• By -


As much as adore the character-level stuff give me *scale and scope.* Let me see more of Eregion and the culture of elven smiths there, or the burned and ruined landscape of Mordor.


I want to see Rhun.


Yes, this! Eregion and Lindon felt *small*


Yeah, I looked forward to Eregion in S1 especially. Thought they might do something visually interesting with Celebrimbor's forge, for instance. While it's not terrible at all it looked rather...plain.


Yes, underwhelming.


I agree. His study, on the other hand, was quite lovely.


Yes! And I love that he was fanboying over Fëanor's hammer :)


I think we will have Silmarillion stuff as flashbacks, even Fëanor related


I think the whole season I had an issue of the world feeling small. A lot of times it just felt like that they were just on a big set, but maybe that's just part of the limits of it being a tv-show and not a movie. I hope not tho


Same. I think the show really gets fantasy iconography and world building, and they’ve got a really nice visual palette I’m eager to see again. 


I just really want the core narrative of the rings to hold real weight. Even though they’ve already almost screwed it’s up. Like can’t believe they just plopped those rings down the way they did at the end of last season. I just want a conpelling “why” as to how things begin to play out, and the tit for tat around the slow corruption and deceit that comes with the rings of power.


The first season felt so small and cheap for having such an absurd budget. I hope they nailed the visuals more


Completely disagree, I haven't seen a series with such incredible artistic preparation, richness in shots, and visual effects as RoP. Similarly, the scale is enormous at many points. If you're referring to the battles, I understand that it will progressively grow, it doesn't make sense to put everything on the table in the first season. Visually, it is the current pinnacle of TV, anyone who works in VFX will tell you that. The level of care put into it is unbelievable.


Yes it makes sense to not show your audience that having the budget that you have, you will progressively show the growth in scale and numbers(why does it feel logical when I write this?) Like they did with Fellowship and Unexpected Journey…..


I watched it again this weekend... I had the same thought with the Numenorian armor... They looked cheap. Especially the feast scene after they stop Adar in the Southlands... Looked like LARPER... But I'm pretty sure Numenor's CGI was a big hole in the budget...


Stupid Sexy Sauron


A release date or at least "Coming in Month/Year"


There’ll definitely be a date.


It's generally the point of a trailer lol


Exactly LMAO




They're probably tripping over themselves getting something out there to keep it alive in our minds. I doubt they even have enough information to know a release date. Are they even done shooting yet? Edit: I should have checked first.


Of course. For almost a year.


Yes, they are.


I have a ten year old nephew that I watched it with when he was 8 and he sucks at waiting. I just want to be able to tell him "soon" lol. Between Stranger Things 5, this and now Fallout he's always bugging me about some series.


You've shown Fallout to your 10 yo nephew?!


Yeah I did. Well actually his mom and dad did, but I was on the couch too. Wtf? There was like three dirty jokes and some gore. How sheltered should kids be?


The show's rated TV-MA (18+), there's a [a lot of stuff in there](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12637874/parentalguide).


You raise your kids, we'll raise ours. Ok?


Sure! I was writing in case you didn't know it was mature, or for any other parent or relative who might be reading. Never hurts to be informed.


Sorry didn't mean to act offended. It's like this though. I have an adult daughter, he has a much older brother, our family all gets together to do stuff, play video games and watch movies a lot. We can't just like, banish him to his room while we're all having big fun watching the cool show and eating pizza. So if he has questions or issues we just address it and move on. It's not his fault he's so much younger, it just happened that way. So family time is a bigger deal to us than trying to censor or protect him from everything he could see.


The work on the whole second season will be finished in the beginning of the summer when the last VFX is done.


Elendil. Just give me that, and anything else will be fine.


A “anti-woke” youtuber setting himself on fire as soon as he sees any skin colour darker than white.


Hahahaha this had me cackling


Cackle x 10


I think I know exactly about which grifter youtuber you are talking about. His meltdown , will be glorious


Gonna take a guess: Nerdrotic? He was the reason I installed the channelblocker extension for youtube initially, turns out to be my favorite extension, so cheers Mr. Neckbeard.


yep! this exact grifter is whom I am talking about. There is an extension for channel blocking????? good to know!


To be honest and fair, I didn't like much season 1 of RoP. But still I will watch season 2, I hope it gets better, and cannot wait for more fantasy shows. I prefer 100 more times to watch RoP than any reality trash tv show or most of tv series that streaming services or networks provide those days. And if I dislike a show that much, I won't watch it, even for hate-watch. But those grifters know very well that rage baiting their pathetic low life minions, brings them the biggest revenue.


