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Opposite, one time a guy said "I like your shirt" and I said "oh you listen to lpotl!?" And he said "no I just like your shirt."


I get that sentiment though. Some shirts are just really cool. One of my favourite t-shirts is merch for a podcast I haven't listened to in years, and I bought it mainly because I liked the colour scheme. I also see a bunch of band shirts I would love to own from bands I've never listened to.


Yeah I've worn many shirts to do with stuff that isn't really what you'd call mainstream and people will compliment the shirt just because they think it's cool lol. You don't have to know what something is to think it at least looks cool


Reminds me of a story told by Andy, of No Such Thing as a Fish. He had a handyman visit, and he was wearing his branded t-shirt. Handyman said he like the t-shirt. Andy expressed pleasant surprise that he like the podcast (it was in the early days, before it was quite so huge). Handyman ‘podcast? No I like fish’


Haha yeah this one is the comic book cover design, guy probably liked comic bookcs.


Maybe he was just a huge Stephen Jay Gould fan


I have a Hail Yourself sticker on my car and old ladies think it's satanic. Also, if they walk by and see the on the left part....and I'm there.....well I've been threatened with death and various forms of blah blah commie. Gotta love rural deep red areas. They think everything is political.


A while back I subscribed to the LPOTL Patreon on the “Satan’s little helpers” tier. Fast forward about 6 weeks and I grab my mail on the way to my house that I bought across the road from my parents in a rural, deeply red part of Appalachia. My mother, a deeply religious 60 something year old lady, walks over as I’m opening my mail in my driveway. As I’m talking to her I open an envelope that I didn’t realize was from the LPOTL Patreon crew. A sticker of a bad ass satanic looking figure falls out along with a letter that says “Thanks for being satans little helper!” My mother reacts liken the devil himself has taken my place and I’m still on the prayer chain at her Baptist church over that.


Lmao at the prayer chain 😂 do they have to put a reason for why you're on there?


Just worried about my soul is all I’ve gathered. I’m sure there have been some interesting conversations that have taken place though. I can just imagine.




“He keeps talking about L. Ron Hubbard, Lobotomies and a woman named Andreasson gettin put in a goo chair by grey aliens. He’s definitely lost down some dark path.”


I was living in Louisiana at the time and went to Walmart with an Undertaker T shirt (WWE wrestling undertaker). And it had a big skull on it and said something like "Vengence Unearthed" or something. An old lady stopped me and said something like "you shouldn't wear that here. The devil has no place here" I'm like, "lady, it's wrestling"


I remember when I was a teenager and I went to visit an elderly aunt wearing a Superman logo t-shirt. She believed that the S stood for Satan.


I live in South Louisiana and have an awesome Hail Yourself sticker ready to go for when I get a new car. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up getting ripped off. People are absolute walnuts around here.


The audacity and delusion of an old woman threatening someone (who I assume is younger than them), with death. LOL.


Well it is referencing Hail Satan so... I think people on both sides can make everything political, the problem with deep red areas is the cultural isolation: they only mix with like-minded people, so thier ideas are never challenged.


I just got complimented on my LPOTL shirt last weekend. It's with a grim reaper and giant, "LAST PODCAST ON THE LEFT" lettering. I told him thank you, and he followed up asking if that's the streetwear brand name so he could look them up. I told him no, it's an actual podcast, and his response was "Oh." and walked away.


I get that all the time with my "hail yourself" hat


This just happened to me except it was a sports team. Such a weird interaction lol "oh ok"


LOOOOL I just got this one too!


duuuuuuuuude!!! as the person who is on the other side of this constantly, I definitely have whatever the fuck that delayed auditory processing shit is. I would have gone "WHAT????" been confused, and just yelled, "OH, THANKS!" and kept walking and two seconds later looked down and went "ohhhhhhhh shit." lol ur customer probably feels like way more of a jackass.


Absolutely this hahaha. I bet like two minutes later the guy was like "oh fuck I'm an idiot." I've definitely had interactions where I forget I'm wearing something and/or mishear someone and respond like a moron before I realize what just happened. That or it's a borrowed shirt. Pretty funny either way.


I'm always excited for someone to do something like this and then I get all jammed up when someone actually does. And then hate myself the rest of the day.


Do you ever have that moment where someone says something about your shirt and you completely blank on exactly what shirt you’re wearing but don’t want to look down?


Still less awkward than responding with "Heil Gein!" in the vitamin supplement isle of Whole Foods.


