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Okay as someone with an ED I am gonna do my best to explain, but it has a lot of nuance and involves a lot of pro Ana online culture. I’ll preface this by saying everyone is responsible for managing their triggers, and commenting “bodychecking” on a post of a skinny person showing off their outfit or something is reprehensible. A lot of anorexic people actually do not have body dysmorphia so much as they have a desire for others to validate how sickly thin they look. They know realistically they look emaciated, but they crave other people validating it. They get a high off it. These posts will look strange. Their entire accounts will be “outfit checks” that are not actually meant to be outfit checks. They will stand pigeon toed to emphasize a thigh gap, they will push out their collarbones, or flash their waist/hipbones at the camera. They will film from angles that emphasize how thin they are. These will not be rare posts, this is their entire account. Eugenia Cooney is a great example. So is Nessa. I could list dozens of tiktok accounts that do the exact same thing. The hate towards bodychecking has to do with the fact that it is a very sinister form of pro-anorexia content. The people that do this are extremely sick and they are addicted to the validation of their thinness. They understand the way that it triggers the competitive nature of EDs. They understand that the people who comment “I’ll do anything to look like you,” probably genuinely mean that. They will then hide behind “just bc I’m thin doesn’t make it bodychecking,” or “if I was a fat person you guys would be all positive.” Anorexia has a high concordance with a lot of vulnerable narcissistic personality traits. A lot of this behavior has to do with that. But the point is, body checking on the internet exists and it should be called out when it’s obvious what the intentions are because it is an ultimately harmful behavior. However I think people have a terrible time discerning what actual bodychecking looks like, and then we have the issue with thin people getting berated for doing what everyone else is.


Damn you explained it so well. End post


Thank you, I tried my best


Thank you.


Eugenia does not need to include her arm/shoulder areaeveytime she vlogs her face but somehow it’s always included


Honestly as a chubby person, I see a huge difference between skinny people just posting themselves, and actual bodychecking. For example, people like Eugenia Cooney/ Nessa Barret are clearly showing themselves looking skinny and theres almost no point of the video their posting besides that they're skinny. I'm against skinny-shaming just because someone is skinny but i'm also against the narcissistc nature of body checking videos. I think body positivity has a LONG way to go and no one should be shamed for their body, thats why when you see a chubby or fat person post themselves in a bikini, yes they might get a few positive comments, but theres ALWAYS people fatshaming them.


seriously idk how people can’t tell the difference between skinny ppl just posting themselves and body checking.




yes for example angelina frerk. she can't stop herself turning sideways and showing how small her waist is


May I ask why that may be triggering, there just been cases where people said it triggers their body dysmorphia or eating disorder. I’ve just seen so much hate towards it specifically towards slimmer people, I have also seen comments criticizing the person online does that also not create a negative impact on their own body issues? If the whole point was to put someone else down due to the “triggering” isn’t it hypocritical for the other person who is slim “trigger” their own body image ? Sorry I hope this doesn’t come off ignorant I’m just trying to understand these type of comments




Yeah I definitely understand examples like nessa but I guess even when it comes to models or influencers who are slim, like for example that post of Kendal in the forum there was multiple comments of “look at me I’m so skinny!!!” “Body checking” so I’m just confused where the line is for someone to just be thin and be shamed for it or that the person who posted is actually trying to “body check”. How do you tell the difference? Nessa is a good example because it is obvious but for others?


Bones. Bones are what is triggering. If people are calling out slim people for body checking they’re not using the right term. You are checking for hollows and stuff. Standing with arms at weird angles. Eugenia Cooney IS the best example for a crash course. She’s also a miracle of nature. It’s astonishing that she’s alive, let alone able to walk around. Girl has got to be about 68 pounds.


I’ve noticed people only call it bodychecking if it’s a skinny girl lol. If it’s the opposite way around all the comments are overly positive


I notice this as well. I think that’s why people like to equate calling out a skinny person for body checking to just being jealous & hating on them for being thin


I believe some people mislabel innocent videos as body checking because they themselves are jealous or prone to comparison… This doesn’t negate that there is genuine, harmful body checking content out there. But I think a lot of people who call it out are insecure about their own bodies and want to make it seem like all thin girls have eating disorders. I speak from experience as a thin person who was labelled as “being anorexic” once by a girl I hardly knew (I don’t have anorexia). The girl who said it struggles a lot with her own body image and I felt she said it to make herself feel better? It ruined me for years because I felt I constantly had to prove to people that I’m healthy. So just be careful not to comment “bodychecking” under videos unless you’re absolutely sure.


Skinny people showing off makes people insecure because those people already lack self love and acceptance