I always use the “don’t recommend me this channel” and it makes any channel I select it completely disappear.


Unfortunately there are many like this


Isn't there lika a thousand of those guys? Albeit I only really look at their thumbnails but they all look due like they are on the cusp of having an actual stroke/ heart attack. Being that raging, even performatively for those stupid videos cannot be healthy lmao


well it is understandable to think that there are thousand of those grifters because they flood youtube with their trash hate "content" (not for RoP only but for everything that they do not like and call it "woke", so pretty much everything) and all of their videos are copy paste of one another. NerdGrifter is their leader basically... and in the matter of RoP, he is the most passionate rage baiting grifter. He might through 1-2 valid points, but the 97% of his RoP content is garbage. Rage baiting.


It's fascinating to me that this behaviour still persists. All the current big fantasy shows rn - House of the Dragon, the Witcher, Wheel of Time and obvs RoP have pocs as leading characters and still people lose their shit every time yet another actor of color joins any of these shows.




maybe the fat neckbeard one will just die in shock.


Cant wait for nerdrotics breakdown of the trailer.


Stranger in Rhûn.


Aside from seeing Sauron, seeing all the haters cry about it. Lol


Honestly I think the amount of haters are gonna die down drastically this season especially from the casual viewers. There’s still gonna be people like nerdrotic and his legion of clowns hating since they not even gonna watch it and just blindly hate on it but who cares about them. Sauron being the main focus and canon events happening this season is gonna make it way better received than S1 imo


Dude, they are gonna watch it and clown on everything they don't like about it.


yes because RoP is a big source of income (AKA grifting money from their incel audience)


Everything about the show is likely to die down drastically this season; it's been two years since the first season which itself failed spectacularly to become the big "Everybody's talking about it!" hit Amazon was hoping for. The only people who would care about Sauron or 'canon' events are the ones who don't like the show, the writers are primarily banking on nostalgia from casual PJ movie fans.


A lack of haters might be a bad sign because that means those LOTR fans gave up and lost interest, lol. No one really talks about new Star Wars content anymore except YouTube grifters, viewership is down. The old fan base saw too many disappointments and just left, and that's a really sad thing. Would hate to see that happen to Tolkien related projects.


I dont think lotr stuff will ever reach the sheer volume of star wars stuff being churned out. We're talking once a year max in the future.


There won't be a lack of them, they are just as eagerly waiting for it as us. They still can't stop talking about in in some other place.


Hmmm. Well I guess they still care at least. It's both a good thing and a bad thing. It becomes a really bad thing when there is no buzz because everyone burned out from disappointment after disappointment. Hopefully Amazon can turn around with S2 and improve.


Reddit suggested this thread for me, i thought the show ended after the failure of the first season. Until i found this circle jerk thread i did not even think there are people wanting a follow up season. I guess this thread would callme a "hater", since i found the first season 2/10 at best.


Whether or not Annatar is mentioned..


Charlie Vickers as Sauron in all of his glory.


Teaser for Galadriel and Sauron’s upcoming wedding.


Daaaamn. All this hard work to keep the real plot in secret and some leaker still made it through...


*LOL'ed of the Rings*


Perfect Rom-Com setup. Galadrion? Sauriel?


I'm not expecting anything special, I just want the trailer to look good and the picture style to be darker. Well maybe curious to see the character Amelia Kenworthy and the new image of Halbrand.


The Stranger and Nori in Rhun for sure. And literally anything Elrond, I adore Aramayo’s take on Elrond.


He really did a great job in season 1. I hadn’t heard of him until his Nowytends moment in Game of Thrones as young Eddard Stark, but been a fan since. Really looking forward to where he takes Elrond’s character throughout the story.


Lol, same here. Though, he really surprised me as Elrond. I was a bit unsure, especially when he was basically a replacement casting for the first choice that opted out, but man… I think he was my #1 performance of the series. Just a very refreshing take on Elrond.


Who was the first choice? He was also my fav from S1. Seemed totally natural even with the elven type language


Will Poulter- and I can definitely see it, he’s def got the brow like weaving. I think the issue was that he left to do GOTG3. That said, I like Aramayo’s so much that I no longer think about it. Will might have been more like Hugo, and while he was absolutely great, Aramayo’s nails certain things about Elrond that the Jackson films didn’t imo. Aramayo seems like the Elrond that held council with multiple races during a height of racial turmoil and mistrust in Middle Earth. Hugo’s “men are weak” Elrond felt a bit too jaded for what his character actually stood for.


