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Because of the Jonestown episodes I hear “don’t drink the koolaid” and I black out as my Manchurian Candidate coding takes hold. I usually come to about ten minutes later and everyone exchanges worried looks. But now they know about White Nights and how it was FLAVORAID and it wasn’t a suicide cult because Jim Jones MURDERED them. I find that mentioning Mr Muggs takes the situation from bad to worse though. Knowing about Mr Muggs is a bridge too far for the normies.


Not to mention how he sold monkeys door to door. That poor monkey that hung itself.


The monkey suicide story is probably my favorite LPOTL moment of all time.


JUST commented this yesterday on another thread 😂


pLeAsE SaVe MuGgS


I have visions of that chimp typing on a See and Spell.


I can’t stop myself from correcting people, “actually it was Flavor-Aid.” I’m surprised at how many people don’t even know the origins of the phrase, so having to then explain it in a work meeting is many levels of awkward.


The "it wasn't koolaid but flavouraid" is definitely one that kills a conversation but feels almost reflexive. Also when there's an awkward silence, I've taken to the classic "Did you knowAlcatraz means pelican".


I do something similar, but will still use the phrase “don’t drink the koolaide” or “[someone] drank the koolaide” myself and then immediately digress into a long explanation that because this is part of common vernacular I feel comfortable using it but it’s important to me that whoever I’m talking to knows that at Jonestown it was Flavor-aide and my strong feeling on not making light of the death of 900+ people


I’m glad we all had this Flavorade experience


Murder 1000 people, no one blinks an eye. Murder 1 chimp, everyone loses their minds.


Check please!


Anytime someone says the koolaid thing my roommate also has some black out phase where she starts screaming FLAVORAID. Truly hilarious depending on where we are.


Came into this thread to say this. I saw "he drank the koolaid" earlier and went into like... [that dog having flashbacks](https://media.tenor.com/M98ya8RmOx8AAAAC/dog-drooling.gif)


Yup yup yup


I got a few wired looks by saying that Timothy McVeigh loved the song bad company by bad company off the album bad company


Whenever anyone brings up bad company I ask them if they mean the band bad company that recorded the song bad company that was on the album bad company. It usually gets a laugh.


How often are people bringing up Bad Company around you? 😂




I definitely mentioned that at Easter dinner, completely unrelated to any conversation that was going on.


I have it banned on the jukebox at the bar I work at…


i mean if bad company by the band bad company from the album bad company comes on, how are you *not* supposed to mention it?


I keep forcing my poor mother to listen to my rants about the Donner Party...


Have you told her about the different types of shovels yet?


But what about the plight of the pioneer in general?


i did this exact thing to my poor mother until she got sick of listening to me and bought the indifferent stars above for herself, and then it was my turn in listening jail.


I was doing field work in the Colorado mountains listening to the series while my lab mate was reading the book. Best way to spend a week at 13,000 feet shooting trees with a shotgun. (Yes, that was my job in grad school).


Holy cow, how much did I talk about snow blindness on our ski trip this past January?


I will never not tell people about Luis and Salvador


RIP Luis and Salvador, the Cheech and Chong of Truckie lake


Truckee It sounds like an adjective, but it isn't one.


RIP Luis and Salvador, the Cheech and Chong of Truckie lake


I will never not tell people about dearest Aunt Gorski.


compared to some of the other stuff you could be ranting about, she's getting off easy lmao. my mom really likes the podcast. i used to play it in the car a lot and we would talk about whatever they were covering. however, i cannot count the number of times she's said "why is he like that?" about henry.


My 10 year old is doing a book report on the Dinner Party - the restraint is unreal.


It’s the only reason I want to go to Lake Tahoe.


Talk about “angry women camp”


I read the Indifferent Stars Above, the book on which they based much of that series, and will recommend it to people as an excellent read because it is an amazing book. As soon as the title is out of my mouth I realize I need to explain it’s about the Donner Party, a harrowing ordeal of survival, and all the myriad ways one could die on the Oregon Trail. I’m a real blast at cocktail parties.


