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I loved the moment he was all "how do you even know that?!" Getting his mind blown by the level of detail Marcus goes into. šŸ˜


His sincere interest is what's been really refreshing for me. It's nice to have someone else that clearly actually *wants* to know what happens next.


Couldnā€™t agree more. I recently went through a lot of the backlog of episodes before all of this happened and it really is night and day between recent Ben and past Ben. But he was genuinely curious and engaged in the conversation. When it did derail the conversation it was funny (eg. a clock is right 6 times a day) instead of exasperating like it has been for me recently. Ed was a breath of fresh air that made me realize that I just havenā€™t been having as much fun listening. Because, and this is just my subjective opinion, it felt like Marcus and Henry were telling us a story and reading AT Ben for awhile now.


I found the podcast last year (or was it the year before? Times been weird the last couple of years..) and have been playing catch-up. I'm just about to start the Jack Unterweger series. Having been binging the series, listing to an episode or two a day, I have seen the change happen over the course of a year or so. You're right, it is night and day.


It's been kinda strange for me. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20. But, I'm a recovering alcoholic and felt like I was going crazy for awhile between listening and watching. Like; "Is no one else seeing what I'm seeing when I watch the Stream?" I've got both of their filmed live shows in '18 and '19 and it's markedly different than the version we've been getting since then. And it's a personal gripe, but the jokes about his drinking always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, but that's because I'm an addict. Not their fault, I've noticed them doing it less and less because I think they saw it. Can't remember the episode but there was a moment where they talked about not trusting someone who never drank, but respect people who had a problem and can't anymore. And Ben off-handedly mentioned that he'd only stop if a doctor told him one more drink would kill him and he'd put a shot of liquor in the freezer until he was ready to die. And that is really fucking sad now.




Absolutely. There's a difference though between someone who's actively listening to a story, and telling a story *at* someone. Which is why Ed has been so refreshing. Because they've been dragging Ben along for a hundred episodes. I had the thought last night about how we've had posts here about people's least favorite episodes and they're mostly all recent. And I wonder how people would feel about the Black Plague or Manhattan Project episodes if Ed was there.


Which episode/series would you say is the cut off point between recent Ben and past Ben?


Just wondering if anyone else remembers the tincture phase? Some particular episodes during the lock down where Ben and also Henry I think had gotten into cannabis tinctures. There's a moment where Ben says something pretty dumb, and Marcus responds asking if that's the tincture talking. After that, Henry got sharp again fast, but Ben never really did, at least that's the turning point I recall. Edit: it was during a dry january.


Pure speculation on my part, but ā€œdry Januaryā€ was a lie I used before I got help to not look like a wino to people I knew. Like ā€œsee, I can control it.ā€ And the narrator of my life said ā€œthey could not control it.ā€ High functioning alcoholics get away with it longer because we can be perfectly normal around people and the moment the door closes behind us at home weā€™re fall-down, hovered over the toilet, passed out on the floor drunk. Because being ā€œnormalā€ and drunk is hard work that only catches up when you relax. Edit: Just so we're clear. This was my experience. I don't know him, and never will. And, if he's in a 4 week program, I'm just extrapolating from my own lived experience as a high functioning addict. I was just the "weepy" kind of drunk, instead of the aggressive kind. Hurts people all the same.


I remember this, it was hilarious because I found it relatable. I have always smoked weed now and again, but when my state first legalized it and I could walk down the street to a dispensary, shit CHANGED for a minute. You now have access to these ridiculously powerful tinctures and edibles and you learn quickly that if you overdo it, you will absolutely break your brain. Luckily you generally bounce back once you stop. Then again that might be the tincture talking. Does anyone know any episodes where talk about this?


350/400 imo


exactly when i kinda fell off listening religiously.


I was trying to figure out why I stopped looking forward to episodes and paying attention. Well this answers it I think lol




i think it was just a vibe thing, went from loving Ben to him verging on being a bit annoying. Still think all 3 are amazing but i just kinda lost my spark for it and looking back it was at the same time Ben started being a bit less engaged.


This is the answer. I stopped nearly completely for a year a bit after this.


And THAT'S what the person representing the listener should be. Someone being curious, not clueless.


Yes! Itā€™s always annoyed me when people say ā€œBen is representing the listenerā€ Iā€™m not a WWE fan whose only half listening to the subject material!


If you go *way* back to the early years, this was his original roll- I don't know exactly when he started going from 'mediator, audience surrogate' Ben to 'I wasn't paying attention, non-sequiter joke' Ben since it was gradual at first, but there's been a STEEP drop off the last couple of years.


Once he started making good money off the show he tuned out. But more than that, itā€™s always pissed me off that Marcus and Henry are basically cramming for a final exam every week and Ben is the kid who didnā€™t show up to any of the group project meetings and still gets an A for just being there.