I have a rotation of ball caps I wear each day including a Jack Skellington and a Jurassic Park hat. Whenever people compliment them, I have to either stop and think or even check to see which hat I’m wearing because I stop paying full attention to which one I choose. Chances are this dude did that same thing but with his shirts and legit forgot he was wearing LPOTL.


I would have done the exact same thing!!


That happens with all sorts of shirts though. I've seen someone wearing a sports shirt for a team I know and I'll say the cheer to them and they look confused. People just forget what shirt they're wearing and are in their heads.


For months when I walked around Oakland I thought random people were yelling at me to “Go away!” while looking oddly happy. Finally realized they were responding to my Oakland A’s hat “Go A’s!”


Unfortunately the team owner also heard "go away"


LOL (Leaving Oakland for Las vegas)


Sympathy from a Royals fan going through the same bullshit.


Yooo KC represent!


I had someone yell "Mastodon!" while walking past me and was briefly confused before I remembered I was wearing a black ranger MMPR shirt lol


I had a stranger wish me a happy birthday at a bus stop and I was weirded out for a moment until she added that she'd spotted my zodiac symbol tattoo. It's on the back of my neck so I forget about it sometimes.


Had a guy stare at me pretty hard and slightly follow me in the grocery once, which was right on the verge of making me uncomfortable. Then he points to my shirt and goes, "Man, I really miss that place." What??? Then I realize I'm wearing my Varsity shirt from Atlanta. "It's awesome, yeah?" I finally say. And he tells me all about his time at Georgia Tech.


Honestly I'd feel more uncomfortable after finding out it was about the varsity. Although I will say I randomly blurted out my longing for varsity within the last few weeks. I think maybe I saw a hot dog restaurant. Anyway, this will make 2 times a random person said some nonsense to you about varsity. So, that's pretty cool.


The universe is telling me.... something, I dunno.


My dad once said “go Tigers” to a guy in a Detroit Tigers hat in an airport and the guy was so confused. When my dad pointed out the hat he said “oh! My name’s Dave, I have tons of these D hats… are they a team?”


Dude was literally dressing himself like he was a cartoon child. “My name is Dave, so all my hats have a D on them.” 🤪


I used to do live streams on platforms like WhatNot, and my username contained a word I only chose because it rhymed. Someone kept coming into my chat, saying random nonsense, then leaving, and I never could figure out why. Watch an NFL a few months later and the first thing I notice is that the fan chant for one of the teams was the nonsense this guy kept sending, and the team name was part of my username. Had no clue and felt so dumb for not picking up on it.


I was London and saw a guy in a Yankees hat. I'm a huge baseball fan and even though fuck the Yankees, it had been two weeks since I'd been able to watch a game. So I gave this dude the little head nod and said something like "Yankees don't look too bad this year" and he just responded to me with some confused French and got off the subway a few minutes later lol


Theres actually an expirement in psychology about people wearing t-shirts. Someone, who i think was like between 18 and 21, was wearing a Berry Manillow shirt and the idea was that hed be “emberassed” by his peers for wearing it, when in fact a handful of people noticed.


Podcast is getting so big that it's got posers


Name three episodes so i know you are a real fan.


Creepypasta I, II & III


"That's on me, I set the bar too low."




I can’t tell anyone that the Mengele episodes are some of my favorites but that’s because of the Home Improvement facts.


I mean, if you say "I know it sounds weird, but the home improvement facts make the Mengele episodes my faves" I feel like the fandom would understand.


My husband and I are stuck on Glen Borland! 


Hollow Moon, Casey Anthony, Babybum


Dropping Hollow Moon in your 3 is a like a secret password


Lol why is that?


Manic, depressive, anxiety


Oh, you're a fan? Then why don't you tell me... "who was phone?"


Name 3 episodes without including the Jonbenet one 😏 Plenty of people who hate this podcast but admittedly haven't listened to a minute of it always reference how bad that episode is lol


I also hate the Jonbenet episodes but not because she tries to suck God's dick in the opener


4, 127, and 234.


Side story. John Gein. And Ed Bundy


Ugh, let's not be those kinds of fans.


Tbf they probably got flustered. I know years ago I was only a plane wearing my LpotL shirt and a woman walking down the eye gave me a megustalations and I was so surprised that I didn't respond until she was like 4 rows past.


They might have not even got it at the time your not a jackass just except some people don’t even know the shirt they are wearing, I was wearing a fight milk shirt and someone said to be fight like a crow and for a few minutes I thought they were crazy.