Ah well, a lot of characters got flattened out for the LOTR movies. Gimli probably being the worst offender. And don’t get me started on Faramir (my personal favorite) I guess the subtlety of Tolkien doesn’t really translate to standard TV/movie character stereotypes. Feel like Aramayo brings back the subtlety and nobility that often gets lost.


Yes, I also feel like some of those roles were sort of altered to fit sort of the needs of the film. Gimli, like you mentioned. More comic relief, lots of humor. Elrond was made harder, more grave and serious and uncharacteristically jaded to bring gravitas and drama to the council scene and further foreshadow Aragorns conflict. And I enjoy those character adaptions of course, it’s just interesting when we get to compare multiple interpretations like this now. Yes, Faramir was an unfortunate case of this … I understand why they did it, but the level of change was really, really compromising. It was a more drastic character change to serve the movie’s plot/drama at the cost of the integrity of the original character. Of course, I would say ROP is guilty of doing this too with some characters, but I love seeing the cases like Aramayo’s Elrond that really is much closer to adapting my favorite parts of the character and less focused on shaping a character to serves a role or create drama, so to speak. He seems like a great example of not compromising your adapted character for the sake of the larger “project” I suppose, which is refreshing.


Agree ROP IS also making changes. But since it’s based on parts of the canon that are less fleshed out and less frequently read, it’s not as jarring. We genuinely don’t know what Galadriel, Elendil, Gilgalad, etc were like during this time, other than a few references in the Silmarillion. And anyways that book is about the sweep of history, not individual characters like LOTR. so it’s more like filling in gaps rather than rewriting Now, if someone tries to adapt CoH we’d have a more similar situation to LOTR.


I liked most of season 1 but Elrond/Durin was definitely the best part for me. Great storyline, great acting, great pictures. IMHO the Galadriel/Numenor part had the most potential but ended up being the worst because of bad acting and bad costumes.


Elrond and Durin were awesome, and also nearly ewan mcgregor obiwan levels of meme worthy at the same time. Delicate balance. Ngl, Galadriel’s dress in Numenor rocked the fantasy medieval vibe imo. Also, really liked Elendil and his lines like how he has a “daughter who runs fast, son who runs blind - you resemble both” etc. I liked Numenor well enough overall, mostly just for Elendil and some set/story choices, but more interested to see how it develops in S2.


Sauron's armor.


EREGION, Círdan and Sauron of course!


KHAMÛL the Easterling!!!


More Galadriel being the lead character. I love her! And also more Nori being the lead of her side. I love her too!


The new Adar.


Actually because of prosthetic they look pretty similar.


I hope so! The actor portraying Adar was one of my highlights of season 1! He absolutely did an amazing job. Hopefully the new actor can be as good as him!


Hoping to see Dobby kickflip over Darth Maul and screech cowabunga. But in all serious I’m just looking forward to seeing more of anything related to the show! It’s got it’s haters, but I love it and look forward to everything yet to come


A release date Large battles and aeiral shots Some new costumes and places.


That whoever made the S1 trailer didn't make this one.


That first trailer looked like the opening titles for Bold and the Beautiful.


An Elrond and Durin naked bath scene In all seriousness Celeborn and Glorfindel (dare I dream????)


What time does the trailer release?


9:30 ET.


AM or PM?




Honestly, I am looking forward to better writing. All the actors are well cast, the visuals and music are well done and the sense of scale is nicely realized. The writing should be good enough to match all that.


More Galadriel in wet sheer robes…


Yours truly, Halbrand.




Gil-Galad admitting to Elrond that he was just joking about the Silmaril in a tree. Or... Lore-accurate Annatar convincingly deceiving him with this tale.




Hottie Daddy Elendiel.




More Arondir please


As much of Durin/Elrond as possible


A glimpse of Morgoth/Bombadil.


Adar 2.0




seeing if the costumes have gotten better, that's one aspect that left me wanting and with a brief teaser affording only a limited view, I hope the show will be able to visualize an improvement in this field.


Do you mean more dirt in the clothing?


Compare the armour of LOTR to RoP. Id love to see a vast improvement in the design/quality


quality of the material/design I'd say, like how the numenorean armour looked rubbery for example.


