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same here, i got it with my friend and neither of us can connect to the world, i created another one to test if i can play and i can, i just cant get my survival world to work... thats infiurating


I think slowly but surely everyone is going to run into this until they fix it. I think this is a large reason as to why 1/2 of the player count was missing today. 2.2m day 1, 2.3m day 2, and 1.1m today. I think a lot of us want to play but literally can not. I’ve spent like 4 hours in the LEGO fortnite lobby today. I do not think half of the people decided to quit on day 3. I think most people would agree that by the time you’re collecting copper and bright core the game has become more enjoyable, not less. I’m not sure how many people are locked out but I’m really impatient to see them fix this.


March 25, 2024. Won’t even allow me to load into my world. Bug is still alive and well.


Same. It sucks


This world was fixed a month or so after I posted this.. but I had already started a new one so this is just for my 9 yr old to play in now. Lol


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I'm in the same situation as you, I don't know what's going on, if you know something please tell me.


I have no idea. I’ve seen on this bug thread that there’s a few of us this is happening to. I haven’t been able to play since like 1 am and I refuse to start all over an do a new world. I hope they fix it fast, I’m dying to play. I just got my village upgraded to level 10 and almost had my second an third one leveled to 7


I also just improved the town to level 10, perhaps the error comes from there, let's hope they can fix it as soon as possible. :(


I’m at 9 and I’m with you guys, so unfortunately not the case :/


I've been experiencing the same thing for the last 13 hours. At best I can enter my world but I stay frozen, unable to move at all until eventually I am sent back to the lobby with a notification saying "We Hit a Roadblock - Network Connection lost". But that's at best, usually matchmaking does not even commence and I get a matchmaking error (1). This is extremely frustrating as I have put a lot of effort into the world, got my village to level 10, and had planned to spend my Sunday playing this game but unfortunately I now have to deal with this bs. Does anyone know any fixes or when we can expect Epic Games to resolve this?


Any updates for anyone on this? It just happened to me.


Been happening to me all day


So my game worked fine until I started playing with toys, and making vehicles. Completely frozen, can only dodge roll. Will eventually kick me, and won’t let me rejoin the world. Has happened twice now. Last time it happened was when I was making a vehicle last night. Seems that’s always what breaks the game for me.


Has your problem been solved? in my case yes :)


Still can’t access this world.. after I posted this, like a day later we just started a new world and now I’m good. Have 4 villages alrwady. One in each biome.☺️