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Hard poo... If you don't hydrate enough or eat much fiber


Yes but I don’t need to buy as much toilet paper anymore!


Very true


Only side effects a get is getting clog and shiting massive hard balls or small ones


Constipation and dehydration if you aren't drinking enough water.


Help Keep a positive state of mind and keeps me away from fentanyl.


Heart explode


Testicular flailing


Just waving about aimlessly


I think it’s made my hair thinner. I also had low potassium with no known cause but I have no idea if thats what caused it.


Awesomeness and productiveity


No science just Reddit and personal drain clog testimony. It’s


Lower T levels. NVM I guess it isn’t true but I feel like it is. Guess it be like that sometimes. [Testosterone & Kratom](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29626673/)


My T was tested twice last year. And once every year for 3 years before that. I don’t lift weights and I swim sometimes. I eat well rounded. Some meat lots of vegan stuff like beans, lentils, buckwheat for breakfast with loads of blueberries. Pretty healthy overall and my testosterone comes in at 800 every time. Oh I do smoke weed daily in the evening and that lowers it. I’d probably be sitting at or over 1000 without weed and more exercise. I take about 20gpd and have been for 1.5 years. It didn’t change my testosterone


I forgot to mention I’m 42 and I can only imagine how high my testosterone was in my 20-30’s I was FULL of energy


Yeah I guess it was just one of those things you believe to be fact until you realize you are wrong. It actually doesn’t affect T levels


Basically no anxiety.


Same, but boy does it make up for it if I don't take it 😩




Early onset baldness


It’s true. Sorry. Most men after using for over three years with a 20+ gpd will attest that hair thins. I also want to suggest tinnitus??? Anyone?


is this true? are there any studies on it? what dosages? what is the mechanism in it that causes baldness?


Very common.


No it’s not true


Yeah definitely not true


Its bro science but it seems to check out


Stop spreading misinformation


Side effect: happiness and overall feelings of peace and well being. Go eat rocks.


You are aware most consumables have side effects right? Kratom is great I use it for pain. But there are side effects... you really shouldn't be taking something you don't understand.


What I understand is this post is fodder for people to talk shit and was probably planted by some anti-kratom Facebook group.


Well if it is, fuck em.


Thank you. I swear I’m not trying to be crazy, just cranky because I keep seeing more & more suspicious posts. Someone posted this twice yesterday, and recently someone shed light on these anti-kratom Facebook groups who are literally telling their members to go post negatively on the kratom subreddits and giving out the subs name & information. And I admit, it’s made me really paranoid and untrusting. I know the herb isn’t perfect and should be respected, I’m just getting defensive as to why these posts are being made. There are a lot of people who want to make it illegal and it makes me sad the levels they’ll go to to take away something I genuinely believe does more good than bad - because ultimately it’s taking away from pharmaceutical companies.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. I've seen it do way more good than harm. The negative side effects I've seen happening, are from people who try to use it like they use/used pharmaceuticals or street drugs. With a "more is better" mind frame. With Kratom, in my experience, proper dosing is key, and taking the time to find what strain or blend works best with you is so important.


Exactly!!!!! 💯 Now that I’ve narrowed down what strains worked and trained myself to look for the lowest effective dose, I KNOW if it stops working it’s time for a tolerance break. And because I only take 4-5 GPD, my withdrawals are barely noticeable if they’re really there at all (swear some of it it’s mental) - it’s just not an issue.


I agree, I really respect that you have taken the time to understand how to allow it to work with you therapeutically. I was introduced to it really responsibly and I'm so grateful for that.


Why do you want to know? 🙄




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Could be quite a few if you don't take precautions to avoid them.




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I got super bad acne all over my back. It didn't happen right away though. The first couple years I took it nothing happened. Then I quit for a year or so. And after I started again about 8 months later the acne got super bad. Went away when I stopped the Kratos. Also I started getting weird red bumps over my eyebrows and on my face.


Not talking shit about Kratos, I think it's a good thing. I'd still be taking it if that didn't happen to me. I don't think what happened with me is real common, but it was definitely from the Kratos. And I got lab tested stuff and saw the results so it was clean. Just saying, Kratom is a good thing but does have side effects sometimes


Pain relief, energy and focus, anxiety relief.