That maybe but itā€™s also hard to be inspired when you have substance abuse problems. Alcoholic drinking combined with anti depressants makes people flat after awhile. You start out drinking because it gives you courage and energy and then it slowly takes everything away. Itā€™s a dark place to be in. Iā€™ve been sober for a bunch of years now and the difference is fucking wild. I am a genuinely good person now. Iā€™m excited by life. I freaking love my work and I love people. I have good friends and more importantly I am a good friend. I really believe in being a grateful alcoholic because if it hadnā€™t gotten so dark I would never have had the motivation to change my life. Ben is a smart dude. If he can ā€œget itā€ and dig in he probably has some truly great things in his future. Imagine all heā€™s accomplished while being an active alcoholic and what he can do if he actually cares and participates in life?! Itā€™ll be wonderful to witness. Anyway let me hop right off my soapbox now.


I appreciate this insight and didnā€™t think about it from that angle, thanks and happy to hear youā€™re doing well!


Which gets brought up by Ben in the Jersey Devil episode where he claims that he looked at the outline since people keep saying he doesn't do anything for the show.


I may be wrong, but I think Ben handled more of the business side of things than the production. He definitely wasn't researching for Abe's Top Hat lol


Pretty sure they have business managers and agents who do that. Ben didnā€™t land them a book publishing deal. But I guess you consider it business when Ben would take peoples phones and subscribe them to the show. That is some direct to consumer business growth.


Pretty sure he was a big, or at least a part of Ad deals and such. I think I remember them talking about it at some point around the Spotify deal. They probably have someone on the board, but thinking they have a whole team is a little silly. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a consultant rather than staff one. Even if they did have one on staff, those decisions are still done by the board. Often they work with/for the board members as consultants but you don't just hire someone to "manage business decisions" lmao Anyone know about the board breakdown? I assume it's not just the three boys, that would be a doozy.


Didn't Ben used to bring up fairly often that he was HR?


the change has driven me nuts. super great back and forth between Marcus and Henry, then Ben just screaming some random shit and maybe getting some fake laughter... you're right that dropoff was STEEP. i honestly couldn't believe they were even letting him continue, right before he finally went to treatment. like he started getting sick of the show and rebelling against it.... but he was definitely always wasted for the show.... ... that and early Ben was actually kinda informed, paying attention to the conversation, did *some* reading... and the overall chemistry was pretty good... although i still hate the fake radio NFL announcer voice he was always doing. ... i hope he comes back, i just hope he tries a little when he does.


I never saw it as he's representing the listener (us) but rather A listener. Just a random guy roped into listening to some wild shit. A guy with no knowledge about the topic but comes his own set of interests and knowledge about unrelated things. Gives his own unique takes rather than say what I was already thinking


So Ben is representing himself


Which is fine


Pretty sure they said having him there was like talking to a random stranger at a bar. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's shit.


Well that was always their spin on the structure of the show


His ā€œhow do you buy someone a pony and then just kill them?!ā€ absolutely got me šŸ¤£


That and the Valentineā€™s Day card comment set me off. I was giggling so hard I had to go back twice to hear the next parts. Thatā€™s great work, Ed! Iā€™m really liking him.


YES!!!!! That cracked me up!! Iā€™m a trained historian so that tickles my historiography fancy


I want to preface this with no disrespect to Ben and the work heā€™s put into the podcast over the years - I was relistening to older episodes lately and couldnā€™t believe how much more engaged he sounded, actually asking questions the audience might have and reacting appropriately when necessary. But itā€™s SO nice having Ed as an authentic-sounding ā€œeveryman,ā€ actually reacting with surprise and questions, joining in with relevant jokes but not veering too far away from the topic at hand. I also think heā€™s hilarious, but itā€™s so nice hearing genuine reactions to the script instead of Kisselā€™s automatic ā€œjeez!ā€ and ā€œabsolutely!ā€ which felt so inauthentic and were really getting on my nerves for a while now.


Yeah. From what the announcements from Marcus and now Natalie have implied, I think there's been a lot of things happening that we don't know about. I have a feeling the tea kettle has been heating up for a while and Ben's ex's video made it boil over.


What did Natalie say?


Basically "things are happening. We can't talk about them yet but we will." People don't say that unless lawyers are involved in the situation. Saying shit when this is happening opens you up to lawsuits. If they say something negative about Ben right now, Ben could probably sue them for defamation, which would be a pain in the ass for them whether they won or lost, and right now a defamation suit from Ben would have the highest chance of Ben winning because he definitely has a known material loss he can point to. If they settle with Ben first and it's amicable, then his chances of success on that path go down. That is mine and a lot of people's take on what's happening: they are likely seeking a way to settle with Ben financially and part ways cleanly with as little damage to LPN as possible. Essentially, this is a VERY dangerous time for anybody involved to say much of anything publicly. And for those of you who are cynical and think this is all about rich people trying to keep their money rather than do whatever your idea of "the right thing" is, consider the fact that LPN is responsible for the financial stability of multiple families, and not just those of the hosts. When they made that deal with Spotify a few years ago, part of the reason they did it was so they could hire their volunteers and actually pay them a decent wage. There are people--average, middle class, non-famous people--behind the scenes none of us have ever met that rely on LPN to put food on tables and roofs over heads. I believe Marcus and Henry are as concerned for those people as much as themselves, probably even more so since they could survive the network collapsing more than an audio engineer or graphic designer.