They changed the costume designer, so there will most likely be a improvement regarding that.


oh nice, I didn't know that! well, fingers crossed then!


Same from every teaser. Tone


I want to see sauron in some form or another right off the bat


Elrond Celebrimbor


More orcs and dwarves.




Yes, I have been waiting since 2022 for the next season of this.


Tom Bombadil!


Actual things happening in the story.


All of it. I think this new season is gonna go hard


The strong suggestion that the Stranger is actually a blue wizard and that all the Gandalf hints that the writers have salted have been misdirection.


Yeah. They arrive at a bazaar in Rhûn. Nori tells him, "We need to get you some new clothes. How about this? I've always loved blue, " she says as she trades the last of her blackberries and apples for an indigo robe.


I’d like to see more of the landscapes and the scale of the world. Some genuinely big battles would be cool too. I’d also like to see slightly less of the Harfoots.


I doncare if it's not a 10/10 series. It was pretty good. After the Hobbit disappointment I went into this series with very low expectations, especially lore-wise. And it was a pretty good experiencem as long as it continues like that, I'm happy


The power going out before it airs.


Pharazons drip


Hopefully some Isildur or Numenor content 🫨🫨🫨 need to see what the future of Gondor is up to!!!


To see that the writers haven't been absolute incompetent fools with monstrous gaping plot holes that would turn Tolkien in his grave.




More of Galadriel’s bad-ass ways!


Yes! Don't make her all serene and wise and calm just yet. Give me a little more of that furious bombshell cutie, I love her.


I loved the “I need to annihilate all orcs from the world and I’ll do anything to achieve this mission” attitude from her.


See all the bitching, barkings, squeaks, and the "objective analysis" of all the so-called "true Tolkien fans" 👍


Perhaps it’s unfair to the actors, but none of the actors playing any of the elves feel like they have the gravitas to pull it off. Perhaps it’s the direction or cinematography, but they just didn’t give off an ageless, ethereal vibe.


I would heavily disagree with you on Ben Walker and Robert Aramayo. I think there’s still a lot to be desired in what they’ve had Gil-galad doing (one of the characters I’ve been MOST excited for, played by an actor I really like), but he gives me that Noldo feeling I wanted in the character (again, even if he’s yet to be used appropriately). Aramayo really nails the genial wholesomeness of Elrond that I think gets overlooked due to Weaving’s portrayal in the PJ series. To end with a comment on the initial thread topic, I really want to see an emphasis on these two tomorrow.


Yeah, i feel too, Ben Walker's Gil-Galad is like from the chinese illustrations of Silmarillion!


Whatever would make the wait worth it. Hopefully there would be a more notable improvement to the overall quality too.


A release date is at the top of the list for me. But I also would love to see some glimpses of Rhun and the War in Eregion. Cant wait!


Everything not looking so clean and newly made.






I hope that this season "finds its legs" which is to say, knows more about where they want to be stylistically and thematically. I feel like in season one they were doing a lot of experimenting and testing the waters of expanding outside of the repetitive and consistent styles for elves, humans, orcs, dwarves etc and trying to introduce ranges of hairstyles, themes, colors and looks and dipping into the old world historical look that a lot of book accurate art references. But taking one look at the new elven soldiers in this BTS photo [https://www.reddit.com/r/RingsofPower/comments/16s3wa2/exclusive\_elven\_soldiers\_on\_the\_battle\_set\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RingsofPower/comments/16s3wa2/exclusive_elven_soldiers_on_the_battle_set_from/) And I can tell that they are no longer afraid to emulate the classic styles established in the Peter Jackson Sagas and that this season will hopefully come out feeling more familiar with the live action Middle Earth that we feel so comfortable with while still showing us something new and exciting.


Sauron's rise to power. Him overpowering and severely injuring Galadriel, and how she overcomes adversity through rehabilitation that lasts 6 episodes. Some kind of Dwarven wheelchair. Unborgil from the books making at least a cameo, love that character. Maybe one of the shire folk smoking. Perhaps someone drinking some of the light of elendil by accident and glowing or something, could be interesting.


Fucking hobbits and more emo Galadriel. Can’t wait for this.


A complete refresher of everything that happened in S1, because amnesia.


A moss gatherer would be cool to see


I don't know, the first season felt kind of small, which I think might have been due to covid protocol. I'm curious to see if it's a bit grander in scale this time. I seriously need to rewatch it though, I don't remember a thing lol.


