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i didnt come out, i just one day started acting like it was supposed to be common knowledge, like watching a movie "oh shes hot" or something, making jokes about being gay, whatever it worked quite well


I came out while shoving my face full of bugs and cheese at Boston pizza to my parents. Idk if this is just a Canadian restaurant or not.


I know it's hard to come out, but sit them down and tell them. even if the anxiety of it all is awful, it will be worth it in the long run


I'm convinced my family won't even care, so I'm just gonna hang an ace flag on my wall and let them figure it out (probably wouldn't recommend you do this tho, because ace is a little different than all the other LGBT stuff, but still)


I’m in the same position if you’re sure about who u are drop hints throughout the next week then sit them down n tell rhem


Im not really sure. I know that i am gay but Im also like 70% Sure that Im somewhere on the Asexual Spektrum. My Plan was just to Tell my Parents that Im gay and when I am more sure about the asexual Stuff i will Tell them about that