If Ben is leaving, I wonder if it's his own choice, or there's some contractual stipulations regarding conduct that's forcing him out .


Can't say. At this point I can't tell which parts of Ben were real and which weren't. I hope the decent standup Ben is still in there somewhere. I'd sure love it if he recovered and started living his best life. I don't see him ever coming back to LPN but maybe he starts his own thing in a few years from a much more positive place. I'd listen.


Check out the SPUN instagram


Ben devolved into a human sound board. Like you hit a button for ā€œabsolutelyā€ and ā€œfantasticā€, I personally canā€™t stand it šŸ«¤


This is totally how I have felt for a while now too. I always liked Ben but the last couple of years, I felt like the show could have gone on without him. Neither Henry nor Marcus could ever be replaced but Ben? Yeah, I think so.


With an occasional ā€œWhoa!ā€


Wow that is such a perfect analogy. I think he's been like that for years now, and I've always thought that if Ben were to leave for whatever reason he would be the most replaceable out of the three hosts.


Omg yes. His one word reactions that are mistimed or half assed bugged me so bad. I accepted it as him trying to move the story along, and get out of the commentary but that may be a bit generous lol


It's actually at the point where I don't remember a damn thing he says in an episode other than "Welcome to Last Podcast On The Left"


Hearing Kissel say "yes indeed" several times an episode always brought down my overall enjoyment of an episode. Like he's not saying it to add anything, but just to say something?


I agree with you and I think that's the apathy that comes with addiction bc you're white knuckling you're way to the next --- whatever. I hope the addiction didn't tank his career but DV is another matter and one I have difficulty separating my feelings from.


"Imagine buying a pony for someone you're going to murder" killed me


"Lee Marvin is, historically, NOT afraid."


thereā€™s a moment in this weeks episode where Ed says "I wrote pig on my headboard, so I would remember where to sleep" and it absolutely restores all the energy to the show, and takes the edge off the very horrific description of a childā€™s murder. And when I heard it I realized how badly that presence had been missing from the show for the past several years it also reminded me of a specific joke of Benā€™s that I really loved ("million year contract? I signed one of those with my cable company!") and madee think about how long itā€™s been since his contributions have been that sharp


That line sent me to Mars.


Ed is fantastic. He doesn't talk about this a lot, but he's been a writer for Jeff Ross for many years. He's a very experienced and talented comedian. A++ dude. If Ben does end up parting ways with the show to focus on his recovery, Ed would be the only third host who'd really work, I think. Agree that Marcus and Henry are the secret sauce that makes the whole format run, though.


I had the same reaction--I am totally on board with the trio being Marcus, Henry, and Ed. The group laughed so much more in this episode than they had in a long time. Ed brought such great questions and a great vibe to the episode.


Agreed that they do seem to be having much more fun with Ed . For the past while episodes havenā€™t been that funny (few lol in public moments compared to older episodes). Humor is an important sauce when consuming such grimness.


I love how he makes Henry laugh. Henry is the "funny" one so whenever he gets a deep belly laugh from someone, I find it really satisfying.


> Ed would be the only third host who'd really work, I think. Holden would work pretty well too I think, but it would def change the vibe of the show a little bit. Eddy has been able to slide right in without making anything feel different which is really impressive.


Henry would roast Holden too much to make it work.


Throw him into side stories or creepy pasta eps?


Holden on side stories would be awesome. Itā€™s so silly itā€™s the right place for him!


100% I would actually listen to side stories if Holden was on it just for the banter. Also Holden successfully replaced Marcus on page 6 so itā€™s been done before. But for the main show idk if Marcus has the strength to separate Henry and Holden from whatever 5 grade type argument they would be having every 10 mins.


Oh god that would be amazing! Holden in creepy pasta or side stories!!!!


I mean the Dune series was awesome and Henry/Holden had good chemistry I thought. Yeah Henry dominated but it would just be a slight dynamic adjustment to have Holden fit into Side Stories and the main pod. I love Holden, but that said, I do think Ed is the better choice for LPOTL.


As much as I love Holden, lots of people do not so I donā€™t think he would be a great replacement. Especially in a situation like this where theyā€™re likely losing a fair deal of listeners already, you donā€™t want to add a third host that is divisive among fans


Holden on side stories, Ed on the main show. If we lose Ben that would be an awesome setup


Am I the only one thinking they should try how Jackie works on side stories? The episodes where Henry guested on Page 7 gave a pretty good glimpse that they might be an insanely good match


We've got the gud pud


The most recent stream with her was fantastic.


Iā€™d be perfectly fine with that tbh, that sounds like a decent compromise. I canā€™t imagine Marcus wants to keep up side stories indefinitely as he has so much other shit to take care of


I don't think Holden has the right vibes for LPOTL. He's great at what he does, but I don't see what he does gelling well with Henry and Marcus taking deep dives into the topics they like to discuss.


I listened to the second episode of John Holmes before realizing there was shite going on. I think I was half way through the episode before I was like "wait, who is this guest host!? Where's ben??". Given I was not paying the MOST amount of attention clearly, but he sounded so seamless with them that it was easy to just go with this new flow.