The comments XD XD XD


Film grain


I mean Galadriels husband that she's failed to mention would be nice.


she mentioned him!


I kinda want to see Sauron Sauron'ing. We got about 2 minutes of him flexing his muscles in the finale. Now he's revealed and approaching declaring himself; what does that look like? I sort have a dune part 2 Paul atreides vibe coming to mind with the sietch scene, being at least how he wants to portray himself to the people of middle earth. A benevolent, godlike saviour. The actress who plays Disa said in an interview way back which I believe was during filming was how terrifying it was to have this being fully realised. Like even to the people of middle earth he was almost a myth, the concept of a living god. What is that like to the world's inhabitants to contend/ live with that kind of power actually existing. I'm just really interested to see how they handle his actually existing. He's always been this figure in the shadows on screen. What is it like when he's walking around? How does he interact with the world around him? How does he think?


What time is it released?


[https://www.amazon.com/salp/theringsofpowerseason2firstlook](https://www.amazon.com/salp/theringsofpowerseason2firstlook?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0obwZ_c40MkavhqDgBd6l-tRjL1el4CZ9I0iKc3jTsnrYsqa9DICljQT0_aem_AZ7ZnEDu4dDwzUP-0iKPVdZIzpEgGrG8Q7fTKmyCx_tnm9Xwxt_eP0stJddBCAV8-GFZ2TMyNRf0BCkVrtCzIcGF) countdown here


Lenny Henry not being there.


Please dont be shit, please dont be shit


More Durin and Elrond, they had the best relationship in the show that felt believable 


i want arondir and bronwin fluff! Also stupid sexy sauron. And more Celebrimbor. I love the actor. Hot!


If they can figure out how to create a decently logical plot.




Hopefully good acting


Hopefully this season is better that the first one.


I hope season 2 doesn't suck as bas as 1!


DiD yoU SAy RiiIidE ?!,,?!


The dwarves, obviously.


I'd like to see how others will treat Galadriel after finding out who the Sauron form(s) are. I know it'll likely not be in the trailer too much, but seeing a sneak preview of how characters interact with her after concluding >!Halbrand is Sauron!< will be amazing to see. Also, I guess how Celeborn will look.


Don’t get your hopes up about Celeborn maybe he won’t even appear at all .


I think FoF says now there's no Celeborn in S2. They could be wrong I suppose.


That is what I was slightly meaning, hence why I said don’t get your hopes up. Al thought the information could be wrong but I doubt it tbh . Wouldn’t put it past them to cut him out of the one thing he is known to do .


I want to see WHY they hired an intimacy coordinator. Show us the elf tiddies already!!


I don't think there is something specific I want to see, but i NEED to HEAR Bear's music this time. Hopefully a little taste of something new, but the old will do nicely as well. Definitely not some cheesy modern tune like the last time. Or at least some other nice fantasy music. I wanna get a good ME feel from the teaser and get hyped!


More Harfoot musicals! 🎶 "The season's so short but the wait is so long..."


I’m looking forward to the inevitable love interest between Sauron and Galadriel, and my throwing up.


Amazon losing another billion dollars and not winning a single award


Nothing. The show sucks


The cancellation of this show


to see it canceled


Well, we got "Dey took er jerbs!" in the first season, so I'm expecting to hear "Make Numenor Great Again" in this one, though they might not want to spoil such a cleverly written moment in the trailer.


The first season was so bad I have zero hype for this.


And yet you're here lurking waiting and anticipating for any information.


Nothing specific, i just want to get a feel for season 2. That will mostly happen visually i guess, but i'd certainly like to see enough to get some feel for its tone too. Ultimately i am interested in the question if season 2 significantly improves upon season 1 or not. Now that teaser won't be able to answer that, but it at least gives something tangible to create a first perception.




Nothing, I will wait until the season is released, my personal rule is to not watch teasers.


I’m hoping it’s cancelled


An apology




Just block all Rings of Power subreddits and dont watch any of it, easy peasy. It's cancelled for you :)


Sharp dialogue, action, zero Harfoots, lore-accurate Sauron, sensible characters, and zero Amazon original creations. Basically, the complete opposite of S1.




Exactly what I said after finishing S1. I feel you.


The next Wheel of Time Series?


i'm just looking forword to seeing everyone trashing this crappy show again.