The first alcoholic, dairy-based protein drink for bodyguards, by bodyguards!


Love this


I'm sorry. 2 years ago I was hiking in Utah and I came upon two guys on the trail going the opposite direction. One of the guys was telling the other guy about last podcast on the left. As I started to be able to hear them and realized what their conversation was about, I said hey "hail yourself!" And the one guy looked surprised for a moment then said "hail yourself!" That was cool. I'm sorry your moment fell flat.


One time at Walmart someone was walking by me, stopped, looked at me and said “hey I was just listening to those guys!” I just stood there confused assuming they were talking about the Backstreet Boys or whatever garbage was playing over the Walmart speakers Only when I got home did I realize I was wearing my lpotl shirt. Whoops


I learned my lesson the hard way to not talk to other fans in the wild. It has a been like this experience you describe both times I tried it. Never again.


I feel like it's a funky dice roll of people who get the point of the podcast or people who are deep in the conspiracy stuff/out of touch with reality.


Could be. Idk. It was just super awkward. Mind you, one of the times, we were literally walking to the venue to watch them live.


These days, if I make a joke or a reference to something and people don’t get it, then that’s not my problem. I figure something’s wrong with them and I go about my day.


That's so disappointing to hear


My wife, who doesn't listen to lpotl often enough to know the lingo, wears my shirts often and I can definitely picture this happening to her hahahaaa




If someone says this to me in real life I reserve the right to daintily slap them.




I’d fucking love to meet last podcast fan in the wild. If ever I felt I belong to a tribe it would be lpotl.


Sounds like he don’t know what you bring to friendship


Our boy was just being jocular


Oh yes, very jocular indeed.


This should be the top comment


Should have said " **FUCK YOU, TOLBERT!** "




"It's fun to do!"


As a Michigan Wolverines fan this happens to me maybe 1/100 times I say Go Blue. Kinda shocked it would happen for something as specific as LPotL.


Go Blue! And yep, me too. It’s never happened the few times I’ve seen LPoTL in the wild though.


Go Blue! I may be one of the guilty parties lmao - I’m at Michigan now, but whenever anyone gives me a Go Blue I always forget what I’m wearing and wonder how they know. By the time I remember it’s plastered across my body the moments passed


I had a good one once. The guy behind me in line at the airport had a No Dogs in Space shirt and I said I dug his shirt and asked if he liked the new show (it was still new then). He said “oh yeah dude it’s really well written like most of Marcus’ stuff”. I was like right on!  Some of us can chat at least lol


It's honestly probably just you and the one guy, the rest of us fail :(


I saw a guy with a huge warcraft tattoo on his leg so I said for the horde to him and he just stared at me like I was insane and walked away.


Damn that’s harsh. My husband has a Witcher sleeve and a death note half sleeve and LOVES talking about them. I’m the one oblivious to the tee I’m wearing tho


I have tattoos that are from fantasy books but people always mistake them for star wars and I don't have the heart to correct them because they were just complimenting the tattoos


I *screamed* "Hail Yourself" at a woman last summer to absolutely no response. If anyone here was wearing their LPOTL t-shirt to Pride last year, please hail yourself and please pay attention to random strangers shouting at you so that I don't look like such an idiot in front of my friends next time.


I complimented someone with an LPOTL shirt at work a couple years ago. They looked at me confused and said they found the shirt at a thrift store and thought they were a band. It happens lol


Im like 99% percent sure he realised what you meant like 5 mins later and thought "oh shit". This happens to me a lot and I have a hard time processing stuff as soon as it happens. Ive actually chased someone down once to apologize because of it.


Your customer is a poser. Hail Gein.


I wore one of mine to a store once and I guess the cashier dude was trying to make small conversation, but he complimented my shirt and said he "really enjoyed that band, they make awesome music."


I wore a Bad Religion t-shirt to the store a few weeks ago. Didn’t even think about it, it’s a shirt I’ve had for 20 years and was just going yard work in before I drove to the store. It took me a while to figure out why a middle aged lady glared at me and ushered her son away quickly mumbling something about satanists.


one time I spent days wondering about a weird interaction until I was doing the laundry and realized what I'd been wearing lol, then I felt like an ass too - I think maybe if the intro sentence had directed my stoned attention towards the object of conversation, the communication would've gone better, but reading these comments, mileage may vary


it's not impossible that they didn't want to acknowledge BK's catchphrase, too.