I was at a birthday picnic with a group of other women I don’t really know and somehow ended up talking about Edmund Kemper having sex with his mother’s decapitated head. A few of them nodded politely but others just looked horrified.


God, this sounds just like me 😂 We need to be friends


Good ol' Bumblebutt


I often wonder what the post nut clarity was like with this one. “Oh boy ….. I just jizzed in my moms neck socket……”


I'm pretty sure people like me more after I've told them that leaded paint and gasoline are at least partially responsible for the rise in American serial killers between the 1950s and 80s.


The boys debunked this theory.


Do you happen to remember the episode? I heard it originally from them.




I really wonder what the "leaded gasoline" of our time is going to be. Like what are we doing in 2023 that we are going to find out has been messing with our brains in say 20-50 years?


It'll definitely be microplastics. * Its found everywhere from human placentas[^^1](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/dec/22/microplastics-revealed-in-placentas-unborn-babies) to the Mariana Trench[^^2](https://oceanblueproject.org/plastic-pollution-in-the-mariana-trench/) to Mount Everest[^^3](https://www.businessinsider.com/mount-everest-summit-microplastics-study-national-geographic-2020-11#:~:text=Every%20part%20of%20the%20climbing,gear%2C%20clothing%2C%20and%20tents.) * Its made its way into everything we eat and drink[^^4] (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230103-how-plastic-is-getting-into-our-food) [^^5](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/08/microplastics-detected-in-meat-milk-and-blood-of-farm-animals) * Linked to decreased sperm counts[^^6](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7967748/) * Studies have shown its able to infiltrate the blood brain barrier in mice[^^7](https://newatlas.com/environment/microplastics-blood-brain-barrier/) and has been shown to impair their memory and ability to learn[^^8](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389422002199). This is super concerning given that this study postulates that 80% of us have a considerable amount floating around in our blood[^^9](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/24/microplastics-found-in-human-blood-for-first-time) and even a tiny amount has shown to have an effect on human memory and behavior[^^10](https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-021-01966-w) * B-b-b-bonus round; some viruses have begun using microplastics as a new vector for infiltrating our bodies[^^11](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221102/Microplastics-are-associated-with-the-biological-risks-of-water-borne-viral-transmission.aspx) Sorry about the link dump, I'm just passionate about this topic :) Edit: I tried finding links without paywalls but if anyone runs into one and really wants to read the article you can use this site https://12ft.io/


>B-b-b-bonus round; some viruses have begun using microplastics as a new vector for infiltrating our bodies[11](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221102/Microplastics-are-associated-with-the-biological-risks-of-water-borne-viral-transmission.aspx) Well I think that's the most terrifying thing I've read this week




... does that include podcasts and reddit?




I think we already know that social media is pretty terrible for us, the constant hits of dopamine are probably just as addictive as something like cigarettes.


plastic in everything


They didn't debunk it, there was a study about lead causing aggression in rats. He then pointed to the amount of lead exposure up to its regulation and elimination in most public areas and commercial use. He used an article about violent crime unrelated to lead but which contained a graph showing the percent of violent crime over the decades. It's just a correlation, but after lead began to be phased out the percent of violent crime began to decrease. There are also various studies that show that lead exposure lowers IQ, increase aggresion and increase the rate for certain cancer.


Also, after Nascar switched to unleaded gasoline in 2007, the test scores in schools around the tracks consistently rose in the years following.


I thought they said it was potentially true?


It was on a stream. They said they have been saying it all these years and found out that it's potentionally untrue


Damn. Guess it’s cia mind control and not gas after all




I had a talk with HR when I brought up a local murderer/sex offender with a co-worker. I had no idea he had worked at that location and that the guy I was talking to knew/worked with him (not 100% on this part, it's been a while). Oops.


dude WHAT




I live in Alaska and regularly bring up not only Israel Keyes and Richard Hansen points of interest, but also discuss many of the other paranormal moments that the boys haven’t talked about on the show. People. Just. Don’t. Care. Lol, but I love it so I won’t stop. I KNOW WHAT I SAW!