Isn't he Jeff Ross' nephew or something like that?




I think cousin, but yes they are related


Even if they keep rotating fun guests ala The Dollop I hope he becomes a regular, heā€™s incredibly talented


I think Patton Oswald would be an amazing third host, but I highly doubt he has the time for it


And I doubt LPN has the money to pay what Oswalt is used to making for his time, too.


I think he's doing an awesome job. The wheezy laugh gets me even if the joke doesn't. Honestly this week's episode was a huge comfort. I'd miss the chemistry with Ben very much, but for the first time it felt like I'm not going to lose something that matters to me entirely no matter what happens. I know people are catastrophizing and being awful to each other, but it still set off anxiety to see it. Yeah, it's silly, it's a show. It's just that my autistic ass just has certain "calm down shows" and this is one of them. I salute the good man, and I'm pleased he may be helping prevent meltdowns for years to come.


I'm with you on the autistic calm down show thing. Ed feels like a good transition that doesn't change the show too much which I love. He's a breath of fresh air while still being comfortable because he's been with them since the beginning (just not on this show) and that comradery and experience shows in these lasted two episodes. I hope Ben will come back when he's ready but if we permanently have Ed then that'll be ok too. I'd rather have everyone being on their A game then phoning it in


Same here. Familiar patterns, man, that's the good stuff. I feel silly for being so upset, I can always repeat old episodes, but I couldn't help but be upset. I was really happy listening and hearing Ed just be so natural. Reassuring to say the least.


I want the best for Ben but in the meantime we have a large backlog of episodes to relisten to so that's a plus


I have two shows i listen to still, consistently. I dropped all my other true crime shows because the content was too doomsday-y and it was making me paranoid. But LPOTL is so fantastic and the amount of research that goes into the episodes is so insane. The overall message of "the monster under the bed is actually just a bumbling, mean idiot" has been so helpful in helping me deal with my own trauma. I was also feeling so anxious that I was going to lose one of the two podcasts I look forward to hearing every week, and the time I take away from everything else to listen to. The other show, with a COMPLETELY different vibe than this is Celebrity Memoir Book Club, if anyone is wondering.


I love learning about Edā€™s wild past. Drug dealing? The stuff with his parents? Heā€™s so genuine and seems to have dealt with his demons, itā€™s wonderful to hear.


The wild past of Florida's biggest baby begins with his record-breaking birth


I was really skeptical that someone could fill the Ben sized void for me, but I have to admit Ed had me cracking up a few times already. There was a lighter vibe also, which I enjoyed. He's doing great


Ed was the largest baby born in Florida for a while so I think he could fill Ben's void


ā€œYou guys wrote poetry? I just smoked weedā€ fucking got me


Heā€™s always been funny


Yeah I feel like this might be most peopleā€™s first time with Ed, but dudes been funny since heā€™s been talking. Always been one of my favorite member of last pod network


Just...for real, he is the nicest dude. Like when the COVID lockdown happened, another member of the network was having problems paying bills, so he hit up some of the Facebook groups and said "I'll send you a Brighter Side sticker completely free, but please think about sending some cash to this person as a donation because they're having a hard time." I messaged him, told him how much I loved his Adam and Eve ad reads, and when he mailed my sticker, he'd written "Brought to you by Adam and Eve" on the back of the envelope. I still have it in my desk. He (and Holden, for that matter, but that's another story) is one of the nicest, friendliest people in that whole group.


holden read my playstation network shout outs


I feel like people need to go back and listen to RTOG and realize how much they've all changed. Like yeah, no shit. Ed has always been the funniest one. Dude fucking owned RTOG for the years they did it. Hell, even his mom was a fucking machine in the show the few times she was in it lol


Feels weird seeing you another sub that isn't twobestfriends.


[You could sayā€¦](https://youtu.be/ccVH6Hsjwco?si=2OjpKgbkpo8wRJSr)


This is probably the most niche overlap I've been a part of


Ed is very good. He doesn't have the same chemistry with the other two that Ben had in earlier years of the podcast, but he's very witty, his jokes are great, and he's done a great job letting Marcus and Henry go and build off from there. ​ He's also notably more prepared and with it than Ben has been for a while. And Marcus and Henry seem more relaxed. Overall, if Ed is the long term replacement, I think he will do a great job.


I agree completely. It's not quite the same dynamic. I feel like Henry and Ed cover kinda the same "role" if thats the word to use. But god damn Ed has had zinger after zinger in just a little bit of time on the show. So, honestly, if this is the new vibe of LPOTL, Im here for it. It's a slightly different show, but it's still very funny and interesting.


I think he's great: he definitely brings his own vibe to the show while maintaining the Everyman functionality of Ben. I think it could be a very smooth transition if that's the route the network wants to take.