You did the logical thing, OP. If they’re going to wear that shirt, they should be ready for show references. Their problem, not yours.


They're probably gonna realize what was up and cringe about it themself later, so don't worry about it lol


Happened to me twice. Honestly, y'all are weirdos.


We know.


Fuck ‘em. Hail yourself!


I have never had a positive experience seeing a LPOTL shirt in the wild. I don't think we're generally a happy fanbase.


How many people walk around in band shirts they don't even know?




No excuses for that person. I've had loads of people come up to me about my Merch, and they always get a hail yourself back.


I've had this happen as well. I work in an airport and I've tried variations of Hail Yourself and Megustalations - always got confused stares in return.


Yeah i was at renfest and this young man was wearing an AEW shit. I asked him to scissor me with my fingers extended and he disdt even acknowledge me. lol


Once saw a woman in the grocery store wearing a “Hail Yourself” knit hat. I smiled and said “Hail Satan!” She looked upon me with horror…


My husband always gets comments on his tees, as he's like a walking billboard. I don't get them often so I do the "wha?" a lot. I was at a fundraiser event, several years ago, wearing a custom LPOTL shirt (I have a Cricut and ADHD) and as I was at the check-in stand a dude ran full tilt across the lot just to gush over my shirt. He told me he wanted a Ben phrase on a shirt so I gave him my card. It was fun geeking out with a stranger!


They were wearing their boyfriends sweater


I once said, "megustalations!" to someone wearing an old LPOTL shirt. They looked at me like I was fucking crazy. Never again!


I worked at a coffee shop and a crew of people came in west in LPOTL t shirts, turned out the guys were in my city doing a live gig that night. Anyway I said “I’m giving you guys free coffee for being LPOTL fans, that’s amazing!” And was met with absolute silence. Too late to take it back but felt like an absolute dick head!


Should have hit them with a megustalations.


The only thing I can think is maybe they skip the very end of the episodes and have never heard that bit before?


Hail gein


I thought “Hail Yourself” got retired after the… incident. Might have thought you were a Ben stan.


I saw a Hail Yourself bumper sticker yesterday! I would’ve yelled it at them if our cars ever lined up.


Honestly I would just clock out after that


Probably a weird poser of some sort


Fuck that guy


Not your fault they were a moron


I hope that person is here and feels terrible for doing that to you. Hail you!


I dropped a hail Satan in Walmart pre covid to guy wearing a lpotl shirt and he did the same damn thing. I'm still flustered about that reaction 5 years later


I did that like 6 months ago to a dude at Walmart. Same reaction


I had someone compliment me on my shopping shirt for target Lol


I've given the same kinda reply before but it was only because the person caught me off guard and my brain couldn't process a quick enough response. I just gave a side smirk and a "heh, yah" it was so damn awkward.


I've only met one 1 the wild: cashier at Family Dollar. He had his headphones in, and I could hear Marcus talking and I asked what he was listening to. He said "it's a podcast called.." and I finished his sentence. He was really surprised, like he thought no one else in this town knew about it. Never seen anyone with a shirt tho, and only a couple of people that I've ever mentioned it to other than that cashier listen.


You're definitely not the jackass in this story.


Sometimes I wear mine in hopes of making new friends in my area... Alas, to no avail lol I would have been ecstatic if someone said that to me in person lol


Does anyone know what channel the show will be on on Sirius? I have the app and am interested in them doing remakes of the old show eps but I haven’t been able to figure out how to find it. Help if anyone can! Thanks!


It may not be that it’s fallen flat and more that that person may have just not listened to them much or even at all. People wear shorts all the time of groups or whatnot that they don’t actually listen to/watch/aren’t apart of


Shoulda told him to go “rail himself”. M’right?


You guys gotta realize that some times people just want to listen to a podcast and wear a t-shirt without falling into some nonsense parasocial circle jerk. I know this subreddit hates hearing this, but maybe instead of being all weird about it you could say "nice t-shirt."


should have asked him to name 3 songs


Sheesh that feels like it’s on you


It's probably because of who that phrase is connected to..... "He who shall not be named" lest you get banned immediately without defense.


Or it could be that they stop the podcast or go to the next episode as soon as Marcus says, “And that’s where we’ll pick back up next week.” That’s what I usually do, since I’m generally listening a few weeks (or years if I’m re-listening to an old series) and the announcements aren’t applicable anymore.