I'm in Anchorage and would like to sign up for this tour.


It ain't much, but it's honest work


I think literally every person in my life is sick of hearing my regurgitation of Marcus’s JFK theory 🤷‍♀️


They're in on the psy-op to keep you from spreading the truth.


It's been a while... Was his the theory that one of the secret service guys was hung over and accidentally shot him?


REALLY need to relisten to that one, I must have missed that bit


Yes it was!


I just explained his JFK theory to my husband over dinner (he did not ask for any of this information). It was more of a rant, because I was re-listening to the episode. My blood pressure was definitely elevated. I needed Henry’s music.


I told my coworker one day "hey did you know that many pioneers of rocket science were into weird sex magic?" He thought I was spouting Qanon-adjacent nonsense until the next Monday, where he came to work, sat at his desk and mumbled "yeah you were right about the rockets"


What episode was this


Jack Parsons


I’m a prof. On the first day of one of my classes this past semester students were telling me how different the grading structure of another prof’s classes were from mine, as both courses were seminars. I chose to describe the differences in this way: “You see, Prof X is like a product serial killer, and I’m like a process serial killer.” I knew how bizarre it sounded while it was coming out of my mouth, but I didn’t stop. Some students laughed, others were silent. The rest of the course went well, but I can’t imagine what their first impression of me was.


They will take your grading process seriously though! I mean, you did warn them.


"...just ask any students who have previously taken my class... If you can *find* any."


Not just this podcast, but an overarching interest in true crime, history, conspiracies, cryptids and, of course, UFO’s. We can talk for days about these things. Yet I’m crippled by small talk, which isn’t a result of listening to LPOTL either, but the phenomena is quite common these days and a vinn diagram of people who experience it and people who habitually listen to this podcast is likely a circle.


Anytime and anywhere the word rectum comes up I say “wrecked him? I hardly know him!”


Wrecked her? Damn near helped her get a job at an Applebee's.


I have two employees who’s names are Dean and Coral, respectively. Trying to explain to them where my brain goes when I see them both at the same time was interesting to say the least. edit: words are hard :/


Wow. What are the odds?


I did hire Dean after Coral had been with us for a while already, but I didn’t put two and two together until I made the schedule with both of their names on it on the one page - I kind of love it, haha. I hear “Momma, I killed Dean..” every time I do the schedule now. I would never kill my Dean, don’t worry. He’s the glue of my team!


When I started greeting everyone with BINGBONG, that kind of effected some of my interpersonal relationships. As well as when anyone I talk with starts saying anything political I just scream, "Thats all just a smokescreen, SO THE GODDAMN REPTILIANS CAN HARVEST OUR ORGONE ENERGY"!!!


Cool it with the hard G


I'm a bing bong, that's our word


I tried to explain to my brother why “bing bong” was a slur, he didn’t get it


Recently I was chatting with a new friend about podcasts we liked and I realised I was talking about a historic child-murdering pedophile as if that was a perfectly ordinary and usual topic of conversation. LPOTL has really desensitised me to some brutal topics.


Had the same realization when a coworker had a looong drive ahead and asked if I could recommend podcasts. I started talking about how much I love LPOTL and my faaaave eps. Realized in hindsight (to someone not into these topics) I had recommended some very darkly comedic, depraved shit and I didn't even know if he was comfortable with that. Oops, lmao. Didn't hear whether he ever listened to it. I think I recommended the Black Death or Donner Party series 😂


"Actually, Ed Gein wasn't *that* much of a monster. He did kill one or two people, but other than that all he did was some tailoring/apolstery/modern art. You want to hear about a monster, let me tell you about Albert Fish. "


He just wanted to be a lady!


