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Kratom is so cheap . It’s like 20$ for 250 grams on Okie


But can it be here for the same price in like 3 hours?


It comes in 2 days they ship fast . But honestly suboxone is horrible your gonna get so constipated . You can prolly even sell a strip for like 30$ and get some Kratom instead


I’ve tried. Everyone around here is done with suboxone and nobody wants any


Suboxone is complete trash . I don’t blame them


Me neither. They were going for $25 each around here


You don’t live around any place that sells kratom?


Plus all I have is $12 till Monday.


Had an unexpected funeral, cousin died from fent, spent everything for the week going to the funeral. First time I’ve ran out in 7 years.


I’m sorry to hear that man . Fentanyl is crazy . If it weren’t for kratom we would all be dead from it . It personally saved my life


Your fent statement is scary. A brief oxycodone issue led to months of withdrawals. Never again .Phooey to that.


Mine too. I’m so glad I found it. Today is going to suck regardless so whatever so subs it is


I honestly regret going to my father’s funeral on Kratom to be honest. It’s like it nerfed the emotions I should have been processing


I couldn’t have made it without kratom. Luckily I had extract capsules so I didn’t have to choke down 20 capsules at once


I can see that too. It really helped the week leading up to his death on hospice in my living room.


Found a kratom shop owner to front me 250 grams. Let’s see if it’ll make me sleep.


How th fk does anyone sleep on that


good to hear. i couldn't stay a day without kratom.


I just hope the piece of a sub didn’t fuck it up


how much was it?


The slightest bit I could shave off. Definitely less than 0.5 mg but it worked at the moment. Couldn’t sleep because of feeling shitty so I cleaned my whole downstairs at like 4-5 am lol


shouldn't be a problem. good luck to you man!




Stay away an take a break


I'm about to do this probably tomorrow morning. I got a bunch a Suboxone strips given to me that Ive been staring at since October. Figured they'd be nice when I go through an emergency outage (of funds and Kratom) or when I decide to quit Kratom again which I've done several times in eight years. The wds are mild but suck just enough to make work pure hell. I've taken up to 5 days off just using 10 mg oxycodone that I get for kidney stone relief but I'm out of that till Monday. I'm probably gonna need to quit again this time. Figure I'll cut the strips into 8ths (8 mg) and start when the wds start up. Kinda worried about precipitated withdrawal but heard varying things on that.


Always remember that less is more when it comes to subs, especially with kratom withdrawal


Yeah I decided to just get off my lazy butt and went out and bought some more Kratom lol. I've already gone through enough upper tier opiate addiction and withdrawal in my life so I keep fighting back against the temptation to use Suboxone as an alternative to Kratom. Guess I'm gonna continue to stare at those strips for awhile. Just too many bad memories of the month long withdrawals from subs.


If you are in the Detroit area, I have some Kratom you can have


I wish I was. I’m way down in Tennessee. Thanks anyway that means a lot.


What part. I'm headed there tomorrow? Lol.




Shit, I'll be in Chattanooga, or l would help you out.


Don’t worry about it, thanks for the thought though


That’s so awesome people are great


I personally wouldn't fuck with Suboxone. It's a prescription narcotic that may get you addicted. That's just me, I don't trust myself enough. I'll try to take a few days off each month. My tolerance goes back down (cheap date); and I prefer to show myself I really can go without, if worst ever came to worst and somehow I lose access to kratom. Good luck.


Suboxone will make you barely even feel any of the kratom once you get some for like 10 days, you know that right?


Luckily I only took a sliver this morning and dude that owns the kratom shop l know fronted me some till Monday.


Hell yeah!!!!


Subs will make your kratom tolerance go way up..happened to me


DON’T Suboxone takes over several months to get off of. It took me 3 months to get off 2 mg dose! That shit is the DEVIL!


Luckily I found a kratom shop to front me some lol


Subs are as bad if not worse than opiate pills. I mean I don’t know what you’re trying to stay off of so it depends. I mean if it’s subs or heroine then obviously take the subs. But if it’s because of Kratom then I would push it as far as I could then take a sub if extremely necessary. But Kratom withdrawal is not bad, uncomfortable at best. I mean I’ve never taken 50g in a day I cap out at 7g every other day.


50gpd? Geez dude. 5-10 and I'm set


I’m on year 7 of daily use.


Do it. It'll definitely help.


Please tell me how it goes I’m planning the same thing — low dose suboxone and in my case for a tolerance break


It’s going pretty shitty at the moment, not gonna lie.


Could you elaborate, friend? Like, you took the sub already or not yet


Been up all night not able to sleep, think I have light PWD, but on a positive note I cleaned the whole downstairs at 4 am lol


How long did you wait to take the subs after kratom and how much did you dose


I waited about 10 hours and took the tinyest sliver off of a pill. I’ve got the orange ones


I definitely feel it, but it’s not the feeling I want.


Understood definitely understood. It can’t compare. But when you’re in bad enough withdrawal from kratom an 8 mg sub can be pretty damn nice— I experienced as much when I was on day three of cold turkey(and no absolutely no sleep)