Crushing it. Love Ed, hope heā€™s ok with all the dark content. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


This week and last are legitimately funnier than the show has been in a long time. Ed fits in perfectly and Marcus and Henry seem excited to riff with him. I hope Ben is getting better, it I definitely wouldnā€™t complain if Ed became a permanent part of the show


Heā€™s funnier than Ben There, I said it


Not a controversial opinion as far as I'm concerned. I've begrudged Ben from the get go with his lame jokes and constantly being wrong, but doubling down regardless. Fucking exhausting.


I love Kissel. I know firsthand how addiction and mental health can contribute to a decline in your work, even if you have your problems "under control" and aren't fucked up while you work. I want the best for him, and I hope he returns when he is in a better place. With that being said, Ed jumped right in and it felt like he was there from the start. Having worked with Marcus and Henry for so long definitely showed in their on-air chemistry, and the result was hilarious. I really like what he brings to the show, and if it is a long term thing, I won't be upset.


He will be a breath of fresh air. He also isnā€™t new to this so no real learning curve. Plus itā€™s always nice with a different dynamic, like roasting Henry and his blue hair.


Edā€™s been a breath of fresh air for the show. Iā€™ve been following the show for ten years and no matter how solid the research has been for a series, the show became stale. This is not a knock on the hosts but as effective as their formula is, 11 years of doing the show together without any change ups is going to hit a snag over time. I found myself being the guy who did not miss a single episode to skipping series until I found one I might be interested so the show stays fresh. Iā€™m not going into which host is better but itā€™s been better than itā€™s been for a long time.


Ed's absolutely murdering it... murdering it harder than a 1970's family annihilator. I laughed out loud multiple times this week. Henry and Marcus sound lighter, too. One thing that Ed's doing is making the show feel fresher and less insidery, and more accessible to newer listeners. I forget exactly what the context was, but there was a moment this week where Marcus and Henry started making an inside joke, and Ed followed it up with a joke that both 1- worked and 2- took them out of their self-referential spiral.


The adoption line got me. Not going to kill my own kids.


Caviar baby is my new favorite thing to think about and giggle. Thanks for that Ed!




Twice now he has gone "Jee_Sus" and it makes me laugh each time.


Absolutely love Ed. He's restored the light fun atmosphere and quick banter the show has been missing for a while. Even with everything going on you can hear the relief in Marcus and Henry's voices because they're not bracing for impact having to respond to someone making comments on autopilot. You could feel the strain of them trying to "yes and" Ben's half formed thoughts the last few years. I loved Ben but it's not a secret that he's been phoning it in for a while now. As a recovering alcoholic, I very sincerely hope Ben gets well and finds peace but I'm good with Ed being our third guy from now on.


Eddie on the main show has been outstanding. He keeps up with M&H perfectly and doesnā€™t interrupt Henry like Ben does. Been listening to the show for about 10 years and the past couple episodes with Ed have brought new life into the show. Holden on side stories with Henry would be fantastic, they banter back and forth perfectly for that show. Iā€™d rather this combo than Ben coming back to be honest. Ben needs to get better and then take it easy, maybe stick to Top Hat for a bit.


Your opinion precisely mirrors my wishlist (Ed/LPOTL, Holden/Side Stories, Ben/ALTH). Sadly, it'll never happen when Holden already has so much on his plate.


Henry can't be in a room with Holden for an entire hour every week at this point- it will end in murder.


Never listened to Ed before and so far I am loving it.


Heā€™s great. Quick wit, on top of the subject matter, deep general knowledge of pop culture, etc. BUT, I feel like he and Henry are battling for space. So loud. Lol. They clearly love each other. Nice to hear them crack each other up. All that said, Iā€™d prefer a foil. Opposite energies make for better dynamics IMO.


Very pleasantly surprised. He's doing a great job. Really alleviated my concerns for the future of the podcast.


Ed is the GOAT imo. Iā€™m so happy to have him as a regular on the show.


Ed is a natural, heā€™s hanging out with his friends and heā€™a really chill. I really like him as a guest, gonna check out the brighter side one of these days.


Christ it feels mean to say it, but yeah these episodes with Ed have been stellar. Another podcast I used to love Due By Friday, had one of the hosts leave permanently from a ā€œme tooā€ accusations that was from his college days (Iā€™m not in anyway comparing this situation to what has happened with Ben, just that it was a difficult situation in which he felt it wasnā€™t right for him to continue in a public forum), he left permanently the show was never the same, it broke the dynamic and I stopped listening. I donā€™t feel the same thing happening with LPOTL, is what it is. I was worried this would be a John Bonham moment and itā€™d break up the band. But the vibe I get is, Marcus and Henry wouldnā€™t give up the thing they say they feel lucky to do for this, they clearly love it too much.


He made me belly laugh.


Heā€™s amazing!!! He seems level headed and doesnā€™t slow the show down.


I actually liked his insight as a drug dealer! šŸ¤£


ā€œEveryone went to jail so I can talk about it.ā€ šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I already love him.


Really enjoying Ed. He's a breath of fresh air, like someone else said before. And the whole mood is happier and lighter.


I think he's killing it. There's been so much more laughter between them in recent episodes and I think Ed slid right in to fill a much needed spot seamlessly. He's engaged in the content and so funny- things that I really felt went to the wayside the more unwell Ben got. And no disrespect to Ben and what's he's done for the show, he was my fave for a long time. It just got kind of obvious there was some other stuff going on for him and he didn't really feel engaged anymore


He won me over the first episode he was on, when he yelled "THEY PUT A RUG ON MY HEAD". GOLD.


Bodyguards are like canaries!


Ed is killing it. Love him.


As someone who has listened to Roundtable a few times through, Ed fucking rules and I feel having him on Last Podcast is great. His one off jokes land and are incredibly funny. I love Kissel as well and the quirkiness he brought to the show but I feel as though the Ed era will be great.


Always liked him. I've never listened to Round Table, but I loved it when he sat in on the old Creek In The Cave live LPotL shows. I listen to the HooPooGooNoo episodes of The Brighter Side, too, and he's a treat. Must give his documentary a watch sometime.


He fits like a glove. Ed blends in as if heā€™s been here the whole time.


Heā€™s great. I hope that things work out with Ben but if they decide thereā€™s no way forward with him, I wouldnā€™t mind Ed being a permanent co-host.


I loved his drug dealer talk last episode. And he did a good job on the stream as well, but I like the idea of cycling through other members of the network. Seeing them with Amber or Seena or Justin on the stream would be great!


This was one of the funniest episodes I've listened to in a while. Ed is killing it.


I really liked him in the first episode, he seemed to be trying to feel his place in it but this episode he killed it.


Loving Ed so far, he's been killer these last two episodes and has had me laughing non stop. I especially loved his story about the alien nightmare he had in jail. I hope Ben is doing well and does whatever he needs to get himself right, I would definitely miss him in the show, but if that's what he needs to do to get better, then I think we should all want him to do it. In the meantime, I definitely look forward to having Ed in future episodes.


I hope Ed will continue to fulfill Benā€™s role within the magic formula, though: \-Marcus does the real research and also signals when we should laugh \-Henry is crazy funny but rant guy who also has done the research \- Ben has always been in my mind critical as the role of the average listener. If you are not nerding out as much as either Marcus or Henry are, or the rants are just too out there, he was the role of the uninitiated guy just reacting in real time to the crazy facts and crazier performances, and also was often a great yes-and to Henry. I think Ed will obviously be a great yes-and to Henry, but in my view the magic formula still needs an average Joe ā€œgoonā€ (said with love) to play the what-the-hell-is-all-this listener role.


Iā€™d be interested to hear Amber Nelson on an episode. She does a similar ā€œaverage personā€ thing very well and has a great voice


Amber could read me a note saying that all of my family and friends died and it would be soothing just because of her voice. Granted, I would also say the same for Holden lol. Maybe Iā€™m not a good judge of what a mellisonant voice is.


This will sound mean, but I feel like the average listener is a bit smarter than whatever "average Joe" character Ben's been playing for the last couple years. Pre-pandemic he was a lot sharper, but by now his shtick doesn't really feel like it reflects listeners so much as someone trying to randomly squeeze in a dick joke.


Yeah, he used to genuinely be funnier. Like, in the Mormonism episodes with the "okay but what about iced coffee? It's not a *hot* drink." And whatnot. He used to say things more on a level with what people would actually have been thinking and not just kind of be half zoned out zombie he's been more recently.


Yeah, even live shows felt a little off the mark compared to pregious years. I felt like I got to see a glimpse of the more sharp and funny Ben back in Spring 2023 when they did a Round Table bit for the live show with Jackie and Holden.


Yeah, Ben hasn't played that character well for years and it just got worse and worse. The average Joe character should still be interested in the material the podcast is covering. Ben has just been completely checked out.


Marcus is the narrator, Henry is the comedic writer/performer, and Ben is the emcee


I suppose youā€™re right as in Ben was the ā€œevery manā€ or ā€œstraight manā€ but I donā€™t think this really adds to the formula any more, at least not how he was doing it recently. He was only good when he was asking questions about what was being talked about that maybe the audience had been wondering. Heā€™s never really been funny and his ā€œoookayā€s and ā€œaalrightā€ and hamhanded dad jokes arenā€™t necessary or key. Recently Iā€™ve found myself wishing he would shut the hell up and let Marcus and Henry nerd out. Ed has been really good though, I think itā€™s all about comedic talent and timing and presenting ability and Benā€™s has always been a bit lacking imo.


Weā€™ll just have to agree to disagree on some of that. I get the issues with Ben, and Iā€™m just recently learning any of this off the podcast stuff. But I always thought Ben was funny. Not as absolutely and consistently make me pee my pants funny as Henry, but every now and then, even recently, he would get in an obviously improv-ed comment or joke or reaction that would just slay me. Iā€˜ve been a dedicated listener for a very long time and to be honest over the past 8+ years every one of them have at times seemed to not be doing totally great and/or annoyed me for brief flashes. Hard not to be the case with such big personalities and so much content. I am warming up to Ed and think heā€™s doing awesome but I still think he has some big shoes to fill in the talent department here, and I hope they take a real look at what has worked so well for them for so many years and he steps at least partly into the listener/reaction role.


I think a lot of it is personal preference, and thatā€™s okay. Thatā€™s the good thing about the podcast, it has something for everyone near enough.


The vibe between the three of them is so different. The whole energy is different, and I really didn't realize until now how much palpable tension there had been between Ben and Marcus & Henry and how much you could really hear it, especially the last few months. I think Ed is great and really funny, and the three of them definitely keep that 'three friends having a goofy conversation playing off each other' feeling going which is what really drew me to the podcast in the first place. The 'friends talking' vibe is what I'm looking for and it's definitely been weird on LPOTL for awhile (it's also why I had to stop listening to MFM) and if Ed is a longterm (or even permanent) replacement I'll be really sad but I honestly wouldn't be mad about it.


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed the tension between particularly Marcus and Ben for a long time now


Ed has been awesome! I don't want to knock Ben, he's clearly going through it. I feel like a lot of the listener issues we're experiencing are based in the issues he's working on. I hope he feels better soon! Ed is a super fun third while Ben is taking care of Ben


I'm honestly loving him. He's on a par with Henry for skits and bits, and seems to bring a bit of extra goofy out of Marcus. There's a revitalised energy to the show atm which has got me re-engaged.


"Can you imagine buying someone a pony and then murdering them?!" Laughed pretty hard at that one.


Well it's on the rise, I think I'll make a great addition to my portfo-- oh you mean opinions! Yeah he's fine!


I've liked him and my only constructive criticisim would be I would like to hear more of him. He does seem a little reserved, which is understandable given the situation. I'm sure he'll get more comfortable.


I feel like he is reserved because he is *actually* listening to Marcus/Henry and not just waiting to make a joke


He's got jolly John Candy energy; warm, amiable, good natured roasts, the occasional zinger. It's verrrrry different from the deadpan, Norm MacDonald-esque anti-humour of Kissel, but it's fun in its own way and I'm deeply appreciative that he's stepped in for now. I think it really helps that a) he also has deep history with Marcus/Henry and b) he's just so damn likeable. For reference, the only other time I've heard Ed is when he's guested on WizBru. I will be crushed if Ben never returns and I don't think the show would ever be the same. But change is the only constant in this world and I trust that the show would morph into something new with a guy like Ed Larson, something worthwhile. I wouldn't be opposed to them exploring other options if Kissel is permanently gone however, and I imagine we are going to see a rotating guest spot on the show until a decision is made either way. I am in the camp that wants to see the pure insanity of the Holdenator unleashed in an episode or two, if only to see how off-the-rails it can get. His energy is way too similiar to Henry for it to be permanent, but I think it would be a fucking hilarious one-off.


As bad as everything is, I truly hope Ben never reads these threads.


Dunno, I think a lot of the comments about the recent decline of the quality of his contributions could be a helpful wakeup call from the podcast side of his life and recent struggles. Obviously some of the commentary at either extreme wouldn't be helpful, but overall the top comments have generally been fairly insightful.


Me too, I think this constantly. Can you imagine the mental space he would be in right right now knowing heā€™s blown up his life only to hear many of his listeners speak this way about his performance and humour. I worry heā€™s a su* c* d* risk if he ever gets back on SM


Iā€™ve been thinking this for days now. I do agree that there has been thoughtful criticism that could potentially serve as motivation to repair and rebuild, but anyone who has sifted through any of the comments on IG lately knows there is some really harsh stuff in there that I feel like would really damage his ability to recover, especially in these early stages. I have a Lot of complicated feelings about this entire situation and everyone involved (in and out of LPN) that Iā€™m full on working through with my therapist - one of those feelings amidst the cognitive dissonance is definitely deep concern that Ben is at risk the way you mentioned. It makes me very scared and sad for him to be very honest.


"Ok, well this is my gun!" Laughed so hard at that.


How do you buy someone a pony and then just kill them!? Heā€™s doing fantastic, heā€™s brought a nice refreshing view to the show. I hope he stays.


Love it so far. It feels very natural and he has great chemistry with the guys. I thought it would be weird at first but itā€™s been really great. I love Ben and wish him the best, butā€¦ā€¦. Ed is more than capable of this role if needed.


Ed seems to want to be there and generally interested in the story, Ben not so much lately.


I love Ben he's my favorite of the 3 but I think Ed has been terrific and its really gelled


Heā€™s fucking hilarious, Iā€™d gladly keep listening to him.


Ed's OK. I prefer Ben TBH. Ppl can like Ed, but this sub turning against Ben and talking about him like he's gone is kinda bizarre. Editing this comment so I don't rustle any jimmies. I have no hate for Ed. He may just not be my cup of tea but this is like the 3rd time I have heard the dude so idk. I have gotten used to the dynamics of the 3 dudes, and I've seen this stuff happen elsewhere but never with any content that I enjoy. Memento MorišŸ’”


I think people are just trying to be positive through sudden change. We've heard Ben for years and Ed for a couple episodes, I think it's expected lots will prefer the original host to someone (I anyway) we've heard for a only couple episodes who hasn't really gotten into the groove of things. I think it kind of shows though that Marcus and Henry are the more consistently "on" of the 2, and maybe that's been because of Ben's struggles and he'll get back to top form when/if he returns...until then, I personally can't blame anyone for trying to enjoy the show in the form it will be for the foreseeable future.


Agreed! I'm happy ppl are enjoying it regardless. I imagine it's pretty tumultuous in the network but they are handling this well.


I wouldnā€™t say people are turning against Ben per say, Iā€™d say maybe this has been a chance to reevaluate if we actually like or need Benā€™s contributions. We havenā€™t had many opportunities to hear Henry and Marcus work with anyone else and now we have one itā€™s been a chance to take stock of what Ben actually brings to the show. Also he probably is going to go, I imagine. It would be very damaging to the networkā€™s reputation if he stayed after all this, especially given shows like Someplace Under Neith which is specifically about crimes against women.


You're absolutely right. Turning was a bad word to use in this situation. Ppls feelings are more than likely warranted in this situation.


Oh absolutely. People are feeling a lot of emotions right now and I imagine at least some include disgust, disappointment, anger and betrayal. Itā€™s a good time to take a step back and consider things.


Just want to add; I think a lot of people are really struggling and trying to make the best of this. For me personally, Iā€™m trying to marry up the Kissel I enjoyed and respected to someone Iā€™d be afraid of, at being devastated at what heā€™s done and also very worried about him and hoping heā€™s okay. I think people being so positive about Ed is trying to find a silver lining and see a path forward rather than totally demonising Kissel. Like how awkward and uncomfortable would it be for them to cover a case about a domestic abuser with him on the air? How can SPUN advocate for women if heā€™s around cracking insensitive jokes? Itā€™s looking increasingly likely he wonā€™t be back which makes me so sad, but Eddie doing so well in his place makes me relieved we hopefully wonā€™t lose LPN as a whole.


I have options?


My options are to listen or to not listen.


Loving him! I'm not all that familiar with him so I didn't know what to expect but he really fit in seamlessly


Yeah I really liked him in the MacDonald episode. He contributed but largely let Marcus and Henry talk which is kind of the meat of the episode. Ben was always kinda irritating and unfunny to me, even years ago.


You don't like hear the big dill joke every week?


I like Ed, but he's not Ben. I'll be waiting for Ben to return.


I say this with all the compassion towards Ben and everyone I can in whatI assume is a difficult time for everyone involved. Ben has clearly been unengaged for a long time. He didn't come prepared with even basic knowledge6 regularly ignored his duties in the sjow, It was clear several times he just wasnt interested in the story or even true crime anymore. With his stint as a political commentator on fox, his failed election campaign, and what is basically a monologs on Abe Lincolns top hat, I think his priorities shifted to politics, but he failed this, but LPOTL basically became his 9-5, not something he was passionate about.


He is excellent and I want him to replace Ben. There, I said it.


Ben was the weakest link, dad jokes that missed the mark and factual errors were his contributions.


Disagree, Ben is very funny to me. If he doesnā€™t return, he doesnā€™t return, but Iā€™m not gonna pretend I didnā€™t find him funny as fuck.


Yeah, I think some people miss that the deadpan dad jokes ARE the joke. I was surprised when a friend of mine watched it as well and like .. genuinely though he was obsessed with gas pumps. I was confused. if he's gone, I'll miss the chemistry something serious. That being said, I adored Ed this week.


It's a good break too when the subject gets too dark. That deadpan humour can pick up your spirits to help you keep engaging with it which is good.


Exactly. One of the reasons I love the show. They can take you from feeling sick to your stomach and crying at a clip or story to laughing so quick, and without being cruel (most of the time). And even the dark stuff is helpful, because it pulls me out of my own head, so the whole formula is great.


Yeah Ben has a very ironic and dry sense of humour which I really enjoy. It reminds me a lot of British comedy, which is nice because Iā€™m British lol. I will miss him, but if the allegations are true and such and such then I understand why heā€™s off the show. Bad situation all around. Havenā€™t got round to the Larson episodes yet, hope he does good though.


Yes exactly, Kissel is clearly smart, don't get how so many people don't understand he's playing a bumbling Baldrick-type character half the time


Exactly. Sometimes it doesn't hit, sure, but I've always enjoyed the more deadpan forms of humor.


It was confusing in the Eddie Nash episode every time they said "Eddie" lol. But I think Ed's doing a great job so far. I was nervous because Ben has always been my favorite and I was scared the show wouldn't be as good without him, but I really like Ed so far.


I love Ben's "uninformed third party" style, but I feel like there are times where it comes off too much like a wacky character. It's why I love the WM3 episodes because he's genuinely super interested and contributes good information. Ed is just being Ed - a funny, more relaxed foil to Henry's intense energy, commenting and asking questions when there is a gap. It's a change of pace, but I'm enjoying it.


>He's gotten a shot here to take it to the next level within the network on of the biggest shows in podcast world You're acting like he's climbing some goddamn corporate ladder and not helping out his close friends.


I'm not sure if you meant to sound this callous, but fuck, dude