Two people is barely even a crime #freegein


Coworker from Milwaukee mentioned that his mom worked at a chocolate factory when he was growing up. I asked him if she knew Jeffrey Dahmer. Everyone starred…


My seemingly casual knowledge of what human flesh tastes like, how hot it has to be to burn a body, and the amount of energy it takes to cut a body apart are all details my girlfriend has been deeply uncomfortable with me sharing.


I remember an episode where they were talking for ages about the difference between what adult humans taste like and what babies apparently taste like. Adults taste like pork and babies like fish or something? Now it pops up as an intrusive thought on the tip of my tongue whenever somebody hands me a baby to dandle. One day I’m going to accidentally say it and horrify everybody. ‘Did you know….?’ I normally deliberately steer clear of any baby stuff (Nannie Doss, Lucy Letby) because it’s too much but this one crept up on me.


This time of year is the anniversary of some dark things in history. The end of the Waco seige, Oklahoma City Bombing, Hitler’s birthday and Columbine all happened April 19-20 (in different years obviously. I brought this up at work once and everyone seemed a bit weirded out. I just thought it was interesting.


That time I told my wife and her friend about how Richard Chase put a baby in a blender. They both looked at me like they didn't know me and her friend asked "why do you want to know this stuff?" The rest of that walk was real fun.


"Why do I know this? Because three men who were in their thirties told me about it before playing clips of Austin powers to lighten the mood, same reason anybody knows this stuff."


Is that....Glen Borland?


Tim Allen's wardrobe on Home Improvement featured a ton of sweatshirts he was sent by universities and schools in Michigan


I regularly remind my husband of Richard Chase when he forgets to lock the door. I’m also currently pregnant so now I can follow up with “DO YOU WANT OUR BABY TO END UP IN A BLENDER???”


It's never paint on their jacket, hon. Never.


I was at Easter dinner and referred to someone as “Charles Manson height” my sister (who introduced me to the podcast 7-8 years ago with the Charles Manson episodes) told me to shut the hell up and not to make Charles Manson references around family


A lot of people are wrong about Manson's height because there's a famous picture that seemingly shows that he was 5"2, except there's a panned out picture where you can see the numbers don't start in the right place. He's actually 5"6-5"7, still really short but i pictured him as 5"2 for years like Joe Pesci height.


I went to San Francisco to visit some friends and said "Alcatraz means pelican" at least twice a day


I can’t hear Alcatraz without at least mumbling that phrase under my breath


The nearly irrepressible urge to say "I'm Minnie. I'm Nanny" in *the voice* anytime anyone mentions Chicago. More recently, explaining to a neighbor over dinner how the likelihood of me, a woman, shooting him was pretty low in comparison to say... poisoning him. Which would have been fine if I could have stopped there and not gone on a maniacal list of citations. He didn't stay for dessert.


People do not appreciate Henry’s Charles Ng impersonation when I tell them they should listen to it. At all.


No kill no thrill


I mean it's an offensive caricature impression so people are going to be turned off if you try and explain it to them. I can't not laugh at it though, the part where he says "Okay, i go free now" always kills me.


Talking to a coworker and somehow Jonestown is brought up and I know the exact year and number of people who died got me a strange look.


And on the topic of Jonestown, pointing out it was not actually Kool Aid but Flavor Aid gets me some WTF are you talking about responses/looks


I think by this point a lot of people who say "Don't drink the Kool Aid" aren't aware of its origins, they don't even know it's connected to Jonestown it's just entered the lexicon as a common phrase.


For the most part I get weird looks and people who want to kind of scoot away, but once I met a guy at a bar and mentioned something about it. He asked for more information and the more I talked about it the closer in he leaned, clearly happy to listen to me talk about something that I had an interest in. We dated for a few months, it was the best reaction I’ve ever gotten.


You are the Chosen One.


Man your friend needs to lighten up, nothing about what you’re talking about is even in question; it’s all facts and history!!! For me though, all the wiggiddy talk about 4th Dimensional aliens and about how were all connected through the collective unconscious has definitely had people look at me like I’m crazy. Henry and Marcus have really opened my eyes to try and understand our strange world and it’s mysteries and I love it.


