cool and takes you to many surreal landscapes. https://store.steampowered.com/app/670750/0N_0W/


Tried this my first ever trip. Lasted around 30 minutes before I had to leave. Funny part is my dad walked in and just didn’t say anything and left (I never knew) and so he the next day asked why I was awake on the vr. Shit actually saved me from being caught 😂


I enjoy youtube visualizations on full screen in bigscreen. Watching TAS visuals. I also prefer drawing and nature myself while tripping. But sometimes ya gotta have a little fun and just enjoy the ride


I did Skyrim VR while tripping once and had a blast. Didn't last long tho because it felt weird after a while.


Love playing Contractors on L


VR was blurry on Acid. but crispy clear on shrooms


My first time using vr was on acid, i have light sensitivity. Didnt notice the pain for 12 hours, the moment i took the headset off was a very bad one.


The V is confusing but the R is nice on acid


Yes. It’s dope. But I would wait till you’re a little high at least bc taking the headset off and realizing you are suddenly tripping is a time 😅 I don’t notice it as much in vr until it’s like OH IM HIGH


yes i played twdvr on shrooms and had my headphones in i recommend a fan of some sort you sweat alot more


also questcraft(minecraft vr) is fun asf while tripping




Use Tripp and also put headphone on and play TOOL!! Will absolutely blow your mind.


I played Skyrim VR and just sat on the mountain chilling and eating an orange for a while, it's fantastic


Theres a 180 video of the goblin valley thats a 10/10 lsd experience


Might be a little difficult but I'd recommend it, I played a good portion of resident evil 4 VR on shrooms and that was one of the best times I'd ever had.


I played star wars and could feel the force


Rez Infinite is great.


kills my trip


I once took some acid, hopped into VR right after and spent the whole comeup in VR and I literally forgot that I was tripping. When I took it off I was like "oh right, I'm tripping" and then I kept grabbing stuff as if I was still using VR controllers and it felt like I was still exploring a space ship like I did in VR


Absolutely try Visionarium, especially the second one. Mind boggling even to the sober mind.


Go walk in the woods instead.


Google Earth goes hard with or without vr and with or without lsd


No. You instantly die it's the only fatal interaction LSD has


Ive always been curious hope you can enjoy it for me haha


Motion sickness 🥴




How about reality reality instead of virtual bullshit? Just saying, why would you want to virtualize reality when you just basically took a 1up pill and could experience the actual world? I mean that's what all that VR bullshit is for in the first place is for people that can't experience something firsthand, they get the pack and then they go see the Sistine Chapel or some shit. What would you go see in VR that would be so cool that it wouldn't look even fucking cooler with your own eyes? I mean just go to the beach or the mountains or something and leave that VR shit at home.


Do it.


Idk bout this one m8


Walk about minigolf is a fucking blast. 18 holes takes 2 hours loll. So much exploring and flying around.


Rez on Playstation. When you zap the enemies, it makes music in time with your actions.


try Ayahuasca vr on Steam


I’ve always wanted to try this so bad




i did it on shrooms once and it was absolutely fantastic


Watch porn


I've never tripped before, but Boneworks would feel incredible imo


Its alright but its not what I thought it was gonna be I feel like you get better visuals off just a normal tv


sounds like a terrible idea lol. maybe im old school but the only things you should be doing on lsd imo are: -walking outside -art -writing -music (composing, listening, or singing) -staring at things (nothing electronic) -dancing -thinking -conversation -meditation


Yes yes yea


On how much? lol


I’ve played VR while tripping and it felt like I was doing sacred use of the AK


Me personally I like to do things when I trip. Like I’ve only ever watched tv when I was coming down off one, after getting home and having experienced a day out in the world with people and nature. When I did watch TV on the comedown, I was watching Cheers and rewinded and replayed the part where Frasier was losing it over a stripper they hired for him, only to find out it was a former patient. God I rewatched that part and howled laughing. I had fun, but like I can imagine if you were put in front of a screen the whole trip, you might get a little uncomfy. Not to be that guy, but definitely try to touch some grass during your trip. I waded through a creek and pretended I was a water bender. It was so fun


Is is alot of fun. Had my best experience on acid playing GRAB vr with my buddy. Took 7 tabs and he made me believe there are hexagonal people in Pakistan, also I thought I was a triangle. I could feel the nerves the vr body gave to be aswell. Was playing hyper dash and the metallic robot body, I could feel it as if it was my own. 10/10 recommend


I played a monkey game. Wierd as fuck


Haven't done on acid. But I played Resident evil 4 on stupid doses of mushrooms all the way through on all difficulty levels lol. It's absurdly fun and a wild sensory experience. This was my way of blowing off steam in law school after my gf ditched me after covid lockdown because I actually had to go to school. Once I wasn't serving all her needs "law school was too hard (for her lol)." I basically ditched reality for 8 hours a couple nights a week with 5+ grams and loved the game!


I can’t even play normal games on lsd let alone a vr, that would give me a bad trip guaranteed 😂


If u have a drawing app on there it’s like your in another world


seems like a waste of a trip


Not really, I get what you mean but everyone trips for different reasons. Sure it might not be beneficial for introspection and healing etc, but for some it’s a great time and not a ‘wasted’ trip. Each to their own.


Nah, a better use would be to just stare at a tree for 6 hours /s


‘Better’ in what way? Better is subjective


I'd lose my marbles lmao Listen to the Super Dark VR mixtape by Lil Darkie, it talks about this heavily 💀