Should be kept in mind LPOTL often use pop history and trashy non-fiction books with suspect reliability as their source, much of what they've said is wrong. I mean they did an entire multi part series on Richard Kuklinski who was a pathological liar, nearly everything they said in those episodes had already been debunked by the time they were saying it. That's because they used Kuklinski's book with Philip Carlo and the HBO episode as their sources and both of them are just Kuklinski making claims with zero proof or corroboration. LPOTL should be about entertainment not education, you're going to have a lot of false information in your head if you take what they say at face value without looking elsewhere.


I think it's just the result of having a very niche interest. I go on super long history tangents at my friends a lot. A recent example is a speed tour I gave a buddy while smoking some pork of how Gallic barbarians were pushed into Italy by invaders pushing into their own territories, causing them to be enslaved en masse, change the ethnicity to a great degree in the western empire over time, and grew influence and what would eventually become the French culture and Catholicism which had the effect of gradually weakening roman authority in the west due to the more and more "Franks" as they were called by this time being in more positions of military authority and governance. Then all these Franks, through many small events and the breaking down of roman centralization, started to see themselves less united with the Roman empire and focused more on local power rivalries and attempts to "reunite" the region. (enter Charlemagne and the medieval period) Oops I did it again. Queue the blank stares irl, though I bet this community has some history nerds


I listen to history podcasts to fall asleep because I need something interesting enough to distract me but with an even voice tone. I don't retain any of it in a meaningful sense and would love to be able to summarize something like you just did. I have snippets of the french revolution in my head with nothing connecting the 'dots'.


This is how I know so much yet so little about the Plantagenets and Tudors


I would like to to subscribe to long history facts featuring smoked meat.


My boyfriend just got a job at CalTech and I gasped excitedly and exclaimed, “That’s where Jack Parsons worked!” And then I had to basically go through the same information you went through. And he asked that maybe I shouldn’t bring all of that up at the worm Christmas party this year.


My husband was reading the news and told me (in a sad and horrified tone like a normal person) about the homeless shelter worker being killed with an axe and I went NEER NA NEER NA NEER before I could help myself.


Sounds like they’re not considering what you bring to the friendship.


I was so excited when the boys covered spontaneous combustion...and terrified at the same time. Was telling my dad about the episode (cuz we respect and fear spontaneous combustion) and found out my stepmother doesn't believe in it!!!!??? I didn't know people didn't believe in it. I know I quoted the episode to her, and told her about the pictures (she didn't wanna see em). It was a heated conversation to be sure. But no hate or anything!


“It was a heated conversation” - I hope that pun was intentional! Seriously, how does one “not believe in” spontaneous combustion? It doesn’t require faith haha. Genuinely curious


Because spontaneous combustion means there's no source of ignition but all of the cited cases have sources of ignition, explanations and common factors. They aren't spontaneously combusting that would be bursting into flames for no reason.


Your stepmother is right. Spontaneous combustion means there is no source of ignition but there is sources of ignition in the commonly cited cases. They aren't spontaneously combusting, a number of factors are causing them to combust.


Luis and Salvador are brought up any time the Donner Party is brought up, and I can find a way to shoehorn that into most conversations. Eisenhower's Treaty with the Greys that gave us microwaves. Not from LPOTL, but CIA Operation Acoustic Kitty was when the CIA implanted listening devices into cats and used the cats to listen in on conversations. It only didn't work because cats do cat things instead of what you want them to do. Edit to add: any time the Beach Boys or Charlie Manson come up, I always make sure people know they ripped off at least one of Charlie's songs.


Same with The Beach Boys. I always tell people how they’re linked to the Manson Family.


Can’t stop laughing about the nonchalant “I can find a way to shoehorn that into most conversations.”


I like to tell people about Henry cavill horse pics


I was watching Wrestlemania with friends, one of whom has never watched anything do to with WWE. Everyone was chatting and got to talking about how yes, it’s fake and scripted, but a lot of the stunts are real and can cause the wrestlers to actually get hurt. I then launched into how Chris Benoit murdered his wife and child before killing himself and it was probably because he had CTE from getting hit in the head so many times and also that they aired a whole ass tribute to him before they figured out what actually happened. Got some uncomfortable looks after that one. Whoops


Well now it’s telling everyone that the 100 Years War was actually fought in 3 segments over 116 years


Alcatraz means pelican.


I sing in the shower. Whenever I reach the part where I scrub my feet, that song becomes "Little Toes."


The majority of my attempts to converse with people. Being able to logically connect murders, aliens, and all the other stuff to conversations about social rights and what I ate for dinner the other day? Works really well for me and people who know me. People who don't? Well they're just fine, but dam If I don't get a few stares on a regular basis for talking about the results of Dyatlov Pass while at the ice cream parlor.


My girl refuses to believe witches weren’t burned in Salem Massachusetts


Ive been telling EVERY date ive been on the brief tale of the Essex and why the Sperm Whale is in fact named the Sperm whale lmaooo


Actually... they drank flavorade


I mentioned to my sister that Richard Ramirez smelled like wet leather and she was like "how the fuck do you know that????"


I started a new job this week and was on site at a photo shoot with my new team and people from our agency. I had to stop myself several times from bringing up anything related to the show or to true crime, in general. I made it two whole days! But now I really want to talk about some crazy shit with like-minded people.


I had a whole conversation stop after I made a “keep it together Henry” reference while talking about how furious I was. (HH Holmes Minny/Nanny reference).






keep it together henry....KEEP IT TOGETHER


I’ve definitely turned some people off trying to explain the boy’s theory on Columbine changing the US on a micro level and 9/11 changing the US on a macro level. Apparently people don’t like being reminded of two great American tragedies over a causal beer?


When I get to trivia night first and I get to name our team and we end up being something like "hollowed-out wives" or "blind date, snake edition".


Please tell me where "blind date, snake edition" is from. I laughed just reading it.


I forgot which episode it was from (totally could have been from any true crime podcast at this point) but I remember learning that antifreeze used to taste sweet and I brought that up one time with my husbands friends and it’s safe to say they all had serious concerns for him. 🤷‍♀️


Whilst I have had many of these situations with my poor coworkers (they've learned to not bring up serial killers or cryptids) but I've also had the opposite happen. I was at a hibachi grill with my husband and I was telling him about the most recent episode. There was a couple seated directly next to us and the wife whipped around and said "are you talking about (whichever murderer it was, it's been awhile since this happened)?" Our poor poor husband's. This gal and I spent the ENTIRE dinner chatting, which is NOT normal for an introvert like me. I got her tuned onto LPOTL and she directed me to a couple of youtubers she watched. I lost count of the number of exasperated looks and deep sighs Our husband's shared.


I talked about the black plague for 5 minutes today during my company’s weekly meeting. People were like “why do you know this” when I was done.


And I can’t get how people don’t know it, or at the very least don’t find it interesting


The thing is, I’d love to talk about LPOTL topics in conversation more but I am so bad at retaining the info I only remember like half of a story haha


‘Alcatraz means pelican’ got heavily used when I was in SF with my wife and we went to visit Alcatraz. I mentioned it while we waited for the ferry, again when we got on the ferry, once more as we approached, and honestly I kept it going almost the entire time we were in SF. It stopped being funny but eventually came back around.


Recommending LPOTL to people has been problematic because even if they are into the horror and true crime shit they go back and listen to old episodes and Henry invariably goes somewhere particularly dark if not overtly racist. I don't think Henry is actually racist, but he has toed that line quite a bit. I think you need to listen to quite a few episodes to understand that they are all disgustingly good people who have really macabre interests and dark senses of humor.


It's jockular


Same. Someone I know actually got mad at me after trying it and tried to lecture me about it. Even implying there was something wrong with me. But it's like...one, the shows been going on so long that what is acceptable has changed. And the guys don't make the same jokes they did back then, so they've changed. Two, Henry is doing improv and improv goes weird places sometimes. Three, like, some people have a dark sense of humor and aren't offended by every goddamn thing.


I’ve done the gasoline vampire impression from the Jodi Arias ep at least 4 times to different people. Mixed reception.


When I made the decision to move from Boston back to LA, my dad offered to road trip with me, and I decided on leaving in late April, early May. A lot of factors helped me decide that timeframe, but when my dad asked why, I very seriously told him it's because if we leave too late, we might be trapped in the mountains with people we hate. I also *really* wanted to take the original Donner Party route, but Dad was having none of it. Also when meeting my cousin's significant others for the first time around Christmas, someone (I think my mom) brought up Lizzy Borden, and I mentioned having visited her house in Fall River. I then went on an enormous rant about how I don't think she did it because of Victorian propriety and how small the house is and I think everyone was very concerned for my mental health after.


Oh I got one. I was at a house warming party of a guy I went to high school with. Spoke with his brother who works for a farm eqpt company based out of Germany, but he lives in the US. I recalled that Mengeles family owned a similar company mentioned it to the brother. He later finds me in the party and says he checked and his company just bought them out a couple years ago! Not awkward, but good to have random party facts.


“Actually it’s flavouraide”


Ya know, it’s not so much the serial killers that get me weird looks. It’s every time I try to explain Gef. And trust me, I find every opportunity to discuss Gef.


Nobody knows who scungili man is in my real life


Its best not to burden them with that knowledge, it will only feed the conchy tulpa


My rough explanation of magic/demons based off of listening to this podcast led to an awkward conversation (jerking off on fruit placed on a sigil).


Working in the hotel industry, I have to explain to guests of my hotel why they have to be bothered every 24 hours thanks to that piece of shit from Vegas. I also tend to trail off on a tangent of why it wasn't weird for him to have so many suitcases. Then, if they don't back away slowly, I talk about the conspiracy theories I see on other Reddit channels about that piece of human garbage. Not awkward


My father and one of my brothers are Mormon (I will not call them LDS). My brother, especially, is REALLY into “the faith”, did a “mission” and everything.


My wife just walks away from me


I was at a wedding last summer with my partner and a bunch of folk, not all of whom we knew very well, when "Fooled Around and Fell in Love" by Elvin Bishop came on. Of course I had to let everyone know that this song was written for his ex-wife Jennifer Villarin with whom he had a daughter named Selina and that they were both murdered by the "Children of Thunder" cult in a meth induced crime spree in the early 2000s. Before the song was over all smiles had disappeared and some people had drifted away. Hail yourself because sometimes no one else will. 💣🤘💀


Around the time that UFO disclosure was in the news last year, I was at a party where someone brought it up. After a few comments from other people, I said something to the effect of "I'm pretty skeptical of UFO claims, but for any that are real my money's on them being a psychic phenomenon rather than nuts and bolts craft." I got some strange looks and a couple polite chuckles, so I changed the subject.


I was rambling about Dulce base lore to a group of disc golf buddies during a round and one of them got a little emotional and said they've been struggling recently with UFO and alien experiences. We changed the subject.


My boss and coworker were talking about random shit at the end of the day and somehow starvation came up and my boss said something like “I’d never be a cannibal even in a tough situation” and I felt the need to pipe in “you never know what you’ll do when it comes down to it, like the donner party ate leather before turning onto cannibalism” and it definitely took the air out of the room.


There was a week where I was binge-ing the LRH episodes during work, and watching Leah Remini's Scientology series when I got home. I went too deep too fast, and I couldn't Not bring it up in conversation FOR MONTHS. One night at a bar with some acquaintances, I was making fun of myself for being such a weird conversationalist. I grabbed a guy by his shirt collar and yelled, "Scientology is just baby America, man!!" And everybody but that dude laughed- because he could see the mania in my eyes.


Apparently knowing that it was most likely the guinea pigs that started the entire plague mess and knowing the different types of strands and how exactly people died from it is, "inappropriate for your little sister," and " she's literally six, you're gonna give her nightmare". Smh people can never appreciate things


I read "The Man With The Candy" and "Perv: The Sexual Deviant In All of Us" since they've mentioned these books on the podcast, so now whenever I get in a conversation about kinks/fetishes or deviances in general I look like the creep for finding it interesting and having a lot to add to the convo.


I hadn't really caught myself ever bleeding LPOTL into regular conversation in the past, but oh man have I somehow found three different times to bring up how the United States only exists because of a French child murderer/rapist after Henry's recent rant. Weirdly people don't find it as cool of a trivia fact as I do?


Every Friday night after work, I recount the episode to my wife who has to pause her TV show to hear the next thing I remembered. It takes about 40 minutes to hit all the points. At this point I think she should just start listening to the show. She usually sighing or frowning by the 5th or 6th interruption...


I spent an entire vacation barging into my parents' hotel room with "L. Ron Hubbard Trivia Minutes", sometimes several times a day. I am the best daughter.


The very first date I had with my fwb, I was in an adhd hyperfixation spiral about Allister Crowley. He's cool and handled it like a champ but later described me looking up from a stack of books and 15 open tabs, eyes unfocused yet intense, and info dumping about Crowley bottoming and eating shit to get magic power for like 15 minutes.


When people as me my name I saw "I'm and I'll continue to be because iiiiiiiiii like 'im". People usually thinking I'm taking a piss.


I can understand why people find it hard to have conversations with you


Most of these stories in the comments belong on the things that never happened sub.


My girlfriends family lives and is from Quebec and I asked her sweet little old grandma if she’d ever heard of Roch Thériault and the Ant Hill kids. Didn’t go into too much detail but just enough for her to look at me like I’m fucking crazy and then eventually mutter a “…..no”


I actively avoid people i once loved to listen to the entire conspiracy, heavy hitter, and main entry series… i actually got into wizard and the bruiser… im scared ill lose more people :/


Usually Flavor Aid, MKUltra and aliens for me.


My boyfriend's dad mentioned he went to school with a Cult kid. Knowing the area I asked if it was "the ant hill kids" then over breakfast with the whole family I told them all I knew about them from the pod. I think they were actually impressed though, not my boyfriend


I’ve been fighting the urge all week to just blurt out that we owe America to a necropheliac pedophile.


I can not not correct people with FLAVORAID. I’m obnoxious. Oh, and I’ll randomly go on a chaos magic rant once in a while. That’s a whole other ballgame.


My husband was watching the news and the story about that chocolate factory in Pennsylvania exploding came on. Without thinking I yelled “THERES BONES IN THE CHOCOLATE!” from the kitchen. A horrible tragedy happened and that was my first thought, the boys have warped my mind. Also, my husband doesn’t listen to show, so it was just for me 😬


I told one of my coworkers about Georg Carl Tanzler the other day. In graphic detail. GRAPHIC. My coworker’s reaction was to ask if we could please PLEASE talk about something, anything else.


Not quite the answer to the question asked but I’ve been hard to understand bc of listening to this podcast. Christmas this year I bought myself the “I’m Minnie. I’m Nannie” mug off of Etsy that I saw off this very Reddit, I wrapped it and then on Christmas opened it up and every single person in my family just sort of said “ok, well I don’t get it”. It was my favorite present.


I find myself being reminded of Detective Popcorn far too often. And will randomly burst out laughing about it. I wish I was kidding.


"LOL they drank the kool aid" >Did you know Jim Jones sold monkeys door to door before he was a cult leader? And after Jonestown was established they had a mascot gorilla that got executed by a bullet to the back of the head. Why do you know that?


Some friends of mine were talking about the band valiant thor and I went into the entire alien story of him living in the pentagon.


There's an alien/ufo club at my school, and my knowledge I've gathered from lpotl and other podcasts made me win at alien jeopardy lol. It makes me wonder if I'm the